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No safe landing for bacteria unchanged. This demonstrated that it was the
Teen depression
A revolutionary way of identifying teenage
boys most likely to develop clinical
depression later in life has been discovered
by researchers at the University of
SOME KINDS OF SKIN ARE THEIR physical features, of sharp protuberances, that Cambridge. Predicting
brought about the bactericidal effect, a con- those who may be at
OWN ANTISEPTICS, SAYS clusion of importance in the context of many risk of depressive
bacteria developing resistance to biochemical symptoms has been
S ANANTHANARAYAN agents, like antibiotics. puzzling doctors for
In the current study, reported in Nature Com- decades but now

acterial infection is the reason for a great pro- munications, Professor Ivanova and colleagues scientists have found
portion of disease and is a risk that exists in note that many surfaces with sharp protuber- the first biomarker —
all surgery. The need for antiseptics to elimi- ances at the microscopic scale display super- or biological signpost
nate or limit bacterial population adds to the hydrophbicity or biological activity at the mol- — for clinical
complexity and cost of assuring public health ecular level. Taking off from what was seen depression.
and even to contain some forms of corrosion with the cicada, the group looked at other sur- Teenage boys with a combination of
in industry. faces that had similar structural characteris- depressive symptoms and raised levels of
The success of scientists in institutes in Bacterium disintegrating tics. One such was a form of silicon, called the stress hormone cortisol are up to 14
Australia, with co-workers in Spain, in discov- black silicon, a form where the surface struc- times more likely to develop clinical
ering that natural materials are able to combat ture is of needle-shaped single crystals of sil- depression than those who show neither
bacteria, not by chemical barriers but by phys- icon. The effect is that the normal reflectivity trait. Around one in six people suffer from
ical structure, and then to mimic the structure of metallic silicon is greatly reduced and clinical depression at some point in their
with its antibacterial features in an artificial most light that falls on the surface is aborbed lives and three-quarters of mental health
material is, hence, an event of importance. — hence the name black silicon. Silicon being diseases start before people are 24 years old.
Professor Elena P Ivanova and colleagues rep- a semiconductor that is used in photocells, this Researchers believe this latest discovery,
ort in Nature Communcations that black sili- form, with the property of absorbing light, published on Monday in the journal,
con, a synthetic semiconductor, solar cell mat- was developed for increasing the efficiency of Proceedings of the National Academy of
erial with sharply rising nano-protrusions on photocells. Sciences of the USA, could help target
its surface, so fashioned to absorb light more Elena P Ivanova
Microscopic studies showed that both black treatment. Professor Ian Goodyer from the
efficiently, shows bactericidal properties just silicon as well as natural surfaces like the cic- University of Cambridge, who led the
like similar surfaces found in the natural ada or dragonfly wing, had disordered nano- study, said, “Depression is a terrible illness
world — the wings of the dragonfly, for ins- Micrographs of surface structure pillar systems, forming clusters and groups that will affect as many as 10 million people
tance. of clusters. Such a grouping has also been in the UK at some point in their lives.
Ivonaova’s group had confirmed only a few shown to be a result of the forces that act Through our research, we now have a very
months earlier, in a paper in the journal Small, when the structure is forming. While natural real way of identifying those teenage boys
that it was the physical surface structure of surfaces, in this grouping of spikes, consisted most likely to develop clinical depression.
the wings of the cicada, and not any chemical of fats and waxes, which are water-repellent, This will help us strategically target
coating, which made for its antibacterial the surface of silicon is only moderately preventions and interventions at these
quality. water-repellent. But the remarkable result individuals and hopefully help to reduce
Many surfaces in the natural world need to was that the silicon structure was also equal- their risk of serious episodes of depression
stay free of wet and dirt to be able to function. ly bactericidal as the natural surfaces. and their consequences in adult life.”
