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Your responsibility,

but not in your control:

Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 2

An outsourced third party risk

management (TPRM) service
creates a fully-informed
risk discussion

ew corporate leaders would consider Clients are increasingly expecting high
ignoring the dangers of failing to environmental, social and governance (ESG)
manage third party risk. But exactly standards to be met and reported.
how to successfully manage it is a far
trickier question. According to Deloitte’s 2020 TPRM report,
the financial impact of a failure by a third
Companies increasingly reap the benefits of party or subcontractor has at least doubled
outsourcing non-core functions to external over the past five years, according to almost
providers – this allows them to focus on half of respondents.
the areas their organisation knows best
as external specialists handle the rest. Third party data breaches over the past
year have included several high-profile cases
But while they are an operational necessity such as Sandworm and SolarWinds and
and a commercial reality, third party ever-increasing regulation continues to make
relationships create vulnerabilities. managing third party relationships tougher
External suppliers can access customer data, and more risky.
intellectual property and financial information.
Fines can easily add up to millions of dollars.
Cyber crime, GDPR and modern slavery rules, Not only do organisations face initial costs of
which hold companies responsible for actions non-compliance but also investigation costs
of any party doing business on their behalf, and post-fine monitoring costs. Then, of
add to the risk. course, they must contend with any ongoing
damage to a painstakingly-constructed brand
– and a consequent hit to the bottom line.
“According to Deloitte’s 2020
In this paper, we look at the dangers, the
TPRM report, the financial impact
solutions and the broader considerations you
of a failure by a third party or must contend with when it comes to building
subcontractor has at least doubled an effective third party risk management
over the past five years” (TPRM) programme.
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 3

The dangers

hat complicates in-house This lack of clarity has unwelcome
third party risk management consequences for organisations as a whole
strategies is that the discipline and for procurement specifically. The TPRM
is still evolving and not a full business function usually sits under procurement in
function in its own right yet. This ambiguous larger organisations. In smaller ones it might
corporate status means third party risks land under IT, security, compliance or legal.
gain less organisational attention than more
established security issues. “In many small/mid-sized organisations, if
you look on the buy side for example, TPRM
In small/mid-sized organisations the is usually left to one or two individuals and
responsibility may fall on one person they are also typically responsible for cyber
who is unable to keep up with the whole risk,” says Peter Pernebo, Global Head of
portfolio of risk categories such as Third Party Risk Management Solutions,
financial, technological, sanctions, location, KY3P®, at IHS Markit.
reputational, legal and environmental social
and governance (ESG). This can often slant the perception of risk
in favour of cyber security. While Pernebo
says cyber risk is often the single most
“ While cyber risk is often the single
important category, it is dangerous to
most important category, it is ignore others such as financial risk,
dangerous to ignore others, such as sanctions, legal, regulatory, supply chain
supply chain and business continuity” and business continuity. >>
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 4

>> When the uncertainty over which function

is responsible for ownership becomes too
great, the responsibility can simply “fall
of organisations said their
between the cracks”. Management of the third party network contains more
risk spreads out in functional silos, with vendors than three years ago

little communication between the lines.

The danger for procurement or TPRM (83%) of executives told a 2019 Gartner
leaders is that while they may never have survey that third party risks had been
had responsibility assigned, they may find identified after initial onboarding and due
themselves landed with the blame when diligence – indicating that existing methods
TPRM goes wrong. often failed to identify high-risk partners.

Many organisations, then, are inadvertently And an increasingly complex vendor

adopting an ad-hoc approach to managing landscape is another threat to compliance.
third party risk and too often it proves In the same survey 71% of organisations
ineffective. said their third party network contains
more vendors than three years ago. Nearly
Under half (44%) of respondents rated their a third (60%) said they were already
institutions as extremely or very effective working with more than 1,000 third parties
in managing third party risk, according to a and expect these numbers to continue to
Deloitte study from 2021. The vast majority grow as business ecosystems expand.
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 5

Outsourcing TPRM –
an effective solution

hile many organisations are Third Party, KYP3®, platform and a managed
reaping great benefits from service to provide complete coverage of
externalising non-core services, third party risk management. The service
many are failing to do the same with the handles the entire process of third party
management of the associated third party risk management from new vendor requests
risk. This is putting them in a position where to onboarding and due diligence through
penalties and reputational damage can lifecycle oversight and termination.
outweigh the benefits of a broadly successful
outsourcing strategy. Peter Pernebo stresses that a managed
service provider like IHS Markit cannot take
Outsourced third party risk management risk ownership for an organisation. To do so
can do the same job for many organisations would be neither practical nor acceptable
that externalising other services from a regulatory point of view. The idea is to
accomplishes – leaving them free to offer a solution tailored to client needs with
concentrate on core business. full visibility, allowing the client to make its
own decisions about risks without the burden
IHS Markit provides services to meet this of managing and running the day-to-day
need consisting of the digital Know Your minutia of the process.
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 6

