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A social problem is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences

for large number of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or

behaviour that needs t be addressed. According to the American sociologist
charles .E.ferrally, a social problem can be defined as a condition or issue that a
significant number of people in a community views as being underirable.Social
problems a often seen as harmful to society and in need of remedy or amerioration
These issues can encompass as wide range of concern including
poverty,inquality,crime,discrimination and more. A sociological theory is a
supposed be on that intends to concider analyze and explain object of social
reality from a sociological perspective,drawing conection between individual
concepts in order to organize and substantiate sociological knowledge(wikipedia)
One social problem in DSM,Tanzania that could be discussed using a socialogical
theory is Urban poverty ,which is a wide spread issue impacting a significant
portion of the city's population.I will use social conflict theory to disscuss this
probblem. Social conflict theory developed by karl max posit that society is
charachterized by competition and conflict over limited resources and that social
structure and institutions are maintained by those in power to serve their own
interest.I the case of poverty these theory can help to highlight the root causes
and perpetuation of poverty in Dar Es Salaam as the following,

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