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Geel 2000 Language School


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Unit 6 -Go for it!
1-go for it (phr) to try hard to achieve sth
2-indoor (adj) located or done inside a building (indoors :adv) ( opp: outdoor)
3-fit (adj) strong and healthy because you take regular exercise
(fitness :n)(opp: unfit)
4- combination (n) a mixture (combine :v)
5-challenge (n) sth difficult that tests your ability (challenge :v, challenging :adj)
6- level (n) a particular standard; how much you know about a subject; how
good you are at an activity (level :adj)
7- instructor (n) a trainer; sb who teaches you a sport(instruct : v, instruction :n)
(syn: coach (n,v)
8- be in safe hands (phr) to not be in danger
9- hire (v) to rent for a short

10-equipment (n) things that are needed for an activity (equip :v ,equipped :adj)
11-belt (n) a long narrow piece of leather or cloth that you wear around
your waist
12-qualified (adj) having the correct training and/or experience to do a job (qualify
:v, qualification :n)
13- competitively (adv) n a way that shows you are trying very hard to be more
successful or better than others(competitive :adj, compete :v,
competition, competitor :n)
14-enjoyment (n) the feeling of pleasure from doing sth you enjoy(enjoy :v),
enjoyable :adj)
15- coordination (n) the ability to control your movements well (coordinate :v)
16- ice rink (n) a specially prepared surface of ice where you can skate
17- pull along (phr v) to make sb/sth move towards you because they are attached to
you or because you are holding them
18- ride the waves (phr) to move on the surface of the water on a board(syn: surf)
19- life jacket (n) a jacket filled with air that helps you float in water
20- try sth out (phr v) to do sth or use sth to find out if you like it
21- experienced (adj) having skills or knowledge in a particular activity or
job:experience :n, v) ( opp: inexperienced)
22- tournament (n) a set of games where you must win to carry on to the next game
23- shoot (v) to kick or throw a ball to score a goal or point(shot:n)

24- champion (n) a person who has won a contest (championship :n)
25- regularly (adv) often (regular :adj)
26- occasionally (adv) sometimes (occasional :adj)
27- track (n) the ground you run along in a race
28- pitch (n) he area of grass where you play football, hockey or rugby
29- court (n) the area of ground where you play basketball, volleyball, tennis,
30- goal post (n) one of the two posts that form the area where the ball must go
to score in football, hockey, etc.
31- match (n) a sports event
32- team (n) a group of players forming one side in a competitive game or
33- point (n) a mark that counts on the score of a game or competition
34- run (n) a point scored in baseball or cricket by running from one place to
another (run :v, runner, running :n)
35- score (v) to win a point in a game or sport(score, scorer :n)
36- stadium (n) a sports ground surrounded by many seats
37- official (adj) formal(official :n)
38- league (n) a group of teams of a similar level that compete with each other
39- workout (n) a series of physical exercises
40- diver (n) a person who works underwater, usually with special equipment;
a person who dives for pleasure
41- fitness (n) the condition of being strong and healthy
42- professional (n) sb who does a sport or other activity as a job and earns money
from it (profession :n, professional :adj) ( opp: amateur)

stadium pitch court track

1- watersports (n pl.)sports that are done on or in water
2-athletics (n) sports which are usually done on a track, e.g. running or jumping
(athlete :n, athletic :adj )
3- paddleboarding (n) a sport where you lie on a surfboard and use your arms or stand up
and use a paddle to move forward
4- surfing (n) a sport where you stand on a board and ride on waves
5- rowing (n) a sport or activity of travelling in a boat using oars
6- scuba diving (n) swimming underwater using a container of air that you have on your
back and a tube that you use to breathe the air in the container
7- ice-skating (n) the sport of moving on ice, wearing special skates(ice-skate :v)
8- water-skiing (n) a sport in which you are pulled behind a fast boat on skis
(water-ski :v)
9- snowboarding (n) the sport of moving over snow on a board(snowboard: n,
snowboarder :n)
10- gymnastics (n) a sport involving movements that need skill and strength
( gymnast :n, gym :n)
11- yoga (n) a type of exercise that keeps you fit and helps you relax
12- cycling(n) the sport or activity of riding a bicycle
13- boxing (n) a sport in which two people fight each other using their hands, which
are covered with thick gloves
14-judo(n) a sport of unarmed combat derived from ju-jitsu and involves using
holds and leverage to unbalance the opponent.

1-helmet (n) a hard hat that protects your head

2- paddle (n) a pole with a flat part at the end, used to push water to make a small
boat move
3- board (n) a long thin piece of hard material used in sports like surfing
4- skate (n) a boot with a metal blade or wheels on the bottom(skate :v, skater,
skating :n)
5- surfboard (n) a board used for surfing(surfing, surfer :n), surf :v)
6- stick (n) a long piece of wood that you use to hit a ball in some sports
7- basket (n) a net on a metal ring where the ball must go to score points in
8- tracksuit (n) a pair of trousers and a jacket or top worn for doing sports or relaxing
9-gloves are pieces of clothing which cover your hands and wrists and have
individual sections for each finger to protect them.
10-trainers soft sports shoes suitable for casual wear

11-bat(n) an implement with a handle and a solid surface, typically of wood,
used for hitting the ball in games such as cricket, baseball, and table
12-racket(n) a bat with a round or oval frame strung with catgut, nylon, etc., used
especially in tennis, badminton, and squash

do a workout: practice or exercise to test or improve one's fitness for athletic competition,
ability, or performance.
enter a competition: to put your name on the list for a competition (to compete: v)
hit a ball: hit or kick something such as a ball with your hand, foot, or
a piece of sports equipment
join a club: become a member of a club
practice a skill: Perform (an activity) or exercise (a skill) repeatedly or regularly in order to
acquire, improve or maintain proficiency in it.
ride a horse: the activity of riding a horse, for enjoyment, exercise, or in competitions
sail a boat: to control a ship or boat (especially one that has sails) while traveling on water
score a goal: to get a goal in sport

A-Choose the correct answer.

1-Cyclists should always wear a ______to protect their head.
a) cap b) glove c) helmet d) trainer
2-I got bored watching the athletes running round the ______.
a) pitch b) stadium c) track d) court
3- The world ______ will be held in Spain next year.
a) championship b) competition c) tournament d) game
4- The tennis player threw his______ to the floor when he lost the match.
a) sprint b) bat c) racket d) dumbbell
5- The referee sent the footballer off the ______for behaving badly.
a) court b) stadium c) pitch d) track
6- Why are you training so hard?" "Because I'm going to ______ in the Olympic Games."
a) practise b) compete c) join d) beat
7- I love all ______, especially water-skiing and diving.
a) watersports b) indoor sports c) outdoor sports d) team sports

8-Our national ______ took part in the Olympic Games.
a) players b) candidates c) athletes d) competitors
9-Jane put on her ______ to go running in the park.
a) swimming costume b) helmet c) belt d) tracksuit
10- We sailed a______ on the lake last weekend.
a) board b) boat c) ball d) match
11-The team have won the first game, so there are still nine games in the______.
a) tournament b) competition c) challenge d) campaign
12-He’s good at judo; he has a black ______.
a) helmet b) glove c) belt d) bat
13-The ______ was full of fans waiting for the match to begin.
a) pitch b) stadium c) court d) track
14-Our team ______ five goals in the match yesterday!
a) kicked b) ran c) scored d) shot
15-If you are in a boat, you should wear a life ______ in case you fall into the water.
a) jacket b) floaters c) belt d) trainers
16-You should take her advice as she’s very ______ and she knows how to do things properly.
a) qualified b) experienced c) educated d) equipped
17-The ______ for sports like scuba diving is very expensive.
a) tools b) devices c) equipment d) appliances
18-You don’t have to buy a boat when you go on holiday. You can ______ one for as long as you
a) borrow b) rent c) book d) select
19-At the end of the word game, we counted our ______ to see who had the best score.
a) goals b) shots c) points d) levels
20-You are in safe hands because the instructor has been giving skiing lessons for 20 years. ‘in
save hands’ means______.
a) in danger b) at risk c) not in danger d) not important

