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Methods of Sludge Control

During ~~cid Stimu lation Treatments

(l6th l-lnJnrul Technical Jlleeting, The Peh'ole1l1lL Society of C.l.M., Calgal'Y, lUay, 1965)

ABSTRACT A comprehensive study recentl}' undertaken by the

Duwell Research Laboratory in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in-
The formation of asphaltic sludge during acid stimula- dic<ltes that these slLldge~ rna." also he a problem in
tion has been a serious problem in man:r areas for sel'era) many <lreas where its effects have not previously been

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,rears_ Such sludge:;; han· had ad,"erse effects on the re-
suUs of treatments in se\"eral Canadian resenoirs_ recognized. In a survey of crude oils ft-om many fields
Recent studies ha"e shown that sludl-:"e rna}' also affect and formations in all the oil-producing areas of the
results in many are,lS where its effects ha"e not l'et been United States and Canada, it was found that a sub-
recog-nized. ~tantial percentage (28-35 pel' cent) of all naturally
These studies indicate that: occurring oils tested produced precipitateg upon cun-
L-Sludge is a precipitate of colloidal materials pres-
ent in crude oils. tact ,'vith acid.
2.-The preeipitates occur due to changes in the en-
vironmental conditions of the crude b}' the addition i\fECHANIS:\I OF SLUDGJ...: FORMATWN
of materIals such as acid.
3.-0nce formed. sludl:!:e is insoluble in most treatin::r
chemicals. Nearly all crudes contain a considerable amount of
.J.-Sludge can be preH"nted or contrOlled by the use of asphaltic and related material. These materials arc
stabilizinJ,! agents in treating flUId or by the use of
certain soh'ents as the outer phase of generally present (1. 2) in the form of ~olloidal pal'-
emulsions. ticle,5:, Due to theil' complex chemical nature, they are
The purpose of this paper will be to show how and why classified chiefly on the basis of their physical prop-
slud~e is formed and how it can be pre\'ented or con- erties_ The most common classification system is Wi
trolled. Simple laboratorJ- tests t(] determine the probabil- follows:
ity of sludge formation prior to treatment are discussed.
Aetnal field results point out some of the problem areas N entral Resins - These material~ are high-mole-
in Canada and show that slud~e control durin~ acidizing cular-weight aromatic hydrocarbons, which are insolu·
treatments can increase producth'ity in these areas_ ble in alkalies and acid:) and completely miscible with
petroleum oil~, including light fractions (C~, fraction).
A..spllaltenes - These 5ubsbnces are similar to the
neutral resins, but insoluble in light gasoline::; and
T HE formation of sludge b.r crude oil on c.ontact
with acid has been recognized as a serious problem
in isolated areas for some time. The problem was ap-
petroleum ether. In contrast hi the neutral resins, i:he
asphaltenes <lre precipitated in the pre~ence of an ex-
cess of petroleum ether. Both aSllhaltene~ and neutral
parently first observed in certain California wells. resins are completely soluble in benzene, chloroform
In these well.:5. it was noted that following acidizing
and carbon disulphide.
treatments the wells wel-e very slow to clean up, and
often a great deal of asphalt-like material was re- AS1Jhaltogenic Acids - ThE'~e materials are soluble
turned with the treating fluids. In some cases, com- in alkaline solutions and in :-;uch sol\'ent~ as benzene.
plete or partial plugging of the well resulted from the and are present in petroleum in rather insignificant
treatment. A Rtudy of this problem revealed that the quantities.
crude oils produced from these wells actually formed The neutral resins and asphaltenes are therefore
solid precipitates upon contact with acid, An analysis the most important asphaltic. eompoullds of petroleum.
of these sludge-like precipitates shc)\l.:ed them to be Detailed analytical ultracentrifuge studies (2) of
made up mainly of asphaltenes, resins, paraffin waxe,<> several crllde~ have shown that colloidal parti~le::;
and other high-molecular-'.. · eight hydrocarbons. These present in crude oil range fr'lm :15 to 45 A in cliam-
material~ were apparently precipitated from the crude
eter- The colloidal range is generally considered to be
by the reduction in pH as a result of acid contact. from 10 to 5,000 A. Other studies 13, 4) have incli-
Recently. it was found that the formation of crude cated that colloidal particles in crude oil are composed
oil sludge during acidizing is also a seriom; problem of asphaltic material surrounded by adsorbed peptiz-
in certain formations in Canada. It has been ob- ing materials. These studies have led to the concepl
served that wells in a number of fields ha"e experi- that asphaltenes form the center uf t.he micelles, with
enced the same problern:i as those in California. Ex- neutral resins adsorbed on the surface of the asphalt-
amination of crudes from the~e ,veils also shows the ene particles, It has been prop used that the :;ubstances
same sludge-forming tendenc.ies. with the greategt molecular weight and most pro-
nounced aromatic nature form the nucleus. Around
this nucleus are arranged lighter and less aromatic.
:;·Dowell Division of file Dow Chemical Company, constituents and there is a gradual transition to pre-
Tulsa, Oklahoma. ponderantly aliphatic compounds. In other words.
" :;:·Dowell of Canada Ltd.• Calgary, AlbeTta. there is no distinct interface either within the mi-

