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No. New words Word Meaning Example


1 Ardent Adj. very enthusiastic

My friend is an ardent supporter of
Manchester United.

2 sphere N. an area of an interest

Vietnam exchanges with other countries,
particularly in cultural, scientific, and
economic spheres.

3 lateral thinking N. consideration of a large

Critical thinking and reading logical
thinking, as well as lateral thinking may
range of ideas be all required to solve a situation puzzle.

4 allocation N. a certain amount

An effective way of managing costs is to
review resource allocation.

5 concede V give up
He is not willing to concede any of his

6 minivan N a small bus

The first and second applicants and their
families were arranged for a minivan
with a driver.

A few years ago, casinos were closing en

as a large group
7 en masse Adv. masse, but now they can’t open up fast
related to the story of a
8 autobiographical Adj. There was an autobiographical element to
person’s life her paintings.

occurring as a series of
The long novel was filmed for television
9 episodic Adj. separate events, not as an episodic movie that was shown over
continuous the course of five evenings.

showing characteristics “Flue” is sometimes used as a generic

10 generic Adj. term for any illness caused by a virus.
common to a large group

11 in terms of N. .Our goods compete well in terms of

related to
quality and reliability

For travelers whose plans are more fluid,

shifting and changing over
12 fluid Adj. trying to look for flights on a different

to support or raise something

(such as profits, prices, We were happy at certain moments
13 buoy N., V.
someone's mood) during the drive, buoyed with optimism.
I took the flag from Arul and stood
14 anthem N. a formal or religious song straight as a soldier, singing the national

to help to develop a skill,

I'm trying to foster an interest in classical
15 foster V. feeling, ideal, etc., over a
music in my children.

As a result, seasonal reinforcements are

the act of making something
16 reinforcement N. provided where required to ensure a
speedy and efficient service.
The two cultures were so utterly disparate
very different or not related
17 disparate Adj. that she found it hard to adapt from one
to each other
to the other.

to fill someone or something The arrival of a group of friends on

18 infuse V. with a particular feeling or Saturday infused new life into the
quality weekend.

imbue [the culture] Her poetry was imbued with a love of the
19 V. put X into the culture
with X outdoors.

Under Greek law, all antiquities that are

20 antiquity N. old times discovered in Greece belong to the

the cradles of [Western the places where [the

21 N. Fossil records indicate that Africa was
civilization] Western civilization] began.
the cradle of early human evolution.

á la [modern brass similar to [modern brass She has her hair blonde and curly, à la
22 Adj.
knuckles] knuckles] Marilyn Monroe.
If play is to be all useful for war, it
23 corporate activity N. should include corporate activity like that
of a battle squadron.

There are a few small things that I don't

24 by and large Idiom for the most part like about my job, but by and large it's
very enjoyable.


No. New words Word Meaning Example


1. exposition (n) a clear and full explanation The book contains

of an idea or theory references to detailed
expositions of
background material and
a large number of
examples and problems.

2. tackle (v) to deal with (a complicated We need to take action to

or difficult task) tackle environmental

3. subtlety (n) a small but important detail All the subtleties of the
music are conveyed in
this new recording.

4. counterintuitive (adj) hard to believe because it It may seem

seems to be illogical counterintuitive to open
a shop in the middle of a
5. prove useful (v.p) to eventually be important The data could prove
in accomplishing a task useful in identifying
future problems.

6. idealized (adj) innoving thinking of The film presents a very

someone or something as idealized view of
better than that person or 19th-century Ireland.
thing really is

7. exploit (v) to use something to one’s We need to make sure

advantage that we exploit our
resources as fully as

8. rebound (v) to get better, to comeback Older athletes find it

to a good position after harder to rebound from
hard times injuries.

9. go awry (v.p) to turn out worse than was The plans for the party
planned went awry when the
caterer canceled at the
last minute.

10. pin hopes on (v.p) to hope very much that The idea that he’ll be out
something or someone will of prison in five years is
help you to achieve what all she’s got to pin her
you want hopes on.

11. coupled with (p.v) together with Over the last few weeks,
I haven't been sleeping
well, and coupled with a
heavy dose of cold, it's
left me exhausted.

12. set off (p.v) to start, to put in motion What time do we set off

13. unprecedented (adj) never having happened or Unemployment has

existed in the past: reached an
unprecedented level.