The legendary lotus leaf, like the leaves of The bactericidal quality was assessed by Researchers analysed several early
other plants that live in water, need to effi- culturing colonies of three different kinds of morning saliva samples taken within a
ciently repel water so that they do not get bacteria on the surfaces of dragonfly wing, week from more than 1,850 teenagers – and
weighed down. Similarly, the wings of insects Black silicon Dragonfly wing black silicon and plain glass and silicon, for did the same again a year later. The
need to be free of traces of wet for them to get comparison for 30 hours. While the mix of bac- samples showed cortisol levels were stable
about and survive. While water-repelling lea- away, to leave the surface clean in addition to ticularly effective in keeping away adhesion teria that attached to the structured surfaces over the year and were then combined with
ves and insect skin are found to be coated with being dry, The observation that many super- by a strain of common bacteria as many of and the plain surfaces were different, the two self-reports about symptoms of depression.
water-repelling waxes, it has been found that hydrophobic surfaces are also free of bacteri- the cells were able to attach themselves to the kinds of structured surfaces were found to be The teenagers were then divided into four
the wings of the dragonfly, and others, also al contamination was considered to be a case wings. But then it was found that once the bac- lethal to the cells that attached to them. It can groups, ranging from group one, who had
have a physical pattern that breaks a drop of of the self-cleaning quality leading to clear- terium landed in the wing, nano-pillars on the be seen in the table that despite differences of normal levels of morning cortisol and low
water that falls on them into smaller drops, to ing of biological material, an action that is wing surface pierced the bacterium cell and composition and hydrophobicity of natural symptoms of depression over time,
have greater rebound and be lighter. called antibiofouling. caused cell components to spill out beneath materials and silicon, black silicon, which through to group four, who had elevated
Many insects have evolved to have such The first study of Professor Ivanova and the cell and between the nano-pillars. shares shape and construction, is as bacterici- levels of morning cortisol and high
strongly water-repelling or superhydrophobic group looked into the antibiofouling action of Further study showed that the cells that dal as both cicada and dragonfly wings. The symptoms of depression over time.
surfaces. While water does not wet, and runs the wings of the cicada, which are highly hy- had landed on the surface were, in fact, dead! nature of the cicada wing structure limits its Teenage boys in group four were 14 times
off these surfaces, it does wet specks of dirt drophobic and self-cleaning. The initial find- It was found that most cells were killed off effectiveness to Gram-negative cells, but black more likely to develop clinical depression
and other contaminants and carries them ings were that the wings were in fact not par- within five minutes of attaching to the sur- silicon is like the dragonfly wing and is effec- than those in the first group.
face and there was a cycle of 20 minutes of tive against all kinds of cells. Gold coating the Teenage girls in this fourth group were
Features comparison of insect wings and black silicon surfaces. cells landing and getting killed, and getting black silicon and dragonfly wings again left only four times more likely than those in
cleared for more cells to land. Studies with the bactericidal property unchanged, like in the first group to develop major depression
Surface Cicada wing (R. claripennis) Dragonfly wing (D. bipunctata) Black silicon Atomic Force Microscopy showed that the the case of the cicada wings. – and were no more likely to develop the
Surface characteristics cells sank slowly into the wing surface for The results are significant — that nanoma- condition than those with either high
Water contact angle 159o 153o 80o some 200 nanometres, in about three minutes, terials that can be readily fabricated, in quan- morning cortisol or symptoms of
Chemical composition Lipids/waxes Lipids/waxes Mostly SiO2 before there was a sudden downward move- tity, can be used to control bacteria growth. depression alone. The findings suggest
Height of nanoprotrusions 200nm 240nm 500nm gender differences in how depression
ment that indicated rupture of the cell. The structure of nanomaterials, in fact, can
Gram-negative Gram-negative To eliminate the possibility of the cell be optimised for exclusive antibacterial develops.
Bactericidal activity
Gram -positive Gram-positive death being due to some chemical component action, or for action along with rigidity, strength, Paul Jenkins, chief executive of Rethink
Spores Spores of the cicada wing surface, the researchers etc, as required and could be better than as Mental Illness, said, “These findings
Efficiency(*) coated the surface with a 10 nanometre thick found naturally. This suggests that “novel an- represent a major development in our
Versus P. oeruginosa ATCC 9027 2.0 x 105 3.0 x 105 4.3 x 105 gold film. The fine gold coating, which left the tibacterial nanomaterials may open the way understanding of depression among
Versus S. aereus CIP 65.8T N/A 4.6 x 105 4.5 x 105 surface topography unchanged, was found to for new applications in the field of mechano- teenage boys. When young people receive
Versus B. subtilis NCIMB 3610T N/A 1.4 x 105 1.4 x 105
affect the hydrophobicity of the surface. But, microbiology”, say the authors. early intervention treatment, they have a
(*) Average number killed over a square centimetre every minute, over three hours despite the new surface chemistry of the sur- much better chance of getting better and
face, the bactericidal effect was found to stay THE WRITER CAN BE CONTACTED AT avoiding long-term mental health
problems. The prospect of identifying boys

IMPORTANT ROLE-PLAY An exciting enterprise

at risk at an earlier stage, should enable us
to make a big step forward in successfully
treating serious mental illness.”