We need to talk about scale

t the heart of many companies’ It then also needs a manager to own and
problems when it comes to creating oversee the entire process, making sure
a comprehensive in-house service is the programme is making progress, that
the issue of scale. An in-house third party onboarding of new suppliers is happening as
risk management service needs to span the quickly as it should and everyone in different
key areas of vulnerability – data breaches, risk centres carries out the right due
the possibility of operational failures, diligence on vendors.
financial instability, reputational impact,
cyber crime and so on. “Often smaller to medium organisations just
don’t have the money or the will to invest
Pernebo says the problem for many in such teams for doing due diligence and
organisations is that to cover all of these surveillance,” he says.
risk categories it might need a team of up
to half a dozen or more specialists. Pernebo has witnessed that generally only
large corporations have the resources to
create this capability. The most mature in-
“ An in-house third party risk house third party risk management services
management service needs to are in large banks and financial services and
span the key areas of vulnerability” pharmaceutical giants. >>
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 7

>> And even this is sometimes not enough to

avoid non-compliance – see the $400m fine
handed out by US OCC to Citibank for risk
management deficiencies, and the £20m
fine by the UK ICO for British Airways for
GDPR non-compliance.

Yet small/mid-sized organisations can still

have complex and extensive supply-chains
and critical vendor relationships that require
extensive management. Demands on this
often inadequate and overworked third
party risk management team come from
several directions.

On the one hand senior management
may need an update on the risk status
of any vendor at short notice; regulators
may require proof that third party risk fine handed out by the US OCC to Citibank for
is being properly managed. Both of risk management deficiencies
these eventualities require the kind of
transparency that only effective and And there’s an increasing urgency to
comprehensive TPRM coverage can provide. have a global view: “A surprisingly large
“It gets really hard to provide accurate number of organisations don’t have that
enterprise-wide analytics if you have to especially when you go outside the financial
do more than simply provide a list of your services industry,” says Pernebo. “It’s very
regionalised. Companies know what they
are doing in the UK, maybe what they’re
“Yet small/mid-sized organisations doing in France and in Argentina but once
you put that together they don’t have
can still have complex and extensive
visibility over how they are using vendors
supply-chains and critical vendor across multiple jurisdictions.”
relationships that require
extensive management” Not only does this mean seeing a full risk
picture is tricky but it also gets in the way of
consolidating suppliers. “You end up buying
vendors and their spend,” says Pernebo. the same service from three contractors
“Many companies are falling short because in three different countries, or maybe even
they’re not able to provide regular reporting three times from the same contractor!”
without a massive effort.” says Pernebo.
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 8

A question of talent

ssuming that an organisation is “There is a talent shortage in third party
willing to create a fully-functioning risk management – as a service provider we
TPRM team it is soon likely to run know that as we have had to become experts
into another issue – a shortage of the in finding and retaining great people with
appropriate talent and the high cost of relevant skill sets in this area,” says Pernebo.
recruiting and retaining it.
If a company is operating in a low-cost
In Accenture’s 2013 Global Risk Management location, there are few or no candidates
Study 54% of executives surveyed reported available with deep expertise in areas of due
that finding risk management talent with diligence such as cyber security or financial
the right skills was a major obstacle. Half risk. In high-cost locations such as London
of those polled said that weak recruiting or New York, the few skilled candidates are
strategies and inadequate training expensive, says Pernebo.
programmes made the situation worse.
Retention is another challenge. In a geo-
Talent shortages affected business and diverse workplace the chances of staff
data analytics as well as risk technology to leaving is high. CIPS Supply Management
regulatory change programme management. recently reported a survey by recruiter
And the talent squeeze crossed the full range DSJ Global that found only a third (36%) of
of sectors. supply chain executives said they were likely
to stay with their current employer in the
Anecdotal evidence in the risk industry next few months.
suggests that the situation has worsened
considerably since that survey was carried

out, although more recent studies haven’t
taken place. Increasing regulatory pressures
means demand for the best specialists has
intensified over the past decade and that it reported that finding risk management talent
is even harder to staff TPRM functions. with the right skills was a major obstacle
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 9

