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No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

1 D
Text 1
Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer, suggest, and
Technology For Teens, Good or Bad? implied’ berarti kita disuruh untuk
menyimpulkan teks di atas.
Technology, today became one of the
elements in the earth’s that grows very fast. Pilihan A, B, C, dan E (Salah), karena
Technology in this context, is information and kesimpulannya tidak sesuai dengan teks
communication. di atas.

We, as modern human, at this time is no Jawaban: D [Benar], karena jika

wonder anymore when seeing people using mobile merekas lebih menyukai percakapan via
phones wherever they are. In taxis, markets, houses, online dari pada bersosialisasi dalam
kehidupan nyata, maka remaja-remaja
and even when driving, people still use of their phones.
Indonesia akan tumbuh menjadi orang-
One the other hand, we see that the use of orang tidak peduli terhadap yang
technology is dominated by teenagers. They are very lainnya.
quick to accept and understand how to use technology.
There are many students from elementary, junior high
school, senior high school, and university that
consistently using technology ranging from mobile
phones, computers, internet, and games.

Is technology good or bad? Technology is a

group of devices that can be bad for the development
of teenager’s life.

First, many spread of information between

technology devices is not filtered anymore.
Information, whether it’s bad or good, it quickly
spreads from one device to another. As a result, many
teens are accessing p*rno*raphy and even addicted to
access that bad content.

Various cases of s*xual harassment, r*pe, and

pr*miscuity that exists among teenagers today, many
are caused by them who are very easy to access the bad
content using the Internet.

Second, the addiction to the internet and

games, makes the teens forget that they are social
creatures who must interact with others. I see many
cases where people meet at a place, but they do not
talk; they just “chat” with their friends who are so far
away. They prefer to interact online using Facebook,
Twitter, Path, Instagram, and other social medias
rather than interacting in real life by talking directly to
the people who are near them.

This is a contrary ideology for us, the people of

Indonesia. We should create a society that is tolerant
and caring with each other. When this situation
continues, we will lose our identity. Indonesian
teenagers will grow up to be people who do not care
about each other, do not like to socialize, and do not
even know the people around them.

However, although the technology has a

devastating effect, behind this sophistication
developed by humans, of course, it has many good
effects. First, technology is a device that is able to
increase the speed and effectiveness of information
flow. We are no longer a conventional man who must
send a letter if we want to communicate with a long
distance friend and we are no longer human being who
have to wait for days to get a reply message from a
friend. Nowadays, everything became easier because
of technology. We are able to send messages using e-
mail and SMS within a few seconds. We are able to chat
with old friends who haven’t met for a long time while
she or he lives far from where we live. We are able to
chat with them using BBM, Facebook, Whats Up
Messenger, Line Messenger, and many more.

Second, technology is a very good business

media campaign. We certainly recognize the Internet,
a medium of information that can be accessed by
millions people from all over the world, whenever and
wherever they want. When the Internet is used to
promote a product, then there must be many
consumers who come to buy the product. The
marketing strategy by the Internet, is also used by
teens. I find that many high school or university
students consistently having a business by using Social
Media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or BBM. It
is the impact of technology that are very positive and
should be supported by everyone. Using the internet, a
teenager does not need to have a big fund to make a
business. They do not have to prepare tens of millions
to rent a place as a store. They just need to utilize their
mobile phones to sell and make money.

Technology, we know having the bad and the

good effect for teenagers. To make them understand
on how to use it well, as parents, we must guide them

from: )
“When this situation continues, we will lose our
What can be inferred from the text above?
A. Many spread of information between
technology devices is not filtered
B. Technology is a group of devices that
can be bad for the development of
teenager’s life.
C. Technology in this context, is
information and communication.
D. If they prefer to online chat rather
than socialize, Indonesian teenagers
will grow up to be people who do
not care about each other.
E. Technology, we know having the bad
and the good effect for teenagers.

2 C
Text 2
Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer, suggest, and
The eminent choreographer Dedy Lutan as of implied’ berarti kita disuruh untuk
late exhibited his most recent work, Hutan Pasir menyimpulkan teks di atas.
Sunyi, or The Silent Sand Forest, at Galeri Indonesia
Kaya in the Grand Indonesia mall in Central Jakarta. Pilihan A, B, D, dan E (Salah), karena
kesimpulannya tidak sesuai dengan
The execution opened with a lady lit by a teks di atas.
spotlight, rising up out of the dimness. At that point,
two men in loincloths — one more established and Jawaban: C [Benar], karena mereka
attentive, one more youthful and unbridled — (tarian) memiliki kepentingan ritual
entered the venue while a young lady, shining in a serta kecantikan.
conventional Dayak outfit of beaded sapei inoq shirt
and ta skirt, moved gravely and absolutely over the
A gathering of stone-confronted men,
evidently older folks, entered and sat down in
advance as the activity developed beneath. More
ladies clad in comparable outfits went ahead stage, all
grasping involved quill plans as they moved.
Before long, a gathering of untouchables, all
ladies, bearing blades and clad in what seemed to be
basic calfskin outfits, stood up from their seats in the
crowd and went to challenge the feathered dance
As the young fellow kept running up the stairs
of the amphitheatre, whooping in the midst of the
grown-ups and numerous youngsters in the group,
the ladies pursued an adapted fight that built up and
finally finished with the lady in outline gazing intently
at the pariahs, who turned their cleavers on
The troupe — senior citizens and warriors
alike — then started circling the more youthful man,
sweat spilling down his face, before clash swung to
stasis and the execution finished.
Dedy, the country’s principal choreographer,
has invested decades going by Dayak groups in the
remote woods of Kalimantan, meeting move
maestros, taking in their ceremonies and afterward
arranging their moves in Jakarta — in the wake of
performing his translation for the neighbourhood
group, obviously.
He says that moves, for example, Hutan Pasir
Sunyi are not samples of workmanship for the
purpose of craftsmanship: they have custom
significance and in addition excellence.
“Making a move needs long and lone
pondering,” Dedy said. “It’s never been a moment and
brisk procedure.”
Galeri Indonesia Kaya, which offers free
shows about Indonesian society, lies simply inverse
the Blitz megaplex — an odd juxtaposition of
narrating venues.
The exhibition’s 150-seat amphitheatre, on
the other hand, makes for a shockingly suggest
execution space.
Then, Dayak and Javanese dance artists from
Surakarta, Central Java, displayed a more expound
rendition of Hutan Pasir Sunyi at the Bogor Botanical
Gardens on May 14 — a domain closer to the woods
of Kalimantan than the shopping center of Jakarta.
from: )