he chicken is a production animal of major eco-
nomic importance, crucial for food security Psychopaths & sadists
PRODUCED BY NORMAL CELLULAR GENES SILENCE THE throughout the world. More than 80 billion chic- DISEASE PROBLEM OF COMMON INTEREST Canadian researchers have confirmed
kens are produced each year worldwide, making it what most people suspected all along —
TRANSLATION OF IMPORTANT MESSENGER RNAS the most numerous livestock species. Poultry produc- TO INDIA AND THE UK WILL BE A GRAND that Internet trolls are archetypal
tion is also very efficient, imposing the least environ-
CHALLENGE, WRITES DAVID W BURT Machiavellian sadists. In a survey

he finding that gene mental impact of all our livestock in terms of gas em- conducted by the group of psychologists,
expression can be issions. However, climate change is likely to have an dinated by The Roslin Institute, from the public and people who partake in so-called trolling
silenced by the intro- impact on future poultry production systems. We are private sectors has undertaken a massive genome se- online showed signs of sadism,
duction of double-strand- DNA likely to see the (re)emergence of diseases such as mac- quencing effort of over 24 chicken lines to develop a psychopathy, and were Machiavellian in
ed RNAs into cells raises 1 Transcription roparasites (coccidiosis) and vector-borne pathogens high-density genotyping array of 600,000 SNPs suit- their manipulation of others and their
the question of whether within wild hosts (Avian Influenza from ducks and able for the characterisation of both layer and broiler disregard for morality. The researchers
any normal genes produce other poultry). Climate change will also have effects chickens. This array is being used to identify and sel- defined online trolling as “the practice of
RNAs that function in a on heat stress, water shortage and salt tolerance, which ect DNA-based markers for the selection of genetic behaving in a deceptive, destructive or
comparable fashion. The will need new buildings and changes to other work traits in poultry. disruptive manner in a social setting on the
search for such molecules Drosha Dicer practices in poultry production, particularly in Asia. These new technologies were recently used to se- Internet” for no purpose other than their
has led to the discovery of Our knowledge of the organisation and content of quence the genomes of about 50 different avian species pleasure.
microRNAs (miRNAs), a 3 poultry genomes has increased rapidly over the past as part of an evolutionary study. These resources open To achieve the results, the team asked
class of single-stranded
2 few years, culminating in the sequence of the chick- up many new opportunities to explore the rich biology Internet users about subjects including
RNAs about 21-22 nucleo- miRNA en genome in 2004, a milestone in genetics and evolu- of birds and finally solve the phylogenetic history of how much time they spent online and
tides in length that are pro- pri-miRNA pri-miRNA tionary biology. Recent advances in DNA sequencing this large and rapidly evolving avian reptile group. whether
duced by genes found in all technologies now make it possible to produce genome The availability of thousands of avian genomes will they
multicellular organisms NUCLEUS sequences of most living organisms, quickly and chea- provide many new opportunities but also poses new commented
studied so far. MicroRNAs ply. Using these technologies we have also seen the com- challenges. How do we annotate so many species? The on websites
bind to and regulate the 4 pletion of the genome sequences of the turkey, duck current model of one genome at a time will no longer such as
expression of messenger and many other avian species — with thousands to be sustainable – we will need to annotate hundreds of YouTube.
