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User Manual

Module Series:

Sub Module:
Create Master Vendor

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(Version #1.0)

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Document Control
Document History
Version Date Author Description
1.0 04/26/2024 Audi Amaheka Initial document.

Document Distribution
# of Copy Description Location

Document Name: Purchase – Create Master Vendor Page: 2

© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

Table of Contents

Document Control..........................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................3
1. Definisi....................................................................................................................................4
2. Create Vendor.........................................................................................................................5
3. User Manual Approval...........................................................................................................10

Document Name: Purchase – Create Master Vendor Page: 3

© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

1. Definisi
Vendor adalah pihak yang menyediakan bahan baku. Vendor akan di catatkan di sistem Odoo, yang akan digunakan
untuk proses pembelian bahan baku/barang

Document Name: Purchase – Create Master Vendor Page: 4

© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

2. Create Vendor
Langkah Kegiatan
1 Pilih modul Purchase

2 Pada Bagian Orders klik Vendors.

Akan muncul Form Vendor seperti berikut:

Document Name: Purchase – Create Master Vendor Page: 5

© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

3 Klik New

4 Lalu isi informasi Vendor seperti berikut:

 Individual, pilih individual jika vendor adalah perorangan

 Company, pilih company jika vendor adalah Perusahaan
 Name, isi dengan nama vendor
 Tax ID, isi dengan nomor pajak jika ada
 Phone, isi denga nomor telepon vendor
 Mobile, isi dengan nomor telepon vendor
 Email, isi dengan email dari vendor
 Website, isi dengan website dari vendor jika ada

Document Name: Purchase – Create Master Vendor Page: 6

© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

5 Klik Save.

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© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

3. User Manual Approval

Dengan menandatangani dokumen ini menunjukkan bahwa User Acceptance Test (UAT) sudah dilakukan sesuai
dengan skenario yang dibuat yang kemudian didokumentasikan dalam document user manual. Penandatangan
dokumen ini juga mengindikasikan persetujuan terhadap kebutuhan dan solusi yang diujicobakan selama proses
UAT dan berdampak terhadap kelanjutan tahapan proyek ini.

Tanda tangan untuk PT. Mecosin Indonesia

Name Project Role Position Date Signed

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© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

Tanda tangan untuk PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo

Name Project Role Position Date Signed

Consultant Finance

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© 2024 Sinergi Karya Solusindo. All rights reserved. This is a CONFIDENTIAL document. Any copying, redistribution, or
retransmission of any parts of this document without express written consent of PT. Sinergi Karya Solusindo is prohibited

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