14. mainstream (n, adj) normal, accepted or used by Cell phones have been a
many people part of mainstream
culture since the 1990s.
15. steadfastly (adv) strongly and without She was steadfastly in
stopping support of women's

16. retaliatory (adj) done against someone The company takes

because he or she has retaliatory action against
harmed you the competitor’s unfair
business practices.

17. rally (v) to come together or bring The president has called
people together to support on the people to rally
an idea behind the government.

18. incur (v) to experience something We incurred heavy

bad as a result of actions expenses to repair the
you have taken poor work done by the

19. stand above the (idiom) to be unusual in a good way Our orchestra has a lot of
crowd good violinists, but none
is as good as Eric. He
really stands above the
crowd because he plays
with a fantastic feel for
the music.

20. postulate (v) to suggest a theory, idea, It was the Greek

etc. as a basic principle astronomer, Ptolemy,
from which a further idea is who postulated that the
formed or developed earth was at the centre of
the universe.

21. calculus (n) a way of calculating, There is a very tricky

judging, or deciding political calculus
something in a complicated involved here.

22. fruitful (adj) producing good results He had a long and

fruitful career as a
research chemist.
23. not bad (idiom) very good I heard that the hotel is
willing to cut the price to
$65 per night. Not bad,
but I bet we can convince
them to cut it even more.

24. savvy (adj) having or showing practical Teenagers are savvier

knowledge and experience about handling their
digital information than

25. better suited (adj) more suitable The job of giving the
introductory speech at the
conference should go to
you, not me. You are
confident, and you are
much better suited to
that kind of thing.


No. New words Word Meaning Example


(v) to act like; imitate Sarah could perfectly mimic the

teacher's accent, leaving the entire
1 mimic class in stitches.
(n.p) many types of The museum displayed a wide array
of artifacts, ranging from ancient
2 a wide array of pottery to modern sculptures.
(p.v) to practice Before the big performance, the actors
decided to run through their lines one
3 run through last time to ensure a flawless show.
(adj) actual The certificate provided by the
institution proved that she was a bona
4 bona fide fide expert in the field.
(phrase) when you get to When you strip away the fancy
the basic nature packaging, the new policy is, in effect,
5 in effect of something just a cost-cutting measure.

6 ward off (p.v) to keep away The scarecrow in the field was meant
to ward off crows and protect the
ripening crops from being damaged.
to protect The security system was installed to
something from safeguard the valuable artifacts in the
7 safeguard (v) harm or damage museum from potential theft.
The vaccine was developed to
to protect inoculate the population against the
something from rapidly spreading virus, providing a
8 inoculate (v) harm or damage crucial layer of protection.
to cause someone The sudden change in weather
or something to rendered their carefully planned
be in a particular picnic useless, forcing them to seek
9 render (v) condition shelter indoors.
to give (as a
property or The prestigious award will confer
characteristic) to recognition and honor upon the
someone or scientist for years of groundbreaking
10 confer (v) something research.
The new medicine proved to be potent
against the aggressive strain of the
powerful and virus, leading to a significant
11 potent (adj) effective improvement in patients' health.
Unlike its harmful counterpart, this
strain of bacteria is nonpathogenic
not capable of and does not pose any risk of causing
12 nonpathogenic (adj) inducing disease diseases in humans.
The rising tide of job opportunities in
the tech industry has led to a surge in
increasing enrollment for computer science
13 rising tide (n.p) number courses.
The artist painted a slanted sunset,
capturing the beauty of the sun's
descent across the sky with diagonal
14 slanted (adj) diagonal strokes of vibrant colors.
The futuristic architecture of the
building featured tubular steel
columns, giving it a sleek and modern
appearance that stood out in the city
15 tubular (adj) long and hollow skyline.

