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Build and sustain an

innovative work environment

Learner Workbook
Table of Contents

Assessment instructions ................................................................................................ 2

Assessment requirements .............................................................................................. 4

Candidate Details ................................................................................................................ 6

Assessment – BSBINN502 - Build and sustain an innovative work environment ............ 6

Assessment Task 1 ............................................................................................................. 8

Activity 1A ...................................................................................................................... 8

Activity 1B ...................................................................................................................... 9

Activity 1C .................................................................................................................... 15

Activity 1D .................................................................................................................... 16

Assessor‟s feedback for ACTIVITY: 1A-1D .................................................................. 17

Activity 2A .................................................................................................................... 19

Assessor‟s feedback for ACTIVITY: 2A ........................................................................ 22

Activity 3A .................................................................................................................... 24

Assessor‟s feedback for ACTIVITY: 3A ........................................................................ 27

Activity 4A .................................................................................................................... 29

Assessor‟s feedback for ACTIVITY: 4A ........................................................................ 32

Activity 5A .................................................................................................................... 34

Assessor‟s feedback for ACTIVITY: 5A ........................................................................ 36

Assessment task 2 ............................................................................................................ 37

Section A: Skills Activity ............................................................................................... 37

Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A) ......................................................................... 38

Assessor‟s feedback for Section B: Knowledge Activity ............................................... 45

Section C: Performance Activity ................................................................................... 47

Assessor‟s feedback for Section C: Performance Activity ............................................ 52

Competency record to be completed by assessor ........................................................ 54

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Instructions to Learner

Assessment instructions

Prior to commencing the assessments, your trainer/assessor will explain each assessment
task and the terms and conditions relating to the submission of your assessment task.
Please consult with your trainer/assessor if you are unsure of any questions. It is important
that you understand and adhere to the terms and conditions, and address fully each
assessment task. If any assessment task is not fully addressed, then your assessment task
will be returned to you for resubmission. Your trainer/assessor will remain available to
support you throughout the assessment process.

Written work

Assessment tasks are used to measure your understanding and underpinning skills and
knowledge of the overall unit of competency. When undertaking any written assessment
tasks, please ensure that you address the following criteria:

 Address each question including any sub-points

 Demonstrate that you have researched the topic thoroughly

 Cover the topic in a logical, structured manner

 Your assessment tasks are well presented, well referenced and word processed

 Your assessment tasks include your full legal name on each and every page.

Active participation

It is a condition of enrolment that you actively participate in your studies. Active participation
is completing all the assessment tasks on time.


Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and
representing them as your own. Plagiarism is a serious act and may result in a learner‟s
exclusion from a course. When you have any doubts about including the work of other
authors in your assessment, please consult your trainer/assessor. The following list outlines
some of the activities for which a learner can be accused of plagiarism:

 Presenting any work by another individual as one's own unintentionally

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 Handing in assessments markedly similar to or copied from another learner

 Presenting the work of another individual or group as their own work

 Handing in assessments without the adequate acknowledgement of sources used,

including assessments taken totally or in part from the internet.

If it is identified that you have plagiarised within your assessment, then a meeting will be
organised to discuss this with you, and further action may be taken accordingly.


Collusion is the presentation by a learner of an assignment as their own that is, in fact, the
result in whole or in part of unauthorised collaboration with another person or persons.
Collusion involves the cooperation of two or more learners in plagiarism or other forms of
academic misconduct and, as such, both parties are subject to disciplinary action. Collusion
or copying from other learners is not permitted and will result in a “0” grade and NYC.

Assessments must be typed using document software such as (or similar to) MS Office.
Handwritten assessments will not be accepted (unless, prior written confirmation is provided
by the trainer/assessor to confirm).

Competency outcome

There are two outcomes of assessments: S = Satisfactory and NS = Not Satisfactory

(requires more training and experience).

Once the learner has satisfactorily completed all the tasks for this module the learner will be
awarded “Competent” (C) or “Not yet Competent” (NYC) for the relevant unit of competency.

If you are deemed “Not Yet Competent” you will be provided with feedback from your
assessor and will be given another chance to resubmit your assessment task(s). If you are
still deemed as “Not Yet Competent” you will be required to re-enrol in the unit of

Additional evidence

If we, at our sole discretion, determine that we require additional or alternative

information/evidence in order to determine competency, you must provide us with such
information/evidence, subject to privacy and confidentiality issues. We retain this right at any
time, including after submission of your assessments.

Page 3 of 54

We will treat anything, including information about your job, workplace, employer, with strict
confidence, in accordance with the law. However, you are responsible for ensuring that you
do not provide us with anything regarding any third party including your employer,
colleagues and others, that they do not consent to the disclosure of. While we may ask you
to provide information or details about aspects of your employer and workplace, you are
responsible for obtaining necessary consents and ensuring that privacy rights and
confidentiality obligations are not breached by you in supplying us with such information.

Assessment appeals process

If you feel that you have been unfairly treated during your assessment, and you are not
happy with your assessment and/or the outcome as a result of that treatment, you have the
right to lodge an appeal. You must first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you
would like to proceed further with the request after discussions with your trainer/assessor,
you need to lodge your appeal to the course coordinator, in writing, outlining the reason(s)
for the appeal.

Recognised prior learning

Candidates will be able to have their previous experience or expertise recognised on


Special needs

Candidates with special needs should notify their trainer/assessor to request any required
adjustments as soon as possible. This will enable the trainer/assessor to address the
identified needs immediately.

Assessment requirements
Assessment can either be:
 Direct observation

 Product-based methods e.g. reports, role plays, work samples

 Portfolios – annotated and validated

 Questioning.

The assessment activities in this workbook assess aspects of all the elements, performance criteria,
skills and knowledge and performance requirements of the unit of competency.