“… for example, Hutan Pasir Sunyi are not samples of

workmanship for the purpose of craftsmanship …”
What can be inferred from the text above?

A. Dayak dances are very unique and fun

to learn.
B. Dedy, the country’s principal
choreographer, has invested decades
going by Dayak groups in the remote
woods of Kalimantan.
C. They have custom significance and in
addition excellence.
D. The exhibition’s 150-seat
amphitheater, on the other hand,
makes for a shockingly suggest
execution space.
E. The Dayak tribe is very compact in
every way in their daily life, especially.

3 B
Text 2 Pembahasan:
The eminent choreographer Dedy Lutan as of Main idea atau gagasan utama adalah
late exhibited his most recent work, Hutan Pasir garis besar dari suatu pembicaraan yang
Sunyi, or The Silent Sand Forest, at Galeri Indonesia menjadi dasar dari penjelas atau
Kaya in the Grand Indonesia mall in Central Jakarta. pengembang dalam sebuah paragraph.
The execution opened with a lady lit by a Pilihan A (Salah), karena kalimat itu
spotlight, rising up out of the dimness. At that point, tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
two men in loincloths — one more established and pertama.
attentive, one more youthful and unbridled —
Pilihan C (Salah), karena kalimat itu
entered the venue while a young lady, shining in a
tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
conventional Dayak outfit of beaded sapei inoq shirt
and ta skirt, moved gravely and absolutely over the
stage. Pilihan D (Salah), karena kalimat itu
tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
A gathering of stone-confronted men,
evidently older folks, entered and sat down in
advance as the activity developed beneath. More Pilihan E (Salah), karena kalimat itu
ladies clad in comparable outfits went ahead stage, all tidak tepat dan bukan dari paragraph
grasping involved quill plans as they moved. pertama.
Before long, a gathering of untouchables, all Jawaban: B [Benar], karena memang
ladies, bearing blades and clad in what seemed to be benar, Dedy Lutan adalah koreografer
basic calfskin outfits, stood up from their seats in the ternama yang karya barunya
crowd and went to challenge the feathered dance dipresentasikan. Dan jawaban ini tepat
specialists. sekali, karena terdapat di paragraph
As the young fellow kept running up the stairs
of the amphitheatre, whooping in the midst of the
grown-ups and numerous youngsters in the group,
the ladies pursued an adapted fight that built up and
finally finished with the lady in outline gazing intently
at the pariahs, who turned their cleavers on
The troupe — senior citizens and warriors
alike — then started circling the more youthful man,
sweat spilling down his face, before clash swung to
stasis and the execution finished.
Dedy, the country’s principal choreographer,
has invested decades going by Dayak groups in the
remote woods of Kalimantan, meeting move
maestros, taking in their ceremonies and afterward
arranging their moves in Jakarta — in the wake of
performing his translation for the neighbourhood
group, obviously.
He says that moves, for example, Hutan Pasir
Sunyi are not samples of workmanship for the
purpose of craftsmanship: they have custom
significance and in addition excellence.
“Making a move needs long and lone
pondering,” Dedy said. “It’s never been a moment and
brisk procedure.”
Galeri Indonesia Kaya, which offers free
shows about Indonesian society, lies simply inverse
the Blitz megaplex — an odd juxtaposition of
narrating venues.
The exhibition’s 150-seat amphitheatre, on
the other hand, makes for a shockingly suggest
execution space.
Then, Dayak and Javanese dance artists from
Surakarta, Central Java, displayed a more expound
rendition of Hutan Pasir Sunyi at the Bogor Botanical
Gardens on May 14 — a domain closer to the woods
of Kalimantan than the shopping center of Jakarta.
from: )
What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A. The execution opened with a lady lit
by a spotlight, rising up out of the
B. Dedy Lutan is a well-known
choreographer whose new work was
C. Making a move needs long and lone
D. More ladies clad in comparable
outfits went ahead stage, all
grasping involved quill plans as they
E. A gathering of stone-confronted
men, evidently older folks, entered
and sat down in advance as the
activity developed beneath.

4 Diwali, also spelled Divali, one of the major Victory (kejayaan/kemenangan) adalah A
religious festivals in Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism, persamaan kata
lasting for five days from the 13th day of the dark half dari glory (kejayaan/kemenangan).
of the lunar month Ashvina to the second day of the
light half of the lunar month Karttika. (The
corresponding dates in the Gregorian
calendar usually fall in late October and November.)
The name is derived from the Sanskrit term dipavali,
meaning “row of lights.” The festival generally
symbolizes the victory of light over darkness. The
third day of Diwali is celebrated on Saturday,
November 14, 2020.