21-We need to ______ extra workout at the gym.
a) make b) practice c) play d) do
22-They're doing exercises to improve their ______.
a) fitness b) level c) energy d) power
23- In winter, we go swimming at a/an ______swimming pool.
a) outdoor b) indoor c) high quality d) professional
24-Before you buy expensive equipment, you can try surfing ______ for a day at the water
sports club.
a) in b) up c) out d) about
25-Are you going to ______ the story-writing competition? You might win it.
a) hold b) enter c) participate d) be part
26-The player ran down the field, and scored.
a) kicked b) hit c) shot d) hired
27-She gets a lot of ______ from walking in the countryside.
a) enjoy b) enjoyment c) enjoyable d) enjoying
28-I was over the moon when the coach chose me to be the captain of the ______.
a) match b) game c) championship d) team
29-When you go skating, it is quite cold on the ice______, so dress warmly.
a) rink b) pitch c) ring d) court
30-Did you see the football ______ between Arsenal and Liverpool on Saturday?
a) game b) team c) match d) competition
31-Professional surfers can ride the ______for great distances.
a) horse b) boards c) boats d) waves
32-I intend to______ a chess club this summer.
a) enter b) join c) practice d) do

B-Complete using go – play or do.
1-My brother can ________ ice hockey very well.
2-He likes to ________jogging every day.
3-I love to ________ a good game of chess from time to time.’
4-Jenny often ________ baseball with her friends at school.
5-She ________ gymnastics five times a week.
6-Mark ________ basketball at Al-Ahly club.
7-My wife ________ horse riding twice a week.
8-Let’s ________ table tennis.
9-We often rent a sailboat and ________ sailing between the islands.
10-My sister ________ cycling every Friday morning.

C-Complete the table.

verb noun adjective Adverb
deepen ……………………………. ……………………………. Deeply
- freedom ……………………………. …………………………….
- ……………………………. professional …………………………….
endanger …………………………….. ……………………………. …………………………….
……………………………. strength ……………………………. …………………………….
……………………………. ……………………………. successful …………………………….
instruct ……………………………. - -
……………………………. competition/competitor ……………………………. …………………………….
qualify ……………………………. ……………………………. …………………………….

E-Rewrite with words in brackets.

1-Surfing needs a mixture of balance and strength. (Use a synonym)
2-She wants to win, so she plays very______________(competitive).
(Put the word in the correct form)
3-Ellie does a half-hour series of exercises every day to keep fit. (Give one word)

4-The rowing instructor made his team train every day for an hour. (Use a synonym)
5-My grandparents visit us regular. We see them once a month. (Correct the error)
6-Hundreds of athletes _____________(competition) for a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
(Put the word in the correct form)
7-The team manager is travelling to London on formal business. (Use a synonym)
8-I’ve been studying English for five years and my standard is quite good. (Use a synonym)
9-You need to ……………………. your ball skill. (Complete the missing part of the collocation)
10- Dad runs in the park three times a week, so he’s very fitness. (Correct the error)
11-Which team do you think will be the Premier group of teams of a similar level champions
next year? (Give one word)
12-We occasion go camping at weekends, but only when the weather is good.
(Correct the error)

G-Complete the sentences with words from the box.

scuba diving – surfing – swimming – basketball – cycling – judo – running – rowing – yoga –
skiing – gymnastics – paddleboarding

1-I love to do _________ for self – defence.

2- _________ was fun, but I kept slipping off the board into the water.
3-My friends and I _________ in the club’s track this morning.
4-Most _________ players are tall and fit.

5-My greatest ambition is to go _________in the Great Barrier Reef and see the corals, fish and
other sea life there.
6-_________is popular in places like Hawaii, where the waves are huge.
7-_________ is great exercise, especially for your arms.
8-Water _________is a hard sport and many people fall in the water when they first try.
9-I _________ to help me relax and get rid of the negative energy.
10-We went _________ in the refreshing water of the sea.
11-To be very good at, an athlete needs to be fit and have excellent coordination.
12-She was _________ along with her bicycle basket full of shopping.

H-Choose the correct answer to complete the text.

You want to do sport, but you don’t know which sport to choose. 1 Gymnastics / Surfing /Skiing
is fun, but it’s expensive and you can only do it in winter. Cycling is good exercise, but you must
buy a 2 racket/ bicycle/ goal and a 3 helmet/ swimming cap / skateboard. How about 4 tennis /
running / scuba diving? It doesn’t cost any money and you can do it any time any place. You only
need some good 5 trainers/ gloves/bats, some comfortable clothes –and the RunKeeper
smartphone app. With this app, you can see your distance and your speed. Do you prefer to
exercise at a sports club? You don’t need an expensive personal 6trainer/ teacher / educator.
You can use RunKeeper while you are 7cycling/ surfing / snowboarding on an exercise bike or
while you are jumping and kicking in a 8 karate / volleyball/ basketball lesson. You can’t lose with
this incredible app!


If you freeze water, it turns to ice.

Metal expands if you heat it.
If you press the button, the television turns on.
If ice-cream gets warm, it melts.

Since zero conditionals describe general truths, things that happen all the time, you can also use
“when” instead of “If” in the condition part of the sentence, with the meaning remaining the
same. For example:
If/When it rains, I take an umbrella.
If/When the sun shines in Spain, the weather is hot.

A-Choose the correct answer.
1. If he __________ hurry, he ____________ miss the train.
isn't / won't
doesn't / will
does / will
won't be / will

2. She wouldn't be nervous if she ________ her homework.

would do

3. We will go for a picnic if it ________ fine tomorrow.

will be
is be

4. If you ____________ borrowing money, you __________ in trouble.

won't stop / will be
aren't stop / will be
don't stop / will be
won't stop / are

5-What would you __________ if you won the lottery?
was doing
have done

6. If you crash my car, I ___________ forgive you.

am not

7-If you printed on both sides, you ________ paper.

were saved
would save
would be save

8. If my father _____________ his work early, he ____________ home.

will finish / comes
finishes / will come
finish / comes
won't finish / don't come

9. They __________ go for a walk if the weather _____________.

will / clears
are / clear
aren't / won't clean
will / cleaning

10-If my grandfather ________ alive, he ________ 110 years old.

were / was
would be / were
was / will be
were / would be

11. If we ___________ by bus, it __________ cheaper.
will go / is
going / will be
go / will be
are going / is

12-If he ________ to İstanbul, he ________ the Blue Mosque.

would go / visited
went / would visit
were go / visited
went / were visited

13. If I ___________ well tomorrow, I'll stay home.

am not feeling
haven't feel
won't feel
don't feel

14. _______ you write to me if I give you my address?