To demonstrate competence in this unit you must undertake all activities (formative and summative)
in this workbook and have them deemed satisfactory by the assessor. If you do not answer some

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questions or perform certain tasks, and therefore you are deemed to be Not Yet Competent, your
trainer/assessor may ask you supplementary questions to determine your competence. Once you
have demonstrated the required level of performance, you will be deemed competent in this unit.

Should you still be deemed Not Yet Competent, you will have the opportunity to resubmit your
assessments or appeal the result.

As part of the assessment process, all learners must abide by any relevant assessment policies as
provided during induction.

If you feel you are not yet ready to be assessed or that this assessment is unfair, please contact your
assessor to discuss your options. You have the right to formally appeal any outcome and, if you wish
to do so, discuss this with your trainer/assessor.

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Candidate Details
Assessment – BSBINN502 - Build and sustain an innovative work environment
Please complete the following activities and hand in to your trainer/assessor for marking. This forms
part of your assessment for BSBINN502 - Build and sustain an innovative work environment







I declare that no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the
exception of where I have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this
assessment has been written for me by another person. I also understand the assessment
instructions and requirements and consent to being assessed.

Signed: _____

Date: ____28/4/2024________________________________________________________

If activities have been completed as part of a small group or in pairs, details of the learners
involved should be provided below:

This activity workbook has been completed by the following persons and we acknowledge that it
was a fair team effort where everyone contributed equally to the work completed. We declare that
no part of this assessment has been copied from another person’s work with the exception of where
we have listed or referenced documents or work and that no part of this assessment has been
written for us by another person.

Learner 1: ____________________________________________________________

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Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 2: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Learner 3: ____________________________________________________________

Signed: ____________________________________________________________

Page 7 of 54
Assessment Task 1

Activity 1A
Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.1 Make innovation an integral part of leadership and management activities

P.C. 1.2 Demonstrate positive reception of ideas from others and provide constructive

P.C. 1.3 Establish and maintain relationships based on mutual respect and trust

P.C. 1.4 Take considered risks to open up opportunities for innovation

P.C. 1.5 Regularly evaluate own approaches for consistency with the wider organisational or
project context

Scenario A
Matt is the manager of the AAT automobile repair shop. He recently made the decision to
employ two additional team members for assistance in car colouring. Matt is keen for these
team members as they have a high level of involvement and feel able to make suggestions
in each other‟s works. He recognises that he should provide more opportunities to those staff
members in direct contributing their innovative ideas to customers.

Question 1:
Based on scenario, what should Matt do to demonstrate as he is an innovative leader?
As a mate, I should offer him a variety of opportunities, regardless of his relationship.
Personal life or professional life of these team members such as
 Providing a financial benefit (salary increase, offering benefits)
 Providing non-financial benefits (promotions, limited offers, etc.)
 Offering some personal convenience (insurance facility, medical etc.)
His family's insurance)

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Activity 1B
Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.2 Demonstrate positive reception of ideas from others and provide constructive

P.C. 1.3 Establish and maintain relationships based on mutual respect and trust

Case Study A
James is the CEO of the LOMOSONIC Automotive Operation which is the largest auto parts
producer and distributor in Australia. He has realised that sales has dropped suddenly in the last
quarter report. He decided to hold a meeting with your staff members and encouraged their
input into the direction of the business to boost company‟s sales. He has asked his staff
members to participate and present their innovative ideas.

Code of Conduct
LOMOSIONIC Automotive Operation‟s Code of Conduct

The Company is committed to conducting business the right way. First and foremost, this means
that all Company employees, including its officers and directors, are required to conduct the
Company's business in accordance with the highest ethical standards, and in conformity with

This Code of Conduct is necessarily general in nature, and does not specifically cover all ethical
requirements, laws, regulations and rules that apply. Additional specific procedures and
instructions are set forth in the Company's Compliance Policy Manual and in Company policies
addressing specific responsibilities that may be issued from time to time. Questions regarding
any employee's obligations and responsibilities should be directed to the Company's
Compliance Officer.

Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct and other published Company policies will be cause for
disciplinary action, up to and including summary termination.

Employees who are aware of possible misconduct, illegal activities, fraud, abuse of Company
assets or violations of the standards in this Code of Conduct, or in the Company's Compliance
Policy Manual, are required to report such matters to the Compliance Officer. The Company will

Page 9 of 54
take reasonable measures to keep confidential the identity of any employee reporting a possible
violation by others. No employee shall be discharged, demoted, suspended, harassed or
discriminated against because the employee reported in good faith a possible violation by
others. An employee who wishes to report a possible violation by others may do so


Company employees share certain responsibilities in conducting the Company's business, such
as acting loyally to the Company and using reasonable care, but individually each is
accountable for:
a. Becoming familiar with and conducting Company business in compliance with applicable
laws, rules and regulations.
b. Avoiding situations where personal interests are, or appear to be, in conflict with
Company interests.
c. Treating all customers and suppliers in an honest and fair manner.
d. Safeguarding and properly using Company proprietary information, assets and
resources, as well as those of other organizations entrusted to the Company.
e. Maintaining confidentiality of non-public information and not acting on such information
for personal gain.
f. Adhering to Company standards for protecting the environment and the safety and
health of our employees, our customers and our communities.
g. Exercising good judgment in making legal political contributions.
h. Acting with respect toward the rights and cultural differences of others in the workplace
and other business environments.

Additionally, each employee is required to report any possible violation of law or of this Code of
Conduct promptly to the Compliance Officer. At the direction of the Compliance Officer,
employees may periodically or at any time be required to acknowledge in writing their
compliance with the Code of Conduct, and that he or she is not aware of any undisclosed non-
compliance by any Company employee or representative.


