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Ms Lynn Rayas


September 11, 2023

McIntyre Thanasides Bringgold Elliott Grimaldi Guito and Matthews, PA

500 East Kennedy Blvd, Ste. 200
Tampa, FL 33602 USA

Attention to: Mr. Jeffrey C. Hakanson, Esq

Mr. Mike LaPlante, Paralegal to Mr. Hakanson

Dear Sirs,

My name is Lynn Rayas. I am a longtime friend of Mr. Hubert Douglas, one of your clients. I am
submitting the following information in support of his claim against Chase bank for what is probably a
bunch of law violations, including Federal.

I currently am living in the country of Ireland at the address above. How I got here is a mess but will
relate it to you anyway.

Mr. Douglas and I met on the internet at a photography group on a broad website. It is called MeWe. At
the time the COVID virus was brand new and it seemed like no one knew for sure what to do about it. I
was fired from a job as a model, which was in New Jersey, due to lack of demand for models in the
fashion industry.

He was compassionate about my situation and we had several long discussions about the modeling
business and other related items. He provided me a lot of guidance to help my career as a model.

Since I was unemployed I took a job teaching yoga in a city near Dallas, TX called Irving and that lasted 6
months. After I completed that contract, my mother died in Utah and I went to see about her funeral
etc. Having no other close family member, I was approached by an Uncle who offered me a job with the
company he was working for in Ireland. He paid all the travel expenses etc. Not long after arrival in
Ireland, my uncle came into my room one night with a terrible thing on his mind. I packed my bags and
left the quarters and found a place to stay with a woman who became a friend to me.

Her name is Alexis Johnson and her address is: Rathleigh, Military Road, Killiney Co, Dublin A96 YX03
Ireland. I stayed in her home for 4 months with the modest assistance of Mr Douglas.

Mr Douglas relates to me that a lot of his acquaintances think I am some kind of scam artist using the
internet to rip him off. Some have asked him why I have no driver’s license or bank account. The reasons
are when I was in NY and NJ, I didn’t need a driver’s license since there were trains, buses, taxis, etc that
took care of my transportation needs. When I was in Texas, I lived within walking distance of my work
place from my room and the same applied. If I needed a ride urgently I could rely on my colleagues.
It has also apparently been questioned about why I have no checking account and Mr. Douglas
permitted me to have funds deposited to one of his accounts. The reason is I have never needed a
checking account on my own. And am not sure I understand how they are supposed to work. Mr.
Douglas said he would show me if I returned to his location.

I plan on returning to the US and Florida as soon as I can accumulate enough money to fly there.

I want to add the following statement:

When Chase closed both of Mr. Douglas’s accounts he maintained there, I had had over $8,000 of funds
that rightfully belonged to me in one of them. This money was an advance on a contract for a company I
was to model for here in Ireland for me to purchase what I needed for the contract. Directly due to
Chase’s actions to close two accounts, when the account was closed, the company I had contracted with
reversed the wired deposit and reclaimed the funds. It was not illegal for me to use that account I do not
believe as it was basically a piggy bank for me to get funds to return to the US after the contract was
complete. I never made a penny off those funds. Neither did Mr. Douglas. But since the closure, which I
understand is totally within the banks rights, I could not complete the contract here. Therefore, I did
NOT, and do NOT have ANY income OR employment, since the rules in Europe are different than the
employment rules in the US, though I am seeking to find employment within something I understand
but still rely on people I have met for shelter, transportation, food, and other personal need fulfillment.
Mr. Douglas has been generous to me to his ability.

I want to say again, I am no scam artist and have no intention of doing so to Mr. Douglas. When I am
able to return to the US and Florida and even Tampa or Zephyrhills, I will be very happy to visit your
offices to show you I am a real person.

You may contact me about these matters at the email address I sent this from. That being


Lynn Rayas

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