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Student name : Hoàng Duy

Student ID : 2113150015
Email :
Class : Anh 05 – CLC KT – K60
Instructor : M.S. Đinh Hoàng Minh

Hanoi, August 2023

Hoàng Duy 2113150015


PREFACE ...........................................................................................................3


1. General information ........................................................................................................5
2. Development History .......................................................................................................5
3. Mission statements, vision and core value ....................................................................6
4. The company structure ...................................................................................................8
5. The company’s current state ..........................................................................................9
DEPARTMENT OF VTI EDUCATION CO.LTD .......................................10
1. Activities at the Human Resources Department of VTI EDUCATION CO.LTD . .10
1.1. Talent aquisition..................................................................................................... 10

a. Identifying the hiring need .....................................................................................12

b. Talent search ..........................................................................................................12
c. Screening candidates and interviewing................................................................. 12
d. Evaluation and offer of employment ......................................................................13
1.2. Training and Development..................................................................................... 13

1.3. Compensation and benefit ......................................................................................14

2. The assigned tasks at Human Resources department ................................................15

2.1. Talent acquisition ...................................................................................................15

a. Assigned tasks ........................................................................................................15

b. Result achieved ......................................................................................................16
2.2. Training and development ......................................................................................16

a. Assigned tasks ........................................................................................................16

b. Result achieved ......................................................................................................16
2.3. Compensation and benefit...................................................................................... 16

a. Assigned tasks ........................................................................................................16

b. Result achieved ......................................................................................................17
3. Evaluate Human Resource activities at VTI Education Co., Ltd and
recommendations ..............................................................................................................17
3.1. Strenghts .................................................................................................................17

3.2. Weaknesses .............................................................................................................17

Hoàng Duy 2113150015
3.3. Recommendations ...................................................................................................18

a. About activities at the HR department ...................................................................18

b. About the direction of the company's operations ...................................................18
1. Self-valuation .................................................................................................................19
1.1. Overall valuation ....................................................................................................19

a. Ethical qualities and working attitude ...................................................................19

b. Summary of strengths and weakness ......................................................................19
c. Relationship with superiors and colleagues.......................................................... 19
1.2. Achievements ..........................................................................................................19

1.3. Skills developed during the internship ...................................................................19

2. Weekly internship diary ...............................................................................................20

CONCLUSION .................................................................................................24

Hoàng Duy 2113150015

The modern economic activities have become a driving factor that shifts and changes
the business environment all around the globe. Not only does it play an important part in
driving the business decision of companies but also a significant aspect in the development
process of any business. The modern economic activities in Vietnam have been focusing on
constructing an integral and consistent supply of human resources because not only does it
bring about continuous growth of production efficiency, but also a sustainable construction of
the economic environment that support long-term goals. In addition, greater management of
human resources in a particular company plays a crucial role in funds and resource allocation.
This interm provide a better range of management of the overall business activities of the
company in particular and the whole country in general. More satisfactory control of human
resources in the country creates an opportunity for a greater range of jobs, a positive effect on
the economy and a better growth indicator for the country.
Facing this context, VTI Education Company Limited is a company with years of
experience in providing educational programs with orientation skills and knowledge
supplement courses to assist many people on their journey in occupational growth. The
company prides itself on its specialty in providing people with knowledge in the Information
and Technology Industry, especially in the development of management software and
construction of programs and it has won many achievements.
In order to achieve knowledge in the process of operating a business and understand
its economic activities, particularly in the Human Resource Management aspect in a
technology educational company, I decided to choose VTI Education Company Limited as an
ideal place to start my internship. In return, I have had the opportunity to achieve much
precious work experience and knowledge in the process of internal operation and governing
information in a company. Consequently, I decided to choose the topic: "AN ANALYSIS
of my Mid-term Internship report. This report helps me have a comprehensive understanding
of the activities of Human Resource management. Then I can make some comparisons
between principles and practice prior to coming up with some recommendations to improve
this process and the operation system of VTI Education Company Limited.
Moreover, the multifaceted landscape of modern economic activities underscores the
significance of adaptability and forward-thinking in the face of evolving market dynamics.
Businesses are compelled to recalibrate their strategies in response to changing consumer
preferences, technological advancements, and global economic shifts. This intricate dance

