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Extra Tasks (Easier) Unit 8

1 Choose the correct sports.

1 I always play with a team, of course. I’m very good at hitting the ball with the bat! rugby / cricket
2 It’s fun to go down a mountain at a high speed. I always have to dress warm
as it can be quite cold! cycling / snowboarding
3 I don’t usually play with a team. I have to be quite fast in the pool in order to win. golf / swimming
4 When I hit the ball over the net, I sometimes fall onto the beach! badminton / volleyball
5 I don’t usually play with a team. I just have to ride my bike very fast. snowboarding / cycling
6 I play in a very big open area, with lots of green grass. I hit the ball with a club. golf / baseball

2 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 In baseball, you hit the ball with a bat / racket and then you run.
2 There are eleven players on a football coach / team.
3 How fast can you ride a bike / club?
4 Renee ran a fast race. She came in first place, making her the winner / player.
5 Are you a player / member of a sporting club?
6 In badminton, both players use a racket / ball.

3 Complete the sentences with these words.

 arms  ears  eye  feet  hands  stomach

1 We use our _____________________ to write with.

2 These new shoes are a bit small. Now my _____________________ hurt.
3 I ate too much. My _____________________ hurts!
4 Anna was carrying a lot of groceries. Her _____________________ were full.
5 Roberto covered his _____________________ so he didn’t have to listen to the loud noise.
6 I’ve got something in my _____________________ and I can’t see out of it.

4 Choose the correct answers.

1 I broke my ______ when I fell off my bike and it really hurt.

a leg b ear
2 I think you have a ______ . Your face is quite warm.
a temperature b headache
3 Please drink a lot of ______ . You need it to stay healthy.
a water b medicine
4 I cut my ______ with the knife when I was making dinner last night.
a back b hand
5 You need to go to ______ . You haven’t visited her in a year.
a hospital b the doctor’s
6 If you feel ______ , you can lie down on the sofa for a while.
a sick b cold

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up A2

1 Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks (Easier)
1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The children don’t have / mustn’t stay up too late tonight.

2 You have to / needn’t do it now. You can do it later.
3 Do we have / must to wear gloves? It isn’t very cold.
4 We don’t have to / mustn’t pay now. We can pay later.
5 You mustn’t / don’t have to play ice hockey without good equipment.
6 You needn’t / have to go to practice tonight. It starts at 7 p.m.

2 Complete the conversation with these modals.

 have to  must (x2)  mustn’t (x2)  needn’t

Colin: Hey, Francine. I’m going snowboarding this weekend. Do you have any advice?
Francine: Sure. Well, you 1 _____________________ take some lessons first. That’s very important.
You 2 _____________________ start snowboarding down the mountain immediately. That’s dangerous.
Colin: That’s some good advice. What else? I’m thinking of buying a snowboard.
Francine: Oh, sure. Well, you probably 3 _____________________ do that. The ski places can give you one for the day,
for a good price. You just 4 _____________________ find one that fits you well.
Colin: I see. And what about clothing?
Francine: You 5 _____________________ wear warm clothes, of course. It can be quite cold.
Also, you 6 _____________________ forget to wear something over your head, so you don’t hurt it.

3 Write the words in order to make questions.

1 to tennis practice / take / you / Could / me / ? 

2 borrow / May / your bat / I / ? 
3 we / go / Can / to the baseball game / ?
4 I / Could / go cycling / with Tomas / ? 
5 Can / my bike / you / repair / ? 
6 join / May / our volleyball team / Pedro / ? 

4 Complete the conversations with should or shouldn’t.

A: Jack, 1 _____________________ I play rugby if my back hurts?

B: No! That’s not a good idea!

A: Let’s go snowboarding this weekend.

B: Good idea, but we 2 _____________________ leave early. The mountains are far away.

A: The weather’s nice. Let’s go swimming!

B: We just ate lunch. We 3 _____________________ swim after a meal.

A: Dad, 4 _____________________ we take snacks to the game?

B: No, we can buy something there.

A: My eyes really hurt. I think it’s from the computer screen.

B: You 5 _____________________ use the computer for so long.

A: I want to try a new sport. Any ideas?

B: If you like team sports, you 6 _____________________ play basketball.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up A2

2 Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks (Easier)

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