202 5thfeb2014 ZirconPassesTest

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Zircon makes the grade
DOUBTS ABOUT A CLASSIC through 10 steps, to 208Pb. Now, the emission of
Lead atom migration
Making flies flirt
Neuroscientists have successfully
controlled a fly’s behaviour with
thermogenetics — a new technique that
Although serious questions have been
all these massive particles, usually in groups uses lasers to remotely activate brain
TIMEKEEPER USED IN GEOLOGY raised based on the possibility of migration of
of four particles, called an alpha particle,
lead atoms as a result of radiation, John
result in powerful alpha particle projectiles
neurons. Using the whimsically
named Fly Mind-Altering
Valley and others note in their paper that the
and also strong recoil of the emitting nuclei. Device (also known as
HAVE BEEN PUT TO REST, matter has not been studied so far at the atom-
This is the activity that jostles the zircon FlyMAD),
atom scale and the relation of radiation dam-
crystal structure and in time the crystals could
SAYS S ANANTHANARAYAN age to Pb migration is poorly understood. The
break down to amorphous, or shapeless enti-
group, therefore, worked on a sample particle
ties. While the studies conducted are on intact

ssessing the antiquity of the very ancient earth of zircon derived from pre-existing rock in the
crystals of zircon, the mechanism of conver-
calls for finding things that were around at that Jack Hills, western Australia, and used the me-
sion of U or Th to Pb, and some features of the
far off time. Most rock or minerals that are on thods of Atom Probe Tomography, which is to
variation in levels of residual isotopes found,
hand now were formed later on or have chan- look into the layers of a material by analysis of
with ambiguous age estimates, have suggested
ged and corroded, to be of no use in counting the kind of atoms the material gives off as it is
that there is loss of lead atoms from the sam-
the years. Zircon, an extremely hardy mineral, ples and this has gravely affected the credibili-
etched or evaporated, using an electric field,
is an exception and, as it contains traces of John W Valley. by Scanning Electron Microscopy, where
radioactive uranium and thorium that decay a surface is scanned atom by atom by a
into two forms of the lead, it has been possible of sand and is a common trace con- beam of electrons, which get scattered at researchers were able to trigger complex
to date samples as far back as 4.4 billion years. stituent in hard rock. the surface, and by Secondary Ion Mass courtship behaviour in a target fly,
But this same feature of radioactivity rav- Uranium and thorium atoms often Spectroscopy, where secondary emission essentially causing the insect to “fall in
ages the crystal structure of zircon and leads to find a place in the crystal structure of from the surface is analysed. love” with a ball of wax.
a migration of decay products, which has zircon, but the element lead is positive- Using these hypersensitive methods, The research, led by Barry Dickson of
raised questions about how reliable date asse- ly rejected. This is a useful feature the group reached into the core layer of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute in
ssment based on zircon crystals can be. John W because uranium and thorium atoms the particle of rock, the interior, which Ashburn, Virginia, is similar to
Valley, Aaron J Cavosie, Takayuki Ushikubo, are radioactive and decay, after some revealed its most ancient age of 4.382 bil- optogenetics; a method that activates
David A Reinhard, Daniel F Lawrence, David J steps, into forms of lead. The levels of lion years. The outer layers showed an neurons using light and that has
Larson, Peter H Clifton, Thomas F Kelly, Simon uranium or thorium and lead, in a age of about 3.4 billion years, or later previously been used to control
A Wilde, Desmond E Moser and Michael J sample, can thus indicate the age of the growth, at higher temperatures, for behaviour in mice. However, while
Spicuzza, of Wisconsin, Puerto Rico, Perth in sample since it was formed. The ratio which there is geological evidence in the optogenetics require fibre-optic cables to
Australia and Ontario in Canada report in the of the different forms of lead that are Jack Hills region. And the oldest rock at be embedded into mice skulls to activate
journal Nature Geoscience that their detailed found in the sample can also indicate the core was analysed, using Apt and the genetically-altered neurons,
study of radioactive effects on zircon crystal the age. And the fact that lead cannot Sims, to reveal that there had been clear thermogenetics achieves the same effect
structure shows that the enter the zircon crystal except by being radiation damage, with movement and by using infrared lasers to deliver the
