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Pipe Network Expression: In civil 3d terminology gravity network is same as pipe

network. On improvement plans, utility plans and profiles showing construction
information with respect to design and design changes is very challenging sometimes.
Because way of the civil 3d standards and template may not be works really well all
time but at the same time civil 3d allow users to create their own way of design rules
and construction call outs using expressions. Below are the very important and
essential expressions to make life easy for designers and engineers.
Expression-3.1 Pipe Length: it’s very difficult to annotation small pipes on civil
plan and profile it causes clutter or overlap with the adjacent pipes and
structures. This expression helps to cut down the pipe annotation as per the
length of pipes and avoid the clutter on plans. I found that this expression is very
much useful all time.

P.No: 1 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

Before After

P.No: 2 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

Expression-3.2 True Pipe Invert: In civil 3d we get default pipe invert at manhole
center not at the edge of manhole walls. But when we annotate the pipe
information, we show the leader or point to end of pipe. Pipe invert at wall edge
will be different than the pipe invert at manhole center. Also, some of the
contractors or engineers requires the pipe invert at structure edge for various
reasons based on various scenarios. Pipe invert at wall edge helps to calculate
the sewer tap connection elevation.

I. This expression is done for start elevation same way you can create for
end elevation as well, be careful about the “+ & -“ sign.
II. 2.00 is Half of MH inner diameter and 0.010 is slope, hence this expression
works only for these criteria. Different expression shall be created for
various criteria’s based on requirements.

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P.No: 4 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3
Expression-3.3 True Pipe Slope: In civil 3d we get default slope of pipe based on
the pipe length between structure center to structure center. But sometimes,
client request to show the slope between structure wall to structure wall as well,
this expression helps to create and show the slope as need and also act as
dynamic way which links directly to the design inputs.

Cross check the new slope based on invert elevations and pipe length.

P.No: 5 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

Expression-3.4 Pipe Earthwork: Earthwork volume calculation for pipe networks is
achieved based on multiple number of factors. Earthwork excavation volume
and back fill volume is very important for estimation purpose and difficult to do
this activity each time design changes. Using civil 3d expressions its very easy to
find out the pipe and structure volumes and keep the dynamic relation
between the model and earthwork volume table. I found this expression is very
useful and made my life very easy on estimation calculations.
Manhole Earthwork Volume: For calculating earthwork volume we need less
information even for manual method. But each time the design changes or
updates it very difficult to gather information and recalculate or update the
same. In civil 3d also no ways to calculate earthwork volume but using
expressions method we can easily calculate earthwork volume and link the
volume table with the pipe network so easily each time design changes or
updates automatically volume table will get updates. I found this expression is
very much useful to deal.

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Once we done with adding expressions easily can bring on labels or tables.
For cross verification on excel or any other tool export this information with high
units’ precision and cross check the same.

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Adding contents on structure table:

Add all contents based on your required units, precisions and CAD standards for
annotation style and justifications.

P.No: 8 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

Pipe Excavation and Backfill Volume: calculating pipe excavation volume and
backfill volume is required more inputs compare to manholes and should give
attentions to each time while calculating backfill volume. Whole process shall
be done manually and takes lot of manual effort to update or recalculate the
same with respect to model change or design changes. At the same time in civil
3d as well no option for calculating earthwork volume. Using expressions
method, we can easily deal and connect the model to earthwork volume table.
Pipe volume calculation is different than the manhole volume calculations, for
pipe we should consider the trench detail drawing as per design standards or
local municipal trench detail drawing. Based on the trench detail drawing or
cross section pipe network should create which helps to calculate the total
earthwork volume excavation and create the pipe network based on the pipe
diameter which helps to calculate the backfill volume. This whole process makes
volume calculation is very transparent, accurate and dynamic relationship with
the civil 2d pipe network.

I. Floor thickness is varying to different manholes. In this scenario floor
thickness is 6” (0.50’) which is equal to concrete bed thickness as per
trench detail drawing.
II. Floor thickness factor should be considered while calculating depth.
III. 1.00 is an asphalt or concrete depth of paved area.

P.No: 9 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

IV. Floor thickness includes the pipe wall thickness of bottom half.
V. For pipe earthwork calculation depth will be vary on both ends hence
should consider average depth.
VI. This average depth is calculated from top of pavement and should
subtract the pavement or asphalt depth.

I. For calculating earthwork volume excavation, we should consider the
trench bedding and back fill detail drawing as per design or local
municipal standards.
II. Pipe cross section is varying based on design.
III. In this scenario pipe section is rectangle and we use civil 3d tool for
modeling and earthwork calculations table hence should have
rectangular pipes based on section. And, circular pipe section based on
design pipe diameter, so it helps to calculate detailed earthwork
calculation such as excavation volume and backfill volume.

P.No: 10 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

I. While adding trench width be careful to choose correct component.
Inner pipe width is for rectangular pipes or conduits and Pipe inner
diameter or width is for circular pipe. Choosing wrong component result in
wrong numbers on tables.
II. Above all steps and expressions are used to calculate over all trench
excavation volume, once it done should calculate backfill volume by
subtracting pipe and concrete bed volume.

P.No: 11 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3

I. Earth excavation volume is different and backfill volume is different hence
we used different expression to achieve backfill volume.
II. Its recommended to model or calculate volumes excluding manholes.

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P.No: 13 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3
I. The earthwork volume on the above table is in 7 digits precision and
completely linked with the civil 3d pipe network. Once the network
updates based on the expression and formulas automatically table will
get update.
II. this civil 3d table can be converted to ACAD entity and export to excel
for further calculations or final report. Since its 7-digit precision and once
we set that unit precisions to 2, 3 or 4 digits and recalculate due to the
number factors may not achieve the same figures from excel calculations
to civil 3d table. Hence its recommended to roundoff the expressions and
use the same for more accurate earthwork numbers. Below method of
roundoff expression is useful for accurate earthwork calculations in 2-, 3- or
4-digit precisions.

Above table figures doesn’t make sense if we calculate manually and we see
the difference in decimals I did cross check with roundoff decimals to 4- digits
and it will work well can go back to 2 or 3 digits without variations in volume.
Roundoff the pipe length and average depth to 4-digit decimal places and
recreate respective expressions to maintain the civil 3d volume table accuracy
and precisions.

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P.No: 16 Civil 3d Expressions Pipenetwork V1.3
I. The table contents are rounded off to 4-digits. You can easily round off all
these values under expressions by changing 0.0001 to desired figures.

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Expression-3.5 Manhole RIM on Pipe Table: Civil 3d is great tool using that we
can generate the pipe table and show lot more information which is enough for
construction. Most of the time on pipe schedule table client request to designers
to show the connected manholes rim elevation. Unfortunately, there is no option
available in civil 3d to show manhole rim elevations on pipe tables but using
expressions we can show this information wherever it needs.

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