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The Marcus Garvey and Universal

Negro Improvement Association Papers

Volume 4 1 September 1921 2
September 1922 Robert A. Hill (Editor)
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Robert A. Hill (Editor)

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Polonaise-Fantasie (op. 61), 263f.
Preludes, 264.
Waltzes, 281.

Chord style, 11.

Christian Frederick VIII, King of Denmark, 309.

Chrotta, 368.

Chrysander, 53.

Church, Roman, (opposition to musicians), 371.

Church music, 9.

Church sonatas, 94.

Clarinet, 599;
(in chamber music), 579, 598, 604.

Clarinet sonatas, 603f.

Clavecin, 5, 52. See also Harpsichord.

Clavecinists, 26.

Clavicembalo, 5. See also Harpsichord.

Clavichord, 1, 2ff, 8, 67, 128.

Clement, Franz, 444, 451, 456.

Clementi, Muzio, 64, 98, 100, 112, 117, 119ff, 143, 157.
Gradus ad Parnassum, 121.
Sonata in G minor (op. 7, no. 3), 121.
Sonata in B minor (op. 40, no. 2), 122.
Sonata in G minor (Didone abbandonata, op. 50, no. 3), 122.

Coda (Beethoven), 165f.

Color effects (in string quartet), 555f.

Concertati, 474.

Concert piece (Mendelssohn), 216. See also Konzertstück.

Concerto, (Italian), 67;

(Bach), 81;
(Vivaldi, Mozart), 150;
(for flute and harp), 599.
See also Pianoforte concerto; Violin concerto.

Concerto grosso (Torelli), 388f.

Concerts des Amateurs, 407.

Concerts Spirituels, 404, 410, 487.

Confrérie de St. Julien des Ménestriers, 372.

Conservatory. See Paris Conservatoire.

Contrapuntal style. See Polyphonic style.

Contrast, 49, 469;

(of key), 18, 561;
(of registers, in piano music), 277;
(rhythmic, in early chamber music), 476.

Corelli, Arcangelo, 6, 37, 93, 389, 392, 396ff, 412, 427, 428, 480,
Violin sonatas, 397ff.
Coriat (quoted), 393.

Cornetto, 377.

Cosyn, Benjamin, 18.

Cortecci, 376.

Counterpoint, 19f. See also Polyphonic style.

Counter-theme, 11.

Couperin, Charles, 52;

(compared to Bach), 65;
(influence on Bach), 69.

Couperin, François (le Grand), 8, 36, 41, 51ff, 63, 86, 207, 267f, 398,
(rondo), 58;
(influence on Bach), 69.

Couperin, Louis, 36, 52.

Courante, 23, 25, 473.

Cramer, J. B., 64, 132, 176, 178, 285, 418.

Cramer, Wilhelm, 418.

Cremona, 375.

Crescendo, 378.

Cristofori, Bartolomeo, 155.

Crossing of the hands, 47;

(Bach), 84;
(D. Scarlatti), 106.

Crowd, 368.

Cryptograms, 218.

Cryth, 368.

Cui, César, 330, 331.

Cycles of pianoforte pieces (Schumann), 221f.

Cyclic forms, 30. See also Sonata; Suite.

Czerny, Carl, 44, 64, 182.

Da capo form, 69, 77.

Dale, Benjamin, 598.

Dance form, 30.

Dance rhythms (Schubert), 206;

(Rubinstein), 321;
(Heller), 321.
See also Chopin: Mazurkas, Waltzes.

Dance tunes (15th cent.), 20, 22, 468.

Dances, (early French), 376;

(Spanish), 396;
(17th cent.), 472.

Dante, 318.
Daquin, Claude, 61.

Dargomyzhsky, 330.

Dauvergne, Antoine, 409.

David, Ferdinand, 409, 412, 443f, 451, 458.

David, Paul (quoted), 449.

De Ahna, 451.

Debussy, Claude, 353ff, 367;

(chamber music), 561ff, 604.
Suite Bergamasque, 359.
L’Isle joyeuse, 359.
Estampes, 360.
Images, 360f.
Preludes, 361ff.
String quartet, 561ff.

Delibes, Leo, 462.

Denmark, 326.

Descriptive music, 27f, 55f, 214, 311. See also Picture music;
Realism in pianoforte music.

