Goal and Plan

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Goals and Plan (Mid-Term/3 months+)

Result Become a fully process-oriented trader by the end of that period.
Focus on following the 3 important daily routines and perfect my
goals psycholigical and technical systems (playbook)

After 5 years+ of trading, I’m now sure that this is going to be a long-lasting career BUT I
Why these goals need to go through this transition stage first to FULLY become a process trader. Reaching
matter to you that goal will open so many doors and hapiness in my life. Not only I will become a
consistent trader but I will also a be a better person and maintain my freedom.

goal how
Measure your daily performances with the A to C
Suck Less. Reduce the frequency of B/C game template. Evaluate overall performance
game and reduce over-trading by every 40 trades. Continuously add to the
playbook (context), journal effectively, and
focusing on quality trades.
adhere to your daily routine religiously.

Clear yourself of any emotions Check your emotional state (Mental check) and
before starting a trading session how you feel THEN write something if needed
and at the end of each day (cool- to let it out or inject the right logic (Adjust to
down process) the zone)

Religiously adhere to your routines

Follow your Trading plan,
from pre-market routine, to the intra-
rules and guidance. day routine or post-market one


problem plan
Lack of preparation or fatigue Follow your daily routines religiously.
pushes me to quickly to high Identify tiredness pattern early on in
levels of fear or anger levels your pre-market or intra-day routine

Improve controlling those emotions and continue

Anger (mistake), boredom (PA not going my
working on injectic the right logic to get back to the zone.
way) and emotions from previous sessions Make sure to identify the context to be bable to rest
(stupid loss or missed trades) can affect my properly in-between sessions. Have another activity
NEXT game performance (A to C) (learn portuguese or reading or sport) to fight those
moments of boredom.

Constitantly use the Psychological journal and

Overtrading and chasing R-Multiples after new mental hands history to remain in the Zone.
a losing/winning session or an execution Important reminder on the R-multiple game need
mistake to be looked at only at the end of the week or
Goals and Plan (Long-Term/1 year)
Result Solid trading processes in place for the rest of my career. Increase my prop
AUM. Develop the Dax of Lord business and Darwinex AUM. Start a unique
goals education/marketing business without the social media noise.

Becoming a fully process trader will keep my performances steady over my entire career.
Why these goals Diversifying different businesses will bring investing opportunities and security for my
matter to you family in the long run. Re-developing an education business will bring me satisfaction.

goal how

Solid Darwinex Track Record to Follow your everyday trading processes and be
attrack investors

Prop increase AUM Follow your everyday process and be patient

with that business model.

Allocate 2 to 3 hours per week to

Developing Daxlord this idea and think how you could
business in a steady path change the industry while removing
the noise


problem plan
New businesses with good foundations
Focusing too much on results take more time.
over the processes Get ready to do some mental hands
history out of the trading scope but also
on the business side.

Not improving the processes increasing my Keep re-evaluating my mentals systems

frustuation because of a feeling of templates and mid-term goals (every 3
stagnation. months / (quarter + 1 - April - Jul - Oct -
Jua)). Inchwom process.

Keep yourself organised with an order of priority.

Burn out in trying to do too much at once Don’t overwork during the pre-market.
Take regular days off during weekends to
recharge your batteries.
The Trading Zone
Description of the zone
Totally focused with no negative (or noticable positive) emotions. I’m not thinking any negative
thoughts. I treat sucess or failure equally, and don’t allow either or past results to distract me from
the next trade. There’s a feeling of being able to predict with uncanny accuracy what market is likely
to do. As a result, I will be able to trade with a feeling of calm and confidence.

Reaching the zone as often as possible by following my trading processes (routines)

Goals and Why Becoming a fully process trader will keep my performances steady during my entire

Add more as you learn

Make sure to be well-rested Get important things done, including
(sleep tracker) and aware household and Ollie’s morning bisous
Small cardio workout to wake up the brain
Religiously complete my pre-
(not too intense)
market context work with
levels, CFD and Futures and Cold shower to be stress-free and
4h lookup energised during AM session
Pre-market work before workout.
After 5m of the opening, make
Mental prep after workout and
sure to update the after pre-
before 7.45 am
market context
Patience during the opening 8h20
Lack of emotionnal residue
from prior sessions. Ready to Post-Market journalling and mental cool-
let come the hand to me down process to stay in the zone for the
Yellow Sound Blocker to remain focus next session or next day


Waking up late and skipping my

Losing confidence after a losing
morning routine
Skipping mental prep and
Focusing on PnL mental check
Argument with my wife Drinking the night before a
trading day or night out (Min 72
Boredom after waiting patiently hours recovery before trading)
for a setup (PA isn’t going as
expected) Tired, family obligation, Ollie’s
home during the day
Feeling overconfident after wins Not having a clue on what the
and thinking that it will only be market is doing on odd move,
wins from now on level reaction
Cool Down Process
Description of the zone
As a trader, your cooldown may include logging trades into your journal, analyzing them,
and checking PnL. But you need to also focus on recovery from a mental and emotional
standpoint. For example, add details to your map, write and vent about your emotions to
prevent accumulation, and analyze your progress.

Your mind has captured so much data, including the emotions, thoughts, and actions that surround
Goals and Why each problem. If you’re diligent about capturing those details and working through them, you’ll find
the 5 to 15 minutes you spend will be incredibly valuable the following day.

Cool process according to emotions


When your emotions stay Instead, reinforce your progress by

thinking or writing about what
relatively stable
improved. Don’t just focus on the
where problems may pop up but negatives. Emphasize instances where
you handle them with relative your attempts to correct anger,
ease, it’s unlikely there will be for example, were successful,
many new things to note. especially if it took a lot of mental

Vent your emotions by

writing them down, and then
either reread an existing
When emotions are high Mental Hand History on this
topic or complete a new one.
(You don’t need to start immediately
after the trading day is over. But I
strongly recommend you start within 30

you probably want to just go blow off

steam, wallow in self-pity, or enjoy
when emotions are
the rush of a euphoric day, and one of
super high the last things you want to do is sit
down and write. But your goals are
recovery and getting in good shape
for the next day.
You don’t have to do a Mental
Hand History.

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