Hoàng Duy 2113150015
between economic forces and business responses necessitates a harmonious interplay between
human capital and strategic vision. In this context, the role of effective human resource
management assumes paramount importance, as it bridges the gap between the aspirations of
a company and the actualization of these aspirations through a skilled and motivated
workforce. As the global marketplace continues to redefine the parameters of success,
businesses like VTI Education Company Limited stand as exemplars, their commitment to
equipping individuals with the skills of tomorrow reaffirming the role of economic activities
not only in shaping businesses but also in fostering societal progress.
This report is divided into three main chapters as follows:
I want to give special thanks to M.S. Đinh Hoàng Minh who guides and supports me
in the process of writing this report. Despite my best effort, the times of practice and
understanding is still limited. Therefore, this report is not free from errors. I am always ready
to open up to hearing constructive arguments and criticism comments to better complete my


VTI Education Co., Ltd VTI Education Company Limited
HR Human Resources
CnB Compensation and benefit

Hoàng Duy 2113150015


1. General information
- Abbreviation: VTI EDUCATION CO.LTD
- Head office address: C22BT6 Hoai Thanh street, My Dinh 2 urban area, My Dinh 2
ward, Nam Tu Liem district, Hanoi city, Vietnam.
- Legal representative: Nguyễn Quyết
- Title: Director
- Phone: 024 7303 9996
- Operation Date: 07 - 29 – 2020
- Company size: 80 – 100 (2022)
- Website:
- Business:
 Outsource Software Programming (main business)
 Supplying course on Information Technology
 Supply technological solutions for the Vietnamese market as well as the global market
 Training program for soft skill development

2. Development History
On July 29, 2020, VTI Education Co.Ltd was officially established under the business
registration certificate and tax registration number: 0109287939 of the business registration
office. With the mission of providing digital and information solutions for small and medium
enterprises, as the same time creating a sustainable technology ecosystem, VTI Group created
VTI Education Co.Ltd as a technology and software designing company specializing in
outsource software development design and effective courses and training programs on
different aspect of the Information and Technology Industry such as: Business analyst,
software development, Digital marketing and E-commerce, etc.
After 3 years of development, VTI Group has founded an ecosystem consisting of
member companies operating in the field of Information Technology in the Vietnamese and
Japanese markets. Most of VTI Education Co. Ltd's facilities are located in Hanoi and Ho Chi
Minh City. My mid-term internship is undertaken in an facilities of VTI Education Co. Ltd in

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The company support clients from all industries and sizes through consulting and
implementing digital transformation in operations training programs for individual and

3. Mission statements, vision and core value

- Mission statement:
The company's mission is underscored by a fervent dedication to fostering a dynamic
technological landscape. With a focused specialization in crafting innovative software
products, the company aims to transcend conventional boundaries and usher in a new era of
digital solutions. This commitment finds expression not only in the products themselves but
also in the provision of technical and information-based remedies. By tailoring these solutions
to real-world scenarios, the company showcases its pragmatic approach to propelling
businesses through challenges.
Furthermore, the company's devotion to customer welfare shines brightly through its
offering of comprehensive training programs and courses. These educational initiatives are
thoughtfully designed to cultivate heightened business efficiency, facilitating the attainment
of ambitious occupational milestones. This aspect of the mission showcases the company's
holistic perspective, recognizing that sustainable growth extends beyond technology and
encompasses the nurturing of human potential.
In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the company's mission resonates as a
testament to its resilience and adaptability. By positioning itself as a nexus of technological
innovation, practical solutions, and educational empowerment, the company charts a course
toward a future where businesses thrive and individuals excel. With each stride taken in
alignment with this mission, the company propels itself and its stakeholders toward a horizon
rich with possibilities.
The company's main vision stands resolute as a beacon of purpose, radiating its
aspiration to lead the way in cultivating an unceasing stream of skilled and proficient human
resources. This aspiration is dual-faceted, spanning the realms of both the domestic and global
markets. By setting its sights on becoming a trailblazer in training and developing talent, the
company underscores its commitment to fostering a workforce that not only meets industry
demands but sets new benchmarks.
This visionary goal embodies a continuous cycle of nurturing and preparing individuals to
thrive in the dynamic landscape of modern markets. The phrase "constant supply" embodies
an unwavering commitment to maintaining a steady influx of skilled professionals, who are
not only equipped to navigate the intricacies of their respective fields but also poised to