16 hold still (idiom) not move The photographer asked the children to
hold still for a moment, capturing the
perfect candid shot of their
The car accident left her with both
physical and emotional trauma,
17 trauma (n) sudden injury requiring time and support for healing.
The company implemented new
strategies to address the flagging sales
and boost revenue in a competitive
18 flagging (adj) decreasing market.
The doctor explained the importance of
the body system maintaining a healthy diet to support
involving the the proper functioning of the
stomach and gastrointestinal tract, emphasizing
gastrointestinal intestines to the role of digestion in overall
19 tract (n.p) digest food well-being.
present in a
particular place Malaria is endemic to tropical regions,
or among a where the climate provides a suitable
particular group environment for the survival and
20 endemic (adj) of people transmission of the disease.
The accident left him with paralysis in
the loss of ability his lower limbs, requiring intensive
to move all or rehabilitation to regain movement and
21 paralysis (n) part of your body independence.
The global community joined forces in
attempts to a united front to fund and implement
completely get eradication efforts against infectious
eradication rid of or destroy diseases like polio, aiming to eliminate
22 efforts (n.p) something them from every corner of the world.
the thin surface
that covers some The doctor explained that the virus
inner parts of the primarily attacks the mucous
body, such as the membrane of the respiratory system,
inside of the underscoring the importance of
mucous nose, and protective measures such as wearing
23 membrane (n.p) produces mucus masks.
to secretly enter a The spy managed to infiltrate the
place or enemy organization, gathering valuable
24 infiltrate (v) organization to intelligence on their plans and
find out activities without being detected.
information or do


No. New words Word Meaning Example


1. proximately adv closely I would say that the word is

proximately derived from

2. dissected v taken apart for analysis Her latest novel was dissected by
the critics.

3. hone v to sharpen He helps performers hone their

skills as dancers and singers.

4. avenues n pathways Only two avenues are open to us

- either we accept his offer or we
give up the fight completely.

5. of p.p less and less important In her pursuit of success, Olivia

increasingly found that the opinions of others
less were of increasingly less
consequence consequence to her overall
happiness and fulfillment.

6. play out v.p to take place The debate will play out in the
media next week.

7. mentorship n the guidance provided The organization provides

by a mentor, especially mentorship and support for
an experienced person psychology trainees.
in a company or
educational institution

8. usher in v.p to cause or mark a start The party was an elegant way to
of something new usher in the new year.

9. hubristic adj excessively proud or His hubristic attitude made it

self-confident difficult for him to admit that he
needed help with the project.
10. extant adj still existing in spite of A limited number of documents
being very old from the period are still extant.

11. blatantly adv in an open and It was blatantly obvious that she
unashamed manner was telling a lie.

12. ethnocentric adj thinking about things in His ethnocentric beliefs led to
a way that is based misunderstandings and conflicts
only on your old when interacting with people
culture and race, and from diverse backgrounds.
not considering or
concluding the culture,
traditions, etc., of other

13. secular adj related to worldly We live in an increasingly

matters, not religious secular society, in which religion
has less and less influence on our
daily lives.

14. metaphysics n the study of things The concept of time travel is

beyond observable often discussed in the concept of
reality metaphysics and theoretical

15. make v.p to reveal Through her artwork, she sought

manifest to make manifest the emotions
and struggles of the human

16. intelligible adj understandable His lecture was readily

intelligible to all the students.

17. a play on n.p a clever or unusual use The advertisement was a play on
of words related to words, cleverly using puns to
capture the audience’s attention.

18. thread n a consistent theme or One of the main threads of the

recurring idea film is the development of the
relationship between the boy and
his uncle.

19. eponymous adj being mentioned in the Emperor Constantine modeled

title his eponymous city,
Constantinople, after Rome.
20. film buff n.p a person who is Dillon is a film buff who dreams
extremely of becoming a filmmaker.
knowledgeable and
passionate about

21. have a idiom to experience an They have the misfortune of

misfortune unfortunate situation living next to a noisy
of construction site.

22. vehicle n a way of achieving, The play is an ideal vehicle for

producing, or her talents.
expressing something

23. carry a idiom to express a situation The people who clean our office
negative where a particular building after hours don’t like to
connotation word, phrase, or be called janitors. They think the
concept evokes term carries a negative
negative feelings, connotation.
perceptions, or

24. evil twin n.p a pair of characters In the movie, the bad King Louis
with opposite moral XIV of France is said to be the
alignment evil twin of the good and heroic
orphan boy, Philippe.

25. to great p.p used to say that The director used lighting and
effect something has been sound effects to great effect,
done with a significant creating a chilling atmosphere in
and positive result the film.


No. New words Word Meaning Example


1. continually Adj Over and over again through They argue continually
the course of time about money

2. land V To come to rest after travelling The airplane will land at

through air or over water the airport, gently
touching down on the
runway after traveling
through the air.

3. impaction N The process of striking a The impaction of the

surface and becoming stuck in meteorite onto the Earth's
it surface resulted in the
formation of a crater, as it
struck and became firmly
lodged in the terrain.