RNAs produced by genes miRNP follow. genomes simultaneously, for example, within orders They were
that are separate from The “annotation” of the chicken genome — the de- or families based on multiple genome alignments. also given
genes that produce the Exactly complementary coding of the sequence of base-pairs (G, A, T, C) into How do we access the data on these genomes? We will tests that
Partly complementary
microRNAs. to messenger RNA to messenger RNA the proteins and other functions it encodes has been still maintain high quality annotations of model spe- measured their responses against
Genes that produce under continuous improvement, as well as being a cies, such as the chicken and zebra finch, and proba- psychology’s “Dark Tetrad”: narcissism,
microRNAs are initially
5a 5b major challenge. The latest version has taken advan- bly ancestral species for each order (or family). For Machiavellianism, psychopathy and a
transcribed into longer tage of huge volumes of sequencing data derived from other species we will provide access to the genomes, sadistic personality. Questions also
RNA molecules called pri- the RNA molecules themselves, the message read from gene annotations and new tools to visualise and search surrounded sadistic statements including,
mary microRNAs, which the genome DNA sequence that is translated into pro- these resources. Whatever happens, it will be exciting “‘I enjoy physically hurting people”, “I
fold into hairpin loops. teins and other non-coding regulatory RNA species. and a grand challenge. enjoy making jokes at the expense of
The looped pri-miRNAs Target messenger RNAs The management and analysis of these sequence da- An area of collaboration between partners in the others” and “I enjoy playing the villain in
are then converted into tasets has and continues to be a major challenge in the UK (The Roslin Institute and Royal School of Veter- games and torturing other characters”.
mature miRNAs by se- Inhibition of Messenger RNA application of computer science — this field of “bioin- inary Studies, University of Edinburgh) and India The study — conducted by psychologists
quential processing. translation degradation formatics” is now a key area in the genetics and gen- (HSADL-IVRI, Bhopal) is to exploit these genome se- from the University of Manitoba,
First, a nuclear enzyme omics of poultry and livestock species. quences to explore the reservoirs of Avian Influenza University of Winnipeg and University of
called Drosha cleaves the These new DNA sequencing technologies have rev- found endemic in domestic and wild bird populations British Columbia and published in the
pri-miRNAs into smaller hairpin RNAs, ger RNA degradation, but this inhibitory olutionised genetic studies within commercial and ex- in India. Avian Influenza, caused by the highly patho- Personality and Individual Differences
called precusor microRNAs, roughly 70 effect usually requires the binding of multi- perimental poultry populations by allowing the rapid genic virus H5N1, is taking a huge toll on the Indian journal — said, “It was sadism, however,
nucleotides long. The pre-miRNAs are ple microRNAs to different, partially com- sequencing of many individuals for the detection of poultry industry since the first outbreak in 2006. Des- that had the most robust associations with
then exported to the cytoplasm, where plementary sites within a given messenger genetic variants, often unique to those populations pite eradication and confirmation of disease-free sta- trolling of any of the personality
Dicer cleaves them into mature, single- RNA. sequenced. An international team of scientists, coor- tus, the re-emergence continues. Since each outbreak measures.” It went on to claim that trolls
stranded microRNAs 21-22 nucleotides Genes coding for microRNAs represent needs eradication of all poultry within a one-two mile were “agents of chaos” that exploited “hot-
long. about 0.5 to one per cent of the total number radius, every episode of infection has a major econo- button issues” to inflame and exploit users’
Each mature microRNA is assembled of genes present in the genomes of the mul- mic and social impact on small and marginal poultry emotions.
with a group of proteins to form a ribonu- ticellular organisms studied so far. For exa- farmers of rural India. This is particularly acute in a “If an unfortunate person falls into their
cleoprotein complex (miRNP) that, in turn, mple, about 200-250 microRNA genes have country where backyard poultry is popular and thick- trap, trolling intensifies for further,
silences the expression of messenger RNAs been detected in the human genome and ly populated villages usually lie within the eradication merciless amusement. This is why novice
containing sequences complementary to about 120 in worms. Many of the micro- zone. As a notifiable disease, Avian Influenza can Internet users are routinely admonished,
that of the microRNA. In a few cases, the RNAs produced by these genes control the have serious implications for international trade and ‘Do not feed the trolls!’” the study warned.
match is exactly complementary and the activity of messenger RNAs coding for pro- further harm India’s poultry industry. Most worryingly, they based their
messenger RNA is destroyed by a mecha- teins that play important roles during devel- This will also be an opportunity to share in resour- conclusion on cyber-trolling being an
nism similar to that observed with siRNAs. opment of the organism in which they occur. ces and facilities and learn new skills and approaches “Internet manifestation of everyday
It is more common, however, for micro- from each other to tackle this endemic disease prob- sadism” rather than an on-online
RNAs to exhibit partial complementarity to THE WRITER IS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, HEAD, DEPARTMENT lem of common interest to India and the UK. phenomenon.
translation rather than triggering messen- CONTACTED AT INSTITUTE, AND CAN BE CONTACTED AT THE INDEPENDENT

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