JD - Sales

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**ALPS job codes covering this scope : S

1. Building Partnership

Definition: Those that excel in this area build customer relationships based on shared
understanding, mutual trust and cultural sensitivity.

Key actions:
Creates added value relationships across role and business boundaries.
Demonstrates and fosters transcultural awareness and respect.

Shows he/she really know his/her customers’ businesses, markets and industry sectors.

Sensitively interprets and adapts Company’s practices to local culture.

Clearly defines and establishes customer needs by actively listening and checking

2. Building Credibility

Definition: Those that excel in this area build respect both internally and externally by using
industry knowledge to understand customer needs and develop a compelling value

Key actions:
Identifies market opportunities by listening to customer needs and developing innovative
solutions to customer problems.
Uses industry, financial and market knowledge to build credibility within Alstom and with
customers and intermediaries.
Shows commercial awareness at all times to establish respect both internally and externally.
Demonstrates a continuous commitment to personal development from a technical and
commercial perspective.
Applies good business sense and ethical behaviour to maximise stakeholder value.
Creates a bond with the customer which allows the sharing of privileged and strategic
information where appropriate.

Stands up for what he/she believes in and deliver bad news, even when this is not popular.

Focuses on customer’s timescales and customer satisfaction measures to meet their

3. Innovating

Definition: Those that excel in this area are passionate about delivering high quality service,
vigorously seek creative, faster ways of making things happen, enhance the Company’s
innovative high-tech reputation and add value to customers.

Key actions:

Challenges the status quo, using radical thinking to create imaginative new approaches.

Deals with problems positively, proposing alternative ways of achieving success.

Accepts temporary organisational untidiness in favour of big market wins.
Hits the right market window, rather than product perfection.

Makes decisions despite ambiguity and complexity, accepting the realities of the situation.

4. Aligning Resources

Definition: Those that excel in this area focus attention on the big opportunities and issues,
influence key players, rapidly build capabilities and align resources to create growth and

Key actions:
Understands and optimises internal and external resources and options.
Attracts and develops key capabilities and partnerships.
Builds sales plans which effectively allocate resources to the most profitable opportunities.
Secures the commitment of key players throughout the sales process.
Focuses attention on actions that will deliver key business results and really make a
Anticipates and adapts to changing market conditions by deploying resources to optimise
revenue and margin.

5. Valuing Difference

Definition: Those that excel in this area seek and value everyone’s unique ideas and
contributions as a competitive advantage, relentlessly opposing prejudice.

Key actions:

Actively builds networks internally and externally so that doors can be opened for him/her an
his/her team.
Understands the full scope and diversity of Alstom’s operations so that he/she can present
the bigger picture on issues.
Recognises the different roles and responsibilities his/her team and other teams have within
the Alstom sales process.
Creates the rewarding environment and culture to enable everyone to fully contribute, accept
responsibility and take informed risks, without fear.
Sensitively interprets and adapts the Company’s practices to local culture.

6. Sales Ability / Persuaveness

Definition: Those that excel in this area use appropriate interpersonal styles and
communications methods to gain acceptance of a product, service, or idea from prospects
and clients.

Key actions:
Seeks information to understand situations, needs, and desire for potential benefits.
Develops approaches that best position products, services, or ideas; leverages supportive
factors; overcomes or minimizes barriers; addresses unique needs and preferences of key
decision makers.
Makes favorable impressions by interacting with prospects/clients in a manner that builds
effective relationships.

Presents products, services, or ideas in a manner that clearly shows how they could meet
needs and provide benefits; builds confidence in the products, services or ideas.

Uses appropriate techniques to move others to action or to gain agreement.

7. Negotiating

Definition: Those that excel in this area effectively explore alternatives and positions to reach
outcomes that gain the support and acceptance of all parties.

Key actions:
Clearly conveys information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a
manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message.
Presents ideas effectively (including non-verbal communications and use of visual aids) to
individuals or groups when given time to prepare; delivers presentations suited to the
characteristics and needs of the audience.
Deals effectively with others in an antagonistic situation; uses appropriate interpersonal
styles and methods to reduce tension or conflict between two or more people.

Uses appropriate interpersonal styles and communication methods to gain acceptance of a
product, service, or idea from prospects and clients.
Initiates action that tries to achieve a recognized benefit or advantage when potential
negative consequences are understood.
Accomplishes tasks by considering all areas involved, no matter how small, showing concern
for all aspects of the job; accurately checks processes and tasks, being watchful over a period
of time.

8. Driving Business Growth - Customer Focus

Definition: Those that excel in the areas focus on our customers, their businesses and their
markets, understand implications for our organisation and identify new and emerging
business opportunities.

Key actions:
Actively seeks market, industry sector, regulatory and technology information.
Balances long term strategy with tactical imperatives.
Designs unique sales propositions which positions Alstom as a logical strategic partner.
Interprets early or faint industry trends to identify opportunities that drive profitability and
enhance Alstom’s brand, ahead of the competition.
Measures and communicates to customers the financial impact and strategic benefits of new
value propositions.

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