Employees shall avoid any situation that may involve a conflict between their personal interests
and the interests of the Company, including situations which involve even the appearance of a
conflict of interest. In dealings with current or potential customers, suppliers, contractors and
competitors, employees shall act in the best interests of the Company to the exclusion of

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personal advantage. Each employee shall make prompt and full disclosure in writing to the
Compliance Officer of any situation which may involve a conflict of interest. This includes
without limitation:

o Ownership by an employee, or immediate family member, of a significant financial

interest in any outside enterprise which does or seeks to do business with, or is a
competitor of, the Company.
o Serving in any capacity in any outside enterprise which does or seeks to do business
with, or is a competitor of, the Company.
o Acting as a broker, finder or other intermediary for the benefit of a third party in
transactions involving the Company or its interests.
o Lending money to or borrowing money from persons or entities that do business with or
compete with the Company, except ordinary course transactions with banks and other
financial institutions.
o Using Company information for personal gain or disclosing proprietary information of the
Company without proper authority.
o Giving or receiving any business gifts, favours, entertainment or other things of value
that are not limited, modest and reasonable courtesies.
o Any other arrangement or circumstance, including family or other personal relationships,
which might dissuade the employee from acting in the best interest of the Company.

Each employee is required to promptly disclose to the Compliance Officer any situation which
might involve an actual or potential conflict of interest.

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Instruction: Work in a small group of 3-4 people or as instructed by the trainer.

 One person will play a role as James who is the LOMOSONIC Auto Parts‟ CEO.
 Others play roles of individuals, or employee group.
 Every group member needs to present ideas and concepts to a range of audiences
using structure and language to suit the audience
 Uses appropriate communication techniques to build rapport and foster strong
relationships with co-workers in a range of work contexts
 Make a note in each question by using your words

Question 1:
According to a case study A, James, company‟s CEO has a concern that sales has dropped
suddenly in the last quarter report. What could be three (3) ideas that staff members could
provide to James?
The point is that all the ideas are working properly.

These theories are only working if they are implemented.

In the right situation these ideas require proper planning.

A viable strategy is all about getting it right.

Organizations easily increase their sales ratio.

Question 2:
According to a case study A, what would James respond positively to the ideas contributed
by his team members?
All ideas are good, these things are really working for enhancement.
Selling the organization also helps in attracting new customers.

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Question 3:
Identify two (2) suggestions to staff members‟ ideas.
These things help in increasing the sales of the organization:
 Identifying the problem for declining sales
 Providing excellent service to customers

Question 4:
Refer to an attached code of conduct, identify three (3) rules or standards which apply to
mutual respect and trust in the LOMOSONIC.
. There are several principles or criteria to follow when analyzing a case scenario.
Applied to the workplace of the organization:
 The main focus of the organization is the achievement of goals.
 Managing the Open Door scheme
 Understanding employees' personal or professional mission, vision,
and objectives
 Always ready for praise

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Question 5:
What would you do as a leader to establish respect and trust in the workplace?
. There are following ways to become a leader.
There is trust and respect in the workplace.
 Always consistent
 Creating accountability
• Listening to higher orders
 Always be honest or helpful.

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Activity 1C
Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.4 Take considered risks to open up opportunities for innovation

Scenario B

Will is the owner of the Super Clean Car Wash. His business was just recently started for a
few months. He is so satisfied with the business revenue as it is very popular among local
people, and a number of positive reviews were left online. However, the reputation was
negatively affected as one of the staff members verbally abused a customer after receiving a
complaint recently. The staff member was given the sack and service resumed as normal.
However, Will was so concerned that he held a follow-up meeting and asked the staff to
contribute ideas to restore the positive public image of the Super Clean Car Wash. One of
the staff members suggested of introducing a customer rewards program, with points being
given which can be transferred in exchange for free car wash.

Question 1:
According to a provided scenario, give two (2) examples of risks associated with introduction
of the customer reward program.
Two examples of risk associated with customer rewards are:
 The primary risk is related to 'loyalty'.
 Finding loyal customers can be difficult.

Question 2:
Identify three possible ways of addressing the risks associated with innovative opportunity in
relation to the Super Clean Car Wash.
Risk is attached to the car wash company after implementation.
New methods or innovative methods are:
 Spray or strain machines not working properly.
 Employees do not have proper knowledge of new techniques.
 Different types of hazards like electrical hazards and water flow

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Activity 1D
Performance Criteria

P.C. 1.5 Regularly evaluate own approaches for consistency with the wider organisational or
project context

Case study B

Tesla is revolutionizing the way cars are serviced

It‟s hard to talk about customer experience innovation in the auto industry without mentioning
Tesla. The electric vehicle upstart has built an enviable following that many established
automakers would die for, and it has done that by innovating the customer experience in
numerous ways.

While one could look at the purchase process – Tesla has convinced hundreds of thousands of
consumers to pre-order its new Model 3 – Tesla‟s customer experience innovation is perhaps
most notable when it comes to what happens after customers have their cars.

Tesla models are truly connected cars, and the company boasts that “90% of issues can be
identified from a customer‟s garage.” When service is needed, Tesla has built a service network
that is capable of sending mobile technicians to customers. For issues that require a customer
to bring a car into a Tesla service centre, customers will soon be able to schedule an
appointment directly through their car‟s console.

What‟s more, Tesla has pioneered over-the-air (OTA) software updates that can literally
“upgrade” cars in an instant. Some of the upgrades are relatively simple and relate software
accessed via the car‟s console, but OTA updates have been used to deliver a new Auto High
Beam feature and Tesla‟s Autopilot 2.0 functionality.

Because Tesla can add significant capabilities to existing cars without any physical
modification, essentially giving Tesla owners a continuously improving car, one analyst has
suggested that other automakers are “highly vulnerable to obsolescence” if they don‟t catch up
and embrace OTA updates themselves.

Question 1:
Read a case study of Tesla Innovative Project, imagine if you were working in Tesla
company, how you would carry out a review/evaluation to innovate and write a short
description of the consistency or inconsistency with this project context.
After reviewing the whole matter, the project has a tendency of consistency.
The company is providing modern facilities to build or create a strong community.
Providing advanced facilities for our customers so that they can enjoy the Tesla car
ride.Companies are always upgrading their product models whether it is related to
design or technology.

