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Helping to bring the gold in But except for discovery like deep underground, the tree can survive arid
Genome decoded
The genome of a species of hot pepper or
chilli, Capsicum annuum, has been
sequenced and can now help improve a
vegetable used for adding a pungent
THE ROOTS OF THE EUCALYPTUS this, actually searching for gold
deposits is neither practical nor
conditions and has been planted in dry places
to “promote greening”, only to find that the
flavour to food as also a means to more
effectively select and develop varieties with
economical. water table recedes and conditions become different flavours, textures, nutrition and
TREE TRAP VALUABLE DEPOSITS The methods used are pains-
more arid than before. colour. This will involve a procedure
taking inspection or laboratory But eucalyptus abound in Australia and the towards a higher, more disease-resistance
40 METRES DEEP, SAYS examination of different kinds
of rock that are at the earth’s
authors of the paper in Nature Communcations
were able to study the trees that grew above
The research was led by Doil Choi,
S ANANTHANARAYAN surface or within reach, select-
ed according to rock types that
two known deposits of gold, and also in the lab-
oratory, to analyse the real source of traces of
professor of plant science and director of
the Plant Genomics and Breeding Institute
are known to have gold content, the precious metal in their leaves. The two at Seoul National University, South Korea.

hile the demand for gold, as ornaments, an or by geophysical anomalies. locations were the Freddo Gold Prospect in The variety sequenced is a domesticated
investment and in industry, is rising, known When there are prospects of dis- Leaf litter western Australia and the Barns Gold Prospect strain of Capsicum annuum found in
gold mines are getting depleted and new depo- covery, drill holes are made and in southern Australia. Morelos, a state in Mexico. This local
sits of ore are hard to find. Mining for the metal rock samples from deep under- 0 m The deposits at Freddo are about 35 metres variety, known as Criolo de Morelos 334,
has been directed mainly by historical record of ground are analysed. But gold Red clay with clcrete underground and were discovered by explo- has high resistance to a range of plant
deposits, or by chance discovery and systemat- deposits are typically just a few ratory drilling. But the deposits are not worth pathogens and is widely used in research
ic prospecting is expensive and involves deep hundred metres wide and a mining and the area is undisturbed and cov- and breeding programmes. The research
great many holes need to be
Red clay with gravels
drill holes and environmental damage. ered by large eucalyptus trees in an open, team also provided sequences for two more
A comparatively simpler method of discov- drilled before deposits can be woodland setting. The picture shows the kind cultivated varieties, Perennial and
ering underground deposits could be to detect located. of strata and the depth of the root structure. At Dempsey, and a related habanero pepper
traces of gold in vegetation above the place The possibility of natural Barns, which lies over a sub-economic gold species called Capsicum chinense.
Red kaolinitic clay
where gold is buried. But the method is often probes that go deep underground deposit, previous studies have shown that the The team looked
misleading and no mechanism by which parti- have been proposed and one with white mottles fluids extracted from the trees that grow there, for genetic
cles could be harvested by plants has been pro- agent proposed by Australian of kaolitic clay as well as the calcium-rich mineral content of influences that
posed. Melvyn Lintern, Ravi Anand, Chris Ryan scientists was termites. Ter- 10 the soil, have an unusually high gold content. could underlie the
and David Paterson, working in Australia, rep- mites burrow beneath the earth Freddo and Barns, thus, provided undis- hot pepper’s
ort in Nature Communications, a clear demon- that may hide a vein of gold and turbed samples of eucalyptus trees in a natur- pungency, ripening
stration of gold particles being transported by ingest nanoparticles of the al setting, for laboratory testing. That plants process and disease
the eucalyptus tree, which could promote metal. The excreta of the ter- take up gold nanoparticles has been estab- resistance, and
confidence in a new method of prospecting. mites would then have traces of lished, but earlier studies have used gold con- found different
