Name: Tsafack Tenkeng Fustel

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Name: tsafack tenkeng fustel

Course: Applied digital project

Matricule: ES20211416

Project Plan

Project Title: Implement New Technologies and Digital Marketing Strategies

Project Goal: To improve customer experience, operational efficiency, and sales through the
implementation of new technologies and digital marketing strategies.

Project Objectives:

• Implement AI-powered chatbots to provide 24/7 customer support.

• Use machine learning algorithms to analyze customer data and segment customers for
targeted marketing campaigns.
• Develop AR apps that allow customers to virtually try on products and view products in their
• Create a strong presence on social media platforms and use social media advertising to reach
target customers.
• Partner with influencers to promote products and generate buzz.


• AI-powered chatbots
• Machine learning algorithms
• AR apps
• Social media marketing campaigns
• Influencer partnerships

Timeline and Schedule:

Phase 1: Planning and Preparation

• Week 1: Define project scope, goals, and objectives.

• Week 2: Identify and engage stakeholders.
• Week 3: Develop project plan and timeline.
• Week 4: Secure resources and budget.
Phase 2: Implementation

• Week 5: Implement new technologies and digital marketing strategies.

• Week 6: Train employees on new technologies.
• Week 7: Launch new technologies and marketing campaigns.
• Week 8: Monitor and measure results.

Phase 3: Evaluation and Optimization

• Week 9: Evaluate the results of the new technologies and marketing campaigns.
• Week 10: Make adjustments as needed.
• Week 11: Continue to monitor and measure results.
• Week 12: Report on the success of the project.

Stakeholder Communication Plan

Communication Channels

• Email
• Instant messaging
• Video conferencing
• Project management software

Communication Frequency

• Team updates: Daily or weekly

• Project status meetings: Bi-weekly or monthly
• Important announcements: As needed

Communication Content

• Project updates
• Status reports
• Important announcements
• Meeting agendas and minutes
• Action items
• Deliverables

Communication Responsibilities

• Project manager: Responsible for overall communication and coordination.

• Team members: Responsible for providing updates on their work and participating in meetings.
• Stakeholders: Responsible for providing feedback and input.

Communication Schedule

• Team updates: Sent daily or weekly via email or instant messaging.

• Project status meetings: Held bi-weekly or monthly via video conferencing.
• Important announcements: Sent as needed via email or instant messaging.

By following this project plan and communication plan, the team can ensure that the project is
executed successfully and that all stakeholders are informed and engaged throughout the
project lifecycle.

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