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ADVERTISEMENT MINISTRY OF AGRO-INDUSTRY & FOOD SECURITY REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS Employment of Veterinary Officers on contract Applications are invited from qualified foreign candidates from SADC Member Countries and other foreign countries who wish to be considered for ‘cmployinent on contract basis az Veterinary Officer in the Ministry of Agro-Industry fand Food Security of the Republic of Mauritius. un. Ww. Age Limit Candidates should be below the age of 70 years by the closing date for the submission of applications. QUALIFICATIONS Candidates should be () fully registrable as Veterinary Surgeon in uccordance with legislation in force in the Republic of Mauritius; and i) computer iterate, porns 1. To be responsible to the Head of the Division of Veterinary Services for the performance of the following duties: (treatment of sick animals; {ii) veterinary applied research and diagnostics; (ii) prevention of animal diseases (iv) artificial insemination, pregnancy agsesements and attending, to infertility eases; () inspection of quarantine stations; (vi) meat inspection at abattoirs and other meat processing plants; (ui) inspection of imported animals and animal products ae well as issue of Veterinary Certificates; (wit inspection and certification for export of animals and animal products; (ix) certification and inspection of food items of animal ori meant for human and animal consumption; x) active participation in Government projects and programmes Gcaling with animal wellare including sterilisation of dogs and (xi) supervision of the work of technical and other subordinate stalf; {xil)enforceanent of appropriate legislations in force; (ii) inspection, sampling analysis and certification of fresh and frozen fish as well as any other seafood products; {4iv) inspection, monitoring and auditing of fish processing plants, fishing/freczer factory vessels and cold stores; and (0) inspection of fish farms; ‘To use ICT in the performance of his duties. ‘To perform such other duties directly related to the main duties listed above or related to the delivery of the output and results expected from the Veterinary Officer in the roles ascribed to hin, Hote: Veterinary Officers will be required to work outside normal working ‘hours, at night, on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. SALARY ‘A negotiable monthly salary in the rango of Ra 36550 - 64400 based on experience reckoned, ‘TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE/CAR BENEFITS ® o © |A monthly travelling allowance of Rs 13,200 is payable both for attending duty and for official travelling by own car or mileage at the rate of Rs"7.25 per km for both offical purposes and for altending duty together with a monthly commuted allowance of Rs 3260 a month, {) Loan facilities equivalent to a maximum of 21 months’ salary at 3% interest rate per annum are granted. The loan is refundable in 84 monthly instalments for the first purchase of a car with petrol engine of up to 1850 cc on which 100% customs duty ‘would be remitted. (i) Loan facilities equivalent to a maximum of 21 months’ salary at 1% interest rate per anstum forthe purchase of an electric car, When applying for a loan, adequate security should be furnished to cover the full amount ofthe loan contracted. In case no bank guarantee ts available, loan facilities would be ‘granted up to a maximum of 12 months’ salary at interest rate of 3% per annum refundable in 48 monthly instalments, subject to the conditions that they are legally bound to reimburse, forthwith, the outstanding toan on termination and expiry of ‘contract Proportionate duty is payable ifthe contract expires or is terminated or ifthe car is sold within four years as from the date of purchase thereof, WORKING HOURS. ‘The normal working hours are: - {e) From 9,00 a.m to 3.30 p.m on weekdays; {b) From 9.00 a.m to noon on Saturdays. ‘Vill. EXTRA DUTY ALLOWANCE Will be required to be on call after working hours, in relation with the 24-hour setvice provided to the breeding community as follows: - © Weekdays 15 90 hts to 09 00 hrs the next day: Re 445, saturdays: Noon to 18 00 hrs: Re 210 18 00 hrs to 09 00 hrs the following da Re 348, ‘Sundays & Publte Holidays: (09 00 hrs fo 1700 hra: Rs 290 17 00 hrs to 09 00 his the following day: Re 395 (i) An allowance of Re 210.