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Dear editor,

With the concerns of some people wondering that should be the government
provide free college education for all citizens. I am writing to you today to give my
views on this idea. In my views, I think that government should not provide free
college education for all citizens for number of reasons.
The first reason is some student may not take college seriously if it is free of
tuition, as they motivation to succeed and attend classes may be influenced by
financial burden of their families. This could lead to increase dropout rates and
reduced study time.
The next reason is college education and experience will decreased in quality.
With potentially less money going to colleges and universities. Faculty and staff
salaries could decrease.
The third reason is that an opportunity to find a job will be reduced, if everyone
has a free college degree then college colleagues can cause chaos in job market.
In short, I think government should have better measures to help citizens in
education to improve and ensure quality.

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