1) Discuss Big Data Architecture in Detail With Help of Neat and Clean Diagram

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1] Discuss big data architecture in detail with help of neat and clean diagram.

Big Data Architecture refers to the overarching framework designed to handle, process,
store, and analyze large and complex datasets. It involves a combination of hardware,
software, and processes that work together to extract valuable insights from massive
amounts of data.

Types of Big Data Architecture:

1. Lambda Architecture:
 Combines batch processing and stream processing to handle both historical and real-
time data.
 Uses batch layer for comprehensive analysis and a speed layer for real-time
 The serving layer merges results from both layers for a unified view.
2. Kappa Architecture:
 Simplifies the Lambda Architecture by using a single stream processing layer.
 Real-time data is processed in a continuous fashion without the need for separate
batch and speed layers.
 Offers simplicity and reduced complexity compared to Lambda Architecture.

Big Data Tools and Techniques:

1. Massively Parallel Processing (MPP):
 Distributes data processing tasks across multiple nodes or processors for faster
 Examples include Apache Hadoop and Spark for parallel processing.
2. No-SQL Databases:
 Handle unstructured and semi-structured data efficiently.
 Types include document-oriented (MongoDB), key-value (Redis), and column-family
(Cassandra) databases.
3. Distributed Storage and Processing Tools:
 Enable storage and processing of large datasets across multiple nodes.
 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and Apache Cassandra are examples.
4. Cloud Computing Tools:
 Provide scalable and on-demand resources for big data processing.
 Platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud offer services like Amazon EMR and
Google BigQuery.

Big Data Architecture Application:

 Business Intelligence (BI): Extracting meaningful insights for informed decision-making.

 Predictive Analytics: Utilizing historical data to predict future trends and outcomes.
 Real-time Analytics: Processing and analyzing data as it is generated for immediate insights.
 Fraud Detection: Identifying patterns and anomalies to detect fraudulent activities.

Benefits of Big Data Architecture:

1. Scalability: Scales horizontally to handle growing volumes of data.

2. Flexibility: Supports diverse data types and sources.
3. Real-time Processing: Allows for immediate analysis and decision-making.
4. Cost-Effectiveness: Optimizes resource usage through distributed computing.
5. Improved Decision-Making: Derives actionable insights for strategic planning.

Big Data Architecture Challenges:

1. Data Security: Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive data.

2. Data Quality: Managing the accuracy and reliability of large datasets.
3. Integration Complexity: Integrating diverse data sources and formats.
4. Skill Gap: Shortage of skilled professionals in big data technologies.
5. Privacy Concerns: Adhering to regulations and protecting user privacy.

2] what is big data processing what are the different phases of big data

Big Data Processing:

Big data processing refers to the computational activities involved in handling, analyzing,
and deriving insights from large and complex datasets. The term encompasses a variety of
techniques, technologies, and methodologies to efficiently manage and make sense of
massive volumes of data. The primary goal of big data processing is to extract valuable
information and knowledge from data sets that are too large or complex for traditional data
processing applications.

Different Phases of Big Data Processing:

1. Data Ingestion:
 Definition: The initial phase involves collecting and importing data from various
sources into the big data system.
 Activities:
 Acquiring data from structured, semi-structured, and unstructured sources.
 Extracting, transforming, and loading (ETL) processes to prepare data for
 Ingesting real-time streaming data for immediate processing.
2. Data Storage:
 Definition: Once the data is ingested, it needs to be stored in a suitable repository
for future processing and analysis.
 Activities:
 Choosing appropriate storage systems such as data warehouses, data lakes,
or NoSQL databases.
 Structuring data storage to optimize retrieval and analysis.
3. Data Processing:
 Definition: This phase involves the actual computation and manipulation of data to
extract meaningful insights.
 Activities:
 Performing batch processing for large volumes of historical data.
 Implementing real-time processing for immediate analysis of streaming data.
 Using distributed computing frameworks like Apache Hadoop or Apache
4. Data Analysis:
 Definition: In this phase, the processed data is analyzed to discover patterns, trends,
and valuable insights.
 Activities:
 Applying statistical analysis, machine learning algorithms, or other analytical
 Generating reports, visualizations, and dashboards for interpretation.
5. Data Presentation:
 Definition: The results of data analysis are presented in a human-readable format
for decision-making.
 Activities:
 Creating reports, charts, graphs, and other visualizations.
 Building interactive dashboards for real-time monitoring.
6. Data Archiving and Retention:
 Definition: After analysis and presentation, data may be archived for future
reference or compliance purposes.
 Activities:
 Archiving data in cost-effective storage solutions.
 Implementing data retention policies based on regulatory requirements.
7. Data Governance and Security:
 Definition: Ensuring that the entire big data processing pipeline adheres to
governance policies and security measures.
 Activities:
 Implementing access controls to protect sensitive data.
 Monitoring and auditing data processing activities for compliance.

