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An Introduction to

Condensed Matter
---- A Historical Perspective

Xin (Sunny) Wang
Who am I?

´ Name: Xin (Sunny) Wang

´ B. S. (2005)

´ Ph. D. (2010)

´ Postdoc (2010-2015)

´ Assistant Professor (2015-2020)

´ Associate Professor (2020-)

´ Research Interest: Quantum Physics,

Condensed Matter Physics (Theory)
Condensed Matter Physics:

´ The largest branch of physics

´ Most physics graduate students are in
condensed matter
´ Condensed matter physicisits publish
more paper than any other fields in
physics (Physical Review B is the thickest
among all Physical Reviews)
´ DCMP (Division of Condensed Matter
Physics) is the largeset division of APS
(Ameircan Physical Society)
What is “Condensed

There are several ”phases” of matter. We

can understand the “condensed matter”
as “solids” and “liquids” for the time being.
So what is the earliest
studied condensed matter?

Man, to the man-ape, waved goodbye,

Having some stone tools in the age
Which was his early Childhood’s stage.
Stones as the earliest studied
condensed matter

by Viktor Vasnetsov
Stones are “brittle”: hard but
easy to break

Contrary to brittleness is
ductility: a ductile material
can be plastically deformed
without fracture

Brittleness and ductility were

in fact the central subjects of
“materials science”
Stones as weapons,
August 15 , 2017

The flames of bronze and iron were high;

When did he learn the art, d’you know?—
But a few thousand years ago.
The Bronze Age
The Iron Age
In ancient times, we have
focused on the “mechanical
properties” of solids.

It is by harnessing the solids

that we have made
progresses of our society.
Ages that we skip

Ages of Discovery Industrial Revolution

Second Industrial Revolution:
the age of electricity
The Great Inventors

Thomas Edison Alexander G. Bell Guglielmo Marconi

Nobel Prize in
Physics 1909
During the second industrial
revolution, progresses are
mostly made by harnessing
the electrical (and magnetic)
properties of solids.
The Information Age
In modern times,
technological advances rely
more and more on properties
of condensed matter which
can only be understood by
quantum mechanics.
The Group 14 (Group IV) elements: similar
chemically, but different physically
Carbon, 6C

Silicon, 14Si
Germanium, 32Ge

Tin, 50Sn
Lead, 82Pb
A superconductor can levitate a
magnet, or ...
Nobel Prize in
Physics 2010
The international prototype of the
kilogram, ”Le Grand K”
With an electron microscope, we can
actually see viruses injecting their DNA into
a bacterium.
Topological quantum computing:
computing by “braiding”
Actually, a branch of
condensed matter physics
was born in ancient China
since ca. 4000 B.C.
----《 呂氏春秋.精通 》

The lodestone calls the

iron to itself, or attracts it.

Lü Buwei
(292 BC – 235 BC)
----《 韓非子.有度篇 》

Han Fei
(c. 281 BC – 233 BC)

(English Translation)

Indeed, the minister trespasses against the

sovereign in the court as in the lie of the land.
Leading forward step by step, he makes the
lord of men forget the starting-point until he
turns from east to west and is not conscious of
the change. To guard against such
misleadings, the early kings set up the south-
pointing needle to ascertain the directions of
sun-rise and sun-set.
By the Song dynasty, many
aspects of magnetism have
been well understood.
(English Translation)
Magicians rub the point of a needle with the
lodestone; then, it is able to point to the south. But
it always inclines slightly to the east and does not
point directly at the south. It may be made to float
on the surface of water, but it is then rather
unsteady... It is best to suspend it by a single
cocoon fiber of new silk attached to the centre of
the needle by a piece of wax the size of a
mustard-seed — then, hanging in a windless place,
it will always point to the south...

Meng Chhi Pi Than, Shen Kua

Scholars in the east have
made great contributions to
various aspects of early

Unfortunately, condensed
matter physics, along with
other sciences, was not born
(and developed) in the east.
“father of chemistry”
“Why does not water admit
its bulk of every kind of gas
alike? This question I have
duly considered, and
though I am not able to
satisfy myself completely I
am nearly persuaded that
the circumstance depends
on the weight and number John Dalton
of the ultimate particles of
the several gases.”
(1766 – 1844)
Dalton’s Elements

´ Elements are made of

extremely small particles
called atoms.
´ Atoms of a given element are
identical in size, mass, etc.;
atoms of different elements
differ in size, mass, etc.
´ Atoms cannot be divided,
created, or destroyed.
´ In chemical reactions, atoms
are combined, separated, or John Dalton
rearranged. (1766 – 1844)
Davy’s Elements