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Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 1A-1D
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Performance


1. Has the learner clearly explained how Matt can Yes No 1.1
demonstrate as he is an innovative leader?

1. Has the learner clearly explained three (3) ideas that Yes No 1.2 – 1.3
staff members could provide to James based on a
company‟s scenario? (Please

2. Has the learner clearly explain what James would Yes No

respond positively to the ideas contributed by his team
members? (Please

3. Has the learner clearly identified two (2) suggestions to Yes No

staff members‟ ideas?

4. Has the learner clearly identified three (3) rules or Yes No

standards which apply to mutual respect and trust in the
LOMOSONIC based on an attached code of conduct? (Please

5. Has the learner clearly explained what to do as a leader Yes No

to establish respect and trust in the workplace?

Page 17 of 54
1. Has the learner clearly given two (2) examples of risks Yes No 1.4
associated with introduction of the customer reward
program? (Please

2. Has the learner clearly given two (2) examples of risks Yes No
associated with introduction of the customer reward
program? (Please

1. Has the learner clearly explained how to carry out a Yes No 1.5
review/evaluation to innovate and write a short
description of the consistency or inconsistency with this (Please
project context? circle)


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Page 18 of 54
Activity 2A
Performance Criteria

P.C. 2.1 Consult on and establish working conditions that reflect and encourage innovative

P.C. 2.2 Introduce and maintain workplace procedures that foster innovation and allow for
rigorous evaluation of innovative ideas

P.C. 2.3 Facilitate and participate in collaborative work arrangements to foster innovation

P.C. 2.4 Build and lead teams to work in ways that maximise opportunities for innovation

Scenario C
Charlotte is the manager of the Type Four online business company. Her business is mainly
focus on selling everything about cars such as wheel, tyres, auto parts, light bulbs for cars
etc. As she is planning to expand her online business, she has recently employed new staff
members who perform roles of project management and administration. She is generally
happy with the level of success and relationships with online customers. However, she is
keen to realise the benefits of innovation for the purpose of enabling the progression of the

Instruction: Work in a small group of 3-4 people or as instructed by the trainer.

 Every group member needs to present ideas and concepts to a range of audiences
using structure and language to suit the audience
 Uses appropriate communication techniques to build rapport and foster strong
relationships with co-workers in a range of work contexts
 Make a note in each question by using your words

Question 1:
Specify three (3) types of working conditions which a manager might arrange for the
achievement of high levels of innovation.
There are three (3) different divisions or circles of administration:
 Management, executive or higher management level
 Junior level of management, managerial or executive
 Middle level executive and management

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Question 2:
Specify three (3) ways of fostering innovation which a manager might include in the
company procedures.
There are three ways to promote innovation:
 Providing adequate time to think of new or innovative ideas
 Using software and technology to build staff capacity so staff can generate
new ideas.
 Every employee of the organization has competence.Getting members to think

Question 3:
Identify three (3) ways in which senior staff members may foster innovation within an
There are three approaches to faster organizational innovation.
 Creating an innovation culture
 Forming or establishing effective teams
 The intention should be clear.

Question 4:
Specify two (2) types of collaborative work arrangements which are appropriate in this
 Several types of cooperation are mentioned below.
 Order the work appropriate to the context:

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 Collaboration between networks
 Cooperation among teams

Question 5:
Based on a scenario C, select and explain one communication strategy/technique to build
and lead teams to work for maximising innovative opportunities.
. Using great communication tools is an effective communication strategy to build
and lead teams to maximize innovation opportunities.

Question 6:
Discuss and provide three (3) examples of team building requirements.
Requirements of a good team
The objective should be clear.
 All persons are competent to perform their duties.
 Team building activities should help enhance communication.
 A good relationship should be established between employees and

Question 7:
Identify three (3) effective ways of working that maximise opportunities for innovation.
Techniques that help your organization innovate:
 Offering rewards to employees for sharing their innovative ideas and
providing appropriate training
 Implementing innovative or creative ideas
 Motivating employees to cooperate

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Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 2A
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Performance


1. Has the learner specified three (3) types of working Yes No 2.1-2.4
conditions which a manager might arrange for the
achievement of high levels of innovation? (Please

2. Has the learner specified three (3) ways of fostering Yes No

innovation which a manager might include in the
company procedures? (Please

3. Has the learner identified three (3) ways in which senior Yes No
staff members may foster innovation within an
organisation? (Please

4. Has the learner identified two (2) types of collaborative Yes No

work arrangements which are appropriate in this
context? (Please

5. Has the learner selected and explained one Yes No

communication strategy/technique to build and lead
teams to work for maximising innovative opportunities? (Please

6. Has the learner discussed and provide three (3) Yes No

examples of team building requirements?

7. Has the learner identified three (3) effective ways of Yes No

working that maximise opportunities for innovation?

Page 22 of 54


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Page 23 of 54
Activity 3A
Performance Criteria

P.C. 3.1 Acknowledge suggestions, improvements and innovations from all colleagues

P.C. 3.2 Find appropriate ways of celebrating and promoting innovation

P.C. 3.3 Promote and reinforce the value of innovation according to the vision and
objectives of the organisation or project

P.C. 3.4 Promote and support the evaluation of innovative ideas within the wider
organisational or project context

Instruction: Work in a small group of 3-4 people or as instructed by the trainer.

 One person will play a role as Steve who is the manager of AGL Wholesale cars.
 Others will need to perform as relevant staff such as sales, administrators etc
 Every group member needs to present ideas and concepts to a range of audiences
using structure and language to suit the audience
 Uses appropriate communication techniques to build rapport and foster strong
relationships with co-workers in a range of work contexts
 Make a note in each question by using your words
Case Study C

Company name: AGL Wholesale Cars

Company objective: to provide a professional service for every age of customers.

