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Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Faculty of Chemical and Food Engineering

Applied Human Nutrition Department
Nutrition Throughout life cycle Exit Model Exam

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Part I: Multiple Choice 45 Question 45 pt
Part I: Choose the best answer from the alternative given
1. The eating pattern of adolescent can be affected by
A. Body image C. Ethnic background
B. Parental modeling D. All
2. In which stage of fetal development, the fetus is particularly vulnerable to retarded
development or abnormality
A. Fetal stage C. Embryonic stage
B. Blasto-genesis stage D. B and C
3. A type of malnutrition that precipitated by a disease state, surgical procedure, or
medication is
A. Secondary Malnutrition C. A and B
B. Primary Malnutrition D. None

4. Which one of the following can be a risk factor for infertility in woman
A. Low intake of Beta-carotene C. Body Mass Index <30
B. High Body fat D. All
5. Which one of the following statements is true about the nutrition of older adult
A. The need of energy decreases with age
B. Foods of high protein is not recommended
C. Have increased Basal Metabolic Rate
D. None
6. Why is it important to meet the nutrition need in every stage of life cycle
A. Poor nutrition in later life leads to growth retardation
B. Nutritional status at one stage influences health status in the next ones
C. Poor nutrition which starts in utero and extends throughout the life-cycle
D. B and C
7. Unhealthy life style prior to conception may result
A. Pregnancy related C. Low Birth weight baby
complications D. All
B. Infertility E. A and C
8. One of the following is the physiological change that occur during pregnancy
A. Blood volume increase by 50%
B. The mammary glands start to decrease
C. Increase tone and motility of muscle in gastrointestinal tract
D. Decrease in Basal Metabolic rate
9. One of the following statements is true about Adolescent nutrition
A. Calcium needs and absorption rates are higher than any stage of life
B. Adolescent females have significantly higher caloric requirements than males
C. The consumption of soft drinks may displace the consumption of more nutrient-
dense beverages
D. The onset of menstruation imposes additional iron needs for girls
E. C and D
10. What is the nutritional management for nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
A. Drinking liquids with meals C. Avoiding low fat foods
B. Small frequent meal D. Consuming spicy foods
11. Which vitamin should be given at birth to prevent haemorrhage
A. Vitamin A C. Vitamin E
B. Vitamin K D. Vitamin B6
12. One of the following is the first line management for childhood obesity
A. Dietary management C. Surgery
B. Drug therapy D. All
13. What is the effect of late introducing complementary food
A. Developmental delay C. Malnutrition
B. Iron deficiency anemia D. All
14. One of the following is not nutrition related concern in preschool age children
A. Eating Disorder C. Food refusal
B. Malnutrition D. None
15. The main carbohydrate found in Breast milk is
A. Sucrose C. Lactose
B. Starch D. Galactos
16. One the following statement is not true about breast milk production
A. It is triggered by the hormone Oxytocin
B. The more the baby stimulates the breast, the more milk is produced
C. If breastfeeding time is restricted, the production of milk may not be stimulated
D. It is a demand and supply process

17. Why is Nutrition during Preconception so important

A. Poor maternal nutrition has immediate consequences than long term consequence on
the baby
B. If conception start with Poor maternal nutrition growth and development of the fetus
will be compromised
C. The fetus is most vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies in the third trimester of
D. All
18. The specific craving for nonfood items that come from the earth, such as clay or dirt, is
known as
A. Pica C. Geophagia
B. Aversion D. None
19. Which of the following is considered a risk factor for low vitamin D status?
A. Dark skin pigmentation
B. Light skin pigmentation
C. Low calcium intake
D. High calcium intake
20. A type of diabetes that develop after about twentieth week of pregnancy
A. Type-2 Diabetes C. Type-1 Diabetes
B. Gestational Diabetes D. A and B
21. What is the consequence of Frequent consumption of high amounts of alcohol in
A. Retardation of fetal growth C. Fetal alcohol syndrome
B. Miscarriage D. B and C
22. Which one of the following is the mammary gland that produces and secrets milk.
A. Duct C. Alveoli
B. Areola D. Nipple
23. Which one of the following is the factor that influences the calorie needs of infants
A. Growth rate C. Physical activity
B. Health status D. All
24. A common breastfeeding problem characterized by the accumulation of milk and edema
A. Painful Nipples C. Breast engorgement
B. Cracked nipple D. Sore Nipples
25. The child’s growth is static in growth chart if the curve is
A. Going up C. Zigzag
B. Going down D. Flat
26. Which one of the following is true about breast milk
A. Colostrum is rich in fat-soluble vitamins and mineral
B. The foremilk is heavier, richer in lipid and Carbohydrate
C. Human milk has high Cholesterol
D. A and C
27. Neural tube defect, caused by folate deficiency leads to the spinal cord and backbone
fails to develop normally is called
A. Spinal bifida
B. Anencephaly
C. Chiari Malformation
D. A and B