Diabelli, 165.

Dialogues for two violins, 474, 475.

Dissonance (absence of), 13;

(unprepared), 14.

Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von, 419.

Divertimento (quartet), 489.

Dohle, 64.

Dohnányi, Ernst von, 338;

(pianoforte quintet), 589.

Domanowecz, Nicholas Zmeskall von, 492, 518.

Double-bass (in chamber music), 590.

Double-harmonics, 438.

Double-stops (violin), 382, 383, 422, 430, 460.

Dowland, John, 394.

Dramatic style (in pianoforte sonata), 122;

(in violin music), 441.

Duet, (for one violin), 387;

(for two violins), 411;
(viola and violoncello), 512.

Duet sonata, 454.

Dumka, 586.

Dunhill, Thomas F. (cited), 460, 589.

Duport, Jean Louis, 591.

Durand, 412.

Durante, Francesco, 59, 97.

Dussek, 98, 176.

Dvořák, Antonin, 338;

(violin music), 466;
(chamber music), 558f;
(pianoforte quartets), 583;
(pianoforte quartets and quintets), 585f;
(influence), 589.
String quartet in A minor, 558.
String quartet in E-flat, 559.
‘American’ quartet, 559.
Trios (op. 65 and 90), 580f.
Pianoforte quartet (op. 23), 585.
Pianoforte quintet (op. 87), 585f.

Ecclesiastical modes (modern use of), 363f.

Eck, Franz, 418f, 440.

Eck, Johann Friedrich, 418.

Edward VI, 375.

Effects, pianistic, 303ff. See also Pianoforte technique.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, 4.

Elman, Mischa, 464f.

Embellishments, 35. See also Ornamentation.

Emotional expression, 14, 41.

Enescou, Georges, 466.

England, 18, 21;
(harpsichords in), 4;
(modern), 339.

English horn (in chamber music), 598, 601.

English virginal music, 18ff, 32.

Equal Temperament, 67f.

Érard, Sebastian, 157.

Ernst, Heinrich Wilhelm, 445.

Esterhazy, Prince, 496.

[L’]Estrange, Roger, 394.

[d’]Étree, 376.

Études. See Pianoforte études; Violin études.

Exoticism (in modern music), 362f.

Fantasia, 11, 469;

(on ut-re-mi-fa-sol-la), 20;
(popularity in early 19th cent.), 285;
(on airs from favorite operas), 286;
(Liszt), 308;
(early use of term), 472.

Fantasie, 79.
Fantasy pieces, 211. See also Schumann.

Farina, Carlo, 382, 467, footnote.

Farinelli, G. B., 397.

Farinelli’s Ground, 397.

Farrenc, Madame, 53. See also Trésor des pianistes.

Fauré, Gabriel, 352f, 604;

(violin sonata), 462;
(chamber music), 583, 588, 589.
Pianoforte quintet in D minor, 588.

Ferrara, Carlo, 591.

Ferrari, Domenico, 404.

Fétis (cited), 440.

Fidula, 369.

Field, John, 55, 132, 176, 179, 183, 254, 278.

Figured bass, 486, 487, 573.

Fingering (violin), 370;

('cello), 591.

First-movement form, 91. See also Sonata form.

Fischer, Johann, 392.

Fitzwilliam collection, 18, 21.

Fitzwilliam Museum, 18.

Florid style (harpsichord), 35.

Floridia, Pietro, 465.

Flute (use of, in chamber music), 598, 604.

Flute concerto, 599.

Fochsschwantz, 468.

Folk-melodies (in English virginal music), 20;

(in pianoforte music), 136, 325.

Fontana, Giovanni Battista, 383, 476.

Foote, Arthur, 340, 589.

Form, 10;
(harmonic principle), 14;
(Scarlatti), 49;
(Chopin), 256;
(César Franck), 550.
See also Instrumental forms; Fugue; Sonata form; etc.

Förster, Emanuel Aloys, 510.

Fortunatus, Venantius, 368.

Foster, Will, 18.

France, 25;
(modern pianoforte music), 341ff;
(violinist-composers), 405ff.

