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@® (==) Aakash go MedieallITJEE|Foundations Corporate office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Pho1-47623456 MM: 40 Fortnightly Subjecive Testor Class-X-CBSE (2024-25) Stlence-TOLA(G1) Time : 90 Min, Topics Covered: Physies: LightRetlecion and Retraction (Complete Chapter) ‘Chemistry: Chemical Reacions and Equations (Complete Chapter) i Blology: Life Processes (Complete Chat) é j General Instructions : 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. This question paper consists of 20 questions in five sections A, B, C,D &E. 3. An internal choice is provided in some questions. A student is expected to attempt only one of these questions. 4. Section A consists of 8 Multiple Choice & 2 AR Type questions carrying 1 mark each. 5 Section & consists of 4 Very Short Answer type questions carying 2 marks each, Answers to these questions should be in the range of 30 to 50 words. 6. Section © consists of 3 Short Answer type questions carrying 3 marks each. Answets to these questions should be in the range of 50 10 80 words. 7. Section D consists of 1 Long Answer type question carrying § marks. Ansiver to this question should be in the range of 80 to 120 words 8. Section E consists of 2 Source-based | Case-based units of assessment of 4 marks each with sub-parts 9. Use of calculator is not permitted. 10. itis mandatory o use Blue/Black Pen to write the answer \ Read sclENCE PS ae ‘SECTION-A : Multiple Choied & AR Type Questions (10% Q1. Consider the following reaction : 5 a aFe(s) + bH20(@) ~ dFegO4{s) + cHa(a) De (on balancing a, b and c respectively in the above chetfical equation are (2) 4,4and3 (2) 2,1and3 (8) 3,4and4 (4) 4,3.and2 {Q2. Which of he following is an example of photodecomposition reaction? 1m (a) €acog —+Ca0+ C02 (@) 2420 92 Hp +02 (8) 2NaCl +2.Na+Clp (4) 2Agcl 424g +Clz @3. Which ofthe following is an example of chemical change? a (2) Rusting ofiron (@) Cuting of wood {@) Tearing of paper (4) Boiling of water QA. HClis secreted by a (2) Stomach (2) Gall bladder @ Pancreas (4) Liver Q5. Select the incorrect statement regarding alveoli of lungs. it (4) These provide surface where tie exchange of gases takes (2) These are balloon-lke structures. place (3) These are further divided into bronchioles (4) Theirwalls contain an extensive network of blood vessels Fortnightly Subjective Test for Clas-X-CBSE (202425) Sclence TOLA(GH) Q6. Relation between radius of curvature R and focal length Ffor a a a be @ (1) F=2R (rem (Razr Q7. When light travels obliquely from glass to air (2) Itproceeds undeviated (2) Itbends towards the normal atthe Pointotincidence (3) Itbends away from normal at the point of incidence (4) Itreflected back for all angle ofincidence 8. The magnification ofa plane mirror is, i aa (+4 , @)-05 (4) 405 8. In he following question, a statement of Assertion (A) s followed by a statement of Reason (R). ff Assertion (A): When magnesium ribbon is bumt, a redox reaction takes place. N Reason R) : Magnesium is reduced and changes into a white substance. (2) Bom (A) and Fave tue and (R)is the cones explanation (2) Both (A) and (R) are tue but (R) is not the covet ae explanation of (A) @) @)istalse but (R)is tue ” ©) @istwue but Ris alse (Q204n the following question, a statement of Assertion (A) is followed by a statement of Reason (R). w ‘Assertion (A) : Arteries have thin and inelastic walls Reason (R) : The blood emerges trom heartis under high pressure. (1) Both (A) and (R) are tue and (R) isthe correct explanation (2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the coe of (a) explanation of (A) @) ()istue but (R) is false () @istalse but (R) is tue ‘SECTION. : Very Short Answer Type Questions (4x2 = 8 Marks) ea NS (QULWhy does the taste of food materials containing fatof oil chihge When left along inet one suggestion to preventit. [2] Q124)) Whatis aerobic respiration? Name GI SP a (i) Wit an equation hat show complete breakdown ofgiaaeinoatachonaioos i. RO 13How is small intestine designed to absorb digested food? At el C/O 14A.ayofghtsincdentatan angle of 20" wih the voc shown i ur, [ay 20° Redraw the diagram showing angle ofincidence and angle of reflection, oR A student caries out the experiment of tacing the path of a ray of light through a rectangular glass slab with Zi = 45°. (21 ‘efracve Index of glass sab Is. V2, then what willbe the reracive angle rand emergence angle ces SECTION-C : Short Answer Type Questions (3x3 = 9 Marks) 254) Wnatwill you observe on dipping an iron nal in copper sulphate solution (taken ina testtube) for 20 minutes? Also we be [2 balanced chemical equation forthe reacion invalved (i) Name the gases evolved during the decompostion of teas rita, a] | oR | () Vite the chemical equation used in black and white photography. Also comment on the energy changes that takes place [2] | during the reaction, (i) Write the balanced chemical equation forthe reaction between aqueous solutions of sodium sulphate and barium chloride. [4] D @16Draw a diagram to show nutriion in Amoeba. @ _tlghly Subjective Test for Class ¥-cBSE (24 25) Science-TO1A(G1) Q174i)_ Define refraction off (i) Give the reason. ope St wath the help of suitable diagram 8) iy 'y @ pencil appears bent in the glass full of water ‘SECTION Long Answer Type Question (1X5 = 5 Marks) Q18.What are stomat ta? Wher somal pore, ere are they present in plants? Draw diagrams of open and closed stomata and label guard cell and (8) oR Draw a neat diagram of human heartand label the following parts: ” Aorta, Vena cava, Pulmonary vein, Left ventricle ‘SECTION-E : Source-based / Case-based Units of Assessment (2x4 = 8 Marks) {@19Shubham took about 10 g quick lime in a beaker and added about 100 mL water it He observed that a brisk reaction takes place and the surface of the beaker becomes hot ‘Answer the following questions based on above activiy (a) wit the balanced chemical equation forthe reaction taking place in above ac ‘Also, identity the ype of reaction. 2 a (&)Complete and balance the following reactons ()CH4g+O2 > (Nato. > fr, Bl (0) Define exothermic and endothermic reactions that the mirror can form magnified mirror and obser ‘mito is used by dentists 10 nt ofa spherical Per Her teacher told hectiat the given q20Pratibha kept an object at diferent positons fe Prat know more about fe mio, he asked her eachel ith 8 eat arge images of te teeth of patient. < Based on the given information, answer is used by Pratibha? jectis placed at cone of curvats smitfot. The image tne folowing quests’ 7 ve a a (api spherical ior oh Goh iat aes tage? @) Forte given mirror, ifan obi fis formed at distance of 30 om in front of te [2] ice of 15 cm from the. give (c)An object is placed at a distan ri (eA ee whatis the focal fengh ofthe mirror?” OLS or sem fom the given miro. The mage is formed ata distance of 30 em in front ofthe [21 laced at a distance of 1 cyan objects Ce the magnification produced mirror. Whats by the mirror?

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