mobility of lead ato- formed in situ through radioactivity Taksyuki Ushikubo, John Valley and Noriko Kita at the Secondary Ion Mass concentration of lead atoms into clus- “instructions” directly to the fly’s brain.
ms in the oldest makes sure that the levels of lead Spectronomy laboratory as Wisconsin. ters, creating peaks and lows in the levels Scientists have previously influenced fly
samples is too measured have actually arisen recorded, at a fine scale. behaviour by adding a heat-activated
little to affect from radioactivity. ty of the assessment as a means of age deter- But a detailed study has been able to show protein called TRPA1 to neurons
the accuracy The uranium (U) nucleus mination. that the movement of lead atoms was through associated with certain actions. When
of age assess- exists in two forms and their Accurate determination of the age of for- short distances and there had been no leakage flies modified in this way are placed in a
ment. decay leads to different final mation of the earth’s crust and the timing of of lead atoms in the clusters forced by radia- hot box, the targeted neurons activate
Zircon is a forms of lead (Pb). One start- the impact event that is credited with the for- tion effects. The clustering, or non-uniformity and trigger certain behaviours. FlyMAD,
mineral compo- ing form is 238U, or urani- mation of the moon, are of importance for the was also at the fine scale and did not affect however, uses a video camera to track
sed of atoms of um with 238 massive understanding of the origins of the internals measurements using methods like Sims, the fly as it moves around a box before
the element zirconi- particles in the nucleus, and the surface of the earth and the moon, and which cover many clusters. The group has directing an infrared laser at the insect
um, combined with and this decays, with their evolution. Apart from Pb levels, the lev- described the mechanism leading to anom- and activating the parts of its neural
silicon and oxygen, for- the emission, in steps, els of isotopes of oxygen in zircons also pro- alous results earlier reported and, with an circuit that control courtship.
ming part of a group of com- of 32 massive particles, to vides a peephole to the quality of oxygen in examination of 409 of the clusters formed, has In the picture from Nature, the subject
pounds that are formed with the 206Pb, or lead with 206 primordial atmospheres and, hence, the pace made a precise assessment of the age of one of fly can be seen attempting to mate with a
silicate group, which form nearly 90 massive particles in the of evolution of life. In the context, uncertainty the grains of rock, at 3.374 billion years, with ball of wax, circling and “singing” to it
per cent of the earth’s crust. Zircon occurs nucleus. The other form, 235U, of the reliability of the U-Th-Pb survey in zir- an uncertainty of only six million years. by vibrating its wings. This courtship
in most kinds of rock in the form of tiny crys- decays, with emission of 28 mas- con, which is the only method available for age A conclusion drawn is that a sea of molten behaviour continued for 15 minutes after
tals. It is hard and chemically inert and per- The grain of sive particles, to 207Pb. In the case of assessment in the four billion-year range, rock that covered much of the earth was the laser had been shut off, “suggesting
sists unchanged in form in most occurrences zircon. thorium, it is 232Th that decays, affects a series of conclusions. before the formation of the crust and the sam- that the heat had triggered a lasting,
ples of zircon, and soon after the formation of complex behavioural state”.
the earth. The result then constrains the Another test conducted by the
uncertainties in models of how the earth and neuroscientists was able to instantly
the moon may have formed. Apart from clear- make flies walk backwards by activating
ing doubts about the reliability of zircon- TRPA1 that had been added to neurons
based age assessment, the precise methods associated with muscular coordination.
that have worked with the Jack Hills zircon The paper written by Dickson and his
can now be used with zircon derived from team is currently awaiting peer review,
meteorites or lunar samples, for a further although some neuroscientists have
understanding. already welcomed thermogenetics as
easier to use than current optogenetic
Some views of the terrain in Jack Hills, western Australia.
THE WRITER CAN BE CONTACTED AT simplescience@gmail.com techniques.
Dickson said he would like to combine

the TRPA1 control method with an

No room for complacency alternative technique that uses a

different light-activated protein known
as channelrhodopsin. Scientists say they
could then activate different neural
INDIA PROVIDES A MODEL FOR GLOBAL IMPROVEMENT IN ANIMAL circuits at the same time in order to “see
TAPAN KUMAR MAITRA EXPLAINS enter via the aqueous phase of the
cuticle, first into the acid compo- HEALTH, WRITES NEIL SARGISON which one wins”.


