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#4 IPNLF Appoints Jamie Briscoe the Role of

Indonesia Programme Lead

The International Pole & Line Foundation (IPNLF) strengthens its

Indonesian team and welcomes Jamie Briscoe in her new role as Indonesia
Programme Lead.

Indonesia is the largest tuna producer in the world, with an annual export volume of
approximately one million tons. Notably, Indonesia plays a pivotal role in advocating responsible
sourcing practices, with a significant proportion of its tuna harvested through traditional
methods, particularly 'one-by-one fishing'.

IPNLF is the international charity that works to develop, support, and promote these socially and
environmentally responsible one-by-one tuna fisheries worldwide. IPNLF aims to contribute to
thriving coastal fisheries, including the people, communities, businesses, and seas connected
with them. Within Indonesia, IPNLF’s local branch Yayasan IPNLF Indonesia (YII), spearheads
policy-oriented initiatives, fishery development endeavours, traceability and technological
advancements, and stakeholder engagement efforts.

Taking over the role from Shannon Hardisty, who has been recently appointed IPNLF Social
Responsibility Director, Briscoe will lead the IPNLF Indonesia team and promote Indonesian
one-by-one tuna fisheries by ensuring the development, delivery, and accurate reporting of all
activities while seeking new opportunities and collaborations with local stakeholders, such as
the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF), local partner NGOs, project
partners, the international donor community, and IPNLF members.

Jamie Briscoe joins IPNLF after her tenure at the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. She
brings over five years of experience from engagements across non-governmental organisations
(NGOs) and philanthropic institutions dedicated to conservation and stewardship. She
contributed to the Indonesia Ocean Initiative and supported partners in implementing impactful
community-led ocean governance projects there.

Jamie Briscoe holds a Bachelor of Science in International Affairs from the University of
Colorado Boulder. During her academic pursuit, she conducted research in Ecuador, delving
into sustainability frameworks at the intersection of biodiversity preservation and community

Craig Turley, IPNLF Fisheries Director, expresses enthusiasm about Briscoe's appointment: “We
are excited about welcoming Jamie to the IPNLF team and believe her experience in the region
and philanthropic sector will help in further developing our presence and impact in Indonesia as
well as the broader South East Asia region.

Martin Purves, Managing Director of IPNLF, highlights the strategic significance of Jamie
Briscoe's appointment, coinciding with the organisation's upcoming formulation of its next
five-year strategy. He expressed his enthusiasm about having Jamie on board and “is confident
that she will play a significant role in supporting IPNLF's continuous initiatives in addressing
climate change, reducing carbon emissions, and integrating new technologies and innovation
into small-scale fisheries in Indonesia”.

The International Pole and Line Foundation (IPNLF) promotes the sustainable management of
the world’s responsible pole-and-line, handline and troll (collectively known as ‘one-by-one’)
tuna fisheries while recognising the importance of safeguarding the livelihoods they support.

IPNLF’s work to develop, support, and promote one-by-one tuna fisheries is subsequently fully
aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. We believe effective and equitable
global governance is essential to protecting and restoring the ocean, and this should be
achieved by ensuring the participation of local and coastal communities in decision-making
processes. Its local branch, Yayasan IPNLF Indonesia (YII) is at the forefront of pioneering
climate change and innovation initiatives in Indonesia.

IPNLF was officially registered in the United Kingdom in 2012 (Charity 1145586), and it has
branch offices in the UK, South Africa, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the Maldives.

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