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Palicos Denzel L.


Case Study

A. Effects of exercise to cardiovascular System

*Improve the bloodflow
*Improve the Heart
* It can lower BP

B. Importance of Tracking heart rate and other fitness metrics help monitor
progress and improve motivation.
*Monitoring your heart rate can help you maximize your training efforts and
aerobic fitness by quantifying how strenuous your workout is.

C. Types of exercise one could incorporate into her routine to further improve her
cardiovascular health
*Brisk walking/running
During aerobic activity, your breathing and heart rate will increase.

D. Effects of maria’s history of heart diseases for cardiovascular problems

*Regular physical activity, such as exercise, reduces or delays the
development of high blood pressure and other heart-related disorders. Changes in
oxygen delivery, vascular, peripheral tissues, and inflammation will result. Also
lowers blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure in persons with hypertension,
lowering the chance of developing cardiovascular disease.

E. Strategies that maria could use to make physical activity a more consistent part
of her daily routine even with the busy schedule
● Be motivated
● Everyday she must take a jog/walk
● Fitness metrics help her to monitor the progress
● 45-60 mins exercise everyday

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