3] difference between lambda and Kappa architecture for big data

Lambda Architecture :-

1. Batch Layer:
 Purpose: Processes large volumes of historical data.
 Characteristics:
 Handles complex data transformations and computations.
 Generates batch views that represent the entire dataset.
2. Speed Layer:
 Purpose: Processes real-time data.
 Characteristics:
 Focuses on low-latency processing for immediate results.
 Computes real-time views to accommodate the latest data.
3. Serving Layer:
 Purpose: Merges results from the Batch and Speed layers for query processing.
 Characteristics:
 Provides a unified view of the data.
 Supports ad-hoc queries and analytics.

Kappa Architecture:-

1. Event Streaming:
 Description: Data is ingested and processed as an unbounded stream of events.
 Technology: Apache Kafka is commonly used as the distributed event streaming
2. Stream Processing Layer:
 Description: All data processing, whether historical or real-time, is handled by a
unified stream processing layer.
 Technology: Apache Flink, Apache Samza, or Apache Storm are examples of stream
processing frameworks.
3. Serving Layer (Optional):
 Description: Stores the processed data for serving queries and analytics.
 Technology: NoSQL databases like Apache Cassandra or Apache HBase are often
used for the serving layer.
3] Define map reduce what are various algorithm and patterns.

MapReduce implements various mathematical algorithms to divide a task into

small parts and assign them to multiple systems. In technical terms, MapReduce
algorithm helps in sending the Map & Reduce tasks to appropriate servers in a

These mathematical algorithms may include the following −

 Sorting
 Searching
 Indexing

Sorting :-
Sorting is one of the basic MapReduce algorithms to process and analyze data.
MapReduce implements sorting algorithm to automatically sort the output key-
value pairs from the mapper by their keys.

 Sorting methods are implemented in the mapper class itself.

 In the Shuffle and Sort phase, after tokenizing the values in the mapper
class, the Context class (user-defined class) collects the matching valued
keys as a collection.
 To collect similar key-value pairs (intermediate keys), the Mapper class
takes the help of RawComparator class to sort the key-value pairs.
 The set of intermediate key-value pairs for a given Reducer is automatically
sorted by Hadoop to form key-values (K2, {V2, V2, …}) before they are
presented to the Reducer.

Searching plays an important role in MapReduce algorithm. It helps in the
combiner phase (optional) and in the Reducer phase.

Normally indexing is used to point to a particular data and its address. It performs
batch indexing on the input files for a particular Mapper.

The indexing technique that is normally used in MapReduce is known as inverted

index. Search engines like Google and Bing use inverted indexing technique.

TF-IDF is a text processing algorithm which is short for Term Frequency − Inverse
Document Frequency. It is one of the common web analysis algorithms. Here, the
term 'frequency' refers to the number of times a term appears in a document.

Term Frequency (TF):-

It measures how frequently a particular term occurs in a document. It is

calculated by the number of times a word appears in a document divided by the
total number of words in that document.

TF(the) = (Number of times term the ‘the’ appears in a document) / (Total number of terms in
the document)

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF):-

It measures the importance of a term. It is calculated by the number of

documents in the text database divided by the number of documents where a
specific term appears.
While computing TF, all the terms are considered equally important. That means,
TF counts the term frequency for normal words like “is”, “a”, “what”, etc. Thus we
need to know the frequent terms while scaling up the rare ones, by computing
the following −

IDF(the) = log_e(Total number of documents / Number of documents with term ‘the’ in it).

4] explain the concept of pig and hive in hadoop architecture.

Hive is a data warehouse system used to query and analyze large datasets
stored in HDFS. Hive uses a query language called HiveQL, which is similar to
The image above demonstrates a user writing queries in the HiveQL language,
which is then converted into MapReduce tasks. Next, the data is processed and
analyzed. HiveQL works on structured data, such as numbers, addresses, dates,
names, and so on. HiveQL allows multiple users to query data simultaneously.