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contribute meaningfully to their industries. This dual-purpose vision encapsulates the
company's resolve to fortify both the local and international job markets with a steady pool of
competent professionals.
In conclusion, the company's central vision encompasses both a commitment to
training and a dedication to fueling an unending wellspring of skilled human resources. This
mission, encompassing both the local and global contexts, underscores the company's role as
a transformative force, fostering growth and excellence in the ever-evolving arena of
workforce development.
Core value:
The guideline for all activities of VTI Education Co.Ltd is reflected in building a fair working
environment, respecting and helping each other as well as being constantly creative to bring
the highest value to customers. The company always innovates to make a difference between
other technological education companies in the following points:
 Optimization:
Professional and expert consultant working in the field of Information Technology
with a broad range of network with multiple corporation in the industry Incorporating
this professional and expert consultant into the company's framework introduces a
wealth of industry insights and valuable connections. With a robust network spanning
multiple corporations in the Information Technology sector, this consultant bolsters
the company's capacity to navigate the complexities of the field. Their experience
becomes a potent asset in aligning the company's ambitions with the realities of the
industry. This collaborative synergy between the consultant's expertise and the
company's mission further solidifies the groundwork for achieving pioneering status in
the training and development of skilled human resources.
 Responsibility:
VTI's top commitment is to the customer. The company offer the customers only the
best products and training courses. This unwavering dedication to customer
satisfaction sets the cornerstone for the company's ethos. Every product and training
program is curated with the customer's needs and aspirations at the forefront. By
adhering to this steadfast principle, the company not only fosters trust and loyalty but
also reinforces its position as a dependable partner in its customers' journey towards
excellence. The commitment to delivering excellence resonates not as a mere slogan
but as a tangible embodiment of the company's pledge to walk hand in hand with its
customers towards success.

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 Creativity:
VTI's encourages breakthrough ideas and innovative in theirs solutions. With a team
of talented professional and consultants who are always ready to contribute their
creativity to the educational programs and customers solutions, they are the best and
most prized aspect of the company to serve customers. The company's unwavering
commitment to infusing creativity into educational programs and customer solutions
stands as a testament to their exceptional value within the company. Their combined
expertise and innovative mindset position them as the backbone of the company's
customer service.

4. The company structure

Figure 1. Management structure at VTI Education Co.Ltd

- General director:
The director is the head of the company, directly managing, and operating all activities of the
company and representing the company.
- Human resource department:
The human resource department's mission is to make sure the company's employees are
adequately managed, appropriately compensated, and effectively trained. The department is
also responsible for recruiting, hiring, firing, and administering benefits.
- Marketing department:

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The Marketing Department plays a vital role in promoting the business and mission of the
company. Its job is to reach out to customers, investors and the community, while creating an
overarching image that represents the company in a positive light.
- Oporating department:
The Oporating department is responsible for creating and keeping the company's products and
services operational to meet the needs of customers. With a team of experienced employees in
programming, web development, software design...
- Sale department:
Sales department is the direct link between a company's product or service and its customers.
Activities of the Sales department include business operations and sales processes that help
distribute products to customers efficiently and accomplish business-oriented goals. Each
Sales department provides different processes for different levels of customers’ needs,
depending on the quality of the products or services.
- Establised agency:
 Hanoi's agency
 Ho Chi Minh City’s agency

5. The company’s current state

According to the Vietnam E-Commerce Association (VECOM), in 2022, newly registered
domain names reached more than 158,000 domain names. This is the highest growth rate of
new registrations in the past 5 years. By the end of 2022, the number of.VN domains
cumulatively maintained at 574,240 domains, with a growth of 4.9% over the same period last
year. With a growth rate of 6.4% over the same period in 2021, in 2022, new domain name
registrations have had a breakthrough after the Covid-19 pandemic impacted the entire
economy in the past few years. 2020 - 2021. This shows the exponential growth of the
Information Industry over the past decade.
Many companies, not just individual customers, place orders from their partner websites.
The demand for individual management applications and company identification website
numbers is increasing. Many people are focusing their career path on the Information
Technology industry. To satisfy the increasing demand during this trend, VTI Education
Co.Ltd launched a fair-value service package with multiple educational programs on mainly
software development. A Google search for "software development courses" will return about
846.000.000 results. With a course price ranging from 12 million VND to 15 million VND,
customers can learn and grasp the basic of software development and the knowledge of
Information Technology basis entirely for themselves. To achieve this price, VTI Education
Co.Ltd prized itself on having the ability to offer professionals and expert consultants

