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DATE: 12.04.

1. The lateral roots arise from primary root is-
1) Primary root 2) Secondary root 3) A & B both 4) Tertiary root
2. Adventitious roots arise from-
1) Radicle 2) Base of stem in tuft as in wheat
3) Part of plant other than radicle 4) Secondary root
3. In aquatic plant the apex of root is covered by
1) Coleorhiza 2) Root pocket
3) Thimble parenchymatous root cap 4) Coleoptile
4. Root hair arise from –
1) Cortical cell of region of maturation
2) Epidermal cell of region of maturation
3) Cortical cell of region of elongation
4) Epidermal cell of region of elongation
5. Pneumatophores are helpful in-
1) Transpiration 2) Getting oxygen for respiration
3) Absorption of water 4) Assimilation of food
6. Stilt roots and pneumatophores are observed in-
1) Maize, Rhizophora 2) Sugarcane Rhizopus
3) Maize, Rhizopus 4) 1& 2 both
7. For food storage root get modified in –
1) Ginger 2) Sweet potato 3) Potato 4) 1 & B both
8. Modification of root in Asparagus is meant for –
1) Storage of food 2) Mechanical support
3) Respiration 4) Climbing support
9. Mechanical root observed in
1) Maize 2) Sugarcane 3) Banyan tree 4) All of these
10. Pneumatophores are observed in
1)Mangroves 2) Xerophytes 3) Lithophytes 4) Hydrophytes
11. Haustoria help in survival of
1) parasites 2) Saprophytes 3) Epiphytes 4) All of these
12. Roots associated with nitrogen fixing bacteria are –
1)Fusiform root 2) Napiform root 3) Nodular root 4) conical root
13. Chlorophyllous, autotrophic aerial roots are seen in
1) Cuscuta 2) Arachis 3) Vanda 4) Taeniophyllum
14. A partially heterotrophic plant is
1) Rhizophora 2) Taeniophyllum 3)Venus fly trap 4) Vanda
15. Prop roots are
1)Tap roots 2) Adventitious roots
3)Secondary roots 4) All of these
16. A few millimeters above the root cap is the region of
1) Root hairs 2) Maturation
3)Meristematic activity 4) Elongation
17. Tap(primary) root is descending axis that develops from
1)Radicle 2) Hypocotyl 3)Epicotyl 4) Plumule
18. Modified underground fibrous roots are found in
1)Maize 2)Asparagus 3)Sweet potato 4) pisum
19. Small thin walled cells with dense protoplasm are found in a region of root namely
1)Elongation region 2)Maturation region
3)Root hair region 4)Meristematic region
20. Primary roots and its branches constitute
1)Fibrous roots 2) Tap root system
3) Adventitious root system 4) Seminal roots
21. Plant that grown in swampy areas in which many roots come out of the ground and grow vertically
1) Radish 2) Banyan tree
3) Rhizophora and Mangrove 4) Bryophyllum
22. Which of the following structure shows negative geotropic growth
1) Stilt root 2) Prop root 3) Pneumatophore 4) Tap root
23. Which of the following is incorrect?
1) Roots helps in water and mineral absorption from soil.
2) Roots provide a proper anchorage.
3) Roots store food material and synthesise plant growth regulators.
4) Roots lack meristematic activity
24. Adventitious roots of how many plants show modification for food storage
Banyan tree, Asparagus, Dhalia, Sugarcane Monstera, Turnip, Sugar-beet and Sweet potato.
1) 3 2)4 3) 5 4) 6
25. Given diagram shows

1) Pneumatophore of Banyan 2) Stilt root of Maize

3) Conical root of carrot 4) Pneumatophore of Rhizophora
26. Identify region of root tip
1) A = Region of maturation, B = Region of elongation, C = Region of meristematic activity, D = Root
2) A = Region of elongation, B = Region of meristematic activity, C = Root cap, D = Protective
3) A = Region of meristem, B = Region of maturation, C = Region of elongation, D = Root cap
4) A = Region of growing cell, B = Region of mature cell, C = Region of dividing cell, (D = Protective

1) 2 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 2 6) 1 7) 2 8) 1 9) 4 10) 1
11) 1 12) 3 13) 4 14) 3 15) 2 16) 3 17) 1 18) 2 19) 4 20) 2
21) 3 22) 3 23) 4 24) 1 25) 4 26) 1

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