14 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum

----- ------

celle or'Pbetween it "and the surrounding environment. droplets of ·oil ·appeal'ed to. be encased in a me~brRn­
It "is these adsorbed materials which stabiliz~ the col- ous structure_ As the reti:.:action process contmued,
loidal materiat the membl'ane showed pronounced wrinkling and fold-
Although the. stability of colloidal asphaltene. par- ing_ The occurrence of these rigid membranes at the
tichis is primarily attributed to adsorbed peptlzmg oil-water interface suggested that a f.Hm of material
was irrevel-sibly produced upon compression of .the
agents, other stabilizing factors have also been noted.
It has been shown (5, 6) that the colloidal material interface. Residues from these membranes were ob-
in crude oil is electricaU~~ charged. The imposition of served to be stable in solution for several days. Simi-
a potential across a· small bod:r of oil results in elec- lar residues have been concentrated (8) by means of
trodeposition of asphaltic material at the positive elec- water-spray extraction techniques. These concentrates
trode. This shows that negatively cha!'ged particles were found to be quite rich in resins, waxes and as-
exist and that the neutralization ·of this· charge can phaltic materiaL The physical appearance of this ex:
result in precipitation of the material., Our labora- tract, as described, prompted a stud}' of the possible
tory tests have also 'shown that the colloidal material l'elationship of these films to the crude oil sludge
present in the crude is attracted to the positive elec- formation problem_
trode. It was, however, noted that if the oil was first
treated with acid and then electrolized, there 'was 3-
tendency for the colloidal material pr.esent to migrate The crude oil sludge formation process has been .- ..

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to the negative electrode_ This seems to indicate that observed and photographed using a microscope with a
~ ~.-

