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Sri Chaitanya School


Class: Level: 11(2022-23) Sub: BIOLOGY

Which of the following does not show water shortage?
A) Taps running dry
B) Long queues for getting water.
C) Marches and protests for demand of water.
D) A family gets three buckets of water per person per day.
2. A man digging the ground near a water body found that the soil was moist. As he kept digging
deeper and deeper he reached a level where all the spaces between particles of soil and gaps between
rocks were filled with water. The upper limit ofthis layer is called
A) Water level, B) Water table, C) Ground water. D) Water limit,
3 The amount ofwater recommended by the United Nations for drinking, washing, cooking and
maintaining proper hygiene per person per day is a minimum of
A) 5 litres B) 15 litres C) 30 litres D) 50 litres
4 State whether the followingstatements are True or False. If filse, write the correct statement
(I) Water vapour is the gaseous form of water.
(Il) Ice is solid whereas snow is the semi-solid form ofwater
(Ill) Ocean water cannot be used for domestic purposes.
(IV) Rapid growth of industries is one ofthe causes for water shortage
A) I and Il are true, Ill and IV are false B) I and Ill are true, Il and IV are false
C) I, Ill and IV are true, Il is false D) I, Il, Ill and IV are true
5. State whether the following statements are True or False, If false, give the correct statement.
(l) The process of seeping of water into ground is called filtration,
(Il) 51% of the earth's surface is covered with water.
(Ill) Year 2003 was observed as the International Year of Freshwater.
(IV) Snow and ice both are solid forms of water.
A) I, Il are true , Ill, IV are false B) 1, 11are false, 111,Iv are true
C) I, Il, Ill and IV are true D) I, Il, Ill and IV are false
6 Place the following statements in a proper order to form a meaningful paragraph
(P) Which in turn decreases the seepage of rain water into the ground,
(Q) This decreases the open areas like park, and playgrounds.
(R) Increasing population create demand for construction of houses, shops, offices, roads and
(S) This results in depletion of water table and creates scarcity of more water.

Sri Chaitanya School No.l School in India

Vil- STSO- W.S
7. MatchColumnI with ColumnIl
Column—I Column —Il
(a) Groundwater (i) Solidform of water
(b) Bawrr (ii) Wastage of water
(c) Snow (iii) Watermanagement
(d) Dripirrigation (iv)Smallwater
(e) Leaking taps (v) Water table
A) (a) - (v); (b)- (iv); (c) -(i); (d)- (iii); (ii) B) (a) - (iv); (b)- (v); (c) -(i); (d)- (iii); (e)- (ii)
C) (a) - (ii); (b)- (iv); (c) -(i); (d)- (iii); (e)- (v) D) (a) - (i); (b)- (iv); (c) -(v); (d)- (iii)•,(e)- (ii)
8 Depletionofwater table is due to
A) Scantyrainfall B) Increasein population
C) Industrialactivities D) All ofthe above
9. To save runaway water we should
A) Raiseembankments B) Raisedams
C) Dig walls D) None of these
10. Upper limit of groundwater is called
A) water table B) aquifer C) freshwater D) soil water
ll. Out of the following,selectthose that would help to reducewater pollution.
(i) Use of sewersfor removalof urbanwaste
(ii) Use of unleadedpetrolin cars
(iii) Spraying of pesticides on plants
(iv)We shouldnot excretein open.
A) (i) and(ii) B) (iii) and(iv) C) (i) and(iv) D) All of these
12. Selectthe one that is incorrectfor verminprocessingtoilet.
A) It is a new methodarid has beenrecentlytestedin India.
B) It is a novel,low water use toilet that is safe for processingof human waste
C) In it the human excreta is treated by round worms and cockroaches
D) In if the humanexcreta is completelyconvertedto vermi-cakes
13. In a waste water treatment plant, after passing the waste water through a grit and sand removal tank,
the water is allowedto settlein a large tank. The solidsthat settleat the bottomof largetank and
A) Sewage B) Activatedsludge C) Sludge D) All the above
14. The impuritiespresentin sewagemayconsistof
A) Organicsubstances B) Inorganic substances
C) Nutrients D) All of these
15. The water table of a place
A) Changesfromtimeto time B) Changes from place to place
C) Goes down when rain is less D) All of these

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10) A Il)C 12)c 13) c 14) D

15) D

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