15. If I __________ late this evening, _______ wait for me.

will be / won't
am / don't
do / won't
be / don't

16.What would you do if you ________ invisible?

will become
would become
were become

17. We ________ football if the weather were good.
would be able to play
would were able to play
were able to play
will be able to play

18. If you ________ a bike you wouldn't cycle to school.

don't have
didn't have
not had
weren't have

19. Don’t call the police ________ it's strictly necessary.


20. The film ________ more interesting if it ________ a happy ending.

would be / has
were / would have
was / would have
would be / had

21.You ________ pink if you ________ red and while.

will get / mix
would get / mix
get / will mix
get / mix

22. If my father ________ me a ticket, I ________ to the cinema.

didn't buy / wouldn't go
weren't buy / won't go
wouldn't buy / didn't go
wasn't buy / won't go

23.Unless the weather ________, we ________ a picnic.
improves / won’t have
will improve / won't have
improved / would have
doesn’t improve / won't have

24-If plants ________ enough water, they ________.

didn't get / wouldn't grow
get / will grow
don’t get / don’t grow
don’t get / won't grow

25-If you ________ a cactus every day, it ________ in a short time.

don’t water / dies
water / dies
don’t water / will die
didn’t water / would die

26-If I ________ clean the garage, my father ______ give me any money.
don't / won't
am / will
won't / doesn't
am not / isn't

27-My brother _________ a sports car if he _________ the money.

bought / would have
would buy / had
would bought / have
bought / would had

28-We __________ you if we _________ how.

helped / would know
help / knew
would helped / knew
would help / knew

29-If you __________ carefully, you __________ have an accident.
will drive / don't
drive / aren't
will drive / not
drive / won't

30-If there _______ any milk in the fridge I ____________ and buy some.
is / go
be / will go
isn't / will go
isn't / don't go

B-Complete using either if or unless.

1-_______ you don’t help me, I won’t do it.
2-_______I meet him, I’ll tell him about the party.
3-_______You are late, I’ll leave without you.
4-I won’t fix the light bulb, _______ you agree to help me.
5-The teacher will be angry _______ you don’t do the homework.
6-They’ll be late _______ they leave soon.
7-In my country, _______ you don’t speak English, you can’t get a good job.
8-_______I’m not feeling better tomorrow, I’ll go to the doctor.
9-_______you don’t stop making that noise, I’ll call the police.
10-I’ll talk to the press _______ they don’t reveal my identity.
11-I don’t mind how you spend the money _______ you stick to the budget.
12-You're free to do whatever you want_______ you respect the rules.

C-Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I) by putting the verbs into the
correct form.

1. If you (send) this letter now, she (receive) it tomorrow.

2. If I (do) this test, I (improve) my English.

3. If I (find) your ring, I (give) it back to you.

4. Peggy (go) shopping if she (have) time in the afternoon.

5. Simon (go) to London next week if he (get) a cheap flight.

6. If her boyfriend (phone / not) today, she (leave) him.

7. If they (study / not) harder, they (pass / not) the exam.

8. If it (rain) tomorrow, I (have to / not) water the plants.

9. You (be able/ not) to sleep if you (watch) this scary film.

10. Susan (can / move / not) into the new house if it (be / not) ready on time.

D-Rewrite with words in brackets.

1-If you heat water to 100 0C, it will boil. (Correct the error)
2- If I were you, ………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………….
(Complete to make a meaningful sentence)
3- His mum will be very upset if he ___________ (not - pass) the exam.
(Put the verb in the correct tense)
4- If you worked harder, you (will be - would be - be) the CEO of the company. (Choose)
5- If Mary doesn’t invite Ann to the party, Ann won’t go. (Rewrite with Unless)
6- I don’t have enough money that's why I can’t buy two books. (Rewrite with if )
7- Your friend is spending too much money. (Rewrite with: if I were you….)

8- She doesn’t help the poor because she doesn’t have enough money. (Use unless)
9- If I lost the game, …………………………………………………………………………………………… . (Complete)
10- I will go to the cinema if I did well in my English test. (Correct the mistake)
11-If Jenny is free tonight, I _________(ask) her to come to the club.
(Put the verb in the correct form)
12-If you ________ (be) scared of spiders, ________ (not, go) to the garden.
(Put the verbs in the correct tense)
13- You may be kicked off the team unless you apologise for hitting the referee. ( use: if )
14-If Stella doesn’t start practising, the coach won’t let her play in the match. ( sue: Unless )
15-Unless you get lots of exercise, you might gain weight. ( use : If )
16- I don’t have a bike, so the coach has to drive me to the championship. ( use : if )
17- He doesn’t get any exercise, so he’s unfit. ( use : if )
18- We don’t have money, so we can’t buy new team uniforms. ( use : if )
19- If I don’t start eating properly, I could get ill. (use : Unless )
20- My trainer will be angry unless I go to every practice. ( use : if )
21- If you don’t wear your elbow pads, you can’t go skateboarding. ( use : Unless )
22- They don’t have a pen, so they can’t get the footballer’s autograph. ( use : If )

E-Complete the text with verbs in bracket
What would happen to Earth if...?
1. If people _______________________ (not be) so careless, Earth wouldn’t
be in danger.
2. The amount of waste ______________________ (decrease) if people
started to buy reusable packages.
3. Many fish wouldn’t die if factories _____________________
(not dump) so many chemicals into rivers and oceans.
4. If people _____________________ (buy) more recycled paper, there wouldn’t be so much
5. _________________________ (you take) these bottles to the bottle bank if I asked you to?
6. If people really ____________________ (not care) about the environment, they
____________________ (not try) to save it.
7. If Paul __________________ (think) more about the planet, he wouldn’t waste so much
8. We ________________________ (be) less worried if oil spills _____________________ (not
have) such destructive effects.
9. If we consumed less, we ____________________ (produce)
less waste material.
10. If we ___________________ (destroy) the ozone layer, nothing ______________________
(save) us from the UV rays.

F- For each situation, make an unreal conditional sentence.

1. I don’t know enough about the machine, so I can’t mend if myself.
If I ...................................................................................................................................
2. He didn’t prepare for the interview, so he won’t get the job.
3. Not enough money is spent on cancer research, so a prevention has not been found.
4. Andrew wants to ask the singer for his autograph, but he isn’t brave enough.
5. We live in a town. I can’t have a garden.

6. Jack found a mobile phone on the bus and kept it.
7.She is not rich that’s why she can’t buy a villa.
8.They don’t train well so they won’t win the match.
9.I won’t travel this summer because dad has a lot of work.
10. Mona doesn’t exercise so she is not fit.

G-Complete the sentences with the correct form (Type I or II).

1-If I were you, I (learn) now.
2-If Chuck (ask) us, we would lend him our books.
3-If they (be) at home, they will learn my words.
4-If Jack has a new DVD, he (lend) it to Cindy.
5-If Bill washed the car, he (get) more pocket money.
6-If you (come), you would meet them.
7-If we go to London, we (see) Buckingham Palace.
8-Jenny will help you if she (have) more time.
9-Sandy (tell) him if he asked her.
10-I (wash) my hands if he gives me the soap.
11-If the ghosts pass through the door, she (scream).
12-If we (swim) a lot, we would win the competition.
13-The Zongs will travel to the USA if they (win) in the lottery.
14-If you (run), you would catch the bus
15-If Tessy has enough money, she (buy) some dresses.