Company Vision: to be the best Wholesale cars, providing the best service and innovative
suggestions n for our value customers

Steve is the manager of AGL Wholesale Cars. This company is well established and has a
good number of loyal customers. However, Steve has recently become concerned about the
opening of competitor that will attract interest in their old and new customers. He has sent out a
survey to the staff members encouraging them to provide ideas and suggestions about
improvements that could be made.

Steve has been happy with the response and the contribution of ideas and suggestions,
for example:
o Making more use of social media marketing

o Changing the advertising of AGL company to focus on superior quality and competitive

o Offering rewards for customer loyalty

o Changing the displays of showroom to attract more clients.

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Question 1:
Choose communication platform that your staff can contribute and share their suggestions,
improvements and innovations to a team. Then, use your communication skills to convey
additional innovative ideas that you believe they are important for AGL company via selected
The ways in which people communicate with each other, whether in writing or face-to-
face or on the telephone. are as follows
 Feedback
 Sending communications
 Receiving communications

Question 2:
What are three (3) strategies and techniques that Steve can implement in encouraging
employees to come up with innovative ideas.
Strategy and technique are process steps.
Employees with modern manners:
 Eliminating unnecessary criticism
 Rethinking competition
 Give employees a reason to care about work.

Question 3:
List three (3) appropriate ways that Steve may consider celebrating and promote innovations
of his staff‟s ideas.
These are the proper methods:
 Creating an encouraging environment for collaboration.
 Hiring new employees for different perspectives
 Better and faster implementation of strategy.

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Question 4:
From a provided case study, discuss how to promote and reinforce the value of innovation
according to the vision and objectives of AGL Company?
Vision creates strength for tomorrow and today.
The main goal is to simplify and optimize energy.

Question 5:
Discuss two (2) ways to promote and advocate evaluating innovative ideas in accordance
with the case study.
Finding innovative ways to help you succeed
All skills must analyze complex strategies, then finalize them.
The strategy to be followed is ready or not.

Page 26 of 54
Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 3A
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Performance


1. Has the learner chosen communication platform that Yes No 3.1-3.4

staff can contribute and share their suggestions,
improvements and innovations to a team, and use (Please
communication skills to convey additional innovative circle)
ideas that are important for AGL company via selected

2. Has the learner listed three (3) strategies and Yes No

techniques that Steve can implement in encouraging
employees to come up with innovative ideas? (Please

3. Has the learner listed three (3) appropriate ways that Yes No
Steve may consider celebrating and promote
innovations of his staff‟s ideas? (Please

4. Has the learner discussed how to promote and reinforce Yes No

the value of innovation according to the vision and
objectives of AGL Company? (Please

5. Has the learner discussed two (2) ways to promote and Yes No
advocate evaluating innovative ideas in accordance
with the case study? (Please


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

Page 27 of 54
The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Page 28 of 54
Activity 4A
Performance Criteria

P.C. 4.1 Evaluate the impact of the physical environment in relation to innovation

P.C. 4.2 Collaborate with colleagues about ideas for enhancing the physical work
environment before taking action

P.C. 4.3 Consider potential for supporting innovation when selecting physical resources and

P.C. 4.4 Design, fit-out and decorate workspaces to encourage creative mindsets,
collaborative working and the development of positive workplace relationships

Scenario D

Sam is the manager of OMG Company which mainly provides a range of second-hand cars
in online platform. He has employed a number of employees with skills in diverse areas such
as mechanics, website development and social media etc. Sam has generally been happy
with the work carried out by these employees and the levels of customer satisfaction.
However, he has recently become concerned about the apparent isolation in the working
environment. He recognised that employees don‟t work together very often as usual, and the
work atmosphere is generally very quiet. Sam has decided to make some changes to ensure
that the employees feel engaged and motivated in workplace.

Question 1:
Identify three (3) factors which Sam should consider in relation to the design of the working
Three factors were identified after analyzing the case.
 Building flexibility
 Employee welfare
 Providing recruitment and quality retention benefits.

Page 29 of 54
Question 2:
Evaluate five (5) environmental factors which impact on the levels of innovation in the

Food, economy, population, electricity, sound, destiny are those factors.

Environmental factors are involved.

Question 3:
List and explain two (2) collaborative techniques to share, promote and convey ideas to
improve work environment in Sam‟s office?
Attitude and communication are two ways of communicating.
These methods help teams distribute more efficiently, generally reducing the burden
of collaboration and behavior.

Question 4:
Give examples of four (4) equipment and describe why they would be suitable for the
purpose of supporting innovation in Sam‟s office.

Give importance to invention or innovation. Appoint people.

With separate thoughts. Give workers time and space for purpose.
Durability: Good quality

Uniform: It should go well with your company image.

· Security: Manage it systematically.

· Save space: Arrange it in such a way that the office looks bigger

· Comfort: Think about the needs of your employees.

