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1. A line that light travels in is called a ___________.

a. Line
b. Ray
c. Light
d. spell
2. Tinted glass is a _____________ material.
a. Opaque
b. Translucent
c. Transparent
d. None
3. __________________ is an opaque object.
a. wooden block
b. plastic wrap
c. clear glass
d. tinted glass
4. What is light?
a. clear or easy to see through
b. to put forth or send out
c. a type of energy that makes things visible
d. a transparent crystal used to separate light
5. What is a shadow?
a. to form or reproduce an image by mirroring it
b. transparent material for focusing light
c. a type of energy that makes things visible
d. a dark unlit shape caused by blocked light
6. The loudness or softness of sound is called...
a. frequency
b. volume
c. pitch
d. decibels
7. Sound travels fastest in...
a. solids
b. liquids
c. gases
d. air
8. Sound travels in...
a. straight lines
b. circles
c. waves
d. none of the above
9. Sound is produced by...
a. rays
b. yelling
c. vibrations
d. transformations
10. Electricity that flows in a closed path is called a
a. path
b. current
c. circuit
11. The flow of electricity in a circuit-
a. current
b. flow
c. circuit
12. ____________ allows electricity to flow.
a. A conductor
b. An insulator
c. A magnet
13. The plastic around the wire is
a. conductor
b. insulator
c. decoration
14. Which of these is not an example of precipitation?
a. rain
b. clouds
c. sleet
d. snow
15. What is the water cycle?
a. the 3 forms of water
b. the movement of water on, above, or below the surface of the Earth
c. when water melts
d. when clouds form
16. The breakdown of rock into smaller particles from the effects of wind, water and ice
a. erosion
b. cementation
c. pressure
d. weathering
17. Wind, water, ice and gravity carry sediments away
a. weathering
b. deposition
c. erosion
d. cementation
18. An instrument that detects and measures earthquakes is a
a. seismogram
b. focus seismic map
c. focus
d. seismograph
19. Earthquakes under the water can cause _________________________________.
a. tornadoes
b. tsunamis
c. lightening
d. hailstorms
20. Which soil has high nutrient content?
a. clayey soil
b. sandy soil
c. silty soil
d. loamy soil
21. Which soil has the lowest water holding capacity?
a. clayey soil
b. sand soil
c. loamy soil
d. None of the above
22. _____ is the location on earth’s surface directly above the focus.
a. Faults
b. Focus
c. Epicenter
d. Earthquake
23. What should you do during the earthquake happen?
a. Hold, cover and hold
b. Apply first aid
c. Go to the neighbor’s house and talking eith them
d. Secure tall heavy furniture which could topple
24. ____ is the god of fire in Roman mythology from whom the name volcano was derived
a. Bulkano
b. Volca
c. Vulno
d. Vulcan
25. ______ are volcanoes that have bowl-shape summit and steep sides.
a. Active volcanoes
b. Shield volcano
c. Cinder cane volcano
d. Composite volcano
26. which of the following does not flow out of a volcano during eruption ?
a. Lava
b. Magma
c. Lahar
d. Pyroclastic flow
27. ____ volcanoes are volcanoes that have erupted in the last 10.000 years and there is
possibility that it may erupt soon.
a. Dormant
b. Active
c. Extinct
d. Shield
28. What dark, jelly-like substance bind the soil together and improves the soil texture?
a. Humus
b. Top soil
c. Rock
d. Organic matter
29. Which the following terms mean erotion of land caused by wind ?
a. Abrasion
b. Deflation
c. Weathering
d. None of the above
30. Which tof the following types of weathering happens when the composition of rocks
changes as they break down?
a. Chemical weathering
b. Physical weathering
c. Biological weathering
d. None of the above


1. What are examples of transparent, translucent and opaque objects?

2. earthquakes can cause .....
3. What should you do before the earthquake happen?
4. what are the 3 types of soil?
5. An opening on the surface of a planet or moon that extand down a pool of magma
between the crust and the mantel. Its called ....
6. A ______ volcano is one that has not erupted in last 10.000 years but muy still erupt in
the future.
7. There are two major sources of water. They are _________ and _______
8. Examples of conductor and insulator of electrical are .....
9. A form of energy that travels in the form of wave and is produces when objects vibrate is
10. A form of energy that result from the flow of electric charge is ________
11. The topmost layer of soil is ____
12. An examples of surface water is ______
13. A form of energy that enable us to see things its called _________
14. _____ energy can be derived from the hot spring and water source near volcanoes.
15. _______ weathering is the breaking down of rocks without changing its composition
16. _______weathering of rocks caused by living organisms
17. a form of energy that is produced by vibration is _________
18. Sound can travel through ________
19. Sound cannot travel through ________
20. What are physical agents of weathering?

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