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To Whom It May Concern

Re: Effect of temperature on lifetime

Temperatures below +20 °C will not affect the lifetime in a negative way. If the
temperature is above +25 °C the lifetime is affected.
Every 10 °C increase above +25 °C the lifetime is reduced by 20%.
The important value is the average temperature so if the battery room temperature
is to be controlled between + 17 - 28 °C the average temperature will most likely be
within + 20 - 25 °C which is the ideal operating temperature for the battery.

Degradation coming from aging is mostly affecting the capacity, since performance
are more dependent on the non-degrading plate design, approximately one tenth of
the capacity degradation.

Temperature is increasing the aging, more decrease/year in higher temperature.

Always consider the average temperature for aging.

Oskarshamn, Sweden 2020-09-10

Alcad Ltd

Rikard Brink
Application Manager

Norra Strandgatan 35 Box 504 SE-572 25 Oskarshamn, Sweden
Tel: +46 491 681 00 Fax: +46 491 681 10
Vat. No. SE 556250357201

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