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Impact of Social Media Usage on Mental Health

Social media has significantly altered mental health landscapes, influencing self-esteem,
body image, and overall well-being. Addiction to social media can cause detrimental effects
on mental health.

Psychological Mechanisms Behind Social Media's

FOMO phenomenon triggers anxiety and dissatisfaction. Behavioral psychology in social
media engagement affects users' behavior. Social comparison theory contributes to negative
mental health outcomes.

Strategies for Promoting Positive Mental Health in

Social Media Users
Encouraging digital detox and setting boundaries is vital. Self-awareness and resilience
building can mitigate negative impacts. Social media platforms can be utilized for mental
health advocacy and support.

Future Directions in Research and Policy on Social

Media and Mental Health
Regulating social media ethically is crucial for mental health protection. Incorporating mental
health education in digital literacy programs is essential. Long-term effects of social media
on societal well-being warrant further investigation.

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