Observances of Diwali differ depending on

region and tradition. Among Hindus the most
widespread custom is the lighting of diyas (small
earthenware lamps filled with oil) on the night of the
new moon to invite the presence of Lakshmi, the
goddess of wealth. In Bengal the goddess Kali is
worshipped. In North India the festival also
celebrates the royal homecoming of Rama (along
with Sita, Lakshmana, and Hanuman) to the city
of Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, the 10-headed
king of the demons, thus connecting the festival with
the holiday of Dussehra. In South India the festival
marks Krishna’s defeat of the demon Narakasura.
Some celebrate Diwali as a commemoration of the
marriage of Lakshmi and Vishnu, while others
observe it as the birthday of Lakshmi.

“The festival generally symbolizes the victory of light

over darkness” (paragraph 1)

The underlined word is could best be replaced by ….

A. Glory

B. History

C. Winner

D. Defeat

E. Serenity

5 Charles Darwin, in full Charles Robert It pada kalimat tersebut merujuk C

Darwin, (born February 12, 1809, kepada teori Darwin karena pada
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England—died April kalimat sebelumnya membahas
19, 1882, Downe, Kent), English naturalist mengenai teori tersebut “Darwin
whose scientific theory of evolution by natural formulated his bold theory in private in
selection became the foundation of modern 1837–39” (Darwin memformulasikan
evolutionary studies. An affable country teorinya secara mandiri pada tahun
gentleman, Darwin at first shocked religious 1837-1839).
Victorian society by suggesting that animals
and humans shared a common ancestry.
However, his nonreligious biology appealed to
the rising class of professional scientists, and
by the time of his death evolutionary imagery
had spread through all of science, literature,
and politics. Darwin, himself an agnostic, was
accorded the ultimate British accolade of
burial in Westminster Abbey, London.
Darwin formulated his bold theory in
private in 1837–39, after returning from a
voyage around the world aboard HMS Beagle,
but it was published two decades later in a
book entitled ”On the Origin of
Species” (1859), a book that has deeply
influenced modern Western society and
(adapted from:
“…., but it was not until two decades later” (Paragraph
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Him self

B. Voyage

C. Darwin’s theory

D. The book

E. Scientist

6 Charles Darwin, in full Charles Robert Pernyataan pada opsi B adalah B

Darwin, (born February 12, 1809, kesimpulan yang tepat karena memuat
Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England—died April semua ide dari keseluruhan teks.
19, 1882, Downe, Kent), English naturalist
whose scientific theory of evolution by natural
selection became the foundation of modern
evolutionary studies. An affable country
gentleman, Darwin at first shocked religious
Victorian society by suggesting that animals
and humans shared a common ancestry.
However, his nonreligious biology appealed to
the rising class of professional scientists, and
by the time of his death evolutionary imagery
had spread through all of science, literature,
and politics. Darwin, himself an agnostic, was
accorded the ultimate British accolade of
burial in Westminster Abbey, London.
Darwin formulated his bold theory in
private in 1837–39, after returning from a
voyage around the world aboard HMS Beagle,
but it was published two decades later in a
book entitled ”On the Origin of
Species” (1859), a book that has deeply
influenced modern Western society and
(adapted from:
What can we infer about the passage?
A. Darwin is an agnostic

B. Darwin made theory that influenced modern

Western society and thought.

C. Darwin stated that animals and humans shared a

common ancestry.

D. In 1859, Darwin finally gave his theory to public in

a book entitled “On the Origin of Species”.

E. As a scientist Darwin stated uncommon theory.

7 At the point when purchasing a house, Sinonim dari kata D

you must make sure to have it checked for Creature = Makhluk hidup adalah
termites. A termite is much like a burrowing Mortal = Makhluk hidup
little creature in its mutual propensities, albeit
physically the two creepy crawlies are Plant = tumbuhan
unmistakable. Like those ants, termite states Abstract = Abstrak
comprise of diverse classes, each with its own
specific occupation. The most impeccably Inanimate = tidak bernyawa
shaped termites, both male and female, make
Animation = Animasi
up the gainful class. They have eyes, hard
body dividers and completely created wings. A
couple of contraceptive termites establishes
the province. At the point when new
contraceptive termites create, they leave to
shape another province. They utilize their
wings just this on time and after that serve
them. The specialist termites are little, dazzle
and wingless, with delicate bodies. They make
up the dominant part of the province and do all
the work. Troopers are eyeless and wingless
however are bigger than the specialists what’s
more, have hard heads and solid jaws and
legs. They shield the state and are tended to
by the specialists. The male and female of the
contraceptive class stay inside a shut in cell
when the female lays a great many eggs. The
laborers put the eggs in a cell and look after
them. Regardless of the possibility that one
province is dealt with with toxic substances, if
a male and female of the regenerative class
escape, they can shape another province. Bug
control organizations can examine a house for
infestation of termites. Regularly, laymen can
not spot the confirmation, so it is discriminating
to have the supposition of a professional.
Medicines change contingent on the sort of
(Source :
The word “Creature” in line 2 is closest in meaning to?
A. Plant

B. Abstract

C. Inanimate

D. Mortal

E. Animation

8 At the point when purchasing a house, Antonim dari kata D

you must make sure to have it checked for Diverse = Beragam >< Similar = Sama
termites. A termite is much like a burrowing
little creature in its mutual propensities, albeit Divergent = Berbeda, Variety = Variasi
physically the two creepy crawlies are
Several = Beberapa, Heterogeneous =
unmistakable. Like those ants, termite states
comprise of diverse classes, each with its own
specific occupation. The most impeccably
shaped termites, both male and female, make
up the gainful class. They have eyes, hard
body dividers and completely created wings. A
couple of contraceptive termites establishes
the province. At the point when new
contraceptive termites create, they leave to
shape another province. They utilize their
wings just this on time and after that serve
them. The specialist termites are little, dazzle
and wingless, with delicate bodies. They make
up the dominant part of the province and do all
the work. Troopers are eyeless and wingless
however are bigger than the specialists what’s
more, have hard heads and solid jaws and
legs. They shield the state and are tended to
by the specialists. The male and female of the
contraceptive class stay inside a shut in cell
when the female lays a great many eggs. The
laborers put the eggs in a cell and look after
them. Regardless of the possibility that one
province is dealt with with toxic substances, if
a male and female of the regenerative class
escape, they can shape another province. Bug
control organizations can examine a house for
infestation of termites. Regularly, laymen can
not spot the confirmation, so it is discriminating
to have the supposition of a professional.
Medicines change contingent on the sort of
(Source :
“…. termite states comprise of diverse classes..” line 3
The opposite of the underlined word is?
A. Divergent