Franck, César, 207, 345ff, 349, 461, 547ff, 561, 581, 586.
Prelude, Chorale and Fugue, 345f.
Prelude, Aria and Finale, 346.
Symphonic Variations, 347f.
Violin sonata, 461.
String quartet in D minor, 547ff.
Pianoforte quintet, 586.

Franck, Melchior, 472.

Franco-Belgian school (of violin playing), 447f.

Francœur, 406.

Franz, Robert (transcriptions of songs), 306.

Franzl, Ferdinand, 418.

Franzl, Ignaz, 418.

Franzl, Johann C., 413.

Frederick the Great, 414.

Frederick William II, King of Prussia, 487, 494, 506, 591.

Freedom of the arms (in pianoforte playing), 301f.

Freedom of the hands (in pianoforte playing), 293.

Freedom of the wrist (in pianoforte playing), 296.

French Revolution, 407, 410, 432.

Frescobaldi, Girolamo, 15ff, 24, 476.

Frische Clavier-Früchte (Kuhnau), 29.

Friskin, James, 589.

Froberger, Johann Jacob, 15, 23 (footnote), 24, 32, 75, 104, 473.

Fuga, 10.

Fugue, 11, 17, 21, 29, 41;

(Bach), 70ff;
(in pianoforte sonata), 129f, 166, 171;
(Mendelssohn), 215;
(Franck), 346;
(for 4 vlns., 16th cent.), 376;
(three and four subjects, Haydn), 493.

Furcheim, Wilhelm, 386.

Furiant, 586.

G-string, 374, 382, 384.

Gabrieli, Andrea, 10.

Gabrieli, Giovanni, 10, 11, 471.

Gade, Niels, 326.

Gaillarde. See Galliard.

'Gaily the Troubadour,’ 285.

Galitzin, Nikolaus, Prince, 520.

Galliard, 22, 23, 473.

[Le] Gallors, 36.

Galuppi, Baldassare, 97, 116f.

Ganassi, Silvestro, 374.

Gassmann, Florian, 499, 503.

Gastoldi, 377.

Gautier, Denis, 26f, 33, 34.

Gaviniés, Pierre, 408f.

Gavotte, 26.

Gelinek, 182.

Geminiani, Francesco, 401, 430f, 482.

Generative theme, 562. See also Thematic metamorphosis.

Genouillière, 156.

Genre pieces, 212.

George, Stephen, 571.

Gerber (cited), 383.

Gerle, Hans, 374.

German romanticism, 320, 321.

Germany, 16, 36.

Gernsheim, Friedrich, 321, 324, 466.

Ghro, Johann, 472.

Giardini, Felice, 404.

Gibbons, Orlando, 19, 394.

Giga, 23.

Gighi, 478.

Gigue, 23.

Glazounoff, Alexander, 333;

(violin concerto), 464;
(chamber music), 555.

Glière, Reinhold, 555.

Glinka, 329;
(transcription of ‘A Life for the Czar’), 330.

Glissando, 192, 243.

Gluck, 7, 503.

‘God Save the King,’ 291, 308, 363.

Godard, Benjamin, 342.

Goldberg Variations, 67.

Goldmark, Karl (violin music), 466;

(pianoforte quintet), 589.

Gossec, 499.

'Gott erhalte Franz den Kaiser,’ 497.

Graces, 35.

Grainger, Percy, 339.

‘Grand style’ of piano playing, 303.

Graun, Johann Gottlieb, 413, 414, 415, 420.

Gravicembalo, 5. See also Harpsichord.

Greco, Gaëtano, 38, 43.

Greek modes (modern use of), 362f.

Greek mythology, 27.

Gretchaninoff, Alexander, 555.

Grieco. See Greco.

Grieg, Edvard, 326ff, 338;

(influence), 340;
(violin sonata), 463;
(cello sonatas), 597.
Pianoforte sonata in E minor, 327.
Pianoforte concerto, 327f.
Ballade (piano), 328.
Holberg, suite (piano), 328.
String quartet, 556.

Grossi, 391, 478.

Ground bass, 83.

Grün, 445.
Guenin, Marie Alexandre, 408, 409f.

Guillemain, 409.

Guitar, 437;
(imitation of, on violin), 387.

Haack, Carl, 416.

Habeneck, Coretin, 447.

Habeneck, F. H., 447.

Habeneck, Joseph, 447.

Halir, Karl, 451, 465.