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carefully reviewed and constructed training programs. use the free or cheap source code
available to reduce the time it takes to build a website, but the interface is fairly simple and
has few features. VTI Education Co.Ltd offers their customers a modern environment and
educational courses that are closely related to the requirement of business in the Industry. VTI
Education Co.Ltd also offers a commitment of assistance for customers finishing their courses
with reference to their business partners, aiding them in their occupation selection.
Aiming to provide the finest assistance experience to their customers, VTI Education
Co.Ltd has been able to firmly establish itself in the market as a company specializing in
supplying educational courses and training programs at reasonable prices, but the value it
brings is always the same - Near perfect. According to government plans, the total turnover
population participating in online shopping and trading activities on website platforms could
reach 35 billion USD by 2025. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly changed the daily lives
of people around the globe, from living habits to communicating, working, shopping and
More than ever, the Internet and the Information Technology Industry are present as an
indispensable part, an indispensable tool to help the world operate during the pandemic. A
survey conducted by the Vietnam Internet Center in 2021 shows that nearly 98% of
consumers using the Internet have ever purchased online. Therefore, the Vietnam E-
Commerce Association (VECOM) has announced that it will raise awareness of the
importance of websites among businesses with the vision that "every business is a website".


1. Activities at the Human Resources Department of VTI EDUCATION
1.1. Talent aquisition

The Human Resources (HR) Department serves as the vital cornerstone of a

company's organizational structure, facilitating the intricate interplay between the workforce
and the overarching business objectives. This multifaceted department undertakes a diverse
array of functions that collectively contribute to the seamless functioning and growth of the
Firstly, HR is responsible for talent acquisition and recruitment, ensuring that the
company attracts, identifies, and selects the most suitable candidates for various positions.

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This involves crafting comprehensive job descriptions that encapsulate the roles' nuances,
conducting interviews that delve beyond the surface, and evaluating candidates' skills and
cultural alignment to ensure a harmonious team dynamic. These efforts extend beyond mere
recruitment; they lay the foundation for a cohesive team that propels the company forward
Once employees are onboard, HR's significance persists as it shifts its focus to
employee development and training. Through meticulously designed performance appraisals
and personalized learning initiatives, HR collaborates with employees to chart paths for their
professional growth. This commitment to continuous improvement not only augments
individual skills but also nurtures a collective culture of advancement, resulting in a more
agile and adaptable workforce.
Moreover, HR plays a pivotal role in maintaining a harmonious work environment by
actively mediating conflicts, promoting diversity and inclusion, and upholding the company's
code of conduct and ethics. This mediating function is akin to tending to the delicate threads
that weave the organizational fabric, ensuring that each thread remains strong and supportive.
Employee well-being also falls within HR's purview, as it administers benefits,
healthcare plans, and employee assistance programs. By actively attending to employees'
physical and mental health needs, HR demonstrates a commitment not only to professional
excellence but also to holistic well-being. This dedication resonates in heightened job
satisfaction, enhanced engagement, and ultimately, increased productivity.
Additionally, the department handles compensation and payroll, ensuring that
employees are fairly compensated based on their roles, responsibilities, and market
benchmarks. This financial aspect of HR extends to budgeting for workforce-related expenses
and cost-effective management of human capital. Such diligent financial stewardship ensures
the equitable distribution of resources, fortifying the company's financial sustainability.
Legal compliance is another critical domain of HR. The department meticulously
navigates the intricate landscape of employment laws and regulations, safeguarding the
company from potential legal pitfalls. This entails ensuring adherence to labor laws,
workplace safety regulations, and equal opportunity practices, creating a protective shield that
upholds both employee rights and organizational integrity.
Lastly, HR undertakes strategic workforce planning, aligning the company's long-term
goals with its personnel needs. By discerningly forecasting staffing requirements, anticipating
skill gaps, and formulating well-calibrated succession plans, HR contributes to the company's