B. Variety

C. Several

D. Similar

E. Heterogeneous

9 At the point when purchasing a house, Sinonim dari kata Toxic = Beracun D
you must make sure to have it checked for adalah Poison = Racun
termites. A termite is much like a burrowing Helpful = penolong, Health = sehat
little creature in its mutual propensities, albeit
Harmless = tidak berbahaya, Kind = baik
physically the two creepy crawlies are
unmistakable. Like those ants, termite states
comprise of diverse classes, each with its own
specific occupation. The most impeccably
shaped termites, both male and female, make
up the gainful class. They have eyes, hard
body dividers and completely created wings. A
couple of contraceptive termites establishes
the province. At the point when new
contraceptive termites create, they leave to
shape another province. They utilize their
wings just this on time and after that serve
them. The specialist termites are little, dazzle
and wingless, with delicate bodies. They make
up the dominant part of the province and do all
the work. Troopers are eyeless and wingless
however are bigger than the specialists what’s
more, have hard heads and solid jaws and
legs. They shield the state and are tended to
by the specialists. The male and female of the
contraceptive class stay inside a shut in cell
when the female lays a great many eggs. The
laborers put the eggs in a cell and look after
them. Regardless of the possibility that one
province is dealt with with toxic substances, if
a male and female of the regenerative class
escape, they can shape another province. Bug
control organizations can examine a house for
infestation of termites. Regularly, laymen can
not spot the confirmation, so it is discriminating
to have the supposition of a professional.
Medicines change contingent on the sort of
(Source :
“….., the possibility that one province is dealt with
with toxic” lines 13
The underlined word is similar with?
A. Helpful

B. Health

C. Harmless

D. Poison

E. Kind

10 D
Text 1
Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer, suggest, and
implied’ berarti kita disuruh untuk
Beware of Ebola Epidemic menyimpulkan teks di atas.
Pilihan A, B, C, dan E (Salah), karena
kesimpulannya tidak sesuai dengan teks
Recently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the di atas.
West African region, causing the world’s attention.
WHO has released the data, there are at least 800 Jawaban: D
people who died after the Ebola virus. This disease [Benar], karena virus
has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients Ebola merupakan virus
died. Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still yang mematikan.
haven’t found yet.
The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa
in 1976. Originally, the virus only attacks primates
such as monkeys and apes. But now, it has evolved
into dangerous disease because the ebola is
transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is
raging, the number of deaths has been increased two
times more than in 1976, reported by
The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in
West Africa in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus
which attacks the body’s defense system is similar
with the HIV virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu
symptoms such as high fever, body weakness, muscle
pain and headache.

The Most Deadly Virus

What makes Ebola virus became so
dangerous is its ability to breed. This virus can
agglutinate blood cells, then this condition can inhibit
blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of
blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the
blood, ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as
kidney, brain, intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola
patients died because of kidney failure.

Very Fast Transmission

Ebola virus transmission can occur from a
contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things that
have been used by patient. Therefore, ebola patients
must be isolated in order to avoid a direct contact
with other people. The medical teams who handle the
patients also have to wear special cloth in order to
prevent the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of
the United States has been infected with ebola.
Indonesian Health Ministry itself has issued a travel
warning for the people who will visit the countries of
Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.
There are some ways to prevent the ebola
virus. We have to keep clean and do not make direct
contact with patients. Hopefully soon, vaccines and
drugs will be discovered so the number of dead can
be decreased.

from: )
“This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this
condition can inhibit blood flowing to other organs.”
What can be inferred from the text above?
A. Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African
region, causing the world’s attention.

B. This year, the Ebola virus is raging, the number of

deaths has been increased two times more than in

C. Ebola virus which attacks the body’s defense

system is similar with the HIV virus.

D. Ebola virus is the most deadly virus.

E. Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976.

No Soal Tryout Pembahasan Tryout Jawaban

11 B
Text 1
Pilihan A, C, D, dan E
(Salah), karena statements
Beware of Ebola Epidemic itu tidak sesuai dengan
penjelasan yang terdapat
dalam teks bacaan.
Recently, Ebola epidemic that attacks the West African Jawaban: B
region, causing the world’s attention. WHO has released the data, [Benar], karena statement
there are at least 800 people who died after the Ebola virus. This di atas berbicara bahwa
disease has a very high mortality rate, 90 percent of patients died. virus ini setelah
Unfortunately, vaccine or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found menyerang darah, juga
yet. menyerang organ lain
The Ebola virus was first discovered in Africa in 1976. seperti ginjal, otak, usus,
Originally, the virus only attacks primates such as monkeys and hati dan sebagainya.
apes. But now, it has evolved into dangerous disease because the
ebola is transmitted to humans. This year, the Ebola virus is
raging, the number of deaths has been increased two times more
than in 1976, reported by
The increasing case of the Ebola epidemic in West Africa
in the 2014 caused anxiety. Ebola virus
which attacks the body’s defense system is similar with the HIV
virus. Early symptoms are similar to flu symptoms such as high
fever, body weakness, muscle pain and headache.