Pig is a scripting platform that runs on Hadoop clusters, designed to process
and analyze large datasets. Pig uses a language called Pig Latin, which is similar
to SQL. This language does not require as much code in order to analyze data.
Although it is similar to SQL, it does have significant differences. In Pig Latin, 10
lines of code is equivalent to 200 lines in Java. This, in turn, results in shorter
development times.
What stands out about Pig is that it operates on various types of data,
including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data. Whether you’re
working with structured, semi-structured, or unstructured data, Pig takes care
of it all.

Hive vs. Pig


Hive uses a declarative language With Pig Latin, a procedural data flow
1. Language
called HiveQL language is used

Creating schema is not required to

2. Schema Hive supports schema
store data in Pig

3. Data
Hive is used for batch processing Pig is a high-level data-flow language

No. Pig does not support partitions

4. Partitions Yes
although there is an option for filtering

5. Web interface Hive has a web interface Pig does not support web interface
6. User Data analysts are the primary
Programmers and researchers use Pig
Specification users

7. Used for Reporting Programming

Hive works on structured data.

Pig works on structured, semi-
8. Type of data Does not work on other types of
structured and unstructured data

Works on the server-side of the

9. Operates on Works on the client-side of the cluster

10. Avro File

Hive does not support Avro Pig supports Avro

11. Loading Hive takes time to load but

Pig loads data quickly
Speed executes quickly

12. JDBC/ ODBC Supported, but limited Unsupported

Fig: Hive vs. Pig Comparison Table

5] what is database workload.
Database workloads
Most enterprise applications rely on foundational databases to function. If a database is
performing poorly, it’ll create bottlenecks for the apps that utilize it. Database workloads
help address these issues. Database workloads are fine-tuned to accelerate and optimize
search functionality for the other apps that depend on a database. They also allow teams to
analyze metrics like memory/CPU usage, input-output (I/O) throughput and query execution

A database workload refers to the set of operations and tasks that a database system needs
to handle over a specific period. Workloads can vary widely based on the type of
application, the nature of the data, and the requirements of the users. Understanding and
managing the database workload is crucial for optimizing performance, ensuring
responsiveness, and maintaining the overall health of the database system.

Key Components of Database Workload:

1. Read Operations:
 Queries: Selecting and retrieving data from the database.
 Read-intensive Workloads: Applications that primarily involve querying existing
2. Write Operations:
 Inserts: Adding new records or data to the database.
 Updates: Modifying existing data.
 Deletes: Removing data from the database.
 Write-intensive Workloads: Applications that involve frequent updates, inserts, or
3. Transaction Processing:
 Atomic Transactions: Series of operations treated as a single unit, ensuring
 Concurrency Control: Managing simultaneous access to data to prevent conflicts.
4. Analytical Processing:
 Complex Queries: Aggregations, joins, and other operations for data analysis.
 Data Warehousing Workloads: Involves processing large volumes of data for
reporting and analytics.
5. Batch Processing:
 Bulk Data Operations: Loading or processing large amounts of data in batch mode.
 Scheduled Jobs: Regular tasks like backups, data imports, or maintenance
6. Concurrency and Scalability:
 Concurrent Users: Number of users accessing the database simultaneously.
 Scalability Requirements: Ensuring the database can handle increased workloads as
the user base grows.

Factors Influencing Database Workload:

1. Application Type:
 OLTP (Online Transaction Processing): Read and write operations for day-to-day
 OLAP (Online Analytical Processing): Complex queries and analytics on large
2. User Interaction:
 Concurrent Users: The number of users accessing the database concurrently.
 User Behavior: Usage patterns, such as peak times and typical queries.
3. Data Characteristics:
 Data Volume: Size of the dataset being managed.
 Data Distribution: How data is distributed across tables and partitions.
4. Performance Requirements:
 Response Time: The acceptable time for the database to respond to user queries.
 Throughput: The number of transactions or queries the database can handle per
unit of time.
5. System Resources:
 Hardware Configuration: The underlying hardware, including CPU, memory, and
 Network Latency: Impact of data transfer times on workload performance.