28. A healthy normal infant should increase in weight by six months considering his birth
A. Double C. Quadruple
B. Triple D. Quintuple

29. Which statement is correct about Exclusive breastfeeding

A. Exclusively breastfeed infants have little risk of anemia
B. Exclusive breast feed infants should take additional water to dehydrate
C. An infant should feed only from breast milk for 9 month
D. Complementary food should be started at the age of 4 month
30. How much kilocalorie does a pregnant women requires in third trimester
A. 450 Kcal C. 320 Kcal
B. 400 Kcal D. 340 Kcal
31. One is Maternal factors that affect pregnancy outcome
A. Pre-pregnancy weight C. Pregnancy weight gain
B. Maternal age D. All
32. A stage of breast milk secretion by which the milk composition becomes stable
A. Lacto genesis I C. Lacto genesis III
B. Lacto genesis II D. Mamogenesis
33. Foods that contain high amounts of nutrients to calories referred to
A. Calorie dense foods C. Nutrient dense foods
B. Energy dense foods D. A and D
34. Which one of the following hormone responsible for follicle to release its egg from the
A. Estrogen C. Luteinizing Hormone
B. Progesterone D. Follicle Stimulating Hormone
35. Poorly controlled blood glucose levels early in pregnancy increase the risk of
A. Fetal malformations
B. excessive infant size at birth
C. Development of diabetes in the offspring
D. All

36. One of the following is not the function of placenta

A. Nutrient and gas exchange from the mother
B. prevents the mixing of fetal and maternal blood
C. Removal of waste products from the fetus
D. None
37. Which of the following factors contributes to increased iron needs among adolescents
A. Increased growth velocity during puberty
B. Low dietary intake of iron
C. Onset of menarche
D. All of the above
38. Which one is true about nutritional protein of breast milk?
A. It is high in Casein as compared to animal milk
B. It is low in Whey milk
C. The concentration of protein is lower in breast milk than animal milk.
D. It contains more lactalbumin, while cow milk contains more Betalactoglobulin
39. One of the following is the condition to use breast milk substitute
A. If the Infants is with galactosemia
B. If the mother is with AIDS, human T-cell leukemia, or active tuberculosis
C. If the mother receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation
D. All
40. Which statement best describe nutrition of preschool children
A. Too much fiber is recommended to alleviate constipation
B. Many children in the age of 2-8 years consume adequate calcium
C. Soft drink and juice consumption begin to increase at 4 to 8 years of age
D. None
41. which eating disorder is common in adolescents that is a form of self-starvation by
restricting calorie intake
A. Bulimia nervosa C. Binge eating
B. Anorexia nervosa D. B and C

42. Deficiency of iodine early in pregnancy can leads a problem in offspring called
A. Anemia B. Rickets
C. Hypothyroidism D. Xerophthalmia
43. Which Food is mostly responsible for food allergy in children
A. Egg C. Banana
B. Corn D. All
44. A hormone responsible for ejection of milk from breast is
A. Oxytocin C. Estrogen
B. Prolactin D. Progesterone
45. Which indicator is best to asses malnutrition in emergency
A. Height for age
B. Weight for age
C. Weight for height
D. All

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