the pectin and water-permeable he UK’s Chief Scientist has said that ate in optimum conditions. The key to this is
PENETRATE PLANTS cytoplasmic membrane. In condi-
tions of increased humidity, the
as far as global food production is con- to address more fundamental veterinary
cerned, the world is facing a “perfect clinical principles. Quite simply, genetic
What might have been

esticides can readily pene- the cuticle consists of these micropores of the cuticle and cu- storm”. This threat combines the ever- improvements and sustainable disease con-
trate a plant through its roots, unevenly distributed components: tin are saturated with water. With growing problems of a global reduction in trol programmes can only succeed if ani- Geoscientists at the University of
especially if preplanting tre- cutin — polymerised high-molec- insufficient moisture, the microp- available productive land, regional scarci- mals are first kept alive through good nutri- Sydney and the GFZ German Research
atment of the seeds was carried ular acids and alcohols having ores of the cuticle are filled with ties of replenishable water and the failure tion and basic health management. The Centre for Geosciences have used
out, or the toxicants were incorpo- simultaneously hydrophilic and air, and the drops of the pesticide of drugs and chemicals to control diseases. focus of veterinary medicine worldwide sophisticated plate tectonic and 2D
rated into the soil. Pesticides pene- lipophilic properties; cuticular solution, encountering air locks in This warning cannot be ignored. The key to needs to move away from the needs of indi- numerical modelling to create a map
trate the roots notwithstanding the hydrophobic waxes — low-molecu- the pores, cannot come into con- averting catastrophe is in planning ahead, vidual animals seen out of context at treat- that shows what the earth would have
poor solubility of individual sub- lar ethers of fatty acids and mona- tact with the water in them. In this sharing knowledge and in looked like had Gondwana, the
stances in water. This is associated tomic alcohols of the fatty series case, the aqueous way of penetra- recognising that to do nothing supercontinent, broken up differently.
with their solubility in lipids. with a short chain; pectin — a hy- tion is greatly hampered. is not an option. It looks at how the world would be
Pesticides are evidently absor- drophobic substance of an amor- When there is insufficient mois- We cannot afford to be com- completely different if the South
bed by the roots in the same way phous structure permeable to ture in a plant, pesticides penetrate placent. Efficient livestock sys- Atlantic and West African rift had split,
as nutrient substances are, by dif- water and polar compounds; and in the lipoid way. Lipophilic sub- tems are essential to meet the instead of the rift that emerged along
fusion, exchange adsorption and cellulose — a hydrophilic sub- stances penetrate through the fat escalating needs of the world’s the Equatorial Atlantic margins.
active transfer of molecules and stance with a fibrous structure components of the cell membrane. burgeoning population, so any Gondwana broke up 130 million years
ions. having high tensile strength. The penetration of pesticides threat to food production has to ago leading to the creation of South
This process may be of a passive The cuticle covers the entire through the cuticle is determined be taken seriously. As with all America and Africa. However, for
nature, when the pesticide ions surface of a leaf and the substom- by their solubility in water or in forms of agriculture, livestock millions of years before this, the
and molecules adsorbed on the atic chamber (the surface of the separate components of the cuti- production must be economi- southern continents of South America,
surface of the roots penetrate, in mesophyllous and palisade cells cle and cell membrane and depen- cally, environmentally and so- Africa, Antarctica, Australia, and India
an unchanged form, the free space inside a leaf open to the access of ds on the degree of their polarity. cially viable. While there are were united as Gondwana. It is still
of a cell and further move with air) in the form of a solid film and The cuticle is well permeable to many reasons for the current unclear why Gondwana fragmented, but
the flow of water along the con- is the main obstacle preventing oils, therefore many pesticides unsustainability of livestock it is understood that it first split along
ducting vessels and cells of the the penetration of pesticides in soluble in oil readily penetrate it. production, improving animal The focus of veterinary medicine worldwide needs to move away from the East Africa coast in a western and
green organ tissues. Pesticides the leaf. It is characterised by a Having passed through the cuticle health affords the greatest po- the needs of individual animals towards health management of groups of eastern part, before South America
may simultaneously enter a plant negative charge and can adsorb and cuticular layers, the pesticide tential for a rapid achievement animals within the overall context of their environment, management
and contemporary agriculture.
by metabolism when, being adsor- water. The cuticle has a lipoid molecules encounter an obstacle of better production efficiency. Researchers Christian Heine and
bed on the outer surface of the matrix, and lipophilic substances along their path to the protoplast In fact, improved animal health addresses ment centres or clinics, towards health Sascha Brune looked at why the South
