The Tatler June 07-June 09, 1709 Vol 1 Iss 26 Sir Richard Steele

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the TA TLER..

By Ifaac Bi cherjtaff
Quicquid agunt Homines noftri Farrago Libelli.
Luin, 26

From Tuefday June 7. to Thurfday June 9. 1709.

_ From my own Apartment, Fune 8. : particular afi for them. I cannot af ly my felf better
than 16 you, and I'm fare I pat he hte a pa
HAVE tread the filewting Letter with great Number as deferving as my felf.
Delight and Approbation, and Ihereby order
Mr. Kidney at St. Fames’s, and Sit Thomas at The Pretenfions. of this Correfpondent are wor-
White's, (who are my Clerks for enrolling thy .a particular Diftinction : He cannot indeed be
~ all, Men in their diftant Claffes; before they admitted asia Pretty, but is, what we more juftly.
prefume to drink Tea or Chocolate in thofe Places) call,a Smart Fellow. Never to pay at the Playhoute
to take Care, that the Perfons within the Defcrip- Act of Frugality: That-Jets you..into-his
tions in the Letter be admitted, and excluded Character. And his Expedient in fending his Chil-
according to my Friend’s Remontftrazice: ” dren a begging before they can go, are Characterifti-
cal Inftances that; hebelongs to this.Clafs. I never
To aac Bickerftaff Efq; at Mr. Morpbew'snear’ faw the Gentleman ; but Iknow by his Letter, he
Stationers-Hall. . ties his Cane at his, Button; and by fome. Lines of
2sbseome so paioeté Shoes ; page are ef-
SIR, June 6. 1709 ential Pasts of - it belonging to the Order
of Smart Fellows, in
OUR Paper ofSaturday has rais'd up in mea
y noble Emulation, to be pie in the foremoft Rank My Familiar is return’ with the following Let-
of Worthies therein mention’d ; and if any — bebad ter from the Fresch King.
to Merit or Indujtry, I may hope to facceed in the Pro-
motion, for 1 have omitted no oil orExpence to be a Verfailles, Fune 13. 1709,
Profictent ;and if my Friends do — me, they af-
fure me, I have not loft my Time (nce I came to Town. Lewes the Fourteenth, to Iaac Bickerftaff Ef;
To enumerate but afew Particulars; There's hardly a
Coachman I meet with, but defires. to be excus'd taking STR,
os me, becaufe he has had me before. Ihave compounded Have your Epifile, and muft rake the Liberty to
Two or Three Rapes; and let out to Hire as many Ba- I Say, That there has been a Time, when tes
frards to Beggars. I never faw above the Firft dit of were Generous. Spirits in Great Britain, »ho
x Play: And as to my Courage, it is well known, I have would not have fuffer'd my Name to be treated with the
more than once had fufficient Witneffes of my drawing my Familiarity you think fit 10 ufe. I thought Liberal Men
Sword both in Tavern and Playhoufe, Dr, Wall is my would not be Such Time-fervers, as to fall upon a Man
particular Friend ; and if it were any Service tot becanfe his Friends are not in Power, But having fome
Publick to compofe the Difference between Martin and Concern for what you may tranfmit to Pofterity concerning
Sintilaer the Pearl-driller, I don’t know a Fudge of more me, I am willing to keep Terms with you, and make 4
Experience than my felj: In that I may Jay with the Requeft to you, which is, That you would give my Service
Poet 3 to the Nineteenth'Cemury, if ever you or yours reach to
em, and tell “em,.That I have fettled all Matters bee
Quz Regio in Villa noftri non plena Laboris ? tneen them and me by Monfient Boileau. I fhould be
glad to fee you ere,
1 omit other leffir Particulars, the neceffary Confe-
quences 4greater Attions, But my Reafon for troubling _ very odd this Prince fhould offer to invite
you at this prefent is, to put a Stop, if it may be, to am me into his Dominions, or believe I thould accept
infinuating, increafing Set of People, who fticking to the the Invitation. No, no, I remeriber too well how