Page 30 of 54
Question 5:
Make three (3) suggestions to Sam on how he should decorate work areas to encourage
creative mindsets, collaborative working and the development of positive workplace

 Stating a strong and clear reason

 Always be clear about your expectations
 Establish a clear team goal

Page 31 of 54
Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 4A
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Performance


1. Has the learner identified three (3) factors which Sam Yes No 4.1 – 4.4
should consider in relation to the design of the working
environment? (Please

2. Has the learner evaluated five (5) environmental factors Yes No

which impact on the levels of innovation in the
office/workplace? (Please

3. Has the learner listed and explained two (2) Yes No

collaborative techniques to share, promote and convey
ideas to improve work environment in Sam‟s office? (Please

4. Has the learner given examples of four (4) equipment Yes No

and describe why they would be suitable for the
purpose of supporting innovation in Sam‟s office? (Please

5. Has the learner made three (3) suggestions to Sam on Yes No

how he should decorate work areas to encourage
creative mindsets, collaborative working and the (Please
development of positive workplace relationships? circle)


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

Page 32 of 54
The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Page 33 of 54
Activity 5A
Performance Criteria

P.C. 5.1 Pro-actively share relevant information, knowledge and skills with colleagues

P.C. 5.2 Provide or encourage formal and informal learning opportunities to help develop
the skills needed for innovation

P.C. 5.3 Create opportunities in which individuals can learn from the experience of others

Scenario E

Simon is an experienced professional trainer working for the Abacus Automotive Education
Company. He has an excellent understanding of both theory and practical skills in many
types of automobiles as he has been working in this industry for a while. Apart from those
skills, he also has excellent presentation and public speaking skills. Simon is assigned from
his manager to assist coaching and training new employees who have started working in the

Question 1:
Provide at least three (3) approaches and explain how each method is working when Simon
needs to pro-actively share his knowledge and skills with new employees of the Automotive
Education Company.

There are three general methods of research:

 Mixed research
 Qualitative research
 Quantitative research

Page 34 of 54
Question 2:
In this case, provide five (5) examples of formal and informal learning opportunities for
helping to develop the skills needed for innovation.
This is the formal way of learning.
Things are delivered in an orderly manner.
In style, the object is properly planned under the guidance of a guide or
These things are usually done according to the instructor's instructions.
Online learning platforms such as LMS. Learning in one on the other hand
The informal method is the end of the spectrum.

Question 3:
If you were the new employees who need to be coached and trained by Simon, what three
(3) techniques would you use to create learning opportunities from Simon‟s experience?
Please clearly explain your answers.
The techniques are:

 Providing actionable feedback

 Developing self-awareness accounts

 Assess doing and knowing.

Page 35 of 54
Assessor’s feedback for ACTIVITY: 5A
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Performance


1. Has the learner identified at least three (3) approaches Yes No 5.1 – 5.3
and explain how each method is working when Simon
needs to pro-actively share his knowledge and skills (Please
with new employees of the Automotive Education circle)

2. Has the learner provided five (5) examples of formal Yes No

and informal learning opportunities for helping to
develop the skills needed for innovation? (Please

3. Has the learner clearly explained three (3) techniques Yes No

he/she use to create learning opportunities from
Simon‟s experience? (Please


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

Page 36 of 54
The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Assessment task 2
Section A: Skills Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required skills for this

A signed observation by either an approved third party or the assessor will need to be
included in this activity as proof of completion.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:

o Reading
o Writing
o Oral Communication
o Navigate the world of work
o Interact with others
o Get the work done.

All Foundation Skills have been included in Activity 1A – 5A and Summative

Assessment Section B and C

Page 37 of 54
Section B: Knowledge Activity (Q & A)
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required
knowledge for this unit.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

o Explain the concepts and theories of innovation and how these link to innovation in
o Explain the context for innovation in the workplace including core business values,
overall objectives, broader environmental context and the need to ensure the value
and benefit of innovative ideas and projects
o Discuss the factors and tools that can motivate individuals to use creative thinking
and apply innovative work practices
o Research the legislative framework that impacts on operations in the relevant
workplace context
o Explain how different approaches to management and leadership can support or
hinder innovation
o Discuss typical challenges and barriers to innovation within teams and organisations
and ways of overcoming these including rewarding and celebrating innovation,
coaching and learning, modelling behaviour and managing the physical environment.

Case Study - Herti: Innovation driven by sophisticated customer’s

What does this case study demonstrate?
Workplace innovation can be used as a powerful tool for building a competitive edge and
sophisticated customer‟s needs in the context of globalised markets. Herti has been
implementing WPI practices since its establishment in the 90s. The understanding,
determination and leadership of the management have secured strong commitment by the
employees of the company. Two of the three examples of WPI practices – IT system and
regular technical working meetings - have been devised internally to address the company‟s
need for constant efficiency improvement and innovation. WPI seems to have contributed
significantly to the company‟s competitiveness, long-term sustainability and employee
Workplace innovation elements: Work organisation, Learning and reflection practices,
Workplace partnership

Page 38 of 54
Herti is a Bulgarian manufacturing company specialising in the production of aluminium,
plastic and composite closures which find application in various areas of the food, beverage
and pharmaceutical industries. Founded in 1993, Herti has grown into a company with 350
employees and a diversified range of customisable products exported to bottling companies
across Europe and the rest of the world. Herti develops and distributes new products in
cooperation with its spin-off engineering company That which specialises in machinery
design and production and its subsidiary trading companies in UK, France, Germany and
Romania. At its current stage of development, the company strives to keep increasing the
quality of its products and its production efficiency. The expansion to highly competitive
Western European and US markets after 2000 and the acquisition of large international
clients with sophisticated demands triggered a process of organisational change. To meet
their clients‟ quality standards the company started investing purposefully in innovation,
facilities, processes and human capital. It is the management philosophy that workplace
innovation reconciles the tension between the constant pressure for efficiency gains and
employees job satisfaction. The most important reason behind their adoption is the need to
respond efficiently to customer needs on the highly competitive international markets. The
importance of extrinsic factors stems from the company‟s ambition to gain larger market
shares abroad and the related imperative for continuous technological and organisational
improvement. Initiated top-down, workplace innovation practices were designed and adopted
in a participative and transparent manner, thus mitigating to a minimum organisational inertia
and resistance to change. There is no formalised process for adopting workplace innovation
practices in the company and top management commitment can be considered as critical for
their success.