cytoplasm of the roots’ cells, they can penetrate through it. The ecto- in the form of the cellulose layers the issue of food security, has obvious socio- management of groups of animals within Atlantic part of
are immediately involved in inten- desmae of the cuticle are one of of the cell membrane. Pesticides economic benefits and improves human the overall context of their environment, the giant rift
sive metabolism. As a result of the possible ways for the penetra- may also enter a plant directly health standards through the control of management and contemporary agricul- system
biochemical reactions, the pesti- tion of hydrophilic compounds. through the epidermis, hark, and zoonotic diseases (those that can transfer ture. There is a need to integrate this appro- became an
cides may be irreversibly decom- Pesticides penetrate a plant integument tissues of its stem. between humans and animals), in accor- ach with cutting-edge scientific research to ocean
posed or may form complexes through its leaves only if they are dance with the broad principles of “one address the challenges presented by the so- basin,
with the components of a cell. The in the form of a solution or emul- THE WRITER IS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, HEAD, health”. called “perfect storm”. while
intensity of entry via the roots sion. After crystallisation, no pen- COLLEGE, KOLKATA, AND ALSO FELLOW, The situation in India — with a popula- In partnership with our Indian colleagues, the
grows with an increase in the etration of the substances takes BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF BENGAL, AND CAN BE tion of about 1.2 billion, cultural and eco- we have the ability to recognise that various northern
dose. place. Hydrophilic pesticides can CONTACTED AT tapanmaitra59@yahoo.co.in nomic dependence on livestock production, scenarios, such as the high rate of calf mor- part
The movement of a pesticide a large productive land area and an enthu- tality in Indian buffalo herds, are preven- along the
from the soil solution into a plant siastic and receptive veterinary profession table and can be addressed by identifying West
depends on soil properties. Clay — provides a model for global improvement the underlying primary causes, rather than African rift
and humous soils greatly adsorb in animal health to meet the requirements deferring to dogma. We are also conversant got stuck.
pesticides and in this connection for sustainable agriculture. with the arguments as to why buffalo sur- “Extension along
the latter become less accessible Improvements in animal health must be vival is not necessarily a high priority with- the so-called South Atlantic and West
to plants. The moisture content of founded on robust scientific principles in in the context of the way in which they are African rift systems was about to split
the soil is of considerable impor- keeping with the principles of “planned ani- currently farmed in India. However, when the African-South American part of
tance. The intensive absorption mal health”. The University of Edinburgh considering global food production, this sit- Gondwana north-south into nearly equal
by a plant of insecticides from the has an emphasis on animal productivity uation is inefficient and, I believe, unten- halves, generating a South Atlantic and
soil in conditions of adequate using precisely that maxim, as well as a able. a Saharan Atlantic Ocean,” Brune said.
moisture is closely related to the focus on production animal genetics, infec- The University of Edinburgh-India col- “In a dramatic plate tectonic twist,
vigorous inflow and movement of tion and immunity and epidemiology with laboration, combining expertise in planned however, a competing rift along the
water and nutrient substances. a strong research focus on the principal con- animal health with local knowledge of ani- present-day Equatorial Atlantic margins
In the treatment of growing straints, including looking at the issues cre- mal husbandry, infectious diseases and won over the West African rift, causing
plants, pesticides penetrate them ated by drug resistance. The long-term socio-economic factors, to the benefit of it to become extinct, avoiding the break-
mainly through the leaves (cuticle application of this state-of-the-art epidemio- global food security aims to minimise the up of the African continent and the
and stoma) in the form of a liquid logical and post-genomic research will impact of the challenges to global food pro- formation of a Saharan Atlantic ocean.”
or vapour. Penetration through prove to be important in securing efficient duction. Their model shows how South America
the cuticle depends in many and sustainable global animal health man- would have been about twice the size it
aspects on the anatomic and mor- agement. THE WRITER IS HEAD OF THE FARM ANIMAL SECTION, ROYAL is now, with a huge expanse of land
phological features of the integu- In the meantime, everything must be done OF EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND. HE ATTENDED A RECENT attached to the northeast corner.
ment tissues. Pesticides are evidently absorbed by the roots in the same way as nutrient substances are.
to ensure that these groundbreaking rese- INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN BANGALORE AND CAN BE
According to modern notions, arch programmes and technologies can oper- CONTACTED AT neil.sargison@ed.ac.uk HANNAH OSBORNE/IB TIMES

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