B3.ing3 Traeotnwod

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El material de examen que va a utilizar consta de este CUADERNILLO DE PREGUNTAS Y UNA


1 El llenado de la hoja de respuestas deberá efectuarse solamente con lápiz del número 2 ó 2 ½

2 Utilice el CUADERNILLO únicamente para leer las preguntas y las opciones de respuesta

3 Registre con todo cuidado y correctamente en LA HOJA DE RESPUESTAS los datos que se le
solicitan, tanto personales como de la aplicación

4 Su nombre completo debe registrarlo en el siguiente orden: APELLIDO PATERNO, APELLIDO

MATERNO Y NOMBRE (5) Registre su firma tal como lo hizo en su credencial

5 En cuanto a la MATRÍCULA Y DATOS DE LA APLICACIÓN, anote sólo un dígito en cada

recuadro, además rellene completa y firmemente los óvalos que corresponden con los números

6 El CUADERNILLO contiene preguntas numeradas cada una de éstas presenta cuatro opciones de
respuesta; de las cuales sólo una es la correcta

7 Es importante poner la mayor atención en cada pregunta y al elegir la respuesta llenar completa y
firmemente el óvalo correspondiente




Las preguntas de esta prueba se basan en el contenido de su libro de texto Inglés III

En esta prueba usted deberá elegir la opción que completa correctamente y lógicamente las
expresiones o diálogos incompletos que se le presentan.

El tipo de pregunta que usted encontrará en esta prueba se ilustra con el siguiente EJEMPLO:


1. ____________fast is dangerous. 4. _____________ pants _____________


A) Drive A) Whose / are

B) Drives B) Who’s / are
C) Driven C) Whose / be
D) Driving D) Who’s / be

2. When I was born, Aunt Sally 5. I drank ____________ wine, because my

____________ not ________ married yet. liver is weak.

A) had / been A) few

B) did / being B) a few
C) should / be C) little
D) would / to be D) a little

3. ____________any strangers at the party. 6. I felt ___________ sick when the plane

A) It didn’t
B) It hadn’t A) few
C) There weren’t B) a few
D) There wouldn’t C) little
D) a little

7. You must learn_______________
people. 12. Dan __________________ sick.

A) not bother
B) not bothering A) got
C) not to bother B) put
D) do not bother C) made
D) went

8. __________ they ________ traveling 13. Please __________talking to your sister.

since March?

A) Were / being A) keep

B) Were / been B) decide
C) Have /being C) refuse
D) Have/been D) promise

14. Jean doesn’t want ___________ my

9. __________ the baby been brother.
__________ with the vase before he broke
it? A) help
B) helps
A) Had / play C) to help
B) Would / play D) helping
C) Had / playing
D) Would / playing
15. We must all fight ____________ the
enemies of peace.

10. I _______ been _______ very much in A) upon

those days. I felt exhausted. B) about
C) toward
A) had/written D) against
B) have/written
C) had/writing
D) have / writing 16. Cindy shouted ___________ heading the
news about her friends.

A) of
11. John _________ not _________ me B) off
the notes when l finished my work. C) over
D) upon
A) has/given
B) had/given
C) could / to give
D) would / to give

17. Did Nancy Know_______________?

A) how to use the tools

B) what to do was important
C) why is her mother very angry
D) where did you hide her doll

18. Bernard came_______ from Europe last


A) on
B) up
C) back
D) around

19. Rachel carne home ______________

yesterday. She’s very tired.

A) late
B) lately
C) night
D) nightly

20. I never __________ painting Barb’s


A) refused
B) expected
C) finished
D) promised

21. _____________of the food was left. It was


A) Few
B) Much
C) Not many
D) Not every

22. Strawberries are the _________ delicious

fruit. I love them.

A) more
B) most
C) much
D) many

23. The pine tree is taller ________the apple


A) from
B) that
C) than
D) like


Esta parte de la prueba consta de 5 preguntas, de la 24 a la 28. En las preguntas 24, 25, 26 y 27,
usted deberá elegir la opción que complete correctamente con a o the, especificado en cada
caso. En la pregunta 28 la opción que NO REQUIERA del artículo a o the EJEMPLO:

26. Con “the”

24. Con “the”

A) We never have ___________

A) They speak __________ English well, breakfast before seven.

B) Raymond called _________ Senator B) He will be in _______ jail for three

Connors. months.

C) Some burglars were taken ________ to C) They shouldn’t play in ________

prison. street.

D) She selected ____________children for D) Mary left For________ School late.

her play.

27. Con “the”

25. Con “the” A) He goes to _________ bed late.

B) She went to _____Art Museum.
A) You rnustn’t go to ________ bed so late. C) I was in ___________ jail for one year.
D) We sailed in_____ Lake Victoria.
B) Turn off ________ light before leaving.

C) At what time will Jane have ________ tea? 28. Sin “the”

D) Does _______ rain always fall in May? A) I think she lives in________ India.

B) I know _______ meat you bought is cheap.

C) She will work in _______ state of Texas.

D) They will get to _______ office very late.


A continuación se le presenta un texto que usted deberá leer con atención y,

EXCLUSIVAMENTE con base en el, contestará las preguntas 29y 30.

A story is entertainment. As entertainment, it must interest and divert you. That is, a story
must capture your attention. A story is a special kind of entertainment, for it requires the
participation of the reader. He must shut out the world around him and, momentarily,
even his own affairs. A good reader does not simply let the story happen to him. He gets
into the story and reads with his eyes and ears open. He reads with his mind and his
heart. A good reading is a re-creation in which the reader works along with the writer.

Taken from Designs in Fiction

By Elizabeth Scheld.

29. Which of the following statements expresses the main idea of the text?

A) How a story captures our attention.

B) Stories open our eyes and ears.

C) Stories are fine recreation.

D) How we should read a story.

30. Which of the following ideas is included in the text?

A) Good readers live the writer’s work.

B) Readers ignore their personal affairs.

C) The author lets the story happen to us.

D) A good author writes with heart and mind.

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medio. Secretaría de Educación Pública. Dirección General del Bachillerato. Dirección de Sistemas

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