Description of WPI practices

Maintaining efficiency for high levels of customisation
Herti is a company with a strong managerial commitment to workplace innovations and an
organisational culture of continuous improvement. One of the more recently adopted
workplace innovations concerns the physical organisation of the company‟s production
facilities. In 2009, the gradual introduction of the 5S method (Sort, Streamline, Shine,
Standardise, Sustain) was initiated by the production manager. The wide product portfolio
and the large number of fully customisable closures require relatively frequent machine
adjustments and equipment replacement. Carefully designed workplace order, labelling and
procedures reduce machine and workers idle time, improves workplace safety and increases
efficiency. „To bring good results, the 5S system requires constant development and efforts

Page 39 of 54
in terms of employees‟ education and control.‟

Making best use of proximity

The so called Technical Council – weekly working meetings among representatives of the
technical staff of Herti and its engineering spin-off Tihert – illustrates the high value attributed
by the company to the collaborative development of innovative solutions. The agenda of the
meetings includes discussion of technical problems related to machines, equipment and
production processes, proposals for technological upgrades and innovations, new products,
and larger investment projects. Geographical proximity of the two companies located on the
same production site and the institutionalisation of the communication process facilitates the
transfer of knowledge and cross-fertilisation. „The purpose of the Technical Council is to
leverage the expertise and skills of experts with different backgrounds and at different levels
within the company and to allow for justified and rational decisions which are important for
the future of the company.‟

Handling stress situations together

The Signalling System is perhaps the most appealing example of workplace innovation
practices in Herti. It is internally developed software which allows employees to share in real
time quality and production relevant information through the company‟s internal computer
network. Each production sector has a freely accessible computer and machine operators
who have noticed production deviations from product technical specifications or delays can
issue a signal with a brief description and possible explanations. Signals are visible to
employees both in the production and the marketing departments and interested parties can
follow the corrective measures undertaken by responsible technical staff members. The
system is primarily used by production workers, quality control managers and the sales
force. The benefits of the system include quick reaction to production problems, fewer
production delays, higher quality, a data rich archive of production problems and a track
record of undertaken measures. In addition, according to the interviewed production director
„the system is extremely useful for the efficient and transparent communication across
departments.‟ After its introduction in 2003 the software has been continuously updated.

So who benefits?
There is a substantial consensus among employees and management that adopted
workplace innovation practices have contributed to the improvement of a large spectrum of
organisational outcomes such as employee engagement, higher performance, long-term
sustainability of the organisation, profitability and efficiency. With the complete introduction

Page 40 of 54
of the SAP system, which began in 2013, and the accompanying adoption of balanced
scorecards with formal targets in terms of productivity, sales, customer satisfaction, etc., the
company will have the tools to measure the effects of innovation on organisational
outcomes, including those of workplace innovation. Improved working environment and
higher performance emerged as the two most important impacts of adopted workplace
innovation practices.

In view of the long-term strategic goal of the management to compete on the highly
competitive international markets WPI practices will continue to be used as a powerful
weapon in the company‟s arsenal. This is clearly reflected in the conviction that „workplace
innovation creates the environment and conditions which are necessary for employees to
become high performers and contribute their best for the company‟s mission and goals‟


Question 1:
Use your own word to briefly explain what Herti does for innovation including concepts and
theories of innovation.
Absolute theory is based on fundamentals, people are buying goods and services for
Doing and testing things well

Page 41 of 54
Question 2:
From question1‟s answer, clearly explain the link between Herti‟s concepts and theories of
innovation and its innovation in practice.
It is an innovation based on social terms that empowers people to relate to
What they want to do and what people couldn't do before. Take advantage of
multiple opportunities.
Through entrepreneurship gains are made and most of them become rich.

Question 3:
Summarise several innovation contexts of Herti including its core business values, overall
objectives, broader environmental context and the need to ensure the value and benefit of
innovative ideas and projects.
The term fundamental innovation which is based on principles is important to serve
the human being. A sign of your trust and belief in these inventions or inventions.
These rules also help. The context of choices and preferences, And the procedures
that workers should follow.
Solutions to problems

Page 42 of 54
Question 4:
Give examples of methods/strategies/tools to motivate individuals to use creative thinking
and apply innovative work practices? (Learner can research and answer in general term).

 Allocating time to brainstorm innovative ideas

 Actively asking for innovative or new ideas
 Each member of your team is sharing their ideas, some take time.
 Raise the level of thinking.

Question 5:

Research and identify one example of relevant Australian legislative framework related to
Herti Company and explain how it could impact on business operations if the organisation
fails to comply.
At present more competitive market organization works and also in the world
The level zone creates a separate creative crit. The term creativity is the key point.
Suggestions or ideas, disturbing or challenging workers about ways of thinking, and
open up
Creating new business opportunities

Question 6:

Explain how different approaches to management and leadership can support or hinder
innovation in Herti.

Creative visions are possessed by leaders who are more innovative and smarter and
bigger. Each term has high quality in terms of ideas and methods and mainly
motivation. Influencing the marginalized with the goal of turning these conditions into

Page 43 of 54
Question 7:

Identify two (2) of possible challenges to innovation with individuals and teams and solutions
including rewarding and celebrating innovation, coaching and learning, modelling behaviour
and managing the physical environment. (This question is designed to test learner’s
knowledge in general term, so learner does not need to answer based on a case study)

(in general terms, so the learner does not need to answer based on the case study)
 Workers do not have the power to update or innovate.
 Employees and workers do not inspire or encourage revolution or innovation.
 An advanced strategy that you don't have.

Page 44 of 54
Assessor’s feedback for Section B: Knowledge Activity
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Knowledge


1. Has the learner briefly explained what Herti does for Yes No Knowledge
innovation including concepts and theories of Evidence
innovation? (Please

2. Has the learner clearly explained the link between Herti‟s Yes No
concepts and theories of innovation and its innovation in
practice? (Please

3. Has the learner summarised several innovation contexts Yes No

of Herti including its core business values, overall
objectives, broader environmental context and the need (Please
to ensure the value and benefit of innovative ideas and circle)

4. Has the learner given examples of Yes No

methods/strategies/tools to motivate individuals to use
creative thinking and apply innovative work practices? (Please

5. Has the learner identified one example of relevant Yes No

Australian legislative framework related to Herti
Company and explain how it could impact on business (Please
operations if the organisation fails to comply? circle)

6. Has the learner explained how different approaches to Yes No

management and leadership can support or hinder innovation
in Herti?