4 asbestos N A gray mineral composed The construction workers

mostly of silicon formed into wore protective gear to
long, threadlike crystals avoid exposure to
asbestos, during the
renovation of the old

5 sedimentatio N The formation of layers as The slow process of

n material comes to rest on a sedimentation in the lake
surface resulted in the formation
of distinct layers as
various materials came to
rest on the lakebed.

6 buoyancy N The characteristic of being able The life jacket provides

to float buoyancy to the
swimmer, ensuring their
ability to float effortlessly
on the water's surface.

7 degradation N The process by which The continuous exposure

something changes to worse to harsh weather
condition conditions led to the
gradual degradation of
the wooden fence,
causing it to change to a
worse condition over

8 respiratory Adj Relating to breathing The doctor specializes in

respiratory issues,
focusing on conditions
and diseases that affect
the lungs and breathing.

9 retrofit V To improve a machine, piece The company decided to

of equipment, etc., by putting retrofit their old
new and better parts in it after machinery to enhance its
it is made efficiency and

10 pressing Adj Very important and needing to The urgent and pressing
be dealt with immediately matter required the team's
immediate attention as it
was crucial for the
successful completion of
the project.

11 stationary Adj Not moving The stationary car

remained parked in the
driveway, not moving an
inch throughout the entire

12 plethora N A very large number (of The report contained a

something) plethora of detail

13 advent N arrival Before the advent of the

communications were
slow and difficult.

14 boast V To claim to have a good thing Sam boasted that she

could beat anyone at

15 scrap V To throw away They had been forced to

scrap plans for a new
school building.

16 blanketed in V Covered by The town was blanketed

in snow, creating a serene
and picturesque
landscape as every
surface was covered by a
thick layer of white.
17 marathon N A long race Garcia ran the marathon
in just under three hours.

18 outcry N A loud, public objection The closure of the local

hospital has caused a
huge public outcry.

19 biosphere N t​he part of the earth’s surface CO2 is the accepted

and atmosphere in which limiting resource for the
plants and animals can live biosphere.

20 occurrence N something that happens or Landslips and

exists earthquakes are not
everyday occurrences in
this country.

21 death N the fact of somebody dying or More than 30% of all

being killed cancer deaths in the
country can be attributed
to smoking.

22 embrace V the act of accepting an idea, a Soccer has become more

proposal, a set of beliefs, etc, widely embraced by
especially when it is done with Americans.

23 approve V to think that She doesn't approve of

somebody/something is good, me leaving school this
acceptable or suitable year.

24 attend to V to deal with I have some urgent

somebody/something; to take business to attend to.
care of somebody/something


No. New words Word Meaning Example

1. preeminent (adj) Most important A national holiday

commemorates its
preeminent leader,
Martin Luther King Jr.,
and school curricula
teach children to
celebrate the
revolutionary ideals of
the time.

2. sanguine (adj) Confident and hopeful They are less sanguine

about the prospects for

3. platform (n) A set of principles or goals Political leaders

such as Alabama
governor George
Wallace, who ran on an
openly racist platform,
were reelected.

4. oratorically (adv) In speeches She was an oratorically

gifted speaker, and was
invited to give the
keynote speech at the

5. casting (v) Portraying; picturing Mass media were often

sympathetic, casting
leaders of the
civil rights movements as
heroes, which helped
nurture white sympathy
for black struggles.

The teacher sought to

6. nurture (v) to cause to grow and develop
nurture the students'
curiosity through
engaging activities.

The new policy had a

affecting many things, or sweeping impact on the
7. sweeping (adj) making an important entire organization,
difference transforming the way
things were done.

The candidate gained

support for a plan, person, traction among voters
8. traction (n)
group, etc. due to his compelling
vision for the future.

The artist was

meticulous in every
very careful about small brushstroke, creating a
9. meticulous (adj)
details, ensuring correctness masterpiece with
attention to the finest

The exploitation of child

labor was deemed
unconsciona completely unacceptable or
10. (adj) unconscionable and
ble morally wrong
sparked outrage across
the community.

The government initiated

action taken to deal more
11. crackdown (n) a crackdown on illegal
strictly with a problem
activities, aiming to
restore law and order in
the region.

a relationship or similarity The historian drew

between two things, especially parallels between the
12. parallel (n) things that exist or happen in political climates of the
different places or at different two nations, revealing
times striking similarities.

