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Substance Source (SN, FN) Significant Info Uses


Cascara Sagrada Rhamnus purshianus Should be aged for 1 year prior to ● Cathartic
(Rhamnaceae) medicinal use ● Correction of habitual
Reduced forms (found in fresh
barks) are converted to
monomeric oxidized glycosides

Aka Chittern Bark,

Buckthorn bark Rhamnus frangula Aka Frangula ● Movicol®: Frangula +

(Rhamnaceae) Karaya gum

Aloe Scientific name: Constituent: Barbaloin ● Cathartic Laxative

● Aloe barbadensis ● Pharmaceutic aid:
● Aloe Africana compound benzoin
● Aloe spicata tincture
● Aloe vera gel: treatment
Family Name: Liliaceae of burns, abrasions and
other skin irritations.
● Moisturizing and
emollient effects

Rhubarb Rheum officinale and R. Constituent: Rhein anthrones ● Cathartic

Palmatum (Polygonaceace)

Indian Rhubarb Rheum emodi and R. webbianum Constituents: Rhein anthrones ● Cathartic

Senna Leaves Scientific Name: Constituents: ● Cathartic

● Cassia acutifolia ● Dimeric glycosides
● Cassia angustifolia ● Sennosides A & B (major
Family Name:Leguminosae ● Sennosides C & D (minor

Chrysarobin Andira araroba (Leguminosae) This is a mixture of neutral ● Keratolytic Agent:

principles from Goa Powder treatment of Psoriasis,
trichophytosis, chronic
Hot benzene is used to extract eczema


Danthron Chemical name: ● Cathartic

1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone from ● Intermediate in the
1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone manufacture of anthralin
potassium disulfonate and alizarin (also
indanthrene dyestuff)
Aka Chrysazin


Glycyrrhiza Glycyrrhiza glabra (Fabaceae) “Licorice root” ● Demulcent

Aka: Spanish licorice ● Expectorant
● Flavoring agent
● Surfactant

Dioscorea Dioscorea spiculiflora Diosgenin obtain upon hydrolysis ● Source of

(Dioscoreaceae) of dioscin glycoside cortisone/corticosteroid
D. floribuna (is the best source of
steroid in the US)

Ginseng Panax ginseng, Panasoxides and ginsenosides ● Treatment of Anemia, DM

Panax quinquefolia (Araliaceae) and Gastritis
● Adaptogenic


Wild cherry Prunus serotina (Rosaceae) Aka: Prunus virginiana - wild ● Flavored vehicle in syrup
black cherry tree form
● Sedative expectorant
Constituent: Prunasin

Almond Prunus amygdalus (Rosaceae) Prunasin and amygdalin ● Ingredient in cough


Apricot pits Prunus armeniaca (Rosaceae) Prunasin and amygdalin


Black Mustard Brassica nigra (Brassicaceae) Constituents: Sinigrin ● Local irritant

accompanied by myrosin ● Emetic
● Rubefacient
Aka: sinapis nigra ● Vesicant
● Condiment (commercial

White Mustard Brassica alba (Brassicaceae) Constituents: Sinigrin

accompanied by myrosin

Aka: sinapis alba

Garlic Allium sativum (Liliaceae) Constituent: Alliin ● Antibacterial

● Antihyperlipidemic


Vanilla Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae) Vanilla can be obtained ● Flavoring agent

aka Mexican or Vera Cruz Vanilla synthetically from: ● Pharmaceutic aid in the
/ Bourbon Vanilla ● Coniferin – glycoside preparation of Vanilla
Vanilla tahitensis (Orchidaceae) present in the cambium Tincture
aka Tahiti Vanilla sap of pine trees
Eugenol – phenol present
in clove oil
● Lignin – by-product of
pulp industry
● Vanillin aka
aldehyde (aglycone) is
produced during “curing”
● From Green Vanilla


