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Next Generation Technologies

Practical #8
Name Sayed Fardeen Roll Number 20302D3004
Subject/Course: NGT
Topic MongoDB Aggregate Functions & Regular Expression

Aggregate Functions & Regular Expression

Convert the Given Relational Database model into MongoDB Non-Relational Model.

Book Author
Book Id Author Id
Book Name Name
Author Id Address: City
edition State
Publication Contact details:
Price Phone number
Quantity Email -id

There is one to many relationship between Book and Author table.

Ms. Shubhalaxmi is the owner of a book shop , where all book details mentioned above are stored in MongoDB database. While
solving some queries she has stucked up!!
a. How many books are available in the library for a particular author?
b. Find book title, author name and price of all JAVA books available in her shop.
c. Get the book title having least price in each category.
d. Get the first book record in each category?
e. Find book whose name has “a” somewhere and author name starting with “T”

Vidyalankar School of Information Technology

Vidyalankar School of Information Technology
Vidyalankar School of Information Technology

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