The Most Deadly Virus

What makes Ebola virus became so dangerous is its ability
to breed. This virus can agglutinate blood cells, then this condition
can inhibit blood flowing to other organs. If the organs lack of
blood, it will cause some damages. After attacking the blood,
ebola virus also attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain,
intestine, liver and so on. Many of ebola patients died because of
kidney failure.

Very Fast Transmission

Ebola virus transmission can occur from a contact of body
fluids, blood, and all the things that have been used by patient.
Therefore, ebola patients must be isolated in order to avoid a
direct contact with other people. The medical teams who handle
the patients also have to wear special cloth in order to prevent
the spread of the virus. Currently, a citizen of the United States
has been infected with ebola. Indonesian Health Ministry itself
has issued a travel warning for the people who will visit the
countries of Guinea, Sierra and Liberia.
There are some ways to prevent the ebola virus. We have
to keep clean and do not make direct contact with patients.
Hopefully soon, vaccines and drugs will be discovered so the
number of dead can be decreased.

(Adapted from: )

Which of the following statements is true according to the
A. Ebola virus transmission can not occur from a
contact of body fluids, blood, and all the things
that have been used by patient.
B. After attacking the blood, ebola virus also
attacks other organs, such as kidney, brain,
intestine, liver and so on.
C. This virus can not agglutinate blood cells, then
this condition can inhibit blood flowing to other
organs. If the organs lack of blood, it will cause
some damages.
D. Early symptoms are not similar to flu symptoms
such as low fever, body weakness, muscle pain
and headache.
E. This disease has a very high mortality rate, 30
percent of patients died. Unfortunately, vaccine
or drug to cure Ebola still haven’t found yet.

12 E
Text 2 Pembahasan:
Pilihan A, B, C, dan D
(benar), karena pernyataan-
People have been making and flying kites for about 2,000
pernyataan teks tersebut
years. No one knows for sure who invented the kite. Some
ada di dalam teks di atas.
historians believe it the ancient Chinese may have started kite
flying 2000 years ago. It is still a popular hobby in China, Japan and Jawaban: E (Salah), karena
Korea and in other countries of the Far East where beautifully menurut teks bacaan
decorated appear in different colors. In China, there is even a paragraph kedua, “Some
special Kites Day on which children and adults fly kites. In Japan historians believe it the
families fly fish kites on Children’s Day, May 5th. ancient Chinese may have
started kite
Simple kites are made by crossing two sticks and covering
flying 2000 years ago..”
them with paper or cloth. Then you attach a string at the end.
Yang mempunyai arti
More expensive kites have frames made of fiberglass, plastic or
“Beberapa sejarawan
aluminum. The name comes from a graceful bird called kite.
percaya bahwa Cina kuno
Kites are made in many different sizes, colors, and shapes. mungkin telah memulai
A flat kite is the oldest and simplest type of kite. It flies because layang-layang
air flows over and under the kite’s wing. The pressure under the terbang 2000 tahun yang
wing helps the kite lift into the air. lalu..”

Kites have also been used in experiments. Early scientists

sent kites up into the air to measure the temperature at different
heights. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove that
lightning was a form of electricity. He attached a metal key to the
string of a kite. When lightning hit the kite, electricity passed
down the string and Franklin got an electric shock. It was a very
dangerous experiment that you shouldn’t copy.
Kites were also used to develop airplanes. The Wright
Brothers experimented with kites before they flew the first
airplane. In the past kites were used to take pictures in wars. In
World War I the Germans developed a large kite that could
transport people to a submarine. Kites were also used to carry
radio signals over long distances.
Today most people fly kites as a hobby. Kite festivals are
organized in many cities in all parts of the world.

The following statements are true according to the

passage, except ...
A. In China, there is even a special Kites Day on
which children and adults fly kites. In Japan
families fly fish kites on Children’s Day, May 5th.
B. More expensive kites have frames made of
fiberglass, plastic or aluminum. The name comes
from a graceful bird called kite.
C. In World War I the Germans developed a large
kite that could transport people to a submarine.
D. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove
that lightning was a form of electricity.
E. Some historians believe it the ancient Chinese
may have started kite flying 1000 years ago.

13 D
Text 2 Pembahasan:
Pilihan A, B, C, dan E
(Salah), karena statements
People have been making and flying kites for about 2,000
itu tidak sesuai dengan
years. No one knows for sure who invented the kite. Some
penjelasan yang terdapat
historians believe it the ancient Chinese may have started kite
dalam teks bacaan.
flying 2000 years ago. It is still a popular hobby in China, Japan and
Korea and in other countries of the Far East where beautifully Jawaban: D [Benar], karena
decorated appear in different colors. In China, there is even a statement di atas berbicara
special Kites Day on which children and adults fly kites. In Japan bahwa layang-layang juga
families fly fish kites on Children’s Day, May 5th. digunakan untuk membawa
sinyal radio jarak jauh.
Simple kites are made by crossing two sticks and covering
them with paper or cloth. Then you attach a string at the end.
More expensive kites have frames made of fiberglass, plastic or
aluminum. The name comes from a graceful bird called kite.
Kites are made in many different sizes, colors, and shapes.
A flat kite is the oldest and simplest type of kite. It flies because
air flows over and under the kite’s wing. The pressure under the
wing helps the kite lift into the air.
Kites have also been used in experiments. Early scientists
sent kites up into the air to measure the temperature at different
heights. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove that
lightning was a form of electricity. He attached a metal key to the
string of a kite. When lightning hit the kite, electricity passed
down the string and Franklin got an electric shock. It was a very
dangerous experiment that you shouldn’t copy.
Kites were also used to develop airplanes. The Wright
Brothers experimented with kites before they flew the first
airplane. In the past kites were used to take pictures in wars. In
World War I the Germans developed a large kite that could
transport people to a submarine. Kites were also used to carry
radio signals over long distances.
Today most people fly kites as a hobby. Kite festivals are
organized in many cities in all parts of the world.