Managing Database Workload:

1. Performance Monitoring:
 Regularly monitor the performance of the database to identify bottlenecks and areas
for optimization.
2. Indexing and Query Optimization:
 Use appropriate indexes to speed up query execution.
 Optimize queries to reduce the load on the database.
3. Scaling Strategies:
 Scale the database system horizontally or vertically to handle increased workloads.
 Consider sharding or partitioning data to distribute the workload.
4. Resource Allocation:
 Ensure that the database has sufficient resources, such as memory and processing
 Adjust resource allocation based on changing workload patterns.
5. Caching:
 Implement caching mechanisms to store frequently accessed data and reduce the
need for repeated database queries.
6. Backup and Maintenance Planning:
 Schedule regular backups and maintenance tasks during low-traffic periods to
minimize the impact on the workload.

6] what is OLTP & OLAP? compare OLTP vs OLAP.

Online analytical processing (OLAP) and online transaction processing (OLTP)
are two different data processing systems designed for different purposes.
OLAP is optimized for complex data analysis and reporting, while OLTP is
optimized for transactional processing and real-time updates.

Criteria OLAP OLTP

OLAP helps you analyze large volumes of OLTP helps you manage and process
data to support decision-making. real-time transactions.
OLAP uses historical and aggregated data OLTP uses real-time and transactional
Data source
from multiple sources. data from a single source.
OLAP uses multidimensional (cubes) or
Data structure OLTP uses relational databases.
relational databases.
OLAP uses star schema, snowflake schema, OLTP uses normalized or denormalized
Data model
or other analytical models. models.
Volume of OLAP has large storage requirements. OLTP has comparatively smaller storage
data Think terabytes (TB) and petabytes (PB). requirements. Think gigabytes (GB).
OLAP has longer response times, typically OLTP has shorter response times,
Response time
in seconds or minutes. typically in milliseconds
OLAP is good for analyzing trends, OLTP is good for processing payments,
predicting customer behavior, and customer data management, and order
identifying profitability. processing.

6] Compaire RDBMS vs Non-Relational Database.

1. Relational Database :
RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management Systems. It is most popular
database. In it, data is store in the form of row that is in the form of tuple. It
contain numbers of table and data can be easily accessed because data is store in
the table. This Model was proposed by E.F. Codd.

2. NoSQL :
NoSQL Database stands for a non-SQL database. NoSQL database doesn’t use table
to store the data like relational database. It is used for storing and fetching the data
in database and generally used to store the large amount of data. It supports query
language and provides better performance.

Difference between Relational database and NoSQL :

Relational Database NoSQL
It is used to handle data coming in low It is used to handle data coming in
velocity. high velocity.
It gives both read and write
It gives only read scalability. scalability.
It manages structured data. It manages all type of data.

Data arrives from one or few locations. Data arrives from many locations.

It supports complex transactions. It supports simple transactions.

It has single point of failure. No single point of failure.
It handles data in less volume. It handles data in high volume.

Transactions written in many

Transactions written in one location. locations.

support ACID properties compliance doesn’t support ACID properties

Its difficult to make changes in database Enables easy and frequent changes
once it is defined to database

schema is mandatory to store the data schema design is not required

Deployed in vertical fashion. Deployed in Horizontal fashion.

6] Describe hadoop system in brief.

1. Definition:

 Apache Hadoop: An open-source framework for distributed storage and processing of large
data sets. It provides a scalable, fault-tolerant, and cost-effective solution for handling big

2. Core Components:

 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS):

 Storage Layer: HDFS is a distributed file system that stores data across multiple
machines. It provides high-throughput access to data and ensures fault tolerance.
 MapReduce:
 Processing Layer: MapReduce is a programming model for processing and
generating large datasets. It divides tasks into Map (processing) and Reduce
(aggregation) phases, running them in parallel across a Hadoop cluster.
3. Hadoop Ecosystem:

 Hive:
 Data Warehousing: Provides a data warehousing and SQL-like query language
(HiveQL) for querying and managing large datasets.
 Pig:
 Data Flow Processing: A high-level platform and scripting language for simplifying
the development of complex data processing tasks.
 HBase:
 NoSQL Database: A distributed, scalable, and consistent NoSQL database that
provides real-time read/write access to large datasets.
 Spark:
 In-Memory Processing: A fast and general-purpose cluster computing system for big
data processing, supporting in-memory processing.
 YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator):
 Resource Management: Manages resources (CPU, memory) across applications in a
Hadoop cluster, enabling multi-tenancy and diverse workloads.
 Sqoop:
 Data Import/Export: A tool for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache
Hadoop and structured data stores such as relational databases.
 Flume:
 Data Ingestion: A distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting,
aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data.
 Oozie:
 Workflow Scheduler: A workflow scheduler for managing and coordinating Hadoop
jobs, enabling automation of complex data processing workflows.

