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Strategic Report on Program

Executive Summary: The Program, led by the Institute for aims to address water, sanitation, and hygiene
(WASH) challenges in Bangladesh. This strategic report outlines key initiatives, challenges, and
opportunities to enhance the program's impact and sustainability.

I. Program Overview: The Program focuses on providing financial support for WASH infrastructure
projects through. It aims to improve access to clean water and sanitation facilities, promoting health and
well-being in underserved communities.

II. Program Objectives:

1. Increase WASH Loan Disbursement: Enhance loan disbursement by strategically partnering with
MFIs and streamlining loan approval processes.
2. Improve Technical Expertise: Address the lack of technical skills among field staff by providing
training and support for effective project implementation.
3. Enhance Awareness and Adoption: Develop targeted awareness campaigns to promote the
adoption of WASH initiatives, emphasizing their importance and benefits.
4. Ensure Financial Stability: Strengthen financial mechanisms to ensure the sustained availability
of funds for WASH projects.

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