contact with acid tends to disrupt the normal electri- photographic attachment. The technique employed con-
.' cal charges present on the colloid particles. This may
be, in part, responsible for the precipitation of '~he
sisted of applying a small quantity of crude oil to a
glass microscope slide and placing a droplet of acid :.
asphaltic colloidal particles to form crude oil sludge. in the oil. The surface of the acid droplet. was then
This, however, appears to be only part of the stant, observed for evidence of hgid film formation_ In
as not all crudes form precipitates upon contact with order to make the film more visible, the surface of
acid. Apparently, the naturalll' present stabilizing the droplet was scratched with a fine wire_ This
agents are usually capable of maintaining the sta- caused wrinkling and folding of the film and made it
bility of the asphaltic colloidal material even in ·'he more visible and easier to photograph. It was ob-
presence of strong acids. It would appear that the served that all crude oils which exhibited acid-sludge-
formation of crude oil sludge may be related to a de- forming tendencies produced permanent rigid .films
ficiency in the quantity of the natural stabilizers at the oil-acid interface. With those oils which. did
present in some crudes. It is interesting to note that not form sludges, no such films were observed. Fig-
highly asphaltic crudes, which normally contain large woe 1 is a photomicrograph of two crudes to which
quantities of naturally surface-active agents, seldom have been added a droplet of acid. The oil on the
form sludges upon contact with acid. Due to the sur- left, a crude which does not form sludge, has not been
face-active material present, however, the:r do tend affected. The environment of the crude on the right,
to form bad emulsions_ however, has been changed to the extent that a preci~
It has been observed (7) that some crude oils form pitate is beginning to form. In this photomicrograph
solid films at the interface of the crude with an aque- it appears to be a "skin" around the droplet of acid.
ous medium having a pH below 8_ In these studies, In Figure 2, in the left-hand photo, the "skin" is be-
droplets of crude oil were pendent up from the end of ginning to flake off of the acid droplet and the small
a capillary in distilled water or brine. After a shod flakes may be s.een drifting in the crude oil phase. In
period, the droplet was partially retracted. In the re- the right photo, the flakes are beginning to coalesce
traction process, a point was soon reached where the into the mass known as crude oil sludge_


Acid on N on-Sludge.-Forming C1~lCle.. Acid Droplet on Sl'l£dge-Fo1'1ning Crude.

Figu1·e 1.
~'. " .
Techn~logy, January-March, 1966, Montreal 15
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PUTtides Coagulating into Mass. "Skill" Flakij/g off ... lcicl Droplet.
Figztre .2.

r I.-The oil-acid mixtm·e is strained through ~l fine

IOO-mesh screen and th(~ screen examined for
chunks of asphaltic material. Crudes which pre-
sent severe acid sludge problems produce. solid
lumps of asphaltic mab~rial.
2.-The oil, itself, i.5 examined under the micro-
scope for ~igns of asphaltic precipitate. Some-
times precipitates are formed which are finely
divided and may pass through the lOO-mesh


A stud.y was made to determine the rate at which

Sludge j-'rom Sludge Dried to Show sludge forms upon contact of a sludge-forming crude
Pl·oduciug W dl. that Material is a Solid
Precipitate and not alL oil with hydrochloric acid. In this study, samples of
E'lImlsion. crude from the Swan Hill formation were mixed with
15 per cent hydrochloric acid for varying lengths of
Figure ~l.
time. The exposure period was terminated by neutral-
izing the acid with ammonium hydroxide. After neu-
Tn FiYUT€ 3, on the left, the sludge appears as it tralizing the acid, the mixture was transferred to a
might occur in the formation. On the right is shown centrifuge tube and the sludge centrifuged to a mini-
the same sludge after being dried. This dried material mum volume. The quantity of sludge formed wus l'e-
slwws that the sludge is actually a solid residue, corded on a volume basis and expressed as a per cent
rather than an emulsion, which it Inay sometimes re- of the original crude.
semble. As a result of these tests, it was shown that !;Iudge
formation begins almost ImmediatelJ,' upon contact of
the oil and acid. The following quantities of sludge
TESTlNG FOR CRUDE: OIL SLUDGE were produced in the acid contact times indicated .

.A crude oil can be tested for sludge-forming tend- Time % Sludge

encies by means of a simple test. This test consists
of pladng, in a 4-oz. bottle, 50 ml. of acid containing I min. 0.4%
5 min. 0.8%
any desired additive~. and then adding 50 rol. of '~he 10 inin. L2 l !c,
crude being tested. The bottle is then shaken for one 4 hrs. 2.8~'~
minute and placed in a water bath adjusted to the
bottom-hole temperature of the well from which the Tests were also run on various crudes to determine
sample was taken. At the end of 4 hours, the bottle is the total amount of sludge which each WQuld form
removed and the oil examined. The examination is upon l'ontaet with acid for 4 hours. The results of
done b.y two methods: these tests are shown in Table L

16 The Journol of Canadian Petroleum

- - : - - - ..