Which of the following statements is true according to the

A. Simple kites are made by crossing six sticks and
covering them with paper or cloth.
B. The Wright Brothers experimented with kites
before they flew the third airplane.
C. It is not still a popular hobby in China, Japan and
Korea and in other countries of the Far East
where beautifully decorated appear in different
D. Kites were also used to carry radio signals over
long distances.
E. Kites are not made in many different sizes,
colors, and shapes. A flat kite is the oldest and
simplest type of kite.

14 C
Text 2 Pembahasan:
Jika ada pertanyaan ‘infer,
suggest, and implied’ berarti
People have been making and flying kites for about 2,000 kita disuruh untuk
years. No one knows for sure who invented the kite. Some menyimpulkan teks di atas.
historians believe it the ancient Chinese may have started kite
Pilihan A, B, D, dan E
flying 2000 years ago. It is still a popular hobby in China, Japan and
(Salah), karena
Korea and in other countries of the Far East where beautifully
kesimpulannya tidak sesuai
decorated appear in different colors. In China, there is even a
dengan teks di atas.
special Kites Day on which children and adults fly kites. In Japan
families fly fish kites on Children’s Day, May 5th. Jawaban: C [Benar], karena
pada penggalan teks di atas
Simple kites are made by crossing two sticks and covering
telah menyebutkan
them with paper or cloth. Then you attach a string at the end.
mengenai bagamana sih
More expensive kites have frames made of fiberglass, plastic or
cara membuat laying-layang
aluminum. The name comes from a graceful bird called kite.
yang sederhana.
Kites are made in many different sizes, colors, and shapes.
A flat kite is the oldest and simplest type of kite. It flies because
air flows over and under the kite’s wing. The pressure under the
wing helps the kite lift into the air.
Kites have also been used in experiments. Early scientists
sent kites up into the air to measure the temperature at different
heights. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin used a kite to prove that
lightning was a form of electricity. He attached a metal key to the
string of a kite. When lightning hit the kite, electricity passed
down the string and Franklin got an electric shock. It was a very
dangerous experiment that you shouldn’t copy.
Kites were also used to develop airplanes. The Wright
Brothers experimented with kites before they flew the first
airplane. In the past kites were used to take pictures in wars. In
World War I the Germans developed a large kite that could
transport people to a submarine. Kites were also used to carry
radio signals over long distances.
Today most people fly kites as a hobby. Kite festivals are
organized in many cities in all parts of the world.

“Simple kites are made by crossing two sticks and covering them
with paper or cloth. Then you attach a string at the end.”
(Paragraph 2)
What can be inferred from the text above?
A. How to fly kites.

B. How to make complicated kites.

C. How to make simple kites.

D. How to play kites.

E. How to ruin kites.

15 Hurricane winds are powerful forces of weather. Subjek pada kalimat C

Learn what causes these deadly storms. Hurricanes sebelumnya
begin over tropical and subtropical ocean water. They adalah Hurricanes/angin
start when warm water, moist air, and strong winds ribut (Hurricanes begin over
collide and create a rotating bundle of thunderstorms and tropical and subtropical
clouds. A hurricane might last a few hours or several ocean water) maka
days. kata they pada soal pasti
merujuk kepada Hurricanes.
Some hurricanes roar onto land bringing punishing
wind, torrential rain, walls of water, even tornados. The
wind, rain, and water surge wreak havoc on the coastline
and damage hundreds of miles inland.
Violent winds flip cars, sink boats, and rip houses
apart. Hurricane winds range from 74 miles an hour to
150 miles an hour or more. Wind creates high waves and
pushes the water onto shore. The water surge can be 30
feet high. That's as high as a 3-story building. Storm
surges cause most of the fatalities and damage.
In addition to the storm surge, hurricanes bring rain.
Lots of rain. In 2009, a storm hammered Taiwan with 114
inches of rain in only three days. Hurricane rains cause
landslides, flash floods, and long-term floods.
Because meteorologists can predict and track
hurricanes, people living in a hurricane's path can stay
safe by advance preparation, including an evacuation
plan, creating an emergency kit with food, water, and
other supplies (don't forget your pets), and most
importantly by listening to local authorities on the best
ways to stay safe.
“They start when warm water, moist air, and strong winds collide
and create a rotating bundle of thunderstorms and clouds.”
(Paragraph 1)
The underlined word refers to ….
A. Tornados

B. Storms

C. Hurricanes

D. Winds

E. Weathers

16 Hurricane winds are powerful forces of weather. Pernyataan pada opsi B B

Learn what causes these deadly storms. Hurricanes tidak tepat dan tidak sesuai
begin over tropical and subtropical ocean water. They dengan teks karena pada
start when warm water, moist air, and strong winds paragraf pertama dijelaskan
collide and create a rotating bundle of thunderstorms and bahwa angin ribut
clouds. A hurricane might last a few hours or several (hurricane) dapat
days. berlangsung setidaknya
beberapa jam atau
Some hurricanes roar onto land bringing punishing beberapa hari, bukan
wind, torrential rain, walls of water, even tornados. The beberapa minggu (A
wind, rain, and water surge wreak havoc on the coastline hurricane might last a few
and damage hundreds of miles inland. hours or several weeks).
Violent winds flip cars, sink boats, and rip houses
apart. Hurricane winds range from 74 miles an hour to
150 miles an hour or more. Wind creates high waves and
pushes the water onto shore. The water surge can be 30
feet high. That's as high as a 3-story building. Storm
surges cause most of the fatalities and damage.
In addition to the storm surge, hurricanes bring rain.
Lots of rain. In 2009, a storm hammered Taiwan with 114
inches of rain in only three days. Hurricane rains cause
landslides, flash floods, and long-term floods.
Because meteorologists can predict and track
hurricanes, people living in a hurricane's path can stay
safe by advance preparation, including an evacuation
plan, creating an emergency kit with food, water, and
other supplies (don't forget your pets), and most
importantly by listening to local authorities on the best
ways to stay safe.
These following statements are true, except ….
A. Hurricanes begin over tropical and subtropical ocean water.