7. Has the learner identified two (2) of possible challenges Yes No

to innovation with individuals and teams and solutions

Page 45 of 54
including rewarding and celebrating innovation, coaching (Please
and learning, modelling behaviour and managing the circle)
physical environment?


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Page 46 of 54
Section C: Performance Activity
Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required
performance elements for this unit.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:

 Establishing procedures and practices that foster innovation

 Reinforcing the value of innovation to the vision and objectives of the organisation
 Modelling behaviour including being receptive to ideas, giving constructive advice,
evaluating own work, establishing and maintaining relationships based on mutual
respect and trust, taking considered risks that provide opportunities for innovation
 Evaluating how the physical environment can be enhanced to support innovation and
collaboration and collaborating on ideas to make improvements including in the
selection of physical resources and equipment, and the design, fit-out and decoration
of the workspaces
 Making changes to a workspace that will encourage innovation in at least one of
design, fit-out or decoration.

You have recently established a new business of automotive workshop with your friend.
Your friend and you have been very experienced staff working in automotive field for 20
years. Unfortunately, both do not have experience to run business and manage staff
members. Your friend and you decided to initially hire 10 mechanics, including engine
specialist, colouring specialist, car body specialist and administrators. However, your
friend and you aim to expand other 3 branches in the future. Both of you agree to create
and develop sustainable and innovative workplace as you believe this method will help
your business to be successful.

Company’s Objective: to promote innovative workplace to staff and expand the local

Company’s Vision: to provide an effective service to every customer

Page 47 of 54
Question 1:
Identify two (2) factors that you may need to consider when operating your new business,
and explain its procedures and practices to encourage or promote the development of
innovation in your workplace?

Adequate knowledge of business operating management and specific target market

Both conditions are required at the time of new business operating requirements. And
lots of exercises too.
And mechanisms are needed to promote innovation in the workplace.
Training sessions to impart proper information to the employees and impart
knowledge to the employees
About good technical use

Page 48 of 54
Question 2:
As a company director, what would you do to reinforce the importance of innovation to
workplace/organisation (a provided case study).
Guideline: Remember to refer to vision and organisational objectives, which are linked
closely to innovation.

Several terms can be used to emphasize the importance of innovation in an

organization. An organization that can achieve the company's goals and vision, such
as motivation. Skillful ways of doing business, offering something different and new,
etc. will all help to promote innovative work for staff and provide effective services.

Question 4:
Give three (3) examples of constructive advice/feedback that you would give to your staff for
innovative improvement.

 The best advice for employees to improve the work environment is:
 Highlighting things for improvement
 Your tone of voice should be polite, calm or cheerful.

Page 49 of 54
Question 5:
What would you do to show that you equally respect and trust in your employees?

Be polite to people or subordinates, always listen to their point of view.

Actively listen to your subordinate's other point of view.

Question 6:
Based on a scenario, give and explain one example of risk for innovation?

According to the scenario, innovation risk is what you need before entering any
business.Thorough business knowledge.

Question 7:
What are physical environments, resources and equipment which could help to support
innovation in a simulate scenario? Please explain how those can make improvements

A variety of new technologies can support innovation in the artificial landscape.

A company's primary focus on company development is all that technology can do.
Assist in automobile work procedures and management systems to manage
workforce. Activities with modern methods.

Page 50 of 54
Question 8:
Explain how you would make changes to a work area to develop innovation.
Guideline: (You need to choose at least one of design, fit-out or decoration). The assessor
will assess whether you understand how improving work area can help gaining innovation.

Choose at least one of Design, Fitout or Decoration). The assessor will assess
whether you understand how optimizing workspaces can help drive innovation.
With the help of , we can make changes in the work area to create innovation in the
workplace. Effective setup of procedures like improving investment in suggestions
and ideas generation and establishing an effective working culture in the workplace.

Page 51 of 54
Assessor’s feedback for Section C: Performance Activity
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competency

(Code and Title)


Marking checklist Performance


1. Has the learner identified two (2) factors which may Yes No
need to consider when operating new business, and
explain its procedures and practices to encourage or (Please
promote the development of innovation in your circle)
workplace? Evidence
2. Has the learner explained how to reinforce the Yes No
importance of innovation to workplace/organisation?

3. Has the learner explained how to encourage staff Yes No

members to show their innovations?

4. Has the learner given three (3) examples of constructive Yes No

advice/feedback that he/she would give to his/her staff
for innovative improvement? (Please

5. Has the learner explained what to do in order to show Yes No

that he/she equally respects and trusts in his/her
employees? (Please

6. Has the learner given and explain one example of risk Yes No
for innovation based on the scenario?
7. Has the learner clearly explained physical Yes No
environments, resources and equipment which could
help to support innovation in a scenario? (Please

8. Has the learner clearly explained how you would make Yes No
changes to a work area to develop innovation?


Provide your (assessor’s) comments here:

The learner’s performance was: Not satisfactory Satisfactory

Page 53 of 54
Competency record to be completed by assessor
This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner‟s skills, knowledge and
performance as relevant to the overall unit. Indicate in the table below if the learner is
deemed competent or not yet competent for the unit or if reassessment is required.

Learner’s name

Assessor’s name

Unit of Competence
(Code and Title)


Has the learner completed all required assessments to a satisfactory Yes No

standard? (Please circle)

Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner Yes No
to prove their competency across the entire unit? (Please circle)

Learner is Not yet competent Competent


Comments from trainer/assessor:

Page 54 of 54

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