´ Of the 40 known elements, 26

have metallic properties such
as lustre, ductility and high
electrical and thermal
´ This means that the atoms
are not indivisible as Dalton
claimed, but have inner
´ Elements that were believed
to be gases, such Sir Humphry Davy
as N and H could be
liquefied and would then
(1778 – 1829)
behave as metals.
Liquefaction of gases

´ Farady was an RA in
Davy’s lab in 1823.
´ Farady successfully
liquefied chlorine
´ He went on to liquefy all
known gaseous elements,
except for nitrogen,
hydrogen, and oxygen.

Michael Faraday
(1791 – 1867)
Someone: What is your greatest
discovery, Sir Davy?
Davy: Michael Faraday.
The “critical” phenomena

´ Irish chemist Thomas

Andrews studied
the phase transition from a
liquid to a gas
´ He coined the term critical
point to describe the
condition where a gas and
a liquid were
indistinguishable as phases

Thomas Andrews
(1813 – 1885)
´ For ”air”, nothing special
happens: continuity of
´ For CO2: above 31
degrees, it behaves like
regular air.
´ Below 31 degrees,
“condensation” occurs
at the plateau of the
isothermal curve: some
air turns into liquid while
the volume is reduced.
´ “X”: isopycnic point at
which the liquid and gas
share equal density
´ Z: liquid
´ Y: gas
´ Tc, pc of X: “critical
temperature” and
“critical pressure”
´ how to reconcile the
idea of continuity of
state with the
discontinuous change
´ Another physicist also
born in the nothern
Ireland, James Thomson,
studied the discontinuous
´ He is also the brother
of William Thomson (later
Lord Kelvin)

James Thomson
´ Thomson claims that the
gaseous and liquid parts
of a discontinuous
isotherm were
only apparently
discontinuous, and
were actually parts of
one smooth curve
shown in dotted lines in
the diagram to the right.
´ Every isotherm should be
a continuous curve.
“It is evident that the equation for such a
complete curve must be of odd degree in V, for
V increases with diminishing P at both ends of
the curve. Furthermore the equation must be of
at least the third degree in V, since a certain
pressure may correspond to more than one
volume. At lower temperatures three roots of the
equation are real, at the critical point the three
coincide, and at higher temperatures two of
them become imaginary.”

-------Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of

Chemical Substances, Lewis and Randall
The van der Waals Equation

´ Dutch physicist
Johannes van der
Waals, then a student
in Leiden University,
provided the first
theoretical solution of
the problem.
´ He has been awarded
the Nobel prize in
Johannes Diderik van der Waals
Physics in 1910
“for his work on the (1837 – 1923)
equation of state for Nobel Prize in
gases and liquids” Physics 1910
´ At Leiden University on
Saturday 14 June 1873,
from 12 noon to 3 pm,
Johannes van der Waals
defended his doctoral
´ The title
“Over de Continuiteit
van den Gas en
Vloeistoftoestand (On
the Continuity of the
Gaseous and Liquid
State)” was almost
exactly the same as
Andrews’ 1869 paper.
The van der Waals equation
⇣ a ⌘
p + 2 (V b) = RT
´ The van der Waals
equation introduces a
and b: gas-specific
constants related to
molecular attraction
and molecular volume
´ It correctly predicts a
mostly incompressible
liquid phase, but
details in the phase
transition zone are not
completely correct.
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes and Johannes van der
Waals with the helium liquefactor in Leiden (1908)
Liquefaction of Helium

´ 10 July 1908, Dutch physicist

Onnes was the first to
liquefy helium. He has been
able to lower the
temperature to the boiling
point of helium (−269 °C, 4.2
´ By reducing the pressure of
the liquid helium he
achieved a temperature
near 1.5 K. Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
´ These were the coldest (1853 – 1926)
temperatures achieved on
earth at the time. Nobel Prize in
Physics 1913
However, the most important
contribution of Onnes is the
discovery of superconductivity:
the “resistivity” of some metal
decrease abruptly to zero
below certain “crtical
With our far-reaching
ignorance of the quantum
mechanics of composite
systems we are very far
from being able to
compose a theory out of
these vague ideas ...