8-My Own Time
1-free runner (n) sb who does a sport that involves running and jumping in the streets
2-darkness (n) the state of having no light (dark: adj, n, darken :v)
3-nightmare (n) a bad dream that upsets you (nightmarish :adj)
4-caver (n) sb who explores caves (cave, caving :n)
5-excitement (n) the state of feeling excited (excite :v, exciting, excited :adj)
6-crawl (v) move along the ground on your hands and knees (crawl :n)
7-tunnel (n) a long passage through rock
8-contain (v) to have inside or as part of sth (container :n)
9-feature (n) typical quality or an important part of something:, important or
interesting of a place or thing (Syn: aspect/characteristic)
10-formation (n) a particular shape or pattern
11-structure (n) sth that has been built
12-risk (n) danger (risk :v, risky :adj)
13-expert (n) sb who has a lot of knowledge about sth
14-explore (v) to go around a place to learn things about it (explorer :n, exploration :n)
15-hand (v) to give sth to sb
16- leaflet (n) a piece of paper or a few pages that advertise sth or give information
about sth

1-narrow measuring a small distance from one side to the other (narrowly: adv)
( Opp: wide)
2-trapped not able to get out of or away from sth (trap :n, v)
3-awful terrible, not nice; very bad
4-amazing awesome, surprising; wonderful (amaze :v, amazed :adj)
5-competetiverelating to or involving competition
6-dangerous able or likely to cause harm or injury
7-difficult needing much effort or skill to accomplish, deal with, or understand( Syn:
hard – challenging )
8-exciting causing great enthusiasm and eagerness (Syn: thrilling)
9-expensive costing a lot of money (Syn: costly :adj) (Opp: inexpensive)
10-interesting arousing curiosity or interest; holding or catching the attention (Opp: dull)
11- frighteningscary, making sb feel afraid (frightened :adj, frighten :v, fright :n)

12- enjoyable pleasant (enjoy :v, enjoyment :n)
13-crazy strange, unusual ,not reasonable
14-relaxing restful , reducing tension or anxiety

1- backpacking (n) a journey in which you carry everything you need in a backpack
2- drama (n) acting; plays (dramatic :adj, dramatically :adv)
3- graphic design (n) putting text and images together for advertisements, magazines or
4- sculpture (n) making works of 2D or 3D art out of stone, wood, metal, , clay (sculpt
:v, sculptor :n)
5- squash (n) an indoor sports game in which players hit a ball against a wall
6- using social media(n) creating and sharing information on websites
7- sailing (n) moving through water in a boat with sails
8-cooking (n) preparing food
9- podcast (n) an audio file from the internet that you can play on a computer,
smartphone, or other device
10- video clip (n) a short film or part of a film recorded on the internet
11-performance (n) acting, singing, playing an instrument, etc. to entertain people(
entertain : v, performer :n)
12- photography(n) taking a photo of sb/sth (photograph, , photographer :n, photographic
13- ballet (n) dancing that tells a story with music
14- poetry (n) a kind of writing, arranged in lines, often with rhyming words at the
end (poet, poem :n, poetic :adj)

1-record / listen to podcast

2-make/ watch video clip
3-play/ design computer games
4-play/write music
5-watch/ photograph wildlife
6-do /watch ballet
7-write/ perform poetry
8-play/ watch Sports

1-eat out have a meal in a restaurant
2-warm up become warm after being cold
3-pay back give back money that you owe
4- come round go to someone’s house
5- get along with have a good relationship with
6- get together meet (get-together :n)
7- hang out spend time relaxing
8- join in become part of a group activity
9- take up start a sport or hobby
10- give away give sth to sb without expecting payment
11-set up start a new organization or business
12-give up stop cease making an effort; admit defeat.

A-Complete the collocations with verbs from the box.

design - write – do – play – perform – make – design – listen – record -

1- Our French teacher sometimes downloads podcasts from French radio stations for us
to _____________ to in class.

2-You need a USB mic and your favourite editing program to_____________ your podcast.

3-We’ve _____________ a video clip to go online with the band’s new song.

4-The singer _____________ poetry for the audience last night.

5-Ian managed to _____________ the birds in their nest across the lake.

6-Shakespeare _____________ poetry as well as plays.

7-_____________sports provide teenagers with an outlet for their energy.

8-I love _____________ballet. The dancers are so graceful.

9-They _____________ a challenging chess computer game.

10- I used to _____________ ballet when I was young but I stopped at grade 4.

B-Choose the correct answer.

1-They like eating ______ at different restaurants. b. out c. up d. away
2-There are many examples of ancient ______ in museums in Greece.
a. sculpture b. squash c. gallery d. drama
3- The Eiffel Tower is quite old now, but it’s still a magnificent ______.
a. formation b. feature c. structure d. sculpture
4- Jane wants to study ______ at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
a. cooking b. video clip c. drama d. graphic design

5-Tanya plays______ at the sport centre after work to keep fit.
a. squash b. ballet c. music d. computer games
6-The local gym has handed out these ______ which give details of prices and special offers.
a. leaves b. visa c. leaflets d. records
7- Vicky ______ the smell of garlic. It makes her feel sick.
a. adores b. can’t stand c. likes d. enjoys
8- We parked the car and began to______ the forest.
a. trap b. record c. perform d. explore
9-I had a bowl of hot soup to warm ______ when I came home.
a. up b. in c. out d. down
10- I find chess quite ______.
a. awful b. crazy c. scary d. challenging
11-Why don’t ______ round for lunch today?
a.get b. hang c. come d. give
12- I enjoy ______ social media to chat to my friends.
a. watching b. using c. playing d. making
13- The film was quite ______. It gave me nightmares.
a. enjoyable b. terrible c. crazy d. scary
14-Mandy started dancing and soon everyone else ______ in. b. joined c. came d. took
15- Even though I like______, I can’t hold the camera steady.
a. graphic design b. drama c. photography d. sports
16- What type of hobby would you take ______ if you had more time?
a. for b. up c. out
17-The earthquake was a/an ______ experience.
a. frightening b. enjoyable c. awful d. amazing
18- My cousin is a/an ______ on rock formations and is studying geology at university.
a. designer b. expert c. explorer d. free runner

19-______ have to climb and swim in order to get to new caves which have never been explored.
a. Photographer b. Free runner c. Experts d. Cavers
20-The nine-month-old baby ______ to her mother.
a. performed b. crawled c. recorded d. handed
21-Andrea gave her old books ______ to a charity for poor children.
a. away b. out c. along d. off
22-The town's main______ are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
a. structures b. formations c. features d. excitement
23- Experts can tell how old an area is from the rock ______ in caves and cliffs.
a. formations b. features c. sculpture d. structures
24- I ______ dancing and I want to be a ballet dance.
a. dislike b. can’t stand c. hate d. adore
25-The book’s success will depend on its attractive ______.
a. graphic design b. drama c. sculpture d. music
26- There is a great exhibition of modern ______ at the art gallery.
a. structure b. video clip c. podcast d. sculpture

27- Just click on the link below to download our latest weekly ______.
a. podcast b. sport c. cooking d. photography
28- The train entered a long ______ to go through the mountain.
a. cave b. formation c. tunnel d. structure
29- They went ______ in Cornwall and stayed at a couple of campsites.
a. cooking b. backpacking c. dancing d. sailing
30- I go ______ with my granddad in the nearby lake.
a. backpacking b. cooking c. sailing d. dancing

C-Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs.
come round – get along – get together – give up – hang out – join in –set up
– take up
1-I _________________ with my sister really well. We are so close to each other.
2-My friends are _________________ for a pool party today.
3-We _________________ in town tonight? There is a musical concert for our favourite band.
4-I’m _________________ cookery classes because I love cooking.
5-Can I _________________ your computer game? I ‘m an expert on this game.
6-We are _________________ a squash club.
7-Let’s _________________ for lunch on Sunday.
8-Don’t _________________ drama. You love it!

D-Rewrite with words in brackets.