The war-inflicted
wounds left a lasting
to make someone suffer
13. inflict (v) impact on the soldiers,
something bad or painful
both physically and

The aspiring artist sought

to try to do something or
to emulate the techniques
behave in the same way as
14. emulate (v) of the master painters by
someone else, especially
studying and replicating
because you admire him or her
their works.

The schoolyard bullying

led to the unfortunate
to stop accepting a person as a
15. ostracize (v) decision to ostracize the
member of a group
victim, causing feelings
of isolation and despair.

The nonprofit
a bad, serious, or sad condition organization aimed to
16. plight (n)
or situation improve the plight of the
homeless, providing
shelter and support to
those in need.

The renowned scientist

was lauded for her
to praise someone or groundbreaking research,
17. laud (v)
something earning accolades from
the scientific community
and beyond.

Martin Luther King Jr.

To publicly proclaim or teach preached nonviolent
18. preach (v)
religious principles resistance in the face of
racial injustice.

When he was a teenager,

the man treated other
people disrespectfully.
Few people wanted to
To cause someone to feel
19. alienate (v) spend time with him.
isolated or estranged
Eventually, he alienated
everyone, even his family
and friends, and became a
very lonely person.

The young woman

dreamed of going to
Harvard or Yale.
20. nil (n) Nothing; zero
However, her high school
grades were only
mediocre, so her chances
of going to a top-quality
university were almost

The city once had a

mayor who was
convicted of stealing
millions of public dollars.
He was removed from
To burden or encumber with a
21. saddle with (v) office, but the city had
heavy load or obligation
been greatly harmed. It
was saddled with an
enormous debt in the
wake of the former
mayor's theft.

The company was not

doing well. Its workers
seemed depressed, and its
salesforce was
uninspired. Then a new
To shock or stimulate into president took over, a
22. galvanize (v) activity; inspire with energy or woman who had great
enthusiasm personal charm and the
ability to infuse people
with enthusiasm. Her
leadership galvanized the
workers to become an
efficient team with high
productivity and great

People who are addicted

to alcohol or drugs often
speak of those substances
as terrible beasts. An
23. slain (v) To kill in a violent way
alcoholic might compare
drinking to a dragon that
must be slain so he or she
can get back to normal.

The United States puts a

huge proportion of black
males into prison. A
To be confined or incarcerated black male in the United
24. lock up (v)
in prison States has about a 17
percent chance of being
locked up at some point
in his life.

Critical Thinking skill

Supporting skill 1

Supporting skill 2

Reading-Writing Connection

No. New words Word Meaning Example

1 insinuate (v) To get inside something The clever detective

through hard-to-see entry managed to insinuate
points himself into the secret
society by pretending to
share their interests.

2 breakthroug (n) An important new discovery The scientists celebrated

h in something you are a major breakthrough in
studying, especially one cancer research,
made after trying for a long uncovering a promising

3 fall under (p.v) To be included in [a These creatures fall

category] under the category of
endangered species, and
efforts are being made to
protect their habitat.

4 adherence (n) Connection or obedience The strict adherence to

safety protocols
prevented accidents in the

5 inclined (v) Tending to favor one thing Mary has always been
toward over others inclined toward
mathematics, excelling in
all her math classes.

6 turbulent (adj) unsettled The political climate

became turbulent as
citizens expressed their
dissatisfaction with the

7 invigorate (v) To make livelier or stronger The energetic music

served to invigorate the
crowd, turning a simple
gathering into a lively

8 dozens of (det.) Multiple; existing in Dozens of students

numbers larger than about 24 attended the workshop,
eager to enhance their

9 dinosaur (n) Something that is old and out Using a typewriter in the
of step with modern digital age feels like
standards operating a dinosaur.

10 jump-start (v) To cause something or put it The new economic

in motion quickly through policies aimed to
strong action jump-start the country's
stagnant economy.

11 play to (p.v) To focus efforts on taking The marketing team

advantage of a specific decided to play to the
resource strengths of social media
to reach a wider

12 brain drain (n.p) The loss of an economy’s The brain drain in the
smarties people technology sector raised
concerns about the
country's innovation

13 have a taste (idiom) To want to have or Sarah has always had a

for experience something taste for adventure,
pleasurable, as a matter of seeking out thrilling
habit experiences wherever she

14 well-meanin (adj) Trying to do the right thing, Despite his

g but not really knowing how well-meaning efforts,
John's attempt to fix the
computer only made
things worse.

