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The Power's Out"

A: (talking to herself)

Great. I was already having a bad hair day, and now the power's out. Crap! I didn't save the document I was working
on. Now I'll have to start all over. I think I'll call Marsha. My cell phone's probably the only thing that works in the
whole house.

B: Hello?

A: Hey, my power just went out. I'm a little worried. The power hardly ever goes out over here.

B: Mine is out too.

A: Really? Why aren't you freaking out?

B: I guess I'm just cool as a cucumber.

A: That's so corny. I was in the middle of writing a paper when we lost power. I hadn't saved it yet. So I think I lost
everything I was working on.

B: That sucks. Well, lucky for me, I wasn't working on anything important. I was just reading the news. Apparently
someone fell asleep at the wheel last night near my house and killed the other driver.

A: Were they under the influence? Sometimes alcohol makes you sleepy.

B: I don't know. I hadn't finished the article yet.

A: So what happened at your last job?

B: Oh, it just didn't work out. Me and the boss were always at each other's throats. I quit about a week ago. I was
thinking about taking classes, but I don't know. I'm not sure what I want to do. I've been thinking about it all week,
but have no clue. I'm at my wit's end.

A: Your job before this last one was an office job too, right?

B: Yeah, I've had back to back office jobs. I might want something different now. I'm kind of tired of sitting at a desk
all day. I'd be nice to have a job where I could move around some. I was getting in bad shape from just sitting
around all the time. But then again, I've been off for a whole week and have done nothing but hang around the
house. I haven't gone out, exercised, or anything.

A: Yeah, I know what you mean. So you were reading the news... What else is going on, besides a possible drunk

B: Well, you know... the usual. Criminals at large, businesses going under, people getting put behind bars, people
arguing about politics. I don't usually keep up with the news. The news is almost always negative. So I don't
usually keep up with it. But I thought it was about time that I get caught up on current events.

A: Yeah, the news does always seem negative. Amen! The power came back on.

B: Mine too. I'll let you go. Good luck on your paper.

Traducción y Comentario
A: (talking to herself)

Great. I was already having a bad hair day, and now the power's out. Crap! I didn't save the document I was working
on. Now I'll have to start all over. I think I'll call Marsha. My cell phone's probably the only thing that works in the
whole house.

(hablando consigo misma)

Que bueno (sarcasmo). Ya estaba teniendo un mal día y ahora la luz se cortó.

¡Maldita sea! No guardé el documento que estaba haciendo. Y ahora tengo que empezar de nuevo. Creo que llamaré
a Marsha. Mi celular es probablemente la única cosa que funcione en toda la casa.

B: Hello?

A: Hey, my power just went out. I'm a little worried. The power hardly ever goes out over here.

Hola, la luz se cortó. Estoy un poco preocupada. Aquí sólo se corta muy rara vez.

B: Mine is out too.

Aquí tampoco funciona.

A: Really? Why aren't you freaking out?

¿De veras? ¿Por qué no estás volviéndote loca?

B: I guess I'm just cool as a cucumber.

Supongo que soy bien tranquila.

A: That's so corny. I was in the middle of writing a paper when we lost power. I hadn't saved it yet. So I think I lost
everything I was working on.

Eso es tan cursi. Yo estaba en la mitad de un ensayo cuando se cortó la luz. Todavía no lo había guardado. Y creo que
perdí todo lo que estaba haciendo.

B: That sucks. Well, lucky for me, I wasn't working on anything important. I was just reading the news. Apparently
someone fell asleep at the wheel last night near my house and killed the other driver.

Que mal. Pues, afortunadamente para mí, no estaba trabajando en nada importante. Sólo estaba leyendo las
noticias. Por lo visto, alguien se quedó dormido mientras conducía anoche cerca de mi casa y mató al otro

A: Were they under the influence? Sometimes alcohol makes you sleepy.

¿Habían bebido? A veces el alcohol te da sueño.

B: I don't know. I hadn't finished the article yet.

No lo sé. Todavía no había terminado de leer el artículo.

A: So what happened at your last job?

¿Entonces que pasó con tu último trabajo?

