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Total No. of Questions: 4] SEAT No.

Total No. of Pages : 01
SE/In-semester April-2022
S.E. (Computer) (Semester - IV)
(2019 Pattern)
Time :1 hour]
[Max. Marks :30
Instructions to the candidates:
1) Answer Q.1 or Q.2, Q.3 or Q.4
2) Figures to the right side indicates full mark
3) Draw neat diagram wherever necessary.
4) Assume suitable data, if necessary.

Q1) a) Explain Operating modes of 80386 DX. [5] CO1

b) Explain following instructions: i) SLDT ii) LEA iii) OUT iv)CMP v) [5] CO1
c) Explain shift & rotate instructions of 80386DX [5] CO1
Q2) a) What is difference between interrupt & exception? Explain any four [5] CO1
exceptions supported by 80386DX.
b) Explain following instructions: i) DAA ii) BSR iii) DIV & IDIV [5] CO1
iv)CMP v) IMUL & MUL
c) Explain any six data movement instructions of 80386DX. [5] CO1

Q3) a) Explain in detail control registers of 80386DX [5] CO2

b) Draw & explain test registers of 80386DX. [5] CO2
c) Explain HOLD,HLDA and LOCK# signals of 80386DX [5] CO2
Q4) a) Draw & explain flag register of 80386DX [5] CO2
b) How many debug registers are present in 80386DX? List & draw all [5] CO2
of them.
c) Draw & explain read cycle with non-pipelined address timing [5] CO2

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