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resilience in a dynamic and ever-evolving business landscape. This strategic prowess not only
ensures the company's stability but also empowers it to thrive amidst change.
In essence, the Human Resources Department serves as the linchpin that aligns the
company's human capital with its strategic objectives. Its multifunctional role, spanning talent
acquisition, development, employee well-being, legal compliance, and strategic planning,
underscores its significance in fostering a thriving organizational ecosystem. As the nucleus
of the company's workforce-related endeavors, HR's contributions resonate through every
facet of the company's functioning, weaving an intricate tapestry of success and growth.In
VTI Education Company Limited, the recruitment process consists of four interrelated steps
which are as follows:
a. Identifying the hiring need
In the first step, Human Resources Department will consider criteria such as workload,
work progress and operating efficiency in each department, thereby determining the positions
that need to be recruited. To meet the needs of VTI Education's expansion, the vacancies are
usually concentrated in the operating and sales departments. After identifying the hiring
needs, the recruitment process includes analyzing job requirements, qualifications, skills, and
experience necessary for filling the open positions. Next, prepare detailed job descriptions to
define the responsibilities and duties of each job.
b. Talent search
Identifying the right talent, attracting them and motivating them to apply are the most
important aspects of the recruitment process. In VTI Education Co.Ltd, there are 2 sources of
recruitment that can be tapped for a talent search
- Internal Sources: The vacancy can be filled by transferring a suitable candidate from
within the organization or promoting a high-performing employee to take over a
senior position. This may motivate the existing employees to be more productive and
maximizes their job satisfaction and sense of security as well as reduce the attrition
rate along with cost and effort.
- External Sources: External sourcing is crucial to selecting the most qualified
candidates from a vast pool. At VTI Education Co.Ltd, social networking sites are the
ultimate destination for finding potential recruits. With a user base of 535 million,
LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are the perfect platforms for discovering highly
skilled and efficient candidates.
c. Screening candidates and interviewing
Screening starts after the completion of the process of sourcing the candidates. It
filters and shortlists the applications of the candidates for further interviews. In this process,

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the resumes of the candidates are reviewed and checked for the candidates’ education, work
experience, and overall background matching the requirement of the job. Then top candidates
are identified. Next, the recruitment team will call the candidates through the phone to set up
interview schedules. Consequently, the candidates will be interviewed and screened against
the knowledge, skills and experience mentioned in the job description. The final interviews
are conducted by the HR manager and recruitment team members can take part in learning
d. Evaluation and offer of employment
This is the final stage of the recruitment process. After the candidates are selected by
the manager of the Human Resources department, job offers will be sent to them through
email. However, it never be taken for granted that the candidates will accept the offer. When
applicants accept the job offer, they officially become employees of the company. The joining
date and time are communicated to the employee. After that, pre-employment screening
which includes reference and background checks is conducted. Once the verification is done,
the employees are then introduced to the organization and the employment contract is signed

1.2. Training and Development

In addition to the recruitment process, Training and Development constitutes a
fundamental role within the Human Resource management department. It encompasses a
comprehensive educational advancement approach. The concept of training and development
pertains to the enhancement of insights, attitudes, flexibility, leadership, and interpersonal
relationships. The design of training programs is tailored to the company's needs, the specific
skills and types of employees undergoing training, the ultimate objectives of the training, and
the job roles of the employees.
At VTI Education Co.Ltd, these programs are categorized into two distinct forms: on-
the-job initiatives and off-the-job endeavours. Varied training is imparted to employees across
diverse levels and roles, encompassing Internship training, skill-focused training for proficient
employees, technical training, skills enhancement, soft skills nurturing, and team-focused
training. These training sessions occur on a weekly basis, adhering to pre-established
schedules and utilizing prepared materials.
The training and development framework at VTI is underpinned by a commitment to
fostering continuous growth. Beyond the structured sessions, the company encourages a
culture of self-driven learning, recognizing that individualized development pathways are
integral to unleashing employee potential. This culture of empowerment finds expression in
the on-the-job initiatives, where employees are encouraged to apply learned skills in real-time
scenarios, solidifying their learning through practical experience.

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Furthermore, the off-the-job training components delve into specialized areas,
enriching employees' skillsets and complementing their professional journey. The array of
training, ranging from technical prowess to soft skills refinement, aligns with the company's
holistic vision, ensuring that employees are not just proficient in their tasks but also equipped
to thrive in collaborative environments.
In essence, VTI's dedication to Training and Development extends far beyond mere
compliance; it represents an investment in the growth and empowerment of its workforce. By
offering diverse avenues for learning and progression, VTI lays the foundation for a
workforce that is not only equipped with skills but also invigorated with a mindset of
perpetual improvement.