1-Your holiday photos are wonderful. What a beautiful place. [Rewrite with a synonym]
1- My friend bought our tickets and Ι gave her back the money at the end of the month.
[Rewrite with a phrasal verb]
3- That meal was terrible! I’m not eating there again. [Rewrite with a synonym]
4- excitement – narrow – crazy – competitive [Circle the odd word out]
5-The woman in the ticket office gave me a map. [Rewrite with a synonym]
6- can’t stand – adore – dislike – hate [Circle the odd word out]
7- Don’t put yourself in danger by going sailing in dangerous weather conditions.
[Rewrite with a synonym]
8-I really don’t like cooking. I’m a horrible cook. [Correct the error]
9-difficult – enjoyable – pleasant – amazing [Circle the odd word out]
10-I have a good relationship with my brother and we often go out together.
[Rewrite with a phrasal verb]

11- Most teenagers like to spend time with their friends at the weekend instead of staying at
home. [Rewrite with a phrasal verb]
12- Being a teacher is a _______________(challenge) job because it isn’t easy to deal with
children. [Rewrite with the correct form of the word]
13- A journey in which you carry everything you need in a backpack is ________________.
[Complete the definition]
14- This box container some very valuable jewellery. [Correct the error]
15-The climbers got _______________(trap) in the snow when trying to get back down the
mountain. [Rewrite with the correct form of the word]
16-Somebody who does a sport that involves running and jumping in the streets is
called______________________. [Complete the definition]
17- Suddenly, the lights went out and the house was in dark. [Correct the error]
18- He had a bad dream about being in a terrible accident and was relieved that it was only a
dream. [Rewrite with one word]
19- The street is wide, so only one car can go along it at a time.
[Rewrite with the antonym]
20- gallery - backpacking - drama – squash [Circle the odd one out]
21- You ought to give in smoking. It is bad for your health. [Correct the error]
22-She began her own software company. [Rewrite with a phrasal verb]
23-She went to the kitchen to warm on some food for her children. [Correct the error]

24-Tennis is quite ________________(enjoy). It is my favourite hobby.
[Rewrite with the correct form of the word]
25-I really don’t like using social media. It is interesting. [Correct the error]
26-frightening – scary – terrible – awesome [Circle the odd word out]
27-design/ play / enjoy / perform computer games [Cross the wrong verb out]
28- Starting gymnastics is a good way to keep fit. [Rewrite with a phrasal verb]
29-design – play – record – photographer [Circle the odd word out]
30- I didn’t really enjoy the _____________(explore) of the cave as the air was cold and
dump. [Rewrite with the correct form of the word


A-Underline the modal verb in each sentence.
1-David must take the dog for a walk.
2-Sarah might be home late.
3-Amy should study for her exams.
4-John will fetch the car.
5-Adam ought to go to the dentist.
6-Steve can fetch the car for you.
7-Barry should sleep early tonight.
8-Harry may go to the cinema later.
9-Brian have to attend the meeting.
10-Mary needn’t go to school tomorrow.
11- you mustn’t cross the road when there is a red light.
12- When Lisa was younger she was able to run 10 km.
13- You must always listen to the lifeguard.
14- I think Benjamin should have his hair cut.
15- The test is going to be difficult. The students have to study hard for it.

B-Circle the correct reason for the modal verb.

C-Choose the correct answer.

1- Why don’t we call Jane? She ___ want to come to the theatre with us.
a) mustn’t b) has to c) may d) can
2- It’s a shame that you ___ come to the museum with us today.
a) don’t have to b) needn’t c) can’t d) could
3- ___ use your equipment to go caving?
a) Can I b) I have to c) Should I d) Must I
4- You ___bring any equipment with you because the club provides everything.
a) can b) ought to c) needn’t d) have to
5- You ___ enjoy camping with us this summer.
a) might b) would c) should d) can
6- If it’s a nice day tomorrow, they ___ go sailing around the bay.
a) might b) could c) must d) have to
7- If you like, you ___ borrow my book.
a) can b) are able to c) need to d) must
8- You ___ to take up a hobby to pass the time.
a) must b) should c) ought d) might

9- You ___ spend so much time watching television.
a) shouldn’t b) don’t have c) ought to d) may
10- He___ be able to come to the match tomorrow.
a) might not b) needn’t c) doesn’t have to d) ought not
11- 'Hey David, ___ you switch off that light for me, please?'
a) may b) might c) can d) must
12- NASA ___ launch a space shuttle next year, but it's not certain.
a) might b) would c) should d) can
12- You ___ take anything to eat; there are lots of vending machines there.
a) mustn't b) wouldn't c) shouldn't d) needn't
14- Of course we ___ give you the money for a new mobile phone.
a) can b) may c) needn’t d) can't
15- 'Excuse me, Dr Jones, ___ I borrow your research notes, please?
a) should b) must c) may d) need
16- You ___do this experiment right now; it can wait till later.
a) mustn't b) shouldn't c) wouldn't d) don't have to
17- Jody ___ a maths teacher; she doesn't know how to add two and two!
a) needn't be b) can't be c) mustn't be d) doesn't have to be
18- My father ___ use a computer a year ago, but now he's an expert!
a) shouldn't b) mustn't c) can't d) couldn't
19- The biology professor ____ here any minute; she's very punctual.
a) must be b) should be c) can be d) was able to be
20- We____ go to the gym today – Let’s go for a swim instead.
a) may b) needn’t c) should d) ought

D-Rewrite the sentences with the suitable modal verbs.

1-Is it ok if I borrow your book?
2-I am certain Lee is at the school field.
3-Anna was able to play the violin very well when she was young.

4-The children were not able to open the door.
5-You ought not to go hiking today as it is very windy.
6-I am sure you will be able to take care of the kitten.
7-It is necessary for Philip to attend the meeting today or he will be fired.
8-It’s possible that Alice will have her exhibition next year.
9-It will be hot tomorrow. It’s a good idea to take water with you.
10-It is necessary that you pay your taxes.
11-You know how to do this exercise yourself.
12-Perhaps we will move to a new house next year.

F-Rewrite with words in brackets.

1. Sally is not allowed to go to the club. [Rewrite with: can]
2. The policeman ordered her to stop. [Rewrite with: must]
3. We are certain her dad helped her do it. [Rewrite with: must]
4. Jack was wrong not to follow the judge’s orders. [Rewrite with: should]
5- Laila didn’t have to come back from Australia. [Rewrite with: need not]
6- Is it possible that Ben was allergic to milk? [Rewrite with: could]
7- Jack was wrong not to follow the judge’s orders. [Rewrite with: should]
8-Is it possible that Ben was allergic to milk? [Rewrite with: could]
9-They didn’t try hard enough to lose weight. [Rewrite with: should]

10- Perhaps she cancelled the training session. [Rewrite with: may]
11- You ought to practise more often. ( should )
12- She used to walk to the sports centre every evening. ( would )
13- Hey, Joey, is it OK if I use your bike for a minute? ( May )
14- It isn’t necessary to pay for tickets – it’s a free event. ( have )
15- People are allowed to go into the museum now if they want. ( can )
16- Why don’t we go see the martial arts demonstration tonight? ( Shall )
17- It’s necessary for all players to obey the referee. ( must )
18- After a tough start, Murray was able to beat the other player. ( could )
19- You needn’t come early; I’ll have lots of helpers. ( don’t )
20- When I was young, I could run for an hour every evening. ( able )

9-Digital World

A-Identify the active (A)and the passive (P) sentences.
___1. The car was parked in a no - parking zone.

___2. The physics exam began just a few minutes ago.

___3. They have organized the picnic already.

___4. The police investigated him because of his unusual actions.

___5. The company will celebrate his retirement.

___6. The vacation to Europe will be planned carefully.

___7. The coffee was left on the stove for so long.

___8. They won the soccer game in the closing minutes.

___9. The government built a road right outside her front door.

___10. Mr. Ross broke the antique vase as he walked through the store.

___11. When she arrived, the changes amazed her.

___12. The construction workers are making street repairs all month long.

___13. The package containing the necessary samples has just been sent.

___14. That song has been playing over and over again.

___15. My books were stolen yesterday.

B-Complete the sentences with passive modals.

1-People should plant carrots and tomatoes in the spring.
2-We must move our things before we left for Singapore.

3-You can reach me at the office number.
4-He cannot control his behaviour.
5-You can find sushi in most countries in Asia.
6-People may eat vegetables and fruits.
7-We should wash these dishes soon.
8-Someone must send this letter immediately.
9-We must finish this painting by tomorrow.
10-They don’t have to keep animals in zoos.
11-We will clean out the lockers at the end of the day.
12-You can buy a drink at the snack bar.