Letter, of your Treatife, and not to the Spirit i it, do he ferved an ingenious Gentleman, a Friend’ of
affume the Name of Pretty Fellows ;nay, and even get mine, whom he lock’d up in. the Bafile, for no
new Names, as you very well hint, Some of them I Reafon in the World, but becaufe he was a
have heard calling to one another as I have fat at Wit, and fear’d he might mention him with
White's and St. James's, by the Names of, Betty, Juftice in fome of his Writings. His Way is, that
Nelly, and fo forth. You Jee them accoft each other all Men of Senfe are prefer'd, banifh’d, or impri-
with effeminate Airs: They have their Signs and fon’d. He bysindeed a Sort of Juftice in him, like
Tokens like Free-Mafons : They rail at Womenkind ; re- that of the Gametters ;ifaStander by fees one at
ceive Vifits on their Beds in Gowns, and do a Thonfand ie he has a Right to come in for Shares,
other unintelligible Prettineffes that I cannot tell what for knowing the Myfteries of the Game. This is a
10 make of. Itherefore heartily defire you would exclude very wife and juft Maxim; and if I have not left
all this Sort of Animals. at Mr. Morphen’s, directed to me, Bank Bills for 200/.
There is another Matter I am forefecing an ill Confe- on or before this Day Sevenight, I fhall tell how
quence from, and which may be timely prevented by Pru- Tom Cafh got his Eftate. 1 expect Three Hundred
dence ;which is, that for the lat Fortnight, there have Pounds of Mr. Soilett, for concealing all the Meney
been prodigious Shoals of Volunteers gone over to bully he has lent to himfelf, and his Landed Friend bound
the French, upon hearing the Peace was juft figning ; with him, at Thirty per Cent, at his Scrivener's,
and this is fo true, that I can affure you, all Ingroffing Abfolute Princes make People pay what they pleafe
Work about the Temple is rifen above 3 s, in the Pound in Deference totheir Power: I donot know whyI
for want of Hands, Now as-tis poffible, fome little Al- fhould not do the fame, out of Fear or Refpect to
teration of Affairs may have broken their Meafures, and my Knowledge. I always preferve Decorums and
that they will poft back again, I am under the laf A Civilities to the Fair Sex.; therefore if a certain La-
rebenfion, that thefe will, at their Return, all fee ap for dy, who left her Coach at the New-Exchange Déor
Prenry Fellows, and thereby confound all Merit. and in the Strand, and whip'd down Durham-Yard into
Service, and impofe on us fome new Alteration in our a Boat witha young Gentleman for Fox-hall ; 1 fay,
Nighteap-Wigs and Pockets, unlefs you can provide 4 if the will fend me Word, that I may give the i
which the drop'd; and Ifound, to my Sifter Fenn}, Mankind which stiutt be led into Reflection by De-
- there fhall be no more {aid of 1t. a uth- grees, and you muft treat this Cultom with Hu-
Money to be regularly fent for every Folly or Vice mour 4nd Raillery to get an Audience, before you
, any one commits in this whole Town ; and hope, cone to pronounce Sentence upon it. There is
I may pretend to deferve it betier than a Chambet- Fouridation enough for raifing fuch Entertainments
Maid, or Valet de Chambre: They only whifper it from the Praétice on this Occafion. Don’t you
to the little Set of their Companions; but I can know, that ofteit a Man is call’d out of Bed to
tell it to all Men living, or who are to live. There- follow implicitly a Coxcomb (with whom he
fore I defire all my Readers to pay their Fines, or would not keep Company on any other Occafion )
mend their Lives. | , to Ruin and Death: Then a good Lift of fuch as
White’s Chocolate-houfe, Fune 8. are qualified by the Laws of thefe uncourteous
My Familiar being come from Fraace, with an Men of Pepe to enter into Combat, which are