1.3. Compensation and benefit

Compensation and benefits encompass the remuneration and various financial and
non-financial advantages provided by the company in exchange for employee services. This
fact holds a crucial position within the Human Resources domain, as it serves to sustain
employee motivation and stands as a key factor for workplace satisfaction. It allocates
rewards to employees according to their performance and contributions, consequently
fostering optimal performance within the workplace.
Beyond its foundational role in motivating employees, the intricacies of compensation
and benefits resonate deeply with employees' well-being and sense of value. A robust
compensation package acknowledges the time and effort employees invest in their roles,
reassuring them that their contributions are recognized and esteemed. Moreover, benefits
extend beyond financial remuneration, encompassing provisions like healthcare, retirement
plans, and work-life balance initiatives. These facets cultivate an environment of security and
holistic support, alleviating employees' concerns and allowing them to focus more
wholeheartedly on their professional responsibilities.
Strategic structuring of compensation and benefits can also be a potent tool for
attracting and retaining top talent. In a competitive job market, an appealing compensation
package not only allures prospective employees but also functions as a buffer against attrition.
Organizations that prioritize these aspects are likely to draw a more engaged workforce, as
individuals feel valued, supported, and encouraged to invest their best efforts.
Furthermore, compensation and benefits embody the company's core values and
cultural ethos. A well-crafted package communicates the company's commitment to fair
treatment, equity, and employee well-being. This alignment between policies and values
fosters a sense of cohesion and shared purpose, enriching the workplace environment and

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contributing to a positive organizational culture.At VTI Education Co.Ltd, the compensation
and benefits framework is divided into three distinct categories:
 Fixed pay: This includes the core salary along with other fixed components that are
stipulated clearly in the employment contract.
 Variable pay: This pertains to additional pay provided to employees based on their
performance levels.
 Insurance coverage: Encompassing health insurance, complimentary health checkups,
and on-campus medical facilities, these provisions not only ensure employee well-
being but also serve as motivational factors.
To ensure the effectiveness of these practices, the Human Resources department must
maintain a consistent oversight of various employee aspects, such as leaves taken,
timekeeping, assigned tasks, and overall work performance. Through this comprehensive
evaluation, employee performance is assessed following the company's established standards
and plans.

2. The assigned tasks at Human Resources department

2.1. Talent acquisition
a. Assigned tasks
- Identify and propose human resource recruitment needs for departments.
- Manage all documents and records related to the company's recruitment field.
- Organize human resource recruitment according to the plan:
 Search for candidates on recruitment platforms and social networks.
 Evaluate candidate resumes and schedule interviews.
 Participate in the interview process.
 Notification of recruitment results to candidates
- Report recruitment results to the HR manager for consideration and approval of
recruitment results.
- Carry out entry job procedures for new employees, making labour contracts and
submitting them to the HR manager.
- Receive and arrange jobs for employees who are signed labour contracts by their
- Monitor, make reports and evaluate the results of employees' performance during the
probationary period, proposing whether to continue signing the Labor Contract or not
for those who have passed the probationary period.

Hoàng Duy 2113150015
b. Result achieved
- During my internship during last July and in August, I was assigned to the Operating
Department. However, I was able to experience the duty of fulfilling candidates
information on the company's admin system for the recruitment target of the Human
resources manager. I accomplished the tasks assigned during the recruitment process
well and on time.
- Specifically, during the recruitment process, I input more than 50 set information of
applications from candidates.
- Learned more skills about interviews and CV writing skills.

2.2. Training and development

a. Assigned tasks
- Arrange the schedule for the company's training sessions and send email notifications
to employees according to the HR manager's plan.
- Prepare documents and slides for the training sessions.
- Prepare facilities and tools for the training sessions.
- Collect employees' harvest reports after training sessions.

b. Result achieved
- Successfully planned and organized 4 training sessions for new sales and technical
- Specifically, I assisted in the organizing of preparing equipment in training sessions
for new staff. This include things such as projector, sound equipment wiring,
preparing documents before and collect notes after the meeting.
- Learned knowledge about the HR profession as well as soft skills such as
communication skills and negotiation skills.

2.3. Compensation and benefit

a. Assigned tasks
- Keep track of employee timekeeping.
- Conduct evaluation and grading for each employee in the departments according to the
monthly evaluation criteria
- Prepare a report on the results of the evaluation and submit it to the HR manager for

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b. Result achieved
- The report on evaluation of the operation status of technical staffs in August was
reviewed and approved by the Human Resources manager.