4. Hadoop's Key Features:

 Scalability: Hadoop scales horizontally, allowing the addition of more machines to the
cluster to handle growing data volumes.
 Fault Tolerance: Hadoop is designed to be fault-tolerant, with data replication across nodes
and automatic recovery from node failures.
 Flexibility: Hadoop can process structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data, making
it suitable for a variety of data types.
 Cost-Effectiveness: Hadoop leverages commodity hardware, providing a cost-effective
solution for storing and processing large datasets.
 Parallel Processing: Hadoop's MapReduce paradigm enables parallel processing of data,
speeding up the computation of large-scale tasks.

5. Hadoop Use Cases:

 Big Data Analytics: Analyzing and deriving insights from large datasets for business
intelligence and decision-making.
 Log Processing: Handling and analyzing log files generated by various applications for
monitoring and troubleshooting.
 Data Warehousing: Storing and querying large volumes of structured data using tools like
 Machine Learning: Training and deploying machine learning models on massive datasets.
 Data Ingestion and ETL: Efficiently importing, transforming, and loading large amounts of
data into Hadoop.

7] define data ecosystem . discuss the benifit of data ecosystem creation.

Data Ecosystem:

A data ecosystem refers to the interconnected network of technologies, processes, people,

and applications that collectively work together to manage, process, and derive value from
data within an organization or across multiple entities. It involves the entire lifecycle of data,
from its creation and ingestion to storage, processing, analysis, and visualization. A well-
designed data ecosystem enables the seamless flow and utilization of data across various
components and stakeholders.

Key Components of a Data Ecosystem:

1. Data Sources:
 Various systems, applications, devices, and external sources that generate or
contribute data.
2. Data Ingestion:
 Mechanisms and processes for collecting and importing data into the ecosystem
from diverse sources.
3. Data Storage:
 Repositories, databases, and storage systems that store and manage the collected
4. Data Processing:
 Tools and frameworks for transforming, cleaning, and processing raw data into a
usable format.
5. Analytics and Business Intelligence:
 Platforms and tools for analyzing data, generating insights, and supporting decision-
6. Data Governance:
 Policies, standards, and practices for ensuring data quality, security, and compliance.
7. Data Integration:
 Techniques and tools for combining and harmonizing data from different sources for
a unified view.
8. Data Visualization:
 Tools for presenting data in a visually understandable format for better
9. Data Security and Privacy:
 Measures to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with privacy regulations.
10. Data Catalog and Metadata Management:
 Cataloging and managing metadata to provide a comprehensive understanding of
the available data assets.

Benefits of Data Ecosystem Creation:

1. Improved Decision-Making:
 Access to a comprehensive and unified view of data enables better-informed
2. Enhanced Operational Efficiency:
 Streamlined data processes and integration reduce redundancy, leading to increased
3. Increased Collaboration:
 Shared data resources and standardized processes foster collaboration across
departments and teams.
4. Innovation and Insights:
 The ability to analyze diverse datasets promotes innovation and uncovers valuable
5. Scalability:
 A well-designed data ecosystem can scale to handle growing volumes of data and
evolving business needs.
6. Competitive Advantage:
 Organizations with a robust data ecosystem can leverage data as a strategic asset,
gaining a competitive edge.
7. Adaptability to Change:
 A flexible data ecosystem can adapt to changes in data sources, technologies, and
business requirements.
8. Risk Mitigation:
 Robust data governance and security measures reduce the risk of data breaches and
compliance violations.
9. Customer Experience Improvement:
 Understanding customer behavior through data analytics contributes to a better
customer experience.
10. Informed Strategic Planning:
 Data-driven insights facilitate strategic planning and help organizations align with
their long-term goals.
11. Monetization Opportunities:
 Organizations can explore opportunities to monetize data assets by sharing insights
or providing data-driven services.
12. Regulatory Compliance:
 A well-managed data ecosystem ensures compliance with data protection and
privacy regulations.
13. Cost Optimization:
 Efficient data processes and storage management lead to cost optimization in data

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