Antwer to my Letter to Lewis of that Kingdom, in- often Perfons of Honour without common Honelly.
flead of going on ina Difcourfe of what he had Thefe, I fay, rang’d and drawn up in their proper
{een in that Court, he put of the itnitediate Con- Order, would give an Avérfion to doing any
cern of a Guardian, and fell to enquiring into my Thing in common with fuch as Men laugh at and
Thoughts and Adventures finee his Joutney.. As contemn. But to go through this Work, PNo mutt
fhort as his Stay had been, 1 confeis'd had had ma- not let your Thoights vary, or hake Excurfions
ny many Oceafions
for his Afiftance in my Con- from your Theme: Confider at the fame Time, that
duct ;but communicated to him my Thoughts of the Matter has been often treated by the ablett and
putting all my Force againftthe hornd and fenfe- gteateft Writers; yet that muit not difencourage
lefs Cuftom of Ditels. If it were poffible, — you ;for the propereit Perfon to handle it, is one
to lugh at Thittgs in themfelves fo deeply. Tragica — has rov'd into = prance, and pal
as the impertinent Profufién of Human Life, I ve Opportunities (which Iihall give you
think F could divert you with2Figure I faw jult feeing thefe Sort of Men in their Pleafures nd Cr
after 7 Death, when the Philofépher threw me, . tifications; among which, they pretend to reckon
as I told you foitie Days as, into the Pail of Wa~- Fighting. It was pleafantly cnough faid of a Bul-
ter. You ate t6 Know, That wher Men leave the 1 in France, when Duels firlt began to be punifh’d :
Body, tliere are Recéptacles for ‘eri afloon as they The King has taken away Gaining, aud Stage-play-
depart, a¢cétding to theManrier it which they liv’d ing, and now Fighting too; How does he expect
and died. At the very Inftant that1 was kiltd, Gentlemen {hall divert themfelves?
there came away with tiie a Spitit whichhad loft its
Body in a Duel. We were both examitid. Meé, the Ertata, Jn onr laf, Col. 1. Lin. 17. for Chimera
whole Affembly look’d at with Kindnefs and Pity, call'd Grotindlefs, read, Chimerical Groundleis.
but #t the fame Time with ani Ait of Welcome, afid Whereas feveral Gentlemen have defir'd this Paper,
Confolation: They pronouric’d-me very happy,who
had dy'd in Innocence; and told me, a quite diffe- with a blank Leaf to write Bufinefs on, and forthe Con-
rent Place was alotted to tne, than that which was venience of the Pof ;This is’ to give Notice, that this
appointed for my Companion ; there being a great Day, and for the fusure, it may be had of Mr. Mors
Dritance trom the Manfions of Fools and Innocents: near Stationers-Hall.
Tho’ at the fame Time, faid one of the Ghofts, there
isa great Affinity between an Idiot who has been Advertifements.
fo 5 long Life, and a Child who depasts before A Large convenient Houfe, with Out-houfes and Stables,
Maturity. But this Gentleman who has arriv’d with @ very finé Garden, with a Wildetnefs, fine Greens, and a
you isa Fool of his own making, is ignorant out Green Houfe, and Canals, fupply’d’ from a famous Trout Ri-
very the late Seat of Richard Garth Efg; at Motrdon in Surry,
of Choice, and will fare accordingly. The Affembly 7 Miles from Londen,on thé Road to Epiom. All to be letfrom
began to flock about, and one {aid to him, Sir, 1 ob- Midfummer next, with fome Furniture and Neceffaries, and a-
ferv'd you came into the Gate of Perfons murder’d, — 20 Acres ot Meadow Land. Enquire of Mr. Stone in Great
and I defire to know, What brought you to your T_ Parfon’s Green, near Fulham in Middlefex, three Miles
untimely End? He fatd, He had been a Second. A from London, in a very good Air, and pleafantly firua-
Socrates, who may be faid to have been murder'd ted, afé co beler; Two new Brick Houfes, the One with 3, the
by .the Commonwealth of Athens, ttood by, Other with 4 Rooms ona Floor, neatly finifhed, with Court .