15 coincide (v.p) To happen at the same time The release of the new
with as something else, especially smartphone will coincide
by chance with the holiday season,
boosting sales.

16 fizzle (v) To fail by slowly losing The excitement around

strength the product launch began
to fizzle as consumers
found alternative options.
17 in effect (adj) Actually in place or valid at The new regulations are
a given time; often refers to a now in effect, requiring
rule or law companies to adopt more
sustainable practices.

18 waft (v) To float in the air; usually The scent of freshly

refers to a gas, smell, or baked cookies wafted
sound through the kitchen,
tempting everyone in the

19 income (n.p) Disparity in earnings Governments worldwide

inequality are grappling with
strategies to address the
growing issue of income

20 account for (p.v) considering When evaluating

business expenses, it's
crucial to account for
unexpected costs that
may arise.

21 stagnant (adj) Not moving The pond became

stagnant, leading to the
growth of algae and an
unpleasant odor.

22 keep track (idiom) To follow or monitor the Modern fitness trackers

of condition of help individuals keep
track of their daily
activities and health

23 cap (v) To set an upper limit The company decided to

cap the number of
participants for the event
to ensure a high-quality

24 Internal (pronoun The tax authorities The Internal Revenue

Revenue ) Service (IRS) plays a
Service crucial role in collecting
(IRS) taxes to fund government
25 salient (adj) Of great importance During the presentation,
the speaker highlighted
the salient points that
summarized the key
findings of the research.


No. New words Word Meaning Example


1. Incidence (n) an event, or the rate at There’s been an increased

which something happens incidence of cancer in the

2. Bring to light Idiom to cause something to be Her research has brought to

known light new information about
Jefferson’s early life.

3 Take the stage Phrase to go onto the stage and The singer took the stage
start to perform wearing a dark suit and red

4 Skewed (adj) not accurate or exact Maybe your worldview is a

little skewed

5 Vested interest (n) a strong personal interest As both a teacher and

in something because you parent, she had a vested
could get an advantage interest in seeing the school
from it remain open.

6 Disproportionate (adj) too large or too small in The country's great

comparison to something influence in the world is
else disproportionate to its
relatively small size.

7 Prognosis (n) a doctor's judgment of the The prognosis after the

likely or expected operation was for a full
development of a disease recovery.
or of the chances of
getting better
8 Helical (adj) in the shape of a helix (= a DNA is a double-stranded,
curve that goes around a helical molecule that
central tube or cone shape resembles a twisted rope
in the form of a spiral) ladder with wooden rungs.

9 Carcinogen (n) a substance that causes The American government

cancer classifies both asbestos and
environmental tobacco
smoke as class one

10 Contingent upon phrase depending on something Outdoor activities are, as

else in the future in order ever, contingent upon the
to happen: weather.

11 Delve into Phrasal to search in order to find a She said she was tired of
verb thing or information journalists delving into her
private life.

12 Malignant (adj) A malignant disease or The process by which

growth is cancer or is malignant cancer cells
related to cancer, and is multiply isn't fully
likely to be harmful understood.

13 Food chain (n) a series of living things Corn has many uses
that are connected because throughout the food chain
each group of things eats as feed for animals and as an
the group below it in the ingredient on its own

14 Lie dormant phrase If something lies dormant, It is thought that the

it is not active condition is caused by a
virus that lies dormant in
the immune system until
something triggers it.

15 Overreach (verb) to fail by trying to achieve, Companies that overreach

spend, or do more than themselves soon find
you can manage themselves in debt.

16 Innards (n) the organs inside a person frogs’ innards

or animal, or the inside
parts of a machine
17 Closed case phrase A situation in which a Baker argues that beef is
former mystery or problem safe for consumption, and
has been resolved he sums up his book by
saying the disease is a
closed case.

18 Efficacious (adj) able to produce the We believe that educational

intended result or counseling schemes are a
more efficacious way of
dealing with this problem
than harsh sanctions.

19 Succumb (verb) to die or suffer badly from Thousands of cows have

an illness succumbed to the disease in
the past few months.

