Grade 11 Term - 2 Practical Examination

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Program to find largest number from ‘n’ number of values entered through the
keyboard without using any built-in functions.

2. Program to count frequency of a given element in a list of numbers

1. Program to print all the Armstrong numbers between 100 to 2000

2. Program to input a tuple and print the second largest element in the tuple.

1. Program to read an integer > 1000 and check whether it is a palindrome number or
2. Program that prints the sum of the even indexed elements of L,minus the sum of the
odd-indexed elements of L.

1. Program to check whether the square root of a number is prime or not

2. Program to create a tuple storing first ‘n’ items of Fibonacci Series.

1. Program to read a number and check whether it is a palindrome number or not

2. Program to read a sentence and print the original sentence along with the following
statistics relating to the sentence

a. Number of words

b. Number of characters (including white space and punctuations)

c. Percentage of characters that are alpha numeric.

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