C-Complete the sentences with by or with.

1-I was shocked ___________ his attitude.
2-All the trouble was solved ___________ your mother.
3-The classroom's floor was swept ___________ a broom.
4-The wood is cut ___________ a saw.
5- My temperature was taken___________ a thermometer ___________ my mother.
6- A tiger was killed ___________ the hunter.
7- The sea was covered ___________ weeds.

8-We were taught how to count ___________ our maths teacher.
9-The sailors’ hearts were ___________ fear when the storm broke out.
10-Chocolate is liked ___________ children.
11-Coffee is stirred ___________ a spoon.
12-The door is opened ___________ a key.
13-This story was written ___________ Emma.
14-The thief was caught ___________ the police.
15-The room was filled ___________ smoke.
D-Fill in the blank with the passive voice of the verb in brackets.
1-A lot of money ________________(pay) for these clothes.
2-A letter ________________ (write) by Mel.
3-This house ________________(buy) by Peter last month.
4- The watch ________________(break) I’ll take it to the watchmaker.
2. Flies ________________ (catch) by spider.
3. The stain on my coat ________________ (remove).
4. The criminal ________________ (catch) yesterday.
5. Bread ________________(bake) by bakers.
6. This castle ________________ (build) in 1639.
7. Mary ________________ (give) a nice birthday present.
8. These laptops ________________(make) in China.
9. Coffee ________________ (grow) in Brazil and Columbia.
10. She ________________ (ask) about the accident by the police yesterday.
11.A movie ________________ (watch) by us on Friday.
12.This safe ________________( not open) for twenty years.
13.The roof of the building ________________( damage) in the storm yeterday.
14.The plants ________________(water) at the moment.
15.A black belt ________________(wear) by judo masters.
16-Originally the book ________________(write) in Spanish a few years ago.

17-Mnay accidents ________________(cause) because ofo danggerous driving.
18.The match might________________(cancelled) due to bad weather.
19.The offer should ________________(aceept) by Tom.
20-The kitcehn ________________( clean) recently.

E-Choose the correct answer.

1- We haven’t ___ how to use this device yet.
a) be shown b) been shown c) being shown d) weren’t shown
2- The blood samples ___ in the laboratory at the moment.
a) have been tested b) will have been tested
c) are being tested d) are tested
3- This research has ___ this week.
a) been finished b) to be finished c) be finished d) finished
4- The manager decided the report should ___ by email.
a) not being sent b) to not be sent c) not be sent d) not be send
5- Will the employees’ personal information ___ in the database?
a) be storing b) be stored c) been stored d) stored
6- During the robbery, the surveillance camera at the bank ___ by the criminals.
a) is being damaged b) is damaged c) was damaged d) damaged
7- When is the project going ___?
a) be completed b) to be completed
c) being completed d) to complete
8- The printer can’t have ___; the paper still gets stuck.
a) been repaired b) be repaired c) being repaired d) repaired
9- Many companies ___ in the mass production of computers.
a) were being involved b) to be involved
c) were involved d) involved
10- USB sticks can ___ to transfer files between two computers.
a) are used b) be used c) are being used d) used
11- My locks ___ yet, I'm still waiting!

a) hasn't been installed b) aren't being install
c) haven't been installed d) haven't installed
12-___ the famous bank robber is living in Brazil.
a) Is it known that b) It is know c) It is know that d) It is known that
13- After he ___ back to his cell, he began to shout.
a) had been taken b) is being taken c) was being taken d) has been taken
14-The statement ___ by the lawyer later today.
a) will be being made b) was made c) will be made d) has been made
15-The blackmailer denied____ the money.
a) being given b) to be given c) be given d) was given
16-The two men agreed ___ by security.
a) could be searched b) be searched c) to be searched d) being searched
17- The police found my laptop and ___ it to me later today.
a) has been returned b) will return c) will be returned d) is going to return
18- The criminal ___ today by Judge William.
a) is being sentenced b) being sentenced
c) is sentenced d) is being sentence
19-___ with murder? 'Yes, isn't it shocking?'
a) Was the woman charged b) Will the woman charged
c) The woman was charged d) The woman will be charged
20-___ her fingerprints taken at the moment?
a) Is the looter having b) Does the looter have
c) Will the looter have d) Is the looter to have

F-Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets.

1- Tina lost her phone in the mall. [Rewrite with: The phone]
2- Adam and his friends are playing tennis. [Rewrite with: Tennis]
3- The policeman protects people. [Rewrite with: People]

4- My mom has prepared a cake. [Rewrite with: A Cake]
5- The maid is cleaning the rooms. [Rewrite with: The Rooms]
6- Cats chase mice in the alleys. [Rewrite with: Mice]
7- My father is going to the club. [Rewrite with: The Club]
8- Mike has watched this movie before. [Rewrite with: This Movie]
9- School is gone to by students every day. [Rewrite with: Students]
10- Dinner is being prepared. [Rewrite with: The servants]
11- Jack has eaten the meat sandwich. [Rewrite with: The meat sandwich]
12- Tina and her friends are washing the dishes. [Rewrite with: The dishes]
13- People know that aliens are not real. [Rewrite with: Aliens]
14- My mother works in the bank. [Rewrite with: The bank]
15- Our team will win the match today. [Rewrite with: The match]
16- Some people consider junk food as a delicacy. [Rewrite with: Junk food]
17- The plane crashed into the building. [Rewrite with: The building]
18- The police should arrest war criminals. [Rewrite with: War criminals]
19- Two pizzas have eaten already. [Correct the error]

20-The police were investigating the burglary. [Rewrite with: being]
21- We moved the residents away from the burning building. [Rewrite with: the residents]
22-We will bring food as soon as possible. [Rewrite with: be]
23- They are building a new house. [Rewrite with: being]
24- We have been writing an E-mail. [Rewrite with: An E-mail]
25- They will have finished their work by next Monday. [Rewrite with: their work]
26- She could solve her problems. [Rewrite with: be]
27- He likes people admiring him. [Rewrite with: being]
28-We made him stop smoking. [Rewrite with: He]
29-Manal may give me a present. [Rewrite with: A present]
30-They saw him watching a film on T.V. [Rewrite in the passive voice]
31-She will roast the meat. [Rewrite with: be]
32- I did my homework. [Rewrite with: done]

33- My mum bought me a gift. [Rewrite with: I]
34- They have already done the dishes. [Rewrite with: passive]
35- They have wasted a lot of time recently. [Rewrite with: been]

10-Show Time!
I-Grammar 1

A-Match the words used in direct speech with the words used in reported
Direct speech Reported speech
1. can a) that
2. may b) the previous year
3. must/have to c) that night
4. will d) the previous week
5. this e) had to
6. here f) that day
7. today g) the day before
8. yesterday h) might
9. tonight i) there
10. last week j) the next day
11. tomorrow k) could
12. last year l) would
B- Complete the sentences on the right with the correct reported speech verbs.
Direct speech Reported speech
1."I live in London." She said she _____________________ in London.
2."I am living here." She said she _____________________ there.
3.I have done it." She said she_____________________ it.
4."I did it last week." She said she_____________________ it the previous week.
5."I will do it." She said she_____________________ do it.
6."I can do it." She said she _____________________ do it.
7.I may do it." She said she_____________________ do it.
8."I must do it." She said she_____________________ do it.
9.Do it!" She told me_____________________ it.

C-Complete the sentences with the correct reporting verb: say / tell.
1.She said / told that she was a reporter.
2.He said / told me that he worked in a factory.
3.She said / told to me that she had to study that night.
4.Are you sure you said / told him the time?
5.He said / told me he couldn't come until the following day.
6.She said / told that she had already done it.
7.She said / told me she was going out with her friends.
8.Peter said / told that he wasn't happy.

D-Report the following statements.

