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Extra Tasks (Extension) Unit 11

1 Choose the correct answers.

1 Be careful driving today because the roads are very .

a rainy b icy c snowy
2 It’s warm and at the sea, perfect for sailing!
a windy b hot c foggy
3 I hate driving when it’s . It’s so hard to see the road.
a windy b foggy c cloudy
4 It’s going to be a nice day, a bit but mostly fine.
a cloudy b sunny c boiling
5 It’s hot during the day, but in the evening there is some air and it feels really nice.
a foggy b cool c rainy
6 The weather brought a lot of rain and blew some trees over.
a sunny b freezing c stormy

2 Complete the sentences with these words.

 cold  raining  rainy  snowing  sun  wind

1 It’s a good day to go to the beach because it’s so outside.

2 I hate weather at the weekends. If I go out and play, I’ll get very wet!
3 It was all day yesterday, and now everything’s covered in white.
4 The were blowing very hard, and I lost my hat when I left my house!
5 ‘How is it in Vancouver?’ ‘Not too bad, only 17°C.’
6 It was so hard that I had to run inside a shop to stay dry.

3  ead the sentences. Then choose an extreme weather that matches the description. You will use each type
of weather twice.
a hurricane     b thunder     c wildfire

1 I saw that it was getting dark outside. Then we heard this loud sound. It really scared me!
2 People have put wood over their windows. They’re afraid that the winds are going to break them.
3 We knew the storm was coming because it made a lot of noise before it hit.
4 The forest shone very brightly, even at night. We decided to leave our home, in case it burned down.
5 Much of the land was completely black, and there was still a bit of smoke rising from places.
6 The storm has something called an ‘eye’. The winds blow one way, then suddenly they stop. After a few minutes,
the winds start again, but they blow the other way.

4 Complete the conversation with these words.

 dark  heavy  high  low  strong

What’s the weather like in Bilbao?
In the summer, the temperature is usually around 25°C, but sometimes it can be very 1 ,
over 30°C, especially in July and August.
Connie: I see. Does it rain a lot?
Alberto: We’re near the Atlantic Ocean, so we can get 2 rains and 3 winds. In fact,
it can rain for several days and there are 4 clouds in the sky the whole time. It can be very grey.
Connie: Are winters cold?
Alberto: Yes, they usually are. The temperature doesn’t go very 5 , but it can be just below freezing.

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up A2

1 Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks (Extension)
1 Choose the correct answers.

1 It’s at this time of year than the summer.

a wet b wetter c wetter than
2 I feel today than I felt yesterday. I have to stay in bed another day.
a more bad b worse c bad
3 I read than you, so you’ll finish your book before I do.
a slower b more slowly c as slow
4 Cape Town is about as my hometown of Santiago.
a as rainy b rainier c rainy
5 We completed the job this time because we’d done it once before.
a more easily b easier c as easily
6 Stanley didn’t do as his study partner on the exam.
a as good b better c as well

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

1 It’s (dry) here in the winter than in the spring or autumn. I rarely need an umbrella.
2 Be careful, it’s foggy today. You’ll have to drive (slow) than usual.
3 My cat is not (friendly) as my dog. My cat isn’t very nice!
4 Cars are (safe) than motorbikes. I think motorbikes can be dangerous!
5 I’m not (good) at maths as I am English, so maths exams can be difficult.
6 The holiday cottage we booked this year is (far) from town than last year’s cottage.

3  ook at the first sentence. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning.
Use superlatives.

1 The Amazon is more frightening than any other place I’ve visited.
The Amazon is I’ve ever visited.
2 I arrived later than any other club member.
I arrived out of all the club members.
3 Yesterday the weather was stranger than any other day this year.
Yesterday we had all year.
4 No mountain in Africa is bigger than Mount Kilimanjaro.
Mount Kilimanjaro is in Africa.
5 Erica dances more beautifully than anyone in her dance group.
Erica dances out of her dance group.
6 I woke up very early last Monday.
Last Monday was I’ve ever woken up.

4 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1 The hotter / hottest / hot place on Earth is Death Valley, California.

2 Here in Greece, it rains heavier / the most heavily / most heavily in spring.
3 The lightning was more scarily / scarier / the scariest than the thunder.
4 It was the stronger / strongest / most strong hurricane in ten years.
5 We’ve had the worst / worst / the bad weather in twenty years this winter!
6 Adoni drives the most dangerously / more dangerously / dangerous than his brother!

© Cengage Learning, Inc. New Close-up A2

2 Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Extra Tasks (Extension)

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