B. A hurricane might last a few hours or several weeks.

C. Wind creates high waves and pushes the water onto shore.

D. Hurricane rains cause landslides, flash floods, and long-term


E. People living in a hurricane's path can stay safe by advance

preparation because prediction of meteorologist.

17 Harriet Tubman, best known for her courage and Petunjuknya adalah kalimat E
acumen as a “conductor” on the Underground Railroad, sebelumnya yang
led hundreds of enslaved men, women and children menceritakan bahwa
north to freedom through its carefully prescribed routes Tubman memimpin 150
and network of safe houses. But once the Civil War pasukan pergi ke Carolina
started in 1861, Tubman used her skills as a spy and selatan untuk melakukan
expedition leader for the Union Army. serangan dan mereka
menyelamatkan para budak
In 1862, she traveled to a Union camp in South (Tubman led 150 soldiers on
Carolina, to help formerly enslaved people who had three federal gunboats up
taken refuge with Union troops, and to work as a cook South Carolina’s Combahee
and a nurse. But despite being unable to read herself, River for a surprise attack
Tubman gathered intelligence for the Union army, on the plantations of
organizing scouts to map territories and waterways and prominent secessionists,
pinpoint the location of Confederate troops and using intelligence she
ordnance. gathered from enslaved
people to bypass hidden
In 1863, she became the first and only woman to confederate torpedoes.
lead a military expedition during the Civil War, to Along the route, they
resounding success. Tubman led 150 soldiers on three stopped at several spots to
federal gunboats up South Carolina’s Combahee River rescue more than 700
for a surprise attack on the plantations of prominent enslaved people) maka
secessionists, using intelligence she gathered from sudah pasti
enslaved people to bypass hidden confederate kata they merujuk kepada
torpedoes. Along the route, they stopped at several spots Tubman dan para tentara
to rescue more than 700 enslaved people. Between yang dipimpinnya.
enabling such a massive escape and burning and
pillaging plantations, Tubman’s expedition dealt a major
military and psychological blow to the confederacy.
About 100 of the Black men rescued that day joined the
Union Army.
Tubman went on other expeditions and kept
gathering intelligence. One Union general was reportedly
reluctant to let Tubman leave South Carolina
because "her services are too valuable to lose" as she
was "able to get more intelligence than anybody
else" from the newly free people.
(Adapted from:
“Along the route, they stopped at several spots to rescue more
than 700 enslaved people.” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined word refers to …..
A. The enslaved people

B. Secessionists

C. Tubman

D. Soldiers

E. Tubman and her soldiers

18 There are things which you might consider working. C

First of all, if you want to be cool and go out with your
Soal tersebut memberikan
classmates and buy some cool stuff, well you need
pernyataan tentang “ ada
money! By getting a job, you get money. Of course, you beberapa kekurangan dari
have to work for it, but still, it can - and probably will - be kerja paruh waktu, kecuali”
useful. There is not only money to consider though. pernyataan di akhir kalimat
Experience is an important asset for after finishing your “Kecuali” adalah untuk
school. When you work during your school year and add mencari pernyataan yang
it to your resume, it will show your future employers that tidak termasuk kedalam
you are able to manage to pursue two activities at the kekurangan kerja paruh
same time, or more if you are involved elsewhere. waktu, jawaban yang paling
Another interesting thing to consider is the contacts you tepat adalah “You will have
might make by working. By contacts, I mean people that more time to go to a party”/
can be useful to you later in life. If you have different jobs, “kamu akan mendapatkan
you make new references you can later add to your CV lebih banyak waktu untuk
along with the experience. Also, if you are lucky enough pergi ke sebuah pesta”
to get a job in your area of studies, it may later become dimana jawaban tersebut
a permanent job. bertolak belakang dengan
pernyataan di paragraf
The main disadvantage of your life is that you will kedua baris kedua kalimat
have less time for schoolwork—and social life of course. tersebut “This also means
This also means you get less free time to just hang out you get less free time to just
or party or do other stuff than work and study. This is an hang out or party or do
important part of your life if you do not want to go all other stuff than work and
crazy! It is also important if you want to be cool. Having study”
a job can also add another source of stress to your life.
Depending on the type of job you are looking for, you
may get a boss that always wants more hours and
presses you to be more available. One of the things you
can do is to set yourself a maximum number of hours you
want to work per week and make this clear with your
employer at the beginning of the year.
My biggest recommendation is not to rush into
anything. It’s perfectly acceptable to spend the first few
weeks of school adjusting and having fun, and then slide
a job into the mix when you’ve grown comfortable with
everything else. Finally, never allow an outside job to get
in the way of your health and school years in general.
While work may keep you motivated and get you needed
money, it’s not worth losing your education or well being
over. Obtain what you need, but if you feel yourself
slipping take some time off, or find a better place to work.
You’ll have plenty of time to work post
(Source :
There are some disadvantages of part-time, EXCEPT
A. You will have less time for schoolwork and social life

