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United International University

Marketing Management (MKT 3336)

Assignment on

Selling the Wheel

(Marketing Strategy)

Submitted to:

Sarkar Rafiz Ahmed Ratan

Assistant Professor

Submitted by:

Alif Al Md. Salauddin

ID: 111 061 006

Dept: BBA

Date of Submission: April 28, 2009

Selling The Wheel Marketing

This is the story about who invented wheel and how they marketed that
successfully. Here MAX is the inventor of the wheel. But the think of
inventing the wheel he found from a problem, when he saw that sweaty
workers cutting big heavy stones with hammers and chisels and then
dragging the huge stones in a place very slowly. He first identify the
problem, pyramid can be completed faster than now with new technology.
From this problem he makes a solution that was the Wheel. That can makes
mankind life easier & faster. They make the Wheel only for sell. That can
make money for MAX & MINNIE. But there was a problem that was nobody
doesn’t even know who are there customer. For that try to find out to their
customer they roll that Wheel near to their neighbors. Like as an promotion
of Wheel. But that was not effective to attract their neighbors as a
customer. Because they don’t even know nothing about marketing. Then he
went to go the some suggestion from Oracle for the success. The Oracle
suggest for find out some Bedrock Questions answer. Those are.

• Who are our customer?

• Who are our competitors?

• Why do customers want what we are selling?

• What would make them prefer to buy from us?

• Why might they prefer to buy from our competitors

• What added values does prefer our salesperson have to offer to make
Then they try to find out all off this question. They segmented the market
such as farmer class, caravan class but their pricing was not very well.
Because customer thought it is charging more than its works.

For starting the business they make finance and also appointed salesperson
make a store that’s name was Max’s Wheel. In that store they give some
incentives to the customer like terms of 30 day refund if not make them one
hundred percent satisfaction guarantee. But it failed because customer
didn’t know that how can they really use that wheel for better purpose. Also
salesperson don’t have any idea clear about the ability of Wheel.

They were fall in shortage of money. For raising the money rapidly they
select the person Cassius who can sales the Wheel rapidly. So they make a
deal on the basis of 50-50 percent. Because wheel is for future product and
CLOSER sell opportunities for better future. CASSIUS make promotion
showing the feature of the WHEEL and the opportunities of the WHEEL. By
this CASSIUS sell twenty sets of two wheel to the customer. He first identify
the customer and screening out the customer who will not buy the Wheel.
He select those customer those are

• Wealthy

• Risk Takers

• Ego want to be different

• Future predictor

Then he make a promotion for the Wheel here everyone buy ticket to see
the magic of the Wheel. For this he make a exciting advertisement. And
then there selling the wheel increasing day by day. They make a contract to
supply in pyramid project.

But they fall in real trouble. Because the engineers of pyramid don’t know
how to read engineering drawing. So they hired a wizard who can make
understand how to the customer to run the wheel. And they also give them
maintenance service to the customer, for they hire employee and trained
those employee. They continuously improve the quality of wheel on the basis
of customer opinion.

When the pyramid project was end of the period, they are trying to find out
new customer. For this they follow Nine Steps Of Selling.

• Marketing

 Communications

 Generating Leads

 Qualifying Prospects

• Sales

 Presentation

 Resolving Objection

 Closing the Sale

• Service

 Execution & Service

 Building Relationship

 Repeat Business

Then they found a opportunity to make wagon with Goliath Sledge’s

Corporation. They will use their wheel for their wagon. For this they make a
presentation. Where they found some problem. And they also figure out a
competitor who invented Wheelbarrow. When they go for production of
wagon, they first take a pilot project for that. They make a prototype wagon
and find out the strength of that wagon. Then they go to field test for find out
the problem for solution. But they failed to make deal with Goliath
Sledge’s Corporation. They make advanced wheel when they fall in
competitions. They made a woody Spoked Wheel. They add more features
in that wheel to attract the customer & capture the market.

After That they found a opportunity to supply to atlas wheel company. And
there wheels demand go up day by day. Because they hired Ben Builder for
make business to business sales. For charging less price the competitors
hired cheap labor from china. Then they also change their a price to make
competition with others. They start to give there customer also services for
wheels. They also make acquisition the Imums Wheel. Make a new venture

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