B: Oh, it just didn't work out. Me and the boss were always at each other's throats. I quit about a week ago. I was
thinking about taking classes, but I don't know. I'm not sure what I want to do. I've been thinking about it all week,
but have no clue. I'm at my wit's end.

Oh, nada, no resultó. El jefe y yo siempre estábamos peleando. Renuncié desde hace una semana más o menos.
Estaba pensando en tomar clases, pero no sé. No estoy segura de lo que quiero hacer. He estado pensando en eso
toda la semana, pero no tengo idea. Estoy volviéndome loca.

A: Your job before this last one was an office job too, right?

Tu trabajo anterior era un trabajo de oficina, ¿verdad?

B: Yeah, I've had back to back office jobs. I might want something different now. I'm kind of tired of sitting at a desk
all day. I'd be nice to have a job where I could move around some. I was getting in bad shape from just sitting
around all the time. But then again, I've been off for a whole week and have done nothing but hang around the
house. I haven't gone out, exercised, or anything.

Sí, he tenido un trabajo de oficina tras otro. Tal vez quiero algo diferente ahora. Estoy un poco cansada de sentarme
en un escritorio todo el día. Sería bueno tener un trabajo en donde moverme un poco. Me estaba convirtiendo en
mala forma por estar sentada todo el tiempo. Pero por otro lado, he estado libre por una semana entera y no he
hecho nada salvo quedarme en casa. No he salido, ni hecho ejercicio, ni nada.

A: Yeah, I know what you mean. So you were reading the news... What else is going on, besides a possible drunk

Sí, sé lo que quieres decir. ¿Entonces estabas leyendo las noticias? ¿Qué más está pasando, además de un posible
conductor borracho?

B: Well, you know... the usual. Criminals at large, businesses going under, people getting put behind bars, people
arguing about politics. I don't usually keep up with the news. The news is almost always negative. So I don't
usually keep up with it. But I thought it was about time that I get caught up on current events.

Bueno, tú sabes.... lo usual. Criminales prófugos, negocios que cierran definitivamente, personas en la cárcel, o
discutiendo sobre política. Normalmente no estoy al día con las noticias. Son casi siempre negativas. Así que
normalmente no me pongo al día con ellas. Pero pensé que ya era hora de ponerme al día con los eventos actuales.

A: Yeah, the news does always seem negative. Amen! The power came back on.

Sí, las noticias siempre parecen negativas. ¡Gracias a Dios! Volvió la luz.

B: Mine too. I'll let you go. Good luck on your paper.

Aquí también. Te dejo ir. Suerte con tu ensayo.

Expresiones idiomáticas de inglés en la conversación:

a bad hair day - Puede ser dos cosas: tu pelo está horrible o que tienes un mal día.

to start over - empezar de nuevo

hardly ever - casi nunca o muy rara vez

go out - La luz, electricidad, el fuego, etc pueden "apagar" o “cortar” También de otro contexto, "go out" significa

to freak out - volverse loco

cool as a cucumber - estar muy tranquilo

corny - cursi

that sucks - ¡qué mal!

lucky for me - afortunadamente para mí

at the wheel - se refiere al conductor... el conductor está "at the wheel"

to be under the influence - estar borracho mientras se conduce

to work out - en este contexto, se refiere a una situación. "La situación x no estaba saliendo bien" o “no funcionaba.”

En otro contexto, "to work out" quiere decir "hacer ejercicio."

to be at someone's throat - estar peleando o discutiendo mucho

to be at your wit's end - estás para volverte loco porque no sabes la solución o respuesta

back to back - si hay dos cosas siguientes, están "back to back"

to move around - moverse, levantarse de una silla para caminar un poco

bad shape - mala forma

to sit around - sentarse o estar en el mismo lugar sin hacer nada

to be off - estar libre de trabajo o sin clases

to hang around - quedarse en un lugar, a veces no haciendo nada

at large - si un criminal está "at large" quiere decir que se escapó de la cárcel y hay que tener cuidado

to go under - cuando se refiere a un negocio, quiere decir que cerró para siempre por falta de ventas, etc.

keep/catch up - ponerse al día

to be about time - ser la hora. Normalmente se dice después de una demora cuando ya estás listo por esperar
mucho tiempo

to come back - volver, regresar

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