B. You will have less time to hang out with your friends

C. You will have more time to go to a party

D. You will get a new source of stress in your life

E. You will probably get some pressures from your boss

19 Text 1 Pembahasan: D

In many English examination or test, listening section Pilihan A, B, C, dan E (benar),

always become the hardest section between the other section like karena pernyataan-
structure, reading, and speaking. The time that is given in the test pernyataan teks tersebut
is very fast and then the unclear pronunciation from the native ada di dalam teks di atas.
speaker. People always make it as the reason why many people
failed and cannot pass listening test with a good score. What is the Jawaban: D (Salah), karena
problem about that? Do not judge the listening learning method menurut teks bacaan
which is used in course or the style of delivering from the teacher paragraph kesembilan, “Do
which is not suitable. But ask to yourself. Have you familiar with not judge the listening
English? learning method which is
used in course or the style of
The grammar comprehension can be improved because of delivering from the teacher
practicing grammar items, speaking skill, and pronunciation can be which is not suitable” Yang
improved by practicing speaking in English, and then how listening mempunyai arti
skill can be improved? Same as the other English skills, listening skill “Jangan dulu menilai
can be improved naturally if we can be familiar with the English metode pembelajaran
listening conversation. But, we have to remember, listening in mendengarkan yang
English does not mean “listen”, but it means “gather”. So today you digunakan dalam kursus
have to try to listen every conversation in the listening section atau gaya penyampaian dari
guru yang tidak cocok..”
In learning English listening, we must have much patience.
Because making our ears familiar with the English listening is not an
easy job. Adaption skill that people have is also different. People
who have been familiar with English songs or English conversation
will be easier to adapt with listening. Learning listening will also be
easier for those who are in the English environment. Logically, we
have to know the way of reading well before we can write well. As
well as we have to learn English listening first, before at the end we
can improve our speaking skill fluently.
These are some tips how to learn English listening.
1. Practicing by Listening English Radio
You have to find English radio station in the internet. You
have to choose the station which you like. As often as you practice
will be help you to be familiar with pronunciation, conversation,
and terms in English.
2. Practicing by Watching English Movie Without Subtittle
This way is one of the interesting learning English. You can
choose the movie that you really like. The concept of the movie has
gesture and body language, and it will be easier to be learned.
3. Practicing by Listening English Songs
By doing this you can be familiar with English listening.
Music is one of the interesting media which is easy to be
remembered and learned.
4. Joining Listening Class
This is the last way to learn listening. You can join listening
class everywhere you want. If you join this, you will be taught by
the tutor who really mastered this material.
from: )

The following statements are true according to the

passage, except ...

A. In learning English listening, we must have much

patience. Because making our ears familiar with
the English listening is not an easy job.
B. You can join listening class everywhere you want.
If you join this, you will be taught by the tutor who
really mastered this material.
C. The grammar comprehension can be improved
because of practicing grammar items, speaking
skill, and pronunciation can be improved by
practicing speaking in English.
D. Judge the listening learning method which is used
in course or the style of delivering from the
teacher which is not suitable.
E. Learning listening will also be easier for those
who are in the English environment. Logically, we
have to know the way of reading well before we
can write well.

20 Text 1 Pembahasan: E

In many English examination or test, listening section Pilihan A, B, C, dan D

always become the hardest section between the other section like (Salah), karena statements
structure, reading, and speaking. The time that is given in the test itu tidak sesuai dengan
is very fast and then the unclear pronunciation from the native
speaker. People always make it as the reason why many people
failed and cannot pass listening test with a good score. What is the penjelasan yang terdapat
problem about that? Do not judge the listening learning method dalam teks bacaan.
which is used in course or the style of delivering from the teacher
Jawaban: E
which is not suitable. But ask to yourself. Have you familiar with
[Benar], karena statement
di atas berbicara bahwa
The grammar comprehension can be improved because of Dalam banyak tes, bagian
practicing grammar items, speaking skill, and pronunciation can be mendengarkan selalu
improved by practicing speaking in English, and then how listening menjadi bagian yang paling
skill can be improved? Same as the other English skills, listening skill sulit antara bagian lain
can be improved naturally if we can be familiar with the English seperti struktur, membaca,
listening conversation. But, we have to remember, listening in dan berbicara.
English does not mean “listen”, but it means “gather”. So today you
have to try to listen every conversation in the listening section
In learning English listening, we must have much patience.
Because making our ears familiar with the English listening is not an
easy job. Adaption skill that people have is also different. People
who have been familiar with English songs or English conversation
will be easier to adapt with listening. Learning listening will also be
easier for those who are in the English environment. Logically, we
have to know the way of reading well before we can write well. As
well as we have to learn English listening first, before at the end we
can improve our speaking skill fluently.
These are some tips how to learn English listening.
1. Practicing by Listening English Radio
You have to find English radio station in the internet. You
have to choose the station which you like. As often as you practice
will be help you to be familiar with pronunciation, conversation,
and terms in English.
2. Practicing by Watching English Movie Without Subtittle
This way is one of the interesting learning English. You can
choose the movie that you really like. The concept of the movie has
gesture and body language, and it will be easier to be learned.
3. Practicing by Listening English Songs
By doing this you can be familiar with English listening.
Music is one of the interesting media which is easy to be
remembered and learned.
4. Joining Listening Class
This is the last way to learn listening. You can join listening
class everywhere you want. If you join this, you will be taught by
the tutor who really mastered this material.
from: )

Which of the following statements is true according to the

A. Music is one of the boring media which is easy to
be remembered and learned.
B. The concept of the movie has not gesture and
body language, and it will be easier to be
C. Listening skill can not be improved naturally if
we can be familiar with the English listening
D. People who have been familiar with Arabic songs
or English conversation will be easier to adapt
with listening.
E. In many English examination or test, listening
section always become the hardest section
between the other section like structure,
reading, and speaking.

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