Coumarin From Sweet vernal grass lactone form of Banned by the FDA for its
(Anthoxanthum odoratum, ortho-hydroxycinnamic acid former use as flavoring
Poaceae) Solubility: soluble in alcohol agents”
From Sweet clover (Melilotus Synthesized readily
albus, or Melilotus officinalis,
From Sweet-scented bedstraw
(Galium triflorum, Rubiaceae)
From Red clover (Trifolium
pretense, Fabaceae)
From Tonka beans (Dipteryx
odorata, Fabaceae)

Bishydroxycoumarin/Dicumarol From the improperly cured leaves It is a drug related to coumarin Anticoagulant (Usual dose:
and flowering tops of Melilotus Synthetic 200- 300mg initially,
officinalis (Fabaceae) then 25 to 200mg once a day)

Catharides Cantharis vesicatoria (Meloidae ) Aka Spanish flies, Russian flies, Irritant, vesicant, rubefacient,
or Blistering flies wart-removal (topical
Constituents: solution), aphrodisiac, hair
Cantharidin (0.6% to 1.0%) growth stimulant

Psoralens From the family Apiaceae These are photosensitizing Facilitate repigmentation in
(Umbelliferae) furocoumarins (toxic) opathic vitiligo
They have vesicant-like effects (leukoderma) and
indirectly on skin (increase symptomatic control of
photosensitivity) severe, disabling
Drugs under Psoralen

Constituent of the cremocarps of
bishop’s flower (Ammi majus,
Trioxsalen – a synthetic
furocoumarin that is used for the
treatment of vitiligo


Arbutin Arctostaphylos uva-ursi Other constituents: ● Diuretic and astringen

(Ericaceae) quercetin, gallic acid, ursolic acid ● Has increased whitening
and tannin property
● Antiseptic agent on the
urinary tract

Urushiol From the oily sap of: Urushiol can stay potent for up to ● Induces contact
5 years. Poison ivy is closely dermatitis
Poison ivy: Rhus radicans related to mangos. Mango peel
(Anacardiaceae) can hold urushiol and can give
people an allergic reaction.
Poison oak: Rhus toxicodendron Poison ivy size and urushiol
(Anacardiaceae) volume and CO2 in the air have a
direct correlation.


Passiflora Passiflora incarnata Aka Passionfruit ● Sedative


Hesperidin From sweet orange of Citrus Aka Cirantin ● for blood vessel
sinensis conditions such as
hemorrhoids, varicose
Other sources: rind or peel or veins, and poor
unripe, circulation (venous
green citrus fruits: stasis).

Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium )

Lemons (Citrus limon)
Citron (Citrus medica)


Salicin Salix purpurea, Salix fragilis ● Salicin is hydrolyzed into ● Anti-rheumatic (1g)
(Salicaceae) D-Glucose and Saligenin
by the enzyme emulsin.
● Populin (Benzoyl salicin)
Associated with salicin
Resembles salicylic acid
Oxidized to salicylic acid
in human system


Nutgall From the young twigs of the dyers ● Nutgall consists of the ● Tanning and dyeing
oak, Quercus infectoria pathological outgrowth industry
(Fagaceae) ● The pathological ● Astringent property
outgrowth is caused by
the puncture of ovums of
insect Cynips tinctoria
● Very good source of
tannic acid

Black Plum Syzygium cumini (Myrtaceae) ● Antioxidants

● Purifies blood

Kamatsile Pithecellobium dulce (Fabaceae) ● Abortifacient

● Dysentery
● Dermatitis and eye

Witch Hazel Hammamelis virginiana Constituent: ● Astringent

(Myrtaceae) ● Hamamelitannin

Chestnut Castanea sativa (Fabaceae) ● Antioxidants

● Source of nutrients

Tea Camellia sinensis (Theaceae) ● Antioxidants

● Anticancer
● Antimicrobial

Pomegranate Punica granatum (Myristicaceae) Used in the prevention and

treatment of several types of
cancer, cardiovascular disease,
osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis,
and other diseases.

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