3. Evaluate Human Resource activities at VTI Education Co., Ltd and

Throughout my internship experience at VTI Education Company Limited, I came to
understand that the company functions with a well-coordinated and efficient management
approach. Nonetheless, in addition to the valuable insights I gained, there are certain matters
that warrant open conversation. Addressing these challenges holds the potential to enhance
operational efficacy significantly, thus enabling VTI Education Co., Ltd to solidify its
standing and reputation within the market concurrently.

3.1. Strenghts
- All activities in the HR department are fully planned as schdules and implemented in a
timely manner to the company's situation.
- The recruitment work in the Company has made many progress, it shows high quality
from recruitment organization to recruitment form and content.
- Training activities for employees are regular, complete and diverse. This creates
conditions for employees to improve working efficiency as well as develop their own
- CnB activities are reasonable and effective. It helps the HR manager both monitor the
operating status and promote employees productivity.

3.2. Weaknesses
- Currently, the company only applies the interview method. The advantages interview
is widely known as the overall assessment of the interviewer's ability with little time
and money. However, it can't be estimated precisely because it is still influenced by
the subjectivity of the interviewers.
- Many training activities are carried out but the content is not thoroughly advanced or
creative. Besides, organizing too many training sessions can cause large costs for the
- Documents relating to recruitment and training plans are meagre and have not been
invested much in term of contents.

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3.3. Recommendations
a. About activities at the HR department
- The company should be able to conduct a multiple-choice method after the
preliminary interview. The implementation of this method will help the company
amass a pool of exceptional human resources. While it might demand additional time
and financial investment, adopting this approach could potentially yield long-term
benefits, including a reduction in subsequent training expenses and an elevation in
service quality.
- In addition to organizing numerous training sessions with scattered content, the
company could strategically allocate resources towards planning more concentrated
and intensive training sessions. This approach not only optimizes the utilization of
time and funds but also ensures that employees are immersed in meaningful learning
experiences that translate directly to their roles. This shift from quantity to quality in
training initiatives could yield profound improvements in employee skillsets and
subsequently enhance the overall operational efficiency of the company.
b. About the direction of the company's operations
- In the future, the company should still pursue the goal of quality to attract customers,
not cut costs to lower prices. To do this, the company should focus on promoting its
position and prestige in the market.
- Due to the high competition in the technology and education business, the company
should also focus on training professional knowledge for the operating team to
continuously develop the company's educational courses.

Amidst the ever-evolving landscape of technology and education, maintaining a commitment

to quality becomes the compass guiding the company towards lasting success. This pursuit is
underpinned by the understanding that while cost-cutting might yield temporary gains, it's the
allure of impeccable quality that forges enduring customer relationships. By steadfastly
upholding this principle, the company not only secures its market presence but also cultivates
a reputation that resonates with trust and excellence.

To solidify its market position and amplify its prestige, the company should embark on a
strategic journey of brand elevation. This involves showcasing the features of its products and

Hoàng Duy 2113150015


1. Self-valuation
1.1. Overall valuation
a. Ethical qualities and working attitude
- Go to work on time, and finish the assigned work on time.
- Always comply with the regulations set forth by the company and fully attend all
meetings and training.
b. Summary of strengths and weakness:
- Strength: Have high responsibility and inquisitiveness and am eager to learn new skills
and specialized knowledge of human resources.
- Weaknesses: Lack of confidence in communication and team activities, hesitate to
share opinions
c. Relationship with superiors and colleagues:
- Comply with all regulations and instructions from superiors.
- Get along and take up suggestions and guidance from the instructor and colleagues.

1.2. Achievements
During my internship at VTI Education Co.Ltd, under the enthusiastic guidance of my
instructor: Vũ Đức Thuận, I achieved certain achievements in my work in the Operating
- Fulfilled all the assigned target
- Successfully planned and organized 4 training sessions for new sales and operating
- Manage more than 50 set of information of applications from candidates and
information of learning customers on

1.3. Skills developed during the internship

- Professional knowledge about human resources management
- Event planning and organizing skills
- Interview knowledge and CV writing skills
- Teamwork skill
- Communication skill

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2. Weekly internship diary
- Internship diary week 1:
Date Work activities
02/07  Meeting to discuss the weekly workday’s activities and targets.
 Receiving training for operating a daily class and receive the
training for new employees’ activities.
 Keep track of employee timekeeping.
 Ensuring the operations of part-time and online learning customers
are exactly as the registered schedule.
03/07  Ensuring the equipment of interview operations of part-time and
full time candidates as exactly as the registered schedule.
 Prepare documents and slides for the training sessions.
 Prepare facilities and tools for the training sessions.
05/07  Inputting information of students in the admin control web
 Send notifying information of course rules and providing basic
instruction to customers through email.

