Language Functions Section D

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Showing / Expressing So, therefore, too…, 1. Amisha was ill so/therefore she missed
Result enough to, so…..that, the programme.
Talking about result such….that 2. This bag is too heavy for the boy to lift.
3. Prachi is bold enough to answer
4. Parth is so lazy that he cannot pass the
5. Walt was such a complex man that
nobody could understand him.

Talking about people / Such….as, The same….as, 1. Unlike Anup Paresh works very hard.
Place / Thing in relation to almost the same, 2. Like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel believed in
something like/alike/unlike, differ from non-violence.
3. Their personality is quite alike.
4. Both the students are given almost the
same subjects to speak.
5. I bought the same book as you gave me
6. He is such a man as you showed me
Expressing Manner of an As , Like 1. Mr. Patel speaks like Mr. Modi.
action 2. I work as I am told.
3. Sonu taught as the teacher does.
Making supposition about As if 1. He dances as if he were Shahrukh.
an Action/ Expressing 2. Meet screamed as if he had seen a bad
supposition dream.
Doer not Important / am / is / are + p.p. 1. The speech was given to parents.
Describing process was / were + p.p. 2. The prizes were given to the winners.
am / is / are + being + p.p. 3. The papers have been distributed to the
was / were + being + p.p. students.
have/has/had/having + been
+ p.p.
modal auxi. + be + p.p.
Connecting information Conjunctions like and, as 1. I will buy fruits and vegetables from the
well as, but, or, either..or, market.
neither..nor, not only..but 2. Either my father or my mother will go to
also, who, whose, whom, party.
which, how, where, when, 3. This is the boy who got the first rank.
why, what, because, since
Reporting Indirect narration 1. The teacher inquired about our study.
2. The police asked me if I had a license.
Expressing / Showing If…had+ p.p. 1. If I win, I will give you a party.
condition / Condition in the Unless…… 2. Come on time or leave the job.
past Or, and 3.Unless he had helped me, I would not
have passed the exam
Comparing / Comparing Degree 1. The Narmada is the longest river.
people / Thing in relation to As…as…, so….as…,one of 2. Shimla is cooler than any other city.
something / Talking about a the…est, very few, No 3.Payal is as beautiful as Kajal
person in relation to other… than any / many
something other
Showing / Expressing But, yet, still, though, 1. In spite of / Despite his sickness, he
contrast , Contrasting although, even though, even could not attend the meeting.
if, however, as, despite, in 2. He was ill but he appeared in the exam.
spite of
Offering suggestion Should, ought to, had better 1. You should work hard to get good result.
2. Raj is very poor in English. He ought to
read more.
3. He had better take rest for a week.
Expressing choice Would rather 1. I would rather go to the library than to
see movie.
2. I’d rather join yoga class to be fit.
Expressing Alternative Either…or, neither…nor, 1. Either Amita or Priya will speak in
choice either, neither competition.
2. This thing is neither costly nor cheap
Expressing / habitual action Used to 1.Gandhiji was used to wearing only a
in the past short dhoti
2. My father used to get up early in the
Showing purpose So that, with a view to, in 1. I join yoga to reduce my weight.
order to, in order that, for to 2.I join yoga so that I can reduce my
3.I join yoga with a view to reducing my
Describing a person / a Who, whom, whose, which, 1. He is really an intelligent boy.
thing that 2. This is the man whom I met yesterday.
3.This is the man whose son is an MLA
Describing a place / Talking Where, wherever 1. Gandhiji saw poverty wherever he went.
about a place 2.I visited porbandar where Gandhiji was
Requesting Please, Kindly, Would 1.Please give me your pen
you……. 2. Would you help me?
Giving / Expressing / Because, since, as, because 1. He is late because he missed the bus.
Showing Reason of, on account of, owing to, 2.As he had got good result, he was
due to selected
3. He got the first prize owing to/because
of/on account of his hard work.
Describing Time / Talking When, whenever, while, till, 1. Don’t go until I come.
about Time until, before, after, since, 2. When he came, I welcomed him.
for, as soon as, No sooner, 3. As soon as the sun rose, we started our
Hardly, Scarcely journey.
Declining No, I can’t, Sorry 1.I am sorry. I can’t help you
Showing / expressing ability Can / could 1.I can solve this sum
2. He could not speak in English
Expressing possibility May might 1. It may rain today.
2.The milk might have been drunk by the
Describing present event Look, always, now, 1. My mother always reads the Gita.
everyday 2. I am reading a novel now.
Describing past event Yesterday, last week/ 1.I passed my exam last year.
Describing Future event Tomorrow, next 1.We will go to picnic next week.
Showing displeasure - Oops… I have made a mistake.
Showing ignorance - I don’t know how to operate this machine.
Consoling - Don’t worry madam that’s a common
Appreciation - Excellent, You got a wonderful victory.
Expressing strong hope - Walt used to say that Disneyland would
never be finished.
Expressing hopelessness/ - Nothing seems easy and positive.
Expressing negativity
Expressing assumption - He must have been what, about eighty-five.
Expressing obligation - Be grateful that I gave you two grandsons.
Expressing inability - There was nothing she could do about it.
Recalling past event - With a heavy hearts we hoisted Nani’s bier
over our shoulder.
Expressing prohibition - No one is allowed to be indolent.
No one is allowed to enter without pass.
Expressing realization - It was a mistake not to take Nana to the
funeral of our Nani.
Expressing fact - Present air conditioners carry a lot of
carbon footprint.
Expressing refusal - I am not attending your meeting.
Asking for conformation - Don’t most of us want to be safe and free?
Expressing thankfulness / - Obliged to you for hearing me.
Expressing compulsion - I ought to work hard and sincerely to make
a better career.
Describing present - The weather is cloudy.

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