Deposits of heavy metals are typically locat- gold and examining their may centration that is higher than what is found in molecular patterns
ed at great depths. This is because the earth, in be a non-invasive and, hopefully, Grey smectite-rich clay real locations. And the studies have not always of ripening in hot
its early geological history, was a molten mass economical way of detecting un- with clay sized used the plants that actually grow in the areas pepper and tomato
and heavier elements sank deepest. Most of the derground deposits. The other of interest. The present study hence used (a related genus). The results show that the
crboniferous material
gold in the earth may hence lie in the core and natural probe is of the root greenhouse plants of the same species found in pungency of the hot pepper originated
any gold that is discovered on the surface is structure of trees. Some traces 20 Freddo and Barns and studied where and how from the the evolution of new genes by
considered to have arrived via meteorites. But of gold have been found, for much the gold accumulation was, for different duplication of the existing ones and
gold from deep underground is also raised some time now, in the leaves of concentrations in the soil. changes in gene expression.
nearer the surface by volcanic activity or geo- the eucalyptus tree, which is The results showed that the foliage of trees “Like most genome sequencing projects,
logical disturbances. The Witwatersrand basin common in Australia, but these at Freddo, over deeply buried gold deposits, the pepper genome, especially when
in South Africa, which has the world’s richest traces are so minute that it has and in the case of Barns, the fluid extracted, compared to genome sequences of
deposits of gold, is believed to have been creat- not been possible to say for sure White sand with had gold particles in the same way as in the relatives (such as tomato and potato)
ed by an asteroid that struck the earth 2,000 that these are not due to surface smooth pebbles laboratory. The detailed study also shows the provides some insight into how evolution
million years ago and formed the 300-km level contamination. This bio- of quartz role of other elements, particularly calcium, (either through natural selection or
Vredefort crater, distorting the rock strata and geochemical method of prospec- which participates in the uptake of gold and domestication where selection has been
raising gold deposits. ting has, thus, not been serious- apparent sequestering of the metal to the guided by humans) has shaped the modern
Nearly 50 per cent of all the gold mined on ly pursued. 30 Unconformity periphery of the plant, for the protection of the genome of the organism,” said James J
earth has come from Witwatersrand rocks. All The main features of the plant. And also the collection of gold in the soil Giovannoni, professor at the Boyce
other mines are in the form of wide, open-cast eucalyptus tree is that it has as a result of leaves that fall from the tree. The Thompson Institute for Plant Research, an
mining or through deep tunneling. Discovery roots that go deep and that the Greeny grey study, in any case, shows that biogeochimistry independent non-profit affiliated with
has been historical or by chance, often by casu- root structure rapidly raises saprolite is a viable and reliable prospecting tool. Cornell University, New York.
al prospectors finding nuggets in the water underground water to the sur- “Collectively,” the authors say, “these results “The hot pepper genome sets the stage
with rocky material carried down by streams. face. Planting eucalyptus has, are important for mineral explorers to consid- for further studies using comparative
Prospectors “pan” the flowing water and any thus, been a method of draining Gold rich zone er as they access more difficult terrain with genomics, metabolic engineering and
gold stays back while other rocks are washed swampy land or for lowering deeper sediments and assess more subtle surfi- transgenic approaches to unveil the
away. Once gold is found like this, tracing the the water table, which may be cial geochemical anomalies.” complete pathway of capsaicinoid
stream to its source reveals where the metal needed for construction. As eu- Eucalyptus root system at Freddo gold prospect biosynthesis in capsicum species,” said the
came from, for mining. calyptus can extract water from THE WRITER CAN BE CONTACTED AT researchers in the paper published in
Nature Genetics on 19 January.