A number of methods have been devised for pre-

venting the formation of crude oil sludge. These in-
elude: .
1.-Acid-oil emulsions made with aromatic solvents.
2.-Additives for use in tre~ting acid.
The selection of the proper sludge-prevention tech-
nique is largely dictat~d by individual well character-
istics. In some areas, wells respond better to the acid-
aromatic oil emulsion system; in others the use of
add,itives has proved nlOre effective_
The use of the acid-aromatic oil emulsion acidizing
technique was developed largely as a result of experi-
ence gained in stimulating wells in the Virginia Hill
D-3 "eef oil pool. In 1960, a problem developed in
this pool which first led us to consider the possible

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use of this technique. When these wells were acidized,
. several began producing what appeared to be a very
thick emulsion. Laboratory tests proved that, although r J
there was no emulsion behveen the spent acid and Figure 4.-Acid Containing Anti-Sludge Additive. There
crude oil, there was a heavy black precipitate sus- is no Tendency 101' Sludge to Fonn.
pended at the interface between the oil and acid. This
was tested and was found to contain a high percent- present. Treatments using this technique have been
age of asphaltic material. carried out in the Virginia Hills, Swan Hills, Snipe
A number of tests were made to determine which Lake and Kal.Tbob fields with great Sllccess_ In -chese ,.
treatments, all wells cleaned up rapidly with no in- "....
solvents would dissolve this asphaltic material. These
tests showed both carbon disulphide and aromatic dication of returned sludge.
solvents to be effecth'e. As carbon disulphide could Anti-sludge agents for acid have been used for some
not be pumped safely, it was decided to develop a time for the prevention of crude oil sludge. The ma-
method of using aromatic solvents in combination terials which are generally used for this purpose are
alkyl phenols, fatty acids and certain oil-soluble sur-
with acid to prevent sludge formation. In order to in-
sure uniform mixing of the solvent and acid, it was face-active agents. These additives apparently act as
decided to combine the two components ill the form synthetic stabilizing agents for the colIoidal asphaltic
of an oil-outer-phase emulsion. Laboratory tests material- pl·esent in the crude. Bl.T adding additional
showed that an emulsion with a ratio of 30 :70 oil to stability to the colloidal material present) the forma-
acid 'would prevent or greatly reduce the amount of tion of sludge is prevented_
sludge formed. It was also found that this formula- A new additive has recently been developed for the
tion tended to dissolve or disperse any sludge already pre,'ention of crude oil sludge. This material is a blend .. '

of surface-active agents and stabilizers, and is easily

- TABLE I dispersed in treating acid. Outstanding results have
been obtained in many wells where this material has
QUANTITY OF SLUDGE FORMED BY VARIOUS been used. In Figure 4, we see a droplet of acid in
CRUDE OILS UPON CONTACT WITH ACID contact 'with a sludge-forming crude oil. In this case, ---~--

.,, howe,'er. a small quantity of the new anti-sludge ad-

Contact time - 4 hours ditive has been added to the acid. As can be seen, the
Contact temp. - 150°F formation of the usual insoluble "skin" has been pre-
vented. Because these "skins" are not able to form,
sludge formation is prevented.
.' % Sludge Formed
Crude Oil I dentijical£oll (by t'o[ume) Once fo;rmed in the formation, crude oil sludge is
vel')' difficult to remove. WelIs which have been dam-
Goose River Pool, Beaverhill Lake aged b}' sludge are sometimes impossible to clean up ~~~ .~::­
Formation, Canada. __ .. ___ .' .. _. .. 1.3% so t.hat a profitable rate of production can be restored. ::-~ - .
Swan Hills Fonnation, Canada. __ . _. __ . 2.8% Successful stimulation treatments in sludge areas, '. ::;
then, must depend on preventative chemicals which
Snipe Lake Pool, Beaverhill Lake For- will not allow sludge to form.
mation, Canada. _......... ______ .. 2.6%
Red Fork Formation, Oklahoma _. _.. _. 0.1% SUMMARY