- per hour when attending, work whilst ‘on call, inchusive of travelling time eubject toa maxinum of: Weokdas Rel 080 Saturdays Rsi 300 ‘Sundays & Public Holiday Rel 735 LEAVE (a) 21 working days of Annual Leave and Sick Leave respectively for each, year of contract in accordance with paragraph 11.9 of the 2021 PRB Report; and (b} Annual leave not taken may be cashed at the end of year of contract ar ‘may be accumulated. PASSAGES ‘You will be eligible for economy class air passages from the country of permanent residence to Mauritius and back on expiry of contract for self, ‘spouse and up to three dopendent children below the age of 21, subject to the following: @ ifthe contract is of one year duration and is renewed, passages should be granted after two years; and (i) for subsequent extension of contract, passages should be granted ‘every two Years, unless the contract is extended for a final period of Jess than two years. GRATUI ‘An end-of-contract gratulty is payable at the rate of two months’ salary on ‘completion of 12 months’ satisfactory service. In case already taken loan facilities without subscribing to a bank ‘guarantee, would be allowed to draw the gratuity subject to the condition that would be legally bound to reimburse any outstanding loan on termination or expiry of contract i ATION Free quarters will be provided if available or & monthly rent allowance, xm, a ‘TERMINATION OF CONTRACT ‘The contract of employment may be determined: (a) By either panty, by giving one month's notice in writing or by paying the equivalent of one month's salary to the other party, {b) Forthwith on ground of misconduct whereupon all rights and advantages accruing under this contract shall cease Note: Salaries and Allowances are in Mauritian Rupees, ‘MODE OF APPLICATION Candidates should submit their applications on the Proseribed Form along with relevant copies of Birth Certificate, ducational/Academic qualifications and documentary evidence pertaining to their professional Experience, Professional Certificates and Registration Certificates to the tundermentioned address in either hard or soft copy within three weeks of the date of advertisement but not later than 16.00 houre on Ietenneninenen 2024, The advertisement together with the ‘application form ‘aze also available on the website of the Ministry of Agro- Industty and Food Security atthe following address: agriculture.qovmu.ora ‘The Permanent Secretary Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security 9% Floor, Renganaden Seeneevassen Building, Cnr Jules Koenig & Maillard Street Port Louls, Mauritius Phone: {230} 212 0884/ 212 2940 Fax No: (230) 213 0029 Email address: moa:pssecreturlatéagoumu.ora Application received after the closing date will not be considered. Incomplete, inadequate and Inaccurate filing of the application form may entail elimination of the candidate. 3. The Ministry reserves the right to convene only the best qualified candidates, {or interview. Ministry of Agro-Industry and Food Security 9% Floor, Renganadon Soenvevassen Bullding, Cue Jules Kocnlg & Maillard Stroet Port Louis Date: Mauritius REPUBLIC OF MAURITIUS MINISTRY OF AGRO-INDUSTRY AND FOOD SECURITY APPLICATION FORM Employment as Veterinary Officer on Contract Basts from SADC Member. Countries and other foreign countries 1. PERSONAL DETAILS: Surname: Na Dr/MeiMrs! Miss: Address: Date of Birth: Post Code: ‘Telephone Number Home: . Bail address: . 2, EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS: From [To | Typeot school TExaminetions taken and Qualification Gained G.e-GrammariSecondary) | (Specify Grades) 3. RURTHER/HIGHER QUALIFICATIONS: rom [To | Name hatin ‘Sabena qualTiatons pained (tate uttor-Purt Time) | (Seely grades or Degree Cass Obtained) ‘SHIP OR PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS: Institute/organisation Ginde of Membership (where appropriate) 5, EXPERIENCE/EMPLOYMENT RECORD (Please lit chrovoloiclly, starting widheutrent or last employer) ‘Final salary and reason leaving (tepplcable) “Nase and Adress ‘of Employer and [Nature ofBusinesst 6. VERIFICATION OF INFORMATION 1, certify that all information which Ihave provided is correct. Tunderstand that any fal information given may result in a job offer being withdrawn. Signatre:..coseren seowsees Dat 2Xtnptonaer

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