An inherent limitation of Capsaicinoids are responsible for the

A resurrection
fluorescence microscopy is that pungency in hot pepper and more than 22
the viewer can focus on only a of these compounds are already known.
single plane of the specimen at a These also have health benefits in that they

of sorts
given time, yet fluorescent light inhibit tumour growth, relieve arthritis-
is emitted throughout the related pain and help towards suppressing
■ The type of microscopy thus
specimen. As a result, the visible
image is blurred by light emitted
appetite during weight loss programmes.

THE CYTOLOGICAL STRAND CONNECT far is called brightfield micros-

copy because white light is
from regions of the specimen
above and below the focal plane,

passed directly through a which historically limited the AMPHIBIAN CONSIDERED IMPORTANT IN Double trouble
far apart adjacent objects must specimen that is either stained

trictly speaking, cytology is technique to flattened cells with Black carbon, a pollutant emitted due to
the study of cells — the be in order to be distinguished or unstained, depending on the minimal depth. This problem is SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH BEACAUSE OF ITS incomplete combustion of fossil fuels,
literal meaning of the Greek as separate entities. For structural features to be largely overcome by confocal biofuel and biomass, is blanketing the
word cytos is “hollow vessel”, example, to say that the limit of examined. A significant scanning, in which a laser beam ABILITY TO REGENERATE SEVERED LIMBS atmosphere above the Brahmaputra Valley
which fits well with Robert resolution of a microscope is 400 limitation of this approach is is used to illuminate a single in two layers. Usually there is just one
Hooke’s initial impression of nanometres (nm) means that that specimens must be fixed plane of the specimen at a time. rare salamander-like amphibian has been spotted layer of the pollutant and the valley has
cells. Historically, however,
cytology has dealt primarily with
cellular structure, mainly
objects need to be at least 400 nm
apart to be recognisable as
separate entities, whereas a
(preserved), dehydrated and
embedded in paraffin or plastic.
The specimen is therefore no
This approach gives much better
resolution than traditional
fluorescence microscopy when
A in its only known natural habitat, and this after
researchers feared the creature had disappeared
from the wild. Mexican biologists have seen, but not
been experiencing change in local climate,
ostensibly because of the double layers of
black carbon. Surface temperature
through the use of optical resolution of 200 nm means that longer alive, which raises the used with thick specimens such caught, two axolotls during a second attempt to find them increased at the rate of 0.03 kelvin per year
techniques. Let us consider some objects of only this number can possibility that features as whole cells. Further, the laser in the Xochimilco network of lakes and canals of Mexico (one kelvin equals -272º Celsius) from 1980
of the microscopy that has been be distinguished from each other. observed by this method could be beam can be directed to City. They took to the muddy waters of Lake Xochimilco to 2005, and precipitation has been
important in cell artifacts or distortions successive focal planes in small boats last year and searched for weeks for the increasing at the rate of four millimetres
biology. 10m due to the fixation, sequentially, thereby generating amphibian, but to no avail. But biologist Armando Tovar per year.
■ The light microscope dehydration and a series of images that can be Garza, of Mexico’s National Autonomous University, said Black carbon is an aerosol pollutant that
was the earliest tool of
Chicken egg embedding processes. combined to provide a three- members of the team carrying out the search had seen does two very different things in the
cytologists and continues 1m To overcome this dimensional picture of the cell. two axolotls during the first three weeks of a second sur- earth’s atmosphere. It reduces the amount

to play an important role Length of some disadvantage, a variety Another recent development in vey expected to conclude in April. “We weren’t able to cap- of sunlight that reaches earth’s surface by
in the elucidation of
nerve and of special optical
muscle cells light microscopy is digital video ture them... because the behaviour of the axolotl makes absorbing and scattering light, but also
cellular structure. Light techniques have been microscopy, which makes use of them very difficult to capture,” he said. “But we have had absorbs heat and radiates it back to earth,
microscopy allowed 0.1 m developed that make it video cameras and computer two sightings. That’s important, because it tells us we still causing atmospheric warming.
cytologists to identify Chicken egg possible to observe storage, and allows have a chance.” During an
membrane-bound living cells directly. computerised image processing The axolotl has a slimy tail, plumage-like gills and a experiment
structures such as These include phase- to enhance and analyse images. mouth that curls into an odd smile, and is known as the headed by the
nuclei, mitochondria 1cm contrast microscopy, Attaching a highly light- “water monster” or the “Mexican walking fish”. Growing Indian Institute
and chloroplasts within differential sensitive video camera to a light up to a foot long, axolotls use four stubby legs to drag of Tropical
a variety of cell types. Frog egg interference contrast microscope makes it possible to themselves along the bottom or thick tails to swim in Meteorology,
Such structures are 1mm microscopy, observe cells for extended Xochimilco’s murky channels while feeding on aquatic black carbon levels were measured above
called organelles (“little fluorescence periods of time using very low insects, small fish and crustaceans. It is regarded as Guwahati (the largest city in the

organs”) and are microscopy, confocal levels of light. This image important in scientific research because of its ability to Brahmaputra Valley) from an aircraft for
prominent features of microscopy and digital intensification is particularly regenerate severed limbs. three days in August and September 2009.
most plant and animal 100 um video microscopy. useful for visualising fluorescent Some axolotls still survive in aquariums, water tanks The data showed something anomalous
(but not bacterial) cells. Eukaryotic cells Phase-contrast and molecules in living cells with a and research labs, but experts said those conditions were and interesting. Usually, black carbon
■ Other significant differential fluorescence microscope. not the best, because of interbreeding and other risks. levels are found to increase in the layer of
developments include interference contrast A major breakthrough in Releasing captive-bred axolotls into the wild is not an air closest to earth’s surface (called the
the invention of the 10 um Nucleus microscopy make it resolving power came with the option as it could spread a fatal fungus and reduce their boundary layer). The extent of this layer