1- “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said.
She said that ____________________________________________________________
2- “I saw her today,” he said.
He said that _____________________________________________________________
3- “I don’t like this film,” she said.
She said that _____________________________________________________________
4-Mary said,” We went swimming today.”
Mary said that____________________________________________________________
5- “I have a terrible headache now,” she said to me.
She told me that ____________________________________________________________
6- “I don’t know what she did,” Adam said to his teacher.
Adam told his teacher that_____________________________________________________
7- “I met Sam three months ago,” Tim said.
Tim said that
8- “I will see John next Sunday,” Peter said to Tom.
Peter told Tom that
9- “Pete and Sue are getting married tomorrow,” Ann said.
Ann said that
10- “I have received the parcel,” Diana said.
Diana said that

Grammar 2

A Write the following questions, orders and requests in reported speech.
1. “Where do you live?”, she asked me.
She asked me ________________________________________________________

2. “When do the children sing?”, I asked Tom.
I asked Tom_________________________________________________________
3. “What did they build?”, I asked Paul.
I asked Paul__________________________________________________________
4. “Who did you meet?”, Tina asked me.
Tina asked me________________________________________________________
5. “When will you return?”, she asked me.
She asked me_________________________________________________________
6. “How will they find that book?”, Tom asked.
Tom asked___________________________________________________________
7. “Why will she leave so early?”, I asked her.
I asked her___________________________________________________________
8. “What have you done?”, I asked him.
I asked him___________________________________________________________
9. “What has she bought?”, I asked Tom.
I asked Tom__________________________________________________________
10. “What have they said?”, She asked me.
She asked me_________________________________________________________
11. “Do you speak English?”, he asked me.
He asked me___________________________________________________________
12. “Does she feel better?”, she asked Tina.
She asked Tina_________________________________________________________
13.“Did you have lunch alone?”, he asked me.
He asked me___________________________________________________________
14.“Did you see the film last week?”, I asked her.
I asked her____________________________________________________________
15. “Will you come by taxi?”, He asked me.
He asked me___________________________________________________________
16.“Will she keep her money at home?”, I asked him.
I asked him____________________________________________________________
17. “Have you seen the dog?”, he asked Tom.
He asked Tom__________________________________________________________
18.“Has he made a cake?”, I asked
I asked________________________________________________________________
19. “Have you forgotten the address?”, She asked me.
She asked me___________________________________________________________
20.“Has she ridden a horse?”, I asked.
I asked________________________________________________________________
21. 'Where are you from?' Julie asked him.
Julie asked him __________________________________________________________
22. 'Grandmother, can I go out?' she asked.
She asked her grandmother ________________________________________________
23. 'Don't be so rude!', his mother ordered him.
His mother ordered him ___________________________________________________
24. 'What are you doing, mum?' Laura asked.
Laura asked her mum _____________________________________________________
25. 'Have you seen this film, Tom?' Kate asked.
Kate asked Tom __________________________________________________________
26.'Please help me carry this bag!', Jane asked her friend.
Jane asked her friend______________________________________________________
27.” Could you please open the window? “Anna asked me.
Anna asked me___________________________________________________________

B-Choose the correct option.

1-He _______ me to stop buying so much stuff online.
a. convinced
b. said
c. recommended

2-I don't blame you _______ to move to another house. I don't like this house either. want
b. that you want
c. for wanting
3-I suggest _______ the police right now.
a. you to call
b. you call
c. to call
4-She _______ us not to drink that water.
a. informed
b. insisted
c. warned
5-She _______ anything to do with what happened.
a. said not to have
b. denied having
c. insisted not having
6-"I wish I had been there with you." She _______ there with me.
a. regretted not being
b. denied being
c. announced that she wasn't
7-They _______ me not to talk to you anymore.
a. suggested
b. said
c. advised
8-"I won't lend you any more money." He _______ to lend me any more money.
a. admitted
b. informed
c. refused

9-She _______ me to invite Jim to the party.

a. said
b. suggested
c. reminded

10-They _______ me if I didn't tell them where you were.

a. promised they kill
b. threatened to kill
c. warned to kill

C-Change the time reference in the reported speech.

D-Choose the correct answer.

1- Andrew asked her ___ seen the group on stage.
a) that she had b) what had she c) whether she had d) if she has
2- The drama teacher said she ___ us our lines to rehearse later that day.
a) would give b) will give c) has given d) gives
3- The director asked the cast ___ late for the performance.
a) don’t be b) not to be c) to not be d) not be
4- Kevin advised us ___ free films from that site.
a) not to download b) not download
c) don’t download d) not downloading
5- Linda asked me where ___ going to play.
a) the musician was b) was the musician
c) if the musician was d) the musician is
6- Tim denied ___ in that reality show.
a) to take part b) taking part c) did he take d) that she takes part

7- Mandy ___ that she had directed the performance herself.
a) told to him b) said him c) told him d) asked him
8- Joe said that he ___ writing his lyrics that night.
a) has finished b) must finish c) had to finish d) has to finished
9- Dave said he’d seen the film ___.
a) the day before b) tomorrow c) yesterday d) the following day
10- John asked me ___ classical ballet.
a) whether you like b) if I liked c) do I like d) if I like
11- The teacher said that I ___ stay after class.
a) have to b) had to c) must d) must to
12- Sheila said that she ___ tell the teacher I had cheated on the exam.
a) will b) can c) must d) would
13- Albert ___ me with my physics homework.
a) insisted to help b) insisted helping
c) insisted on helping d) insists to help
14- My sister says she ___ her new teaching job.
a) is really enjoying b) was really enjoying
c) really enjoyed d) had really enjoyed
15- He asked ___ him to drive me to school.
a) if I want b) whether I wanted c) when I want d) whether I want
16- The science teacher ___ the chemicals.
a) said me not to spill b) told me not spill
c) told me not to spill d) said not to spill
17- She ___ to the bakery after school.
a) asks me to go b) asked to gone c) asked me go d) asked me to go
18- 'What did the careers officer say? ''He ___ harder.'
a) advised I to study b) advised I studying
c) advised me to study d) advised study
19- Jason denied ___ my homework.
a) copying b) copy c) to copy d) he copy

20- The lecturer apologised for ___ late.
a) to be b) being c) his be d) be
21-Samuel offered his classmates ___homework to upset the teacher.
a) doing b) not to do c) to do d) if they could
22- Elizabeth asked Joanne ___ the library ___.
a) whether / was b) when / open
c) where / is d) where / was
23-Jasper told his parents___ he ___ his best friend two years ago.
a) that/met b) - / would meet c) that/ had met d) if/ was meeting
24-Daneil begged the burglar___ his favourite painting.
a) not to take b) to take c) taking d) that he has taken
25-Mark said that ___ pets.
a) he hates b) if he hated c) who hated d) he hated

E-Re-write the following sentences using the words in brackets.