07/07  Preparing class equipment before the start of the class

 Keep track of student attendant
 Fill information of students in the admin control web
 Weekly report: Reviewing activities that had been done this week
and evaluating work efficiency.

+ Learned skills:
• Interview skills and how to evaluate a candidate's CV

+ Next week’s targets:

• Complete information input target
• Complete assigned tasks

- Internship diary week 2:

Hoàng Duy 2113150015
Date Work activities
09/07  Meeting to discuss the weekly workday’s activities and targets.
 Receiving training for operating a daily class and receive the
training for new employees’ activities.
 Keep track of the input the information of personnel for sales and
technical positions through recruitment websites and the admin
page to meet the needs of the company's expansion.
 Ensuring the operations of part-time and online learning customers
are exactly as the registered schedule.
10/07  Continuing the training process and attend an interview schedules
for candidates.
 Ensuring the equipment of interview operations of part-time and
full time candidates as exactly as the registered schedule.
12/07  Inputting information of interviewing candidates in the admin
control web.
 Send notifying information of company rules and providing basic
training to new employees through email.

14/07  Preparing class equipment before the start of the class

 Keep track of student attendant
 Fill information of students in the admin control web
 Weekly report: Reviewing activities that had been done this week
and evaluating work efficiency.

Next week’s targets:

• Complete assigned tasks.
• Checking customers’s attendance in class and timekeeping of company’s employee.

- Internship diary week 3:

Hoàng Duy 2113150015
Date Work activities
17/07  Attend an interview schedules for candidates.
 Ensuring the equipment of interview operations of part-time and
full time candidates as exactly as the registered schedule.
19/07  Report recruitment results to the HR manager for consideration and
approval of recruitment results.
 Send notifying information of company rules and providing basic
training to new employees through email.

21/07  Preparing class equipment before the start of the class

 Keep track of student attendant
 Fill information of students in the admin control web
 Weekly report: Reviewing activities that had been done this week
and evaluating work efficiency.
 Prepare a report on the results of the evaluation and submit it to the
HR manager for review.

+ Next week’s targets:

• Complete assigned tasks.
• Set new targets for the next month.

Date Work activities

23/07  Meeting to discuss new week’s activities and targets.
 Keep track of employee timekeeping.
24/07  Summarize timekeeping results to make salary sheet for employees
 Conduct evaluation and grading for each employee in the
26/07  Inputting information of interviewing candidates in the admin
control web.
 Send notifying information of company rules and providing basic
training to new employees through email.
 Prepare a report on the results of the evaluation and submit it to the

Hoàng Duy 2113150015
 HR manager

28/07  Check the company's facilities

 Preparing class equipment before the start of the class
 Keep track of student attendant
 Fill information of students in the admin control web
 Weekly report: Reviewing activities that had been done this week
and evaluating work efficiency.

Hoàng Duy 2113150015


The downtrend in employment has negatively affected most business sectors, production
stagnation, supply chain disruptions, high freight rates, etc. However, in that context, the
Technology industry Information and telecommunications still emerge as a bright spot of the
economy during the epidemic season. Many businesses in the industry have quickly grasped
to rise and develop sustainably. Economic activities of buying and selling are the premise for
companies and businesses to operate smoothly.

Within the scope of researching the topic and presenting the report, I analyzed the
company's operation situation based on data and information provided by VTI Education
Company. From there, I went into the process of buying and selling products and made
comments on the advantages and limitations in the implementation process. I hope that this
report will be able to improve the current situation and the size of the company's organization
in the future

During the 5-week internship period, under the enthusiastic guidance of colleagues,
department heads and especially the Operating Director - Mr. Vũ Đức Thuận. I have learned
many things, related to theoretical system in the classroom with practical activities at the
company, contributing to the improvement of personal knowledge.

I would like to thank Foreign Trade University, Mr. Đinh Hoàng Minh, VTI Education Co.
Ltd, and all staffs for helping me complete this mid-term internship report in the best way.

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