microtome in 1870 and Most bacteria possible to see living development of the electron mi- genetic diversity. differs as per local conditions. Above the
the availability of cells clearly. Both these croscope, which was invented in The “floating gardens” of earth piled on reed mats that boundary layer, black carbon levels are
various dyes and stains Mitochondrion techniques enhance Germany in 1932 and came into usually steady, or drop until a height of 3.5
1 um
at around the same time. and amplify changes in widespread-biological use in the km. But above Guwahati, a second layer
A microtome is an the phase of early 1950s. In place of visible was found, five to six kilometres from the
instrument for slicing Mycop;asma transmitted light as it light and optical lenses, the surface. “Due to this second layer, an
thin sections of 100nm “sees” through a electron microscope uses a beam additional heating of around 2 K/day is
biological samples, Viruses structure that has a of electrons that is deflected and reported to occur at five-six kilometres in
usually after these have Ribosomes different refractive focused by an electromagnetic the atmosphere over (the) Brahmaputra
been dehydrated and than the surrounding field. Because the wavelength of Valley resulting in a doubling of the
embedded in paraffin or 10nm Proteins medium. Most modern electrons is so much shorter radiative heating in 2009,” says lead author
plastic. The technique light microscopes are than that of photons of visible of the study Rahul PRC, a scientist with
enables rapid and effi- Lipids equipped for phase- light, the limit of resolution of the Indian Institute of Tropical
cient preparation of 1nm contrast and the electron microscope is much Meteorology. “The second layer is forming
thin tissue slices of Small differential better than that of the light probably because of the largescale
uniform thickness. The molecules interference contrast in microscope: about 0.1-0.2 nm for monsoon circulation winds that transport
An axolotl in a tank at the Chapultepec Zoo in Mexico City.
dyes that came to play so addition to the simple the electron microscope black carbon up to five-six kilometres,” he
important a role in 0.1nm Atoms
transmission of light, compared with about 200-350 nm the Aztecs built to grow crops where axolotols live in the adds.
staining and identifying (A nanometre is 10-9 or one- with conversion from one use to for the light microscope. Indeed, wild, are now suffering from pollution, urban sprawl and Arindam Chakraborty from the Centre
subcellular structures were deve- billionth of a metre; 1 nm= 0.001 another accomplished by the electron microscope has invasive species. Tovar Garza said some small mutations, for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at
loped primarily in the latter half mm.) interchanging optical about 100 times more resolving possibly the result of interbreeding, had already been the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru,
of the 19th century by German The smaller the limit of components. power than the light microscope. seen. says that formation of a second layer is
industrial chemists working resolution, the greater the Fluorescence microscopy enab- As a result, the useful Alarmed by the creature’s falling numbers in recent plausible. “However, there will probably be
with coal tar derivatives. resolving power of the les researchers to detect specific magnification is also greater: up years, researchers built axolotl “shelters” in Xochimilco seasonal variations in the levels of black
Together with improved optics microscope. proteins or other molecules that to 100,000-fold for the electron to help them breed in the cleanest part of their remaining carbon,” he adds. “Some studies show that
and more sophisticated lenses, Expressed in terms of l, the are made fluorescent by coupling microscope, compared with abo- habitat. Sacks of rocks and reedy plants act as filters black carbon is washed away during the
these and related developments wavelength of the light used to them to a fluorescent dye. With ut 1,000-1,500-fold for the light around a selected area, and cleaner water is pumped in to rain. One can expect lower black carbon
extended light microscopy as far illuminate the sample, the the simultaneous use of two or microscope. create better conditions. levels after the monsoons. You do need
as it could go — to the physical theoretical limit of resolution more such dyes, each coupled to The Mexican Academy of Sciences said a 1998 survey more measurements, spread out through
limits of resolution imposed by for the light microscope is l/2. a different kind of molecule, the THE WRITER IS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, HEAD, found an average of 6,000 axolotls per square kilometre, a the year, to arrive at more conclusive
the wavelengths of visible light. For visible light in the distributions of different kinds COLLEGE, KOLKATA, AND ALSO FELLOW, figure that dropped to 1,000 in a 2003 study and 100 in 2008. data.”
As used in microscopy, the wavelength range of 400-700 nm, of molecules can be followed in BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND CAN BE The study was published in Scientific
limit of resolution refers to how the limit of resolution is about the same cell. CONTACTED AT THE INDEPENDENT Reports on 14 January.

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