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Error messages should be expressed in plain language (no codes), the problem should be

specified precisely and a solution suggested constructively.

Select one:
a. User control and freedom
b. Visibility of system status
c. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
d. Error prevention


Your answer is correct.

Users often mistakenly choose system functions and need a clearly marked "emergency
exit" to leave the undesirable state without having to go through an extended dialog.
Support undo and redo.

Select one:
a. User control and freedom
b. Match between system and the real world
c. Consistency and standards
d. Help and documentation


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The program will speak the language of the users, with user-familiar expressions, phrases,
and concepts rather than system-oriented terminology.

Select one:
a. Match between system and the real world
b. Help and documentation
c. Visibility of system status
d. Aesthetics and minimalist design


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Paper and pen-based sketches used for prototyping signify which of the following?
Select one:
a. Rapid prototyping
b. Low-fidelity prototyping
c. High-fidelity prototyping
d. Low-resolution prototyping


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You cannot use inspections to test specifications, mockups, functional prototypes, or

Select one:

Users shouldn't be wondering whether specific words, circumstances or acts mean the same
thing. Employ conventions on website.

Select one:
a. Help and documentation
b. Match between system and the real world
c. Consistency and standards
d. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors


Your answer is correct.

Basic activities in Interactive design EXCEPT

Select one:
a. Building interactive versions of the designs
b. Testing the prototype
c. Identifying needs and establishing requirements
d. Evaluating designs


Your answer is incorrect.

Accelerators — unknown by the novice user — can often speed up the professional user
interaction so the device can work for both new and seasoned users. Allow users to
tailor frequent actions.

Select one:
a. Flexibility and efficiency of use
b. Recognition rather than recall
c. Consistency and standards
d. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors


Your answer is correct.

Interaction design concerned with

Select one:
a. Making something cool and interesting
b. Conversation back and forth
c. Machines with interactive systems
d. Person in front of the screen


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Sense Cam is a wearable tool that takes photographs intermittently when worn without any
user interference

Select one:

Walkthroughs are focused so they are suitable to assess small parts of a product.

Select one:

Fitts' law is useful in evaluating structures for which it is not possible to locate an item

Select one:

Dialogs should not contain irrelevant or rarely needed information. Each extra information
unit in a dialog competes with the related information units and diminishes their relative

Select one:
a. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors.
b. Help and documentation
c. Aesthetics and minimalist design
d. Match between system and the real world


Your answer is incorrect.

It requires more effort and resources to incorporate user feedback during high-fidelity

Select one:

You want to test the intuitiveness of the functionality of the application. For this task, you
will use:

Select one:
a. Low fidelity prototypes
b. High fidelity prototypes
c. Waterfall prototypes


Your answer is correct.

Designer introduces an element of the Design & Use scenarios in a cognitive walkthrough.

Select one:
It is easier to incorporate user feedback during low-fidelity prototyping compared to high-
fidelity prototyping

Select one:

A careful design is even better than good error messages which prevents a problem from
occurring in the first place. Either delete or test for error-prone conditions, and offer a
validation choice to users before committing to the operation.

Select one:
a. Recognition rather than recall
b. Flexibility and efficiency of use
c. Error prevention


Your answer is correct.

All answers below is benefits of interface design from design rationale, except

Select one:
a. organizes potentially large design space
b. communication throughout life cycle
c. not accurately or completely capture the rationale
d. presents arguments for design trade-offs


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Which one of these would NOT be found in a good HCI?

Select one:
a. Common short cuts, like CTRL+Z for undo.
b. Icons that can have specific meanings.
c. Sounds that convey meanings

d. A long command line to achieve a function


Your answer is correct.

Visibility is what operations and manipulation can be performed on a given entity

Select one:

Fidelity can be in terms of one or some or all of the following areas:

Select one or more:

a. Visuals
b. Interactivity
c. Efficiency
d. Content and Commands:


Your answer is correct.

The program will also keep users updated in a reasonable time about what's happening
through correct feedback.

Select one:
a. Error prevention
b. Visibility of system status
c. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors
d. Consistency and standards


Your answer is correct.

Minimize the memory load of the user, by having visible objects, behaviors and choices.
The user should not need to remember data from one part of the dialog to another.
Instructions for using the program should be accessible or easily retrievable where

Select one:
a. Recognition rather than recall
b. Error prevention
c. Visibility of system status
d. Match between system and the real world


Your answer is correct.

Fidelity can be considered as the

Select one:
a. how complete the prototype is
b. how close the prototype to the final product
c. level of detail and the functionality that the prototype has.
d. does the prototype work correctly


Your answer is incorrect.

Low-fidelity prototyping requires more precision than high-fidelity prototyping because that
is when the major structure of the application is being designed

Select one:

While it's best if the program can be used without documentation, support and
documentation may need to be provided.

Select one:
a. Match between system and the real world
b. Recognition rather than recall
c. Help and documentation
d. Consistency and standards


Your answer is correct.

Predictive models, offer a way to test goods or prototypes without affecting the users

Select one:

Fitt’s law predicts that pointing to an object using a tool is a function of the distance from
the object and the size of the object.

Select one:

Speech-recognition systems allow users to communicate using spoken commands

Select one:

For user testing on your low fidelity prototypes, you will:

Select one:
a. Give a brief overview of your ideas and then let them explore/figure out your design
b. Antagonize the user if they are unable to figure out your design
c. Give them an in depth explanation of the product so that they know everything before
looking at your design
d. All of the given


Your answer is incorrect.

Expert is told of the assumptions regarding consumer population, sense of usage, task
specifics in heuristic evaluation.

Select one:

The prototyping phase follows after which of the following steps?

Select one:
a. None of the given
b. Building the application
c. Evaluation
d. Understanding users needs


Your answer is correct.

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