---Albert Einstein, 1922 Albert Einstein

(1879 – 1955)
Nobel Prize in
Physics 1921
the Drude theory
of conductivity

´ In 1900 German physicist

Paul Drude derived a model
of conductivity ”Drude

Paul Karl Ludwig Drude

(1863 – 1906)
the Drude theory
of conductivity
´ Electrons (blue)
constantly bounce
between heavier,
stationary crystal
ions (red)
´ Key parameter:
mean-free time
✓ 2

nq ⌧
J= E

´ This model also gives

a semi-quatitative
explanation of the
Ohm’s law
the Pauli exclusion principle

´ In 1924 Wolfgang
Pauli introduced a "two-
valued quantum degree of
freedom" associated with
the electrons (later
recognized to be “spins”)
´ He has also formulated
the Pauli exclusion principle,
stating that no two electrons
can share the Wolfgang Ernst Pauli
same quantum state at the
(1900 – 1958)
same time.
Nobel Prize in
Physics 1945
Pauli Paramagnetism

´ Pauli recognized that the

free electrons in metal
should not be regarded
as ideal gas, but should
rather obey
“Fermi-Dirac statistics”.
´ Using this idea he coined
an explanation of
´ Application of an external magnetic field increases
the density of electrons with spins parallel with the
field and lowers the density of the electrons with
opposite spin.

´ Crystal: a solid material

whose constituents are
arranged orderly, forming
a lattice.

single crystal: Polycrystal: Amorphous solid

atoms in a near- many (e.g. glass): no
perfect periodic microscopic periodic
arrangement crystals arrangement
("crystallites" or even
"grains”) microscopically.
Periodic structures
Classification of

´ In 1848 French physicist

Bravais showed that in 3D
there are only 14 possible
´ Bravais lattice: an infinite
array of discrete points with
identical environment
´ Lattices are characterized
by translation symmetry Auguste Bravais
(1811 – 1863)
2D Bravais
3D Bravais
´Bravias along with
other scientists
created the field of
´International Tables
of Crystallography
was first published in
The Bloch wave

´ In 1928, Swiss
physicist Felix Bloch
provided a wave
function solution to
the Schrödinger
equation with
a periodic potential,
called the Bloch wave
Felix Bloch
(1905 – 1983)
Nobel Prize in
Physics 1952
Visualization of Bloch waves
The Brillouin zones

´ In 1930, French physicist

Brillouin introduced the
concept of ”Brillouin
´ The ”Brillouin zones” are
closely related to the
Fourier transform of the
Bravais lattice (the
“reciprocal lattice”) Léon Nicolas Brillouin
The Brillouin zones

First Brillouin zone of FCC lattice, a truncated

first Brillouin zones of (a) square
lattice and (b) hexagonal lattice
The Brillouin zones

Brillouin-zone construction SADP of a

by selected area diffraction, using single austenite crystal in a
300 keV electrons. piece of steel
The band theory for solids

´ A single atom has discrete energy levels

´ If N same atoms are joined together, the Pauli principle dictates that
each orbital split into N.
´ Since there are so many with similar energy, they are continuous
instead of discrete, forming bands.
The band theory for solids

´ Outermost electrons forms the conduction band,

responsible for conductrivity
´ Band gap: energy ranges without coverage from any
energy levels
Filling of bands
1930s: the first band structure calculation

Douglas R. Hartree Vladimir Fock John C. Slater

(1897–1958) (1898–1974) (1900–1976)
1960s: the Density Functional Theory

Pierre Hohenberg Walter Kohn Lu Jeu Sham

(1934–2017) (1923–2016) 沈呂九
Nobel Prize in
Chemistry 1998
Typical calculated band structures
Typical calculated band structures
1947: the first semiconductor-based

William B. Shockley John Bardeen Walter H. Brattain

(1910–1989) (1908–1991) (1902–1987)
Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in
Physics 1956 Physics 1956 Physics 1956
The first transistor, invented at Bell Laboratories on
December 16, 1947
The invention of a transistor is a
historic moment: it later made
possible the integrated circuit
and microprocessor that are the
basis of modern electronics.
We have learned something
about the “band theory”.

DFT remains the workhorse of

theoretical condensed
matter physics today.