1- Ann: “I am playing tennis now”. [Rewrite with: She said]
2- Mark: “I went to Disney land last week” Rewrite with: He said]
3- Dad: “Go to your room, Tom” [Rewrite with : ordered]
4- Brother: “Can I borrow your pen?” [Rewrite with: My brother]
5- Jack told me that he buys a new car. [Correct the error]
6- Dina: “I like to go jogging in the morning” [Rewrite in direct speech]
7- Mom said that she was watching TV. [Rewrite in direct speech]

8- Teacher: “Listen to the conversation” [Rewrite with : Our Teacher]
9- Policeman: “Show me your driver license” [Rewrite with: The policeman]
10- Ted: “Where are you going?” [Rewrite with: Ted asked]
11- “Why don’t we phone Mary and have dinner tomorrow?” [Rewrite with: suggested]
12- Keep off the grass!” [Rewrite with: ordered]
13-"Remember to do your homework tonight," [Rewrite with: reminded]
14- Ross offered James to take the car to the garage for him. [Rewrite in direct speech]
15- “Why don’t we phone Mary and have dinner tomorrow?” [Rewrite with: suggested]
16- Tom promised going to the party. [Correct the error]
17-Jason asked his friend _________ he ___________ borrow his car on Sunday.
18-Stephanie told her brother to not stop taking her things. [Correct the error]
19-Particia suggested / ordered / asked / said going to the cinema in the evening.
[Choose the correct verb]
20-Gillian said that she would visit her grandmother next week. [Rewrite in direct speech]

DAFFODILS William Wordsworth
About the poet:
William Wordsworth was born on April7th, 1770 in Cumberland in England. He was
brought up among nature so he was affected by nature in his poems. He is one of the
greatest romantic poets. He wrote many well-known poems. He was crowned as a poet
laureate in 1843. He died in 1850.
The poem
I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host of golden daffodils
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze
Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way
They stretch in never ending line
Along the margin of a bay
Ten thousand saw I at a glance
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance
The waves beside them danced, but they
Outdid the sparkling leaves in glee
A poet could not but be gay
In such a jocund company
I gazed and gazed but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought
For oft , when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude
And then my heart with pleasure fills
And dances with the daffodils

Wander: walk with no place to go. -Vales: valleys
Host: number -Beneath: under
Fluttering: move quickly -Breeze: gentle wind


The poet is walking and feels lonely as a cloud. He saw many daffodils under the trees, moving
from side to side.

Personification: Fluttering and dancing: The daffodils are dancing like humans.
Contrast: vales#hills
Simile: I wander'd lonely as a cloud: the poet compares himself to a cloud.


Continuous: never stops -Twinkle: sparkling
Glance: quick look -Tossing: moving bay: lake

the poet compares the daffodils to the stars that shine at night. Thousands of daffodils are
in a lively way.

Personification: Tossing their heads: the daffodils are moving their heads like humans.
Simile: continuous as the stars: daffodils are compared to stars.


Company: companions Wealth: money
Glee: joy Gay; happy Jocund: happy
The waves of the lake are moving in the breeze but the flowers appear happier. This joyful
could make any poet happy.
Personification: The waves beside them danced: the waves were like humans.


Oft: often - Mood: feeling
Inward eye: memories - Couch: sofa
Solitude: alone - Flash: shine
Whenever the poet is alone relaxing or feeling serious, he remembers the daffodils and feels
Alliteration: dances /daffodils: have the same sound
Rhyme scheme
Ababcc, dedeff, ghghii, jkjkll

A Tale Of Two Cities
Activity Book

Chapter 8

* Answer the following questions :

1- What had the revolutionaries done?

2- What is meant by "guillotine"?


3- What happened to the king and some of the rich nobles?


4- Where do the French emigrants meet?


5- Why did Charles feel sorry?


6- Why does Mr. Lorry want to go to France?


7- Who was the letter addressed to?


8- What has Charles told the Dr?


9- Who was the letter from? Why did he send it?


10- Prove that Charles is a man of honour?


11- Why was Darnay shocked when he arrived in France?


12- What happened to Charles once he arrived in France?


* Comment on the following quotations:
1- “I know who that Marquis is,”

2- “Well, would you like me to take the letter to him?”


3- “You will go to the prison of La Force at once!”


4- “We have new laws, Evrémonde. You are an emigrant, and emigrants have no rights.”

5- “Yes, I remember! My wife went there to recover her father.”


6- “Why do you come to France? It will be very bad for you.”


Chapter 9

* Answer the following questions :

1- Why was Mr. Lorry shocked?

2- Who arrived at the bank?


3- What did Dr Manette decide to do?


4- Why was Dr Manette able to influence the crowd?


5- Who visited Mr. Lorry? Why?


6- What was written in Charles's letter to his wife? What was her reaction?

* Comment on the following quotations:

1- “Charles is in Paris. He came secretly to save his old servant,”

2- “In Paris! Is he mad? That’s too dangerous,”


3- “They are the ones murdering the prisoners, accusing them of being enemies of the

4- “Charles is safe, but I cannot leave. Let the messenger see Lucie.”

5- “My dear, be brave. I am well. Kiss our child for me.”


6- “I’m afraid of this woman more than anything I have seen in Paris. I’m so worried about

Chapter 10

* Answer the following questions :

1- How did Dr Manette use his authority?

2- What was the tribunal decision at first?


3- How long did Darnay stay in Prison?


4- What do the crowds ask for?


5- What is the new law?


6- What is the tribunal's last conclusion?


7- How was Darnay accused again?


8-Who accused Charles?


* Comment on the following quotations:

1- Therefore, you are an emigrant and all emigrants must die; that is the new law.”
2- “Charles was accused of treason in England because he is loyal to France,”
3- “I told you I would save him”

Chapter 11

* Answer the following questions :

1- What was Miss Pross doing? Who did she see?

2- What has Solomon asked his sister not to do?


3- Who recognized Solomon? Where did he see him?


4- What did carton deduce?


5- Show that carton knows a lot about Barsad.


6- Why did carton hide his plan?


* Comment on the following quotations:

1- “Don’t call me Solomon! You will get me in trouble.”


2- Wait a second! Is your name Solomon?”


3- “I arrived here yesterday. I’d like to have a word with your brother, Miss Pross,”

4- “Come with me,Mr Barsad, to MrLorry’s office,”


5- “You need to have good cards, sir,”


6- “You are a jailer at the Conciergerie, right?”


Chapter 12

* Answer the following questions :

1- Who are the accusers?

2- Show that the Marquis and his brother are cruel people.

3- What is the cause of death of the young man?


4-What did the young brother do to try to save the family’s honor?

5-What did the Marquis do with the protagonist’s letter?


6- What did Dr. Mannette pray for?


7- Where was Darnay taken after the Tribunal’s decision?


* Comment on the following quotations:

1- “I found this letter in cell one hundred and five, north tower in the Bastille.

2- “My dearest love, we shall meet again, in a better place. God be with you both.”

Chapter 13

* Answer the following questions :

1- Where was carton heading for?

2- Why was Madame Defarge Surprised?


3- Prove that Madame Defarge was a cruel woman. Why?


4- How is the Manettes Family in danger?


5- What was written in the letter from Charles to his wife?


6- How will Barsad help Charles?


7- What is the young Lady's crime?


* Comment on the following quotations:

1- “We have to cut all their heads off,”

2-“But Doctor Manette has suffered enough. Why do we torture him more?”

3-“The doctor’s daughter and her daughter have done nothing!”


4-“But what is their crime?”


5-“Now, I want you to write something. Quickly!”


6-“I will be true to the death!”


7- “Will you let me hold your hand, brave stranger?”

Chapter 14

* Answer the following questions:

1- How many people were passing the boarder?

2- What does Madame Defarge think of her husband?


3- Why did Madame Defarge go to Dr Manette's house?


4- What happened between Madame Defarge and Miss Pross?


5- What happened to Madame Defarge?


6- What was the young Lady's request?


* Comment on the following quotations:

1- “Show me your papers!”

2- “My husband is a good citizen, but he is not strong enough. He feels sorry for Dr Manette. I
say that all Evrémonde must die including Lucie and her daughter.”

3- “Lucie Manette will be at home now, waiting the moment of her husband’s death. She will
be weeping and grieving. I will go to her!”

4- “Keep your eyes on me dear lady, and don’t think of anything else.”


New Hello
Unit 7 - exercises

Test Unit 7

Unit 8 – exercises

Test Unit 8

Unit 9 – exercises

Test Unit 9

Unit 10 – exercises

Test Unit 10

Unit 11 – exercises

Test Unit 11

Unit 12 – exercises

Test Unit 12


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