Procurement’s pain relief

iven the practical obstacles of “If you have to do something more than
setting up an in-house TPRM produce a list of your vendors and their
function, fully outsourcing to a spend which is set up in your spreadsheets
platform like KY3P® and an associated it gets really hard. The KY3P® solution gives
managed service removes the headaches you that transparency of having everything in
of setting up, recruiting, overseeing and one place,” says Pernebo.
retaining a team of risk managers.
A TPRM managed service is not a one-size-
Once a client contracts a managed service, fits-all answer but changes depending on
“all of these problems are now ours,” says the organisation’s size and need. It leverages
Pernebo. “When you start looking at the the expertise of highly trained, experienced
economics of what we charge for the service professionals to develop and deliver an
compared to what you would have to invest efficient and industry-leading TPRM solution.
in payroll and benefits on your side, it’s
extremely cost efficient in London and New Richard Blore, CEO of KY3P® at IHS Markit,
York and also in other locations.” says the company conducts due diligence
among its own third party contractors using
As with many kinds of outsourced services the same solution, essentially “taking its own
one of the key advantages is surge capacity. medicine”. The managed service component
Pernebo imagines a situation where the is likely to interest clients who are maturing
inevitable response to a regulator’s request into the third party risk management space
is “a massive fact-finding project inside your because they typically have few or no people
organisation to go and look for the datasets on their own staff who can give this issue the
on Hungary, the datasets on Germany and attention that it deserves.
Belgium and bring them all together into

Using legacy solutions to carry out such a

complex task is prone to error and likely to be
extremely time-consuming, he warns.

“A TPRM managed service leverages

the expertise of highly trained,
experienced professionals to develop
and deliver an efficient and industry-
leading TPRM solution”
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 10

A story in security

ne recent company that adopted When a person in the client’s organisation
KY3P® was insurance technology and gets assigned specific due diligence, the
services firm SE2, where the Chief of managed service team will make sure they
Staff is also the head of third party risk and do it, says Pernebo: “If you don’t do anything
is dealing with hundreds of suppliers. for a few days or a week we will reach out to
you and push you.”
In this case IHS Markit is filling out all of
the vendor information on the KY3P® If IHS Markit is contracted to carry out
platform, making sure the appropriate levels the due diligence, then once it is done they
of due diligence are identified and conducted report on possible control gaps at the
via “deep dive assessments”, identifying supplier, asking the client what they wish
existing control gaps, and then placed back to do with the information: “So now we’re
into the platform for the client to review taking a huge chunk of work out of your
and approve. workday as you don’t have to deal with the
vendor. You don’t have to investigate and
At the same time the managed service detect this stuff. When you have a codified
team is having discussions with the client process you can see where things are going
about how they record and register vendors wrong and fix them quickly.”
and industry developments. Once the
necessary due diligence is identified, the “What you have now is the best of
client either contracts for IHS Markit’s both worlds – a world-class technology
team to execute it or to assign it to platform run by people who do that third
somebody in the client’s organisation. party risk management as their profession
and they will then be able to support the
enterprise and bring you up to a higher
standard very quickly.”
Your responsibility, but not in your control: third party risk management 11

In conclusion… if no one’s
at fault, you’re at fault

PRM leaders might only have What does this look like? It might mean
partial ownership of the vendor risk instant and global visibility regarding the
management process in organisations fact that the financial service due diligence,
but can easily find themselves losers in the for example, is not going well because it’s
“blame game” if it goes wrong. At the same always taking 60 days or more to complete,
time few have the time or means to develop says Pernebo.
a meaningful in-house capacity to manage
the risk. So externalising the service is an “So now you have a metric and you can go
ideal, cost-effective way to protect both over to the person in charge of that process
themselves and their wider organisations. and ask why is this taking 60 days, how can
we make it take 30 days and then 10 days?”
Using a solution such as IHS Markit’s KY3P® The important thing is that metrics is the
platform and managed service means starting point for an informed discussion
that TPRM leaders now have instant and about the levels of risk a company is willing
transparent visibility to the entire process to assume, how well it is at measuring them
and clarity on which areas are working well and then take meaningful actions to reduce
and which require further fine-tuning. the risk posture for the company.

IHS Markit is a global leader in

information, analytics and solutions for
the major industries and markets that
drive economies worldwide. Our company
partners with clients in business, finance
and government to help them see the big
picture with unrivalled insights that lead
to well-informed, confident decisions.
IHS Markit serves more than 50,000
key customers in over 140 countries,
including 85 percent of the Fortune
Global 500. Headquartered in London,
IHS Markit (NYSE: INFO) is committed to
sustainable, profitable growth.

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