Now we turn to another

topic. Let us travel back to
Discovery of the Hall
´ In 1879, Edwin Herbert
Hall discovered a voltage
across conductors transverse
to an electric current in the
conductor and magnetic
field perpendicular to the
´ This phenomenon arises due
to the nature of charge
carriers in the conductor is Edwin Herbert Hall
called the Hall effect. (1855–1938)
´ Electrons first follow the curved arrow.
´ They then pile up on the left side and deplete from the
right side, which creates an electric field.
´ In steady-state, the field is strong enough to exactly
cancel out the magnetic force, thus the electrons follow
the straight arrow.
1980: Quantum Hall
´ The quantum Hall
effect was discovered
by Klaus von Klitzing in
1980 when he observed
the Hall conductance
to be integer multiples of
a fundamental
constant e2/h;
´ RK=h/e2= Klaus von Klitzing
25812.807557(18) Ω is
called the von Klitzing
constant Nobel Prize in
Physics 1985
The (integer) quantum Hall effect
2 1 h
xy =⌫ ⇢xy =
h ⌫ e2
The International Prototype Kilogram was commissioned by the General
Conference on Weights and Measures (CGPM) under the authority of
the Metre Convention (1875), and in the custody of the International
Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) who hold it on behalf of the
CGPM. After the International Prototype Kilogram had been found to vary
in mass over time relative to its reproductions, the International Committee
for Weights and Measures (CIPM) recommended in 2005 that the kilogram
be redefined in terms of a fundamental constant of nature. At its
2011 meeting, the CGPM agreed in principle that the kilogram should be
redefined in terms of the Planck constant, h. The decision was originally
deferred until 2014; in 2014 it was deferred again until the next
meeting. CIPM has proposed revised definitions of the SI base units, for
consideration at the 26th CGPM.
The International Committee for Weights and Measures (CIPM)
approved a redefinition of the SI base units in November 2018 that
defines the kilogram by defining the Planck constant to be
exactly 6.62607015×10−34 kg⋅m2⋅s−1, effectively defining the kilogram
in terms of the second and the metre. The new definition took effect on
20 May 2019.
Landau Levels
´ In 2D, classical electrons
follow circular cyclotron
orbits when subjected to a
magnetic field.
´ Quantum mechanically,
these orbits are quantized.
The energy levels of
these quantized orbitals
take on discrete values:

✓ ◆
En = ~!c n+
, !c =
qB Lev Davidovich Landau
2 mc (1908–1968)
´ These orbitals are known
Nobel Prize in
as Landau levels (1930).
Physics 1962
Understanding the integer quantum Hall
effect based on Landau levels
1982-1983: Discovery (and partial
explanation) of the fractional quantum Hall

Robert B. Laughlin Horst L. Störmer Daniel Chee Tsui

(1950–) (1949–)
Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in
Physics 1998 Physics 1998 Physics 1998
The FQHE unveiled a new chapter of
condensed matter physics.

It shows the limit of many exisiting

theories. FQH states represent new states
of matter that contain a completely new
kind of order—topological order.

Topics arising from the FQHE,

e.g. quantum phases and quantum
phase transitions, fractional
charge, fractional statistics, non-Abelian
statistics, etc. are actively being studied
2004: Discovery of graphene

´ In 2004,
Geim and
a two-
crystal of
pure carbon Andre K. Geim Konstantin S. Novoselov
(1958–) (1974–)
Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in
Physics 2010 Physics 2010
What is graphene?

´ Graphene: a single
layer of carbon
atoms that are
bonded together
in a repeating
pattern of
Graphene: the miracle material
Observation of quantum Hall effect
in graphene
´ Kim and collaborators have
done a lot of experimental
work on graphene, including
observation of the quantum
Hall effect.

Philip Kim
Potential applications

´Solar cells
We have now completed the tour
of quantum Hall effect and

Now let us pick up where we left

off, at the story of
1965: the BCS theory of superconductivity

John Bardeen Leon N. Cooper John R. Schrieffer

(1908–1991) (1930–) (1931-2019)

Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in

Physics 1972 Physics 1972 Physics 1972
John Bardeen: the only person to have won
Nobel Prize in Physics twice

Nobel Prize portray (1956) Nobel Prize portray (1972)

“The idea of paired electrons, though not fully

accurate, captures the sense of it.”
1986: Discovery of high-temperature

J. Georg Bednorz K. Alexander Müller

(1950–) (1927–2023)
Nobel Prize in Nobel Prize in
Physics 1987 Physics 1987
1987: Discovery of YBCO superconductors
Tc raised above 100K

Zhongxian Zhao Paul Ching-wu Chu Maw-Kuen Wu

赵忠贤 朱经武 吴茂昆
(1941–) (1941–) (1949–)
技术奖 (2016)
the CuO2 plane
It turns out that the key to the
superconductivity is the “strong” electron-
electron correlations on the CuO2 plane

This has ignited the development of a

field called “strongly-correlated electron

A satisfactory theoretical description of

high-temperature superconductors
remains unknown and the field of strongly
correlated systems continues to be an
active research topic.
2006: Discovery of iron-based

Hideo Hosono Yoichi Kamihara

細野秀雄 神原陽一
(1953–) (?–)
Chinese condensed matter physicists
made great contributions to the
development of iron-based

Xianhui Chen Zhongxian Zhao

陈仙辉 赵忠贤
(1963–) (1941–)
The iron-based superconductors offer
scientists some hints on the microscopic
mechanism of superconductivity.