Mississippi Lime Formation, Oklahoma_ 2.0% In summary, nearly all crude oils contain compon-
Abo Formation, New lvlexico ..... _. _.. 0.1% ents which can precipitate as sludge when the natural
environment is changed by the addition of acid. The
Beaver Creek Field. Madison Fomla- formation of crude oil sludge is often confused with
tioD, Wyoming _.... --.-------. ---. 1.5% emulsion problems due to the similarity in appear-
Rozet Field, Minnelusa FonnatioD, ance and effect. Sludge is an extremely difficult ma-
Wyoming.. ... - --._--- .. - . . . - . . . .
_ 0.1% terial to clean up and qUite often leads to permanent
permeability damage. Properly designed treatments
Santos and Brandna Fonnations, can prevent the formation of sludge and cut down on
California .... _. ___ ... __ " ____ . ___ 3.8%
costs in a short period of time_

TechnDlogy. January-March. 1966. Montreal 17


(1 ) Ray, B. R., l-FithersPoQn, P. iL, and Gl'im, R. E.,

"A Stud" of the Colloidal Characteristics of Petro-
leum Using the UltI-acentrifuge," J. Phys. Chern.
(1957), 61, 1296.
(2) lFitTIC1'SPOIJH, P. A.. , and Munil·, Z. A., HSize and
Shape of Asphaltic Particles in Petroleum," PTodllC-
('I'S Monthly, Aug. 1960, pp. 20-31.
(3) Kelltmsteyn: SC.i'DWC of Pctl"o[r.u?n, IV, 2700, Oxford
Univ. Press, H138.
( 4) Pfeiffer and Saal: ./. Pilys. Chem. (1940) I 44, 139,
(5) Pl"eckslwt, G. lV. Del..• isle, N. G., CQttn:-ll, C. E., and DOBBERTHIEN
Katz, D. L.. "A~phaltic Substances in Crude Oil," A. R. Hendrickson is a group leadE.!r In the Applied Research
Tm"s. A.TME (1943). 151, 18B. and Development Section of Dowell's Research Laboratory in
(uj D. L., and BCll, K. E., "Nature of Asphaltic Tulsa This group deals With stimulation services, auxiliary
Substance:;," Iud. Ell!!. Chcm. (1945) J 37, 195. services and products. Mr, Hendrick.son Joined Dowell as a
t'i) Reisbcl"g, J., and D()Sc!Wl', T. M., "Interfacial Phe- chemist In 1950 after receiving his M.S. in orgamc chemistry
nenwna ill Crudc Oil-1Nater Systems," Producen.· from the University of New Hampshire. He advanced to re-
MOltth11/, Nov. 1856, I'. -13. search chemist in 1952, and has been In his present position
(8) Dodd. C. G., M001'C, ./. lJ'., and DC1lekas, ill. 0., "ule- since 1956. He has authored many popers on acidlzing, and,
talliferous Substance5 Adsorbed at Crude Petroleum- together with Dr. D. R. Wieland and R E. Hurst, developed
Water InterfaC'e'3," II/d. Ellg. ChrnlL, 45.1759, (195:3). the data ond baSiC colcula~lons for Dowell's Acid Guide."

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R. F. Dcbberthien is the distrlcl engine~r for Dowell of
Canada in Calgary, Alberto. He joined Dowell In 1952 after
graduating from St, Francis Xavier Universltv in Antigonish,
N.S. He worked in the field in on ~ngineerlng capacity until
Curtis W. Crowe is a chemist in the Applied Research and 1957, when he was sent to the Research ond Development
Development Section of Dowefl's Research Laboratory in Tulsa, Group in Tulsa, Oklohoma. He ossumed his. present position
Oklahoma. He Joined Dowell in 1960 after receiving his M.S. With Dowell of Canada on his return from Tulsa In 1958, Mr.
degree in chemistry from Oklahoma State Universi tv. Prior to Dobberthien has been the co-author of man\' papers on
jOining Dowell, he worked as a ch~mist for the American fracturing ond acidizing.
Smelting and Refining Co,


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18 The Journal of Canadian Petroleum

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