Yards, and Gardens well planted, and with or without a Coach-
and began to draw near him, in order, after houfe and Stable. Enquire at the Houfe next adjoining.
his Manner, to lead him into a Senfe of his *,* The Uiftory of Addrefles. Diu multumque defideratum. By
a Gentleman nearly rey 4to the Author ot the Tale of a Tub.
Error by Conceffioris in his own Difcourfe. Sir, Sold by the Bookfellérs of London and Weftminfter.
faid that Divine and Amicable ‘Spirit, What Juft Publith'd,
was the Quarrel? He anfwer'd, We thall know e*» Secret Memoirs and Mannersot feveral Perfonsof Quality
very fuddenly, when the Principal in the Bu- of bot Sexes, from the New Atalantis, an Ifland in the Medi-
terrancan, Written originally in Italian. Printed for J. Morpbew
fiiefs comes , for he was defperately wounded near Stationers-Hall, ani } Woodward, in St. Chriftopher’s
Before I fell. Sit, faid the Sage, Had you ani Eftate? Churchyard in Thread-ncedie-ftreet. Price 3 8.
Yes, Sir, the new Gueft anfwer'd, 1have left it *,’ Yefterday was Publith’d, for the Month of May,
in a very good Condition ; Iimade my Will the Atlas Geo rap us: Or, a compleat Syitem of Geography, An-
Night before this Océafion. Did you read it before cient and fi. ern; with Two hundred new Maps and Cuts. This
you fign’d. Yes fure, Sir, faid the new Comier, 13th Month finifhes the Circle of Franc:nia, contains thofe of
puginty Upper and Lower Rhine, and Weitphalia, Haffia,
Socrates replies, Could a Man that would riot give pper and Lower; Elcctorates of Mentz, Treves, and Cologne,
his Eftate without reading the Inftrument, difpofe Part of thé Rhine, Dominions of the Houfe of Naflau, of
of his Life without asking a Queftion? That il- Deux Ponts, Lorrain, Juliers, &c. With TwoMaps. The nexe
luftrious Shade tarn’d from him, and a Crowd of Month will rake in the Netherlands. Printed + J. Nutt in
the Savoy ; and Sold by B. Barker, C. King B. Tooke, W.Tay- .
impertinent Goblins, who had been Droles arid lor, H, Clements, A. Bell, R. Parker, R. Smith, and J. Morphew
Parafites in their Lite-time, and were knock’d on near Stationers-Hall. Where may be had the preceding Months.
Pr. ts.cach. Thofé chat rakethemin Monthly, ave delir'd not to
the Head for their Sawcinefs, came about my Fel- bind them till Europe be compleated, which will be in about 6
Jow Traveler, and made themfelves very merry Moms ; becaufe there will be a good Frontifpiece, Preface, and
with Quettions about the Words Cat and Terce, large Index, and a Table ot the Coins, Weights, and Meafures a

and other Terms of Fencers. But his Thoughts be- —— ritain.

Parts, with the Proportion they bear co thoféot Great-
gin to fettle into Reflection upon the Adventure te A Military Dictionary :Explaining all difficule
which had rob’d him of his late Being ;and with Martial Difcipline, Fortification, and Gunnery, The Third Ui.
a wretched Sigh, faid he, How terrible ace Con- dition, Improv’d. To which is likewife added, a Sea Dictionary
ofall the Ferms of Navigation. Both of them very ufctul (to a!!
viction and Guilt when they come too late for Pe- Perfons that read the Publick News, or ferve in the Army, Navy,
nitente! Pacolet was going on in this Strain, when or Militia) for rhe Underitanding the Accounts of Sieges, Battles,
he recover’d from it, and told me, it was too foon and other Warlike and Marine Expeditions, which daily occur in
to give iny Diiconrfe on this Subject fo fcridusa this Time of Action. By Officers who ferv'd feveral Years ac
Sea and Land. Printed; and fold by J. Mosphew near Stutiv-
Turn ; you have chiefly to do with chat Part of neré-Hall, Price 1s. 6 d.

Sold by Jobe Morphew near Stetioners-Hall 3 where Advertifcmests are taken in.

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