Nevertheless, they have probably

created more questions than answers.

The study of the electronic properties (in

particular the strong correlations) in the
iron-based superconductors is an active
research field today.
Potential applications of superconductors

´Maglev train
´hjgh magnetic
By now we have gotten some feeling
about the main topics of condensed
matter physics

But what are other active research

directions today?

Probably the easiest way is to look at the

recent awardees of the Nobel prize in
2001 Nobel Prize in Physics

Eric A. Cornell Wolfgang Ketterle Carl E. Wieman

(1961–) (1957–) (1951–)
"for the achievement of Bose-Einstein condensation in
dilute gases of alkali atoms, and for early fundamental
studies of the properties of the condensates"
“Cold Atoms”
Velocity-distribution data for a gas
of rubidium atoms, confirming the discovery
of a new phase of matter, the Bose–Einstein
condensate. Left: just before the appearance
of a Bose–Einstein condensate. Center:
just after the appearance of
the condensate. Right: after further
evaporation, leaving a sample of nearly pure
2003 Nobel Prize in Physics

Alexei A. Abrikosov Vitaly L. Ginzburg Anthony J. Leggett

(1928–2017) (1916-2009) (1938–)

"for pioneering contributions to the theory of

superconductors and superfluids"
2007 Nobel Prize in Physics

Albert Fert Peter Grünberg

(1938–) (1939-2018)
"for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance"
2009 Nobel Prize in Physics

Charles Kuen Kao Willard S. Boyle George E. Smith

高錕 (1924-2011) (1930–)
one half awarded to Charles Kuen Kao "for groundbreaking achievements
concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication", the
other half jointly to Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith "for the invention of
an imaging semiconductor circuit - the CCD sensor".
2010 Nobel Prize in Physics

Andre Geim Konstantin Novoselov

(1958–) (1974-)
"for groundbreaking experiments regarding the
two-dimensional material graphene"
2012 Nobel Prize in Physics

Serge Haroche David J. Wineland

(1944–) (1944-)
"for ground-breaking experimental methods that
enable measuring and manipulation of individual
quantum systems"
2014 Nobel Prize in Physics

Isamu Akasaki Hiroshi Amano Shuji Nakamura

⾚崎 勇 天野 浩 中村 修⼆
(1929–2021) (1960-) (1954–)
"for the invention of efficient blue light-emitting diodes
which has enabled bright and energy-saving white
light sources"
2016 Nobel Prize in Physics

F. Duncan M. J. Michael Kosterlitz

David J. Thouless
Haldane (1943–)
"for theoretical discoveries of topological phase
transitions and topological phases of matter"
2022 Nobel Prize in Physics

Alain Aspect John F. Clauser Anton Zeilinger

(1947–) (1942–) (1945–)
“for experiments with entangled photons, establishing
the violation of Bell inequalities and pioneering
quantum information science”
Since 2001, about half of the
Nobel prizes in physics have been
awarded to condensed matter

More than one third of all

physicists identify themselves as
condensed matter physicists

Probably, every single aspect of

your life is, in one way or another,
related to the principles of
condensed matter physics
So why the name “Condensed Matter
Philip W. Anderson (1923-2020)
Nobel Prize in
Physics 1977
So why the name “Condensed Matter

´ There are so many ”condensed phases”:

´ Solids
´ Liquids
´ Superconducting phases
´ Ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases
´ Bose-Einstein condensates
´ topological phases
´ ...

´ Condensed matter physics is so interdisciplinary:

´ overlaps with chemistry, materials science, and nanotechnology
´ relates closely to atomic physics and biophysics
´ shares important theoretical concepts and methods with particle
physics and nuclear physics
So why the name “Condensed Matter

´ Also, during the Cold War between 1960s and 1970s, it

is more important than ever for scientists to unite rather
than divide
´ The name “Condensed Matter Physics” reflects the
gigantically broad spectra of its research objects,
methodologies and applications
Nobel Prize in
Literature 1953

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