Hammerschmidt, Andreas, 473.

Handel, 7, 8, 26, 42, 43, 87, 421, 484.

Harmonious Blacksmith, 87.

Hardelle, 36.

Harmonic basis (in the fugue), 70f.

Harmonic coloring (Mozart), 145.

Harmonic principle (in musical form), 14.

Harmonic style, 13.

Harmonics (on violin), 438, 439, 448;

(use of, in string quartet), 571f.
Harmonious Blacksmith, 87.

Harmony, 13f, 29;

(Schubert), 194;
(Chopin), 261f, 265ff;
(Liszt), 318;
(Scriabin), 336f;
(Debussy), 354f;
(Ravel), 364; (modern), 534.

Harp concerto, 599.

Harpsichord, 1, 2, 4ff, 32, 34, 35, 128;

(‘touch’), 5;
(with two or more manuals), 47;
(in instrumental combinations), 573f.

Harpsichord music, 16ff, 40ff;

(florid style), 35;
(leaping figures), 47;
(descriptive pieces), 55f;
(ornamentation), 59.

Harpsichord playing, 66, 68.

Harpsichord sonata, 97;

(with violin ad lib.), 426.
See also Pianoforte sonata.

Hasse, Johann Adolph, 7, 43.

Hausmann, Robert, 451.

Haydn, Joseph, 7, 89, 98, 100f, 112, 116, 128, 131f, 134, 135ff, 207,
410, 412, 416, 424, 444, 487, 503;
(compared with Beethoven), 133;
(fugue), 493;
(string quartet), 489ff, 498ff, 560;
(influence on Mozart), 499, 502f;
(trios), 574.
Piano sonata in G major (op. 14, Peters 11), 138.
Piano sonata in C major (op. 13, Peters 15), 138.
Piano sonata in F major (Peters 20), 138.
Piano sonatas in E-flat (Peters 1 and 3), 139.
Variations on a theme in F (for piano), 140f.
String quartets (op. 9), 491.
String quartets, (op. 20) (Sonnen quartets), 492.
String quartets (op. 33), 493f.
String quartets, op. 50 (1787), 495f.
String quartets (op. 54 and 55), 496f.

Haydn, Michael, 499.

Heine, 134.

Heller, Stephen, 321.

Helmesberger, G., 445.

Henselt, Adolf, 217.

Herz, Henri, 285ff, 297, 447.

‘La Sonnambula’ Variations, 286.

Heuberger, Richard, cited, 194.

Hiller, Ferdinand, 176, 182.

Hoffmann, E. T. A., 218, 232.

Hoftanz, 470.

Holbrooke, Joseph, 589.

Holland, 21.

Holz, Karl, 521 footnote.

‘Home, Sweet Home,’ 291.

Horn (in chamber music), 598, 600, 604.

Horn sonata, 600.

Hubay, Jenö, 466.

Hugo, Victor, 318.

Hummel, Johann Nepomuk, 158f, 175f, 183, 254.

Piano concerto in A minor, 176ff.

Hungary, 317.

Hupfauff, 470.

Huygens, Constantine, 32.

Imitative music, 28, 386f.

Impressionism. See France (modern).

Impromptus (Schubert), 200ff.

Improvisation (Mozart), 142f.

d’Indy, Vincent, 129f, 349ff;

(cited), 167;
(violin sonata), 463;
(pianoforte quartet), 589f.
Poëmes des Montagnes, 350.
Pianoforte sonata in E (op. 63), 351.
String quartets, 551f.

Inner melodies, 60;

(Chopin), 278.

Instrumental forms, 11f, 41, 102. See also Canzona, Ricercar,

Sonata, Toccata, etc.

Instrumental music (development), 1, 8ff;

(early), 92;
(in 16th cent.), 373;
(15th-16th cent.), 469ff.

Instrumental style, 11, 33;

(influence on vocal), 9, footnote.

Interlocking of the hands (piano-playing), 222, 352.

Inventions (Bach), 67.

Italian influences (in sonata), 99, 107, 117;

(in French violin music), 406;
(in German violin music), 412, 420;
(in France and Germany), 428;
(Mozart), 499.

Italy, 16, 25, 37;

(supremacy of, in 18th-cent. violin music), 427f.

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