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Charlie Smith High School

End of Term Examination 2024


English Language

Paper 2

Candidate’s Name: ______________________________________

Candidate’s Grade: _______________________
Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________ Date
of Examination: ______________________________________

1. This test consists of two (2) sections:
SECTION A consists of facts and opinions, sequencing, letter writing and a
reading comprehension activity that must be completed by all students in this

SECTION B consists of narrative essay questions to be done on the spaces


2. Electronic devices are NOT allowed to be used for this paper.

3. When you are told to begin, you should open this booklet and work straight
through the paper to the end or until you are told to stop.

Do not waste time on questions that you cannot answer. Go on to the next
question and return to the more difficult questions if you have time near the
end of the test.




Instruction: State whether the sentence is a FACT OR OPINION.

1. The quality of life has decreased in the last ten years. _____________________ 2. It is wrong

for individuals under the age of 21 to drink alcohol. __________________ 3. Many innocent

people are killed in war. _______________________________ 4. The more money someone

has, the more successful they are. ______________ 5. Students have a lot harder time in school

than the teachers. _____________________ 5 marks


Title: The Rough Start

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the story. Then put the events in order.

When the famous country singer yelled, “Drivers, start your engines!” Harry was full of

confidence. His car’s engine roared to life underneath him, and he began his warm-up laps. He

just knew that this was going to be his race. He hadn’t won a race yet all year, and it just had to

be his turn! But as soon as the pace car peeled off the track, as the cars approached the starting

line, Harry grew concerned. The back of his car didn’t feel quite right. Still, he sped up with

everyone else and was soon speeding around the track. He called to his crew chief and told him

that something felt loose on the back of his car. “You’d better bring it in to pit row as soon as you

can,” his crew chief told him. But Harry never got the chance. His back left tire suddenly blew

out. He lost control of the car, and the driver behind him smacked him from behind. Harry spun

off the track, his car plowing up grass until it finally came to a stop. Harry was safe, but he was

probably not going to win a race today!

6.____________Harry feels confident that this is going to be his race.

7.____________Harry’s crew chief tells Harry to bring his car in to pit row.

8.____________Harry feels concerned because the back of his car doesn’t feel quite right.

9.____________Harry calls his crew chief.

10.____________The famous country singer yelled, “Drivers, start your engines!”

11.____________Harry’s back left tire blows out.

12.____________The car behind Harry hits him.

13.____________Harry loses control of the car.

14.____________Harry spins off the track. 9 marks Letter Writing

Instruction: Match the sentences (15–20) with the parts of a letter (a–f).
15. …… Yours faithfully, a. greeting

16. …… I have been a regular customer of

b. introducing your reason for writing
your shop for many years.
17. …… I would like a refund of the
c. background information
difference as soon as possible.

18. …… Dear Sir/Madam, d. what went wrong

19. …… I am writing to express my

e. what you’d like to happen
dissatisfaction at the service I received.

20. …… After leaving your shop today, I

f. closing
realised I had been charged $’1000 instead of
$ 100.

6 marks
Reading Comprehension

Title: My First Foreign Friend

My first foreign friend broke my heart. However, before I could have a foreign friend, I needed
to travel aboard first. I have always wanted to go abroad and make friends around the world. Last
winter, I was able to study abroad for four weeks in Toronto. While I was studying in Toronto, I
met a Canadian girl named Jem. She told me that she wanted to make Japanese friends, so I was
happy to talk to her. I was also happy to talk to her because she is so beautiful. Jem is half white
and half Filipino, and I had never seen anyone like her before. It is safe to say that I fell in love
with her at first sight, but not everything is meant to be. (115)
In the beginning of our friendship, I was able to meet Jem often because we were language
exchange partners. Jem helped me study English, and I helped her study Japanese. Gradually we
became more and more friendly, so I invited her to go out to eat dinner with me. We went to a
restaurant with her friends who also study Japanese. I talked a lot with her and her friends in
English, and we ate katsudon. It is very delicious. Having dinner together made me very happy,
and I think that my language skill improved. (100)
One day, I went to watch an American football game with my Kwansei Gakuin friends. At the
game, I saw Jem with another student. I said hello, and I asked about her friend. She said “He is
my boyfriend.” That is, she had a boyfriend. I was surprised, and I was disappointed in love.
Furthermore, her boyfriend was also Japanese and was studying abroad like me. I was sad
because of that unbelievable fact. At that moment, I thought that my experience in other country
was sad. (95)

At last, the day I went back to Japan, I heard from Jem by email. In her email, she wrote, “thank
you for being my friend. I want to meet you and speak in Japanese when I go to Japan this
summer.’’ Her email really made me smile. I forgot about my feelings at the football game and
remembered all the great times I had in Toronto. Overall, I learned that life is made up of good
and bad memories, but it is most important to remember the good ones. (90)

Total Words: 400

1. Why is the background information in the introduction important to the story?


____________________________________ 2 marks

2. How did the writer and Jem become friends? (What is the situation?)
___________________________________2 marks

3. What happened before the writer’s heart was broken? (What is the rising action?)
____________________________________ 2 marks

4. What broke the writer’s heart? (What is the climax of the story?)
____________________________________ 2 marks

5. What did the writer learn? Was it a positive lesson or a negative lesson?
____________________________________ 2 marks


To be done by Ms. Brightly and Ms. Bailey group only.

43 A. Write a narrative using not less than 250 words with the topic “How I became friends with
my best friend”.

10 marks

To be done by Mrs. Chambers and Ms. Smith group only.

43. B Write a narrative using not less than 150 words with the topic “How I became friends with
my best friend”.
10 marks
End of Exam

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