20 Riddle (n) something that is Scientists may have solved

confusing, or a problem the riddle of Saturn's rings.
that is difficult to solve:

21 Tissue (n) a group of connected cells His face is covered with scar
in an animal or plant that tissue where he was badly
are similar to each other, burned.
have the same purpose,
and form the stated part of
the animal or plant

22 Incubation (n) the process in which a The incubation period

bird, etc. keeps its eggs varies depending on the time
warm until the young of year when the eggs were
come out, or the process in laid.
which an egg develops
until the stage at which the
young come out

23 Pivot (verb) to turn or twist She pivots her left foot.

24 Propagated (verb) to produce a new plant Most house plants can be

using a parent plant propagated from stem

25 Elderly (adj) old elderly relatives/parents

26 Prion (n) a small piece of protein Both Alzheimer's and prion

that is thought to cause diseases are classified as
certain brain diseases, "misfolding protein
such as BSEand CJD diseases".

27 Infectiousness (n) the ability of a disease to The infectiousness of

be passed easily from one CoronaVirus has been
person to another, increasing recently.
especially through air or

28 Genetic Phrase a physical or mental A particular gene is

inheritance characteristic inherited responsible for the
from your parents, or the inheritance of eye color.
process by which this

29 Peptide (n) Peptides are short chains of

a chemical that is made of amino acids linked by
peptide bonds.
two or more amino acids,
which combine to make
protein(= chemicals that
are a necessary part of

30 Cadaver (n) a dead human body, esp. A cadaver or corpse is a

one used by medical dead human body.
students for study

31 Plaque (n) a flat piece of metal, stone, There was a brass plaque
wood, or plastic with outside the door listing the
writing on it that is various dentists' names.
attached to a wall, door, or
other object


No. New words Word Meaning Example

1. divergent (adj) developing or In the heated debate, the
moving in different participants presented
directions; divergent views on the best
becoming less approach to solving the
similar complex problem.

2. descend (v) to come or go As the hikers reached the

down from a summit, they prepared to
higher to a lower descend the steep mountain
level trail, taking in breathtaking
views along the way.

3. intermediary (adj) a person or an The broker acted as an

organization that intermediary between the
helps other people buyer and the seller,
or organizations to facilitating smooth
make an agreement communication and
by being a means negotiation throughout the
of communication real estate transaction.
between them

4 get a pass (v) Be excused from To attend the exclusive event,

you'll need to get a pass from
the organizers

5 transgression (n) Sin or wrongdoing The professor emphasized the

consequences of academic
transgressions, warning
students about the importance
of maintaining integrity in
their work.

6 fall in line with (v) Follow or proceed The new company policy
in agreement with requires all employees to fall
a system or set of in line with the revised code
rules of conduct to ensure a
harmonious and ethical work

7 dry (adj) boring , The lecture on the historical

unemotional timeline of accounting was so
dry that even the most
dedicated students struggled
to stay awake.
8. aesthetic (adj) connected with The art gallery featured an
beauty and art and eclectic mix of paintings,
the understanding sculptures, and installations,
of beautiful things each contributing to a unique
and captivating aesthetic

9. epoch (n) a period of time in The discovery of electricity

history marked an epoch in human
history, transforming the way
people lived, worked, and

10. metallurgy (n) The scientific The study of metallurgy

study of metals and explores the properties and
their uses production of metals,
revealing the intricate
processes involved in
extracting, refining, and
manipulating these essential

11. fanciful (adj) imagined Her novel was a fanciful tale

of magical realms and
mythical creatures, capturing
the imagination of readers
with its whimsical and
enchanting narrative.

12. quasi-historic (adj) From the past The town's preservation

committee decided to restore
the old mansion, considering
it a quasi-historic landmark
due to its unique architectural
features and ties to the
region's early development.

13. funerary (adj) Connected with the The archaeologists

dead or
discovered an ancient
remembering the
dead funerary site, complete with
elaborate burial rituals and

well-preserved artifacts that

provided valuable insights

into the culture of that time.

14. call something into (v) To doubt The new evidence presented
question during the trial began to call
into question the reliability
of the eyewitness testimony,
raising doubts about the
accused person's guilt.

15. trump (adj) Be stronger than In the game of cards, players

something else eagerly awaited the final
round to see which suit would
trump the others and
determine the winner.

16. cremation (n) The practice of After her passing, she

burning the dead expressed in her will a
body preference for cremation
rather than a traditional
burial, leading her family to
honor her wishes.

17. stumble across (v) Find something by While hiking in the remote
accident forest, we were fortunate to
stumble across a hidden
waterfall, a breathtaking and
unexpected discovery.

18, eschew (v) Deliberately avoid In an effort to lead a healthier

lifestyle, she decided to
eschew processed foods and
focus on a diet rich in fresh,
whole ingredients.

