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Sri Chaitanva School

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STSO - Vil - WORK SHEET-3 - (2022-23)

Inside the chest, the wind pipe divides into two branches called 2
l) Alveoli 2) Bronchi 3) Pharynx 4) Bronchioles
2. P = Pulmonary respiration 2
Q = Cutaneousrespiration
R = Branchialrespiration
Identify the correctly matched type of respirationwhich occurs in the animal
l) P-Bird•.Q-earthworm;R-Man 2) P-Dog•.Q-Frog; R-Fish
3) P-Fmg; Q-Fish; R-Bird 4) P-cat; Q-Fish; IR-Bird
3. In the followinganimal the blood is blue in colour. 4
I ) Earthworm 2) Cockroach 3) Human 4) Crab
4. The capillaries are connected with 2
l) Arteriesand arteries 2) Arteriesand veins
3) Veinsand veins 4) Arteriesand muscles
5. Blood pressure of a person is measured by : 3
I ) Galvanometer 2) Barometer
3) sphygmomanometer 4) thermometer
6. During exhalation
I ) The diaphragmcome to dome shape.
2) Rib musclesrelaxand rib cageexpands
3) Rib musclescontractand rib cage gets smaller
4) The ribs move up and outwards
Asthma is a respiratorydiseasecauseddue to 2
I) infectionof trachea 2) infectionof lungs
3) bleeding into pleural cavity 4) spasm in bronchial muscles
8. A vein differ from an arteryin having 4
l) Strongmuscularwalls
2) Narrow lumen
3) Valvescontroldirectionof blood flowoppositeto heart
4) None.
9. During heavy exercise, we get cramps in the legs due to the accumulationof 2
l) carbon dioxide 2) lactic acid 3) alcohol 4) Water
10. Identify the incorrect statement 4
l) In cockroaches,air enters the body through trachea
2) Yeastundergo fermentationprocessby anaerobicrespiration
3) Normalrange of breathingper minuteis calledbreathingrate.
4) Duringexhalation,the ribs move upwards
ll. Which of the following is an incorrect statement about lungs? 3
l) They are spongy in nature.
2) Lungs have functional structures. called Alveoli.
3) The right lung is smaller than left lung.
4) Lungs are protected by pleura.
12, Statement-I: Less amount of energy is released during anaerobic respiration.
Statement-2: End products of aerobic respiration are alcohol and carbon dioxide. 3
l) Both statements are correct. 2) Both statements are not correct.
3) Only statement I is correct. 4) Only statement 2 is correct.
13, Observe the given diagram .which chambers and vessels have oxygenated blood. 4

Identify which is not a function of transport system 4

l) transport digestive materials 2) transport waste to excretory organs
3) supply water to various parts of body 4) Coordinate different body parts.
15. Identify the correct flow of blood from right side of heart to left side of heart. 2
a) left atrium b) right ventricle c) Pulmonaryvein d) vena cava
e) aorta f) left ventricle g) right atrium h) pulmonary artery
i) lungs j) body parts.

Sri ChaitanyaSchool 2 No.l Schoolin India

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