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Lisbeth Alvarez


Tag Questions
Referencia: unidad 5, leccion 1, página 63.
Una Tag Question en si es una pregunta que hace captar la atención de
el receptor. Pqra confirmar una información.

En español: ¿Me estas escuachando, cierto?

En ingles: ¿Are you listening to me, aren’t you?

Ejemplos en cada tiempo verbal

Simple present tense:
 You think you’re clever, don’t you?
Crees que eres inteligente ¿no?
 You have a car, don’t you?
Tienes coche ¿no?

Future tense:

 She will be fired, won’t she?

La despedirán ¿no?
Lisbeth Alvarez

 She won’t come here anymore, will she?

Ella no vendra aquí ¿Verdad?
Present progressive tense:

 You are eating bananas for breakfast, aren’t you?

Estás desayunando platanos, ¿no?

 She is playing piano, isn’t the?

Ella esta tocando piano, ¿no?

Present perfect:

 She has finished her task, hasn’t she?

Ha terminado su tarea ¿no?

 ¿He has finished my book, hasn’t he?

¿Ha terminado mi libro, ¿verdad?

ll. Explain the active voice vs passive voice.

Give 3 Examples of active to passive to active voice and after 3

examples of passive to active voice. (Refencia Unidad 4, pagina

In the active voice, a subject performs an action on an object or direct

object. In the passive voice, the object or direct object functions as a
subject, the action is received (see + participle), that is, the action is
received (se + verb).
Lisbeth Alvarez


Voz activa Voz pasiva

¿Depositaste el cheque en tu ¿El cheque fue depositado (por ti) en tu

cuenta? cuenta?
Did you Deposit The check Into Was the Check deposited (by you) into your
Your account? account?

Mis gatos odian esta Esta mermelada es odiada por mis gatos.
mermelada. This jam Is hateD by my cats.
My cats Hate This jam.

Ayer el técnico formateó tu Tu computadora fue formateada ayer por el

computadora. técnico.
your computer Was formatteWas formatted
Yesterday the Technician formed. yesterday by tHe technician.

lll. First conditional and second conditional Tense (estructura,

ejemplos mínimos 2 por cada uno. (Referencia unidad 6, leccion 1,
página 75

It is used when we talk about something that is likely to happen in the

future. The main formula and the one most used is If + Simple Present
+ Subject + Simple Future (Will). If Andrew is late again, he will be
fired. If Andrew is late again, he will be kicked out.
Lisbeth Alvarez
 If it rains, you will get wet
Si llueve te mojaras.

 You will get wet if it rains.

Te mojaras si llueve
 If Sally is late again I will be mad.
Si Sally vuelve a llegar tarde me enfadaré.

Second Conditional:

The second conditional is the one we use when we talk about things,
usually unreal, that are very unlikely to happen. A very common error
when formulating the second conditional is mixing or confusing it
with the first conditional. For example, it would be incorrect to say: If
I were tall, I would be happier.


 I would travel all over the world if I were rich.

Viajaría por todo el mundo si fuera rica.

 Si tuvieramos un jardin, podriamos tener un perro.

If we had a garden, we could have a dog.

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