19 archaic (adj) Very old, no Despite living in a

longer important technologically advanced era,
the small village maintained
its archaic traditions,
preserving a unique cultural

20 neoclassical (adj) In the style of The new government

ancient Greece or building showcased a
Rome, but neoclassical architectural
produced long style, blending modern
afterwards functionality with timeless
design elements inspired by
classical Greek and Roman

21 anthropomorphized (adj) Given human In the children's book, the

author skillfully
even though it is
not human anthropomorphized the

animals, giving them

human-like qualities and

personalities that captivated

young readers.

22 First and foremost (adv) Most importantly First and foremost,

prioritizing safety is
paramount in any
construction project to ensure
the well-being of workers and
the integrity of the structures
being built.

23 milieu (n) Social or cultural In the vibrant artistic milieu

environment of the city, creative minds
from diverse backgrounds
converged, fostering a rich
and dynamic cultural

24 Of his ilk (adj) Similar to him John, a charismatic leader of

his ilk, inspired his team with
unparalleled dedication and

21 sours (v) worsens Over time, neglect sours

relationships, making
them strained and
difficult to repair.

19 vague (a) unclear His instructions were

vague, leaving us unsure
about the exact steps to

12 alleviate (v) to reduce the pain or trouble of In order to alleviate

something. to make something traffic problems, the
less painful, difficult, or authorities should enlarge
severe roads and improve

10 corroborate (v) to provide information that The evidence of the

supports or helps prove traffic accident was
someone else's statement, idea, corroborated by two
etc. independent witnesses.

7 expel (v) to force air, water, gas, etc., out The body's natural
of something response to illness is to
expel harmful substances
through coughing or

8 follow suit idiom to conform to another's actions When one team member
started volunteering,
others decided to follow
suit, contributing to
community service
3 naturally (a) present in a given area because The ecosystem thrives
occurring of natural causes, not because due to naturally
of human actions occurring processes that
maintain balance and

22 stagnant (a) not moving The company's profits

remained stagnant for
several months, showing
no signs of growth.

No. New words Word Meaning Example


23 mitigating (v) lessening Planting trees helps in

mitigating the effects of
climate change by
absorbing carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere.

17 breathing in (v) inhaling The doctor warned

against breathing in
polluted air as it could
cause severe lung damage
and increase the risk of

9 pivotal (a) having an extremely important His discovery of

effect on the way something penicillin was a pivotal
develops moment in the history of
medicine, revolutionizing
treatment for bacterial

16 pathology (n) disease or weakness The doctor identified a

cardiac pathology,
explaining the
irregularities in the
patient's heartbeat.

24 multilayered (a) complex The cake had a

multilayered structure,
with alternating layers of
sponge and frosting,
creating a delightful taste

13 proximity (n) closeness My apartment is located

in close proximity to the
town center, so living
there is really convenient.

14 according to (prep) by using the criterion of According to BBC

News, global
warming-related disasters
are accelerating around
the world.

1. bottling-up (a) being kept within the limits of Improper ventilation can
a small area result in a bottling-up
effect that creates
in-building air pollution.

6 noble gas (n) any one of the six chemical Helium is a noble gas
elements (e.g., helium or neon) that has a full outer
that are gases at room electron shell, making it
temperature and almost never chemically stable and less
react with other chemicals reactive than other

20 rate (n) amount or degree over time The heart rate increases
during exercise to supply
more oxygen to the

11 proclivity (n) a tendency to behave in a His proclivity for

particular way or like a dishonesty often led to
particular thing, especially mistrust among his peers,
something bad undermining his

5 pesticide (n) a substance meant to kill The extensive use of

insects or other unwanted certain pesticides has
animals raised concerns about
their impact on the
4 fragrance (n) a perfume or other substance The flower emitted a
meant to make something sweet fragrance that
smell good filled the entire garden
with its pleasant scent.

18 pharyngitis (n) a disease of the throat Many students dreaded

the discomfort caused by
pharyngitis, which often
resulted in a sore throat
and difficulty

2. lead (n) a dense metal, chemical Exposure to lead, a toxic

symbol Pb metal, can have
detrimental effects on
human health, especially
in high concentrations.

15 suite (n) a collection of things that fit The designer released a

together new suite of furniture,
including a sofa, coffee
table, and side chairs, all
designed to complement
each other in style and

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