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Selenium & Cucumber Course Content

Total Duration : 56 hrs

About Selenium :

Selenium is an Open source web application test automation tool. It is used to create robust,
browser-based regression automation suites and tests, scale and distribute scripts across many
environments. It uses Selenium WebDriver, a collection of language specific bindings to drive a
browser - the way it is meant to be driven.

Selenium IDE is used to create quick bug reproduction scripts, create scripts to aid in automation-
aided exploratory testing, which is a Chrome, Firefox and Edge add-on that will do simple record-
and-playback of interactions with the browser.

Selenium Grid is helpful to scale by distributing and running tests on several machines and manage
multiple environments from a central point, making it easy to run the tests against a vast
combination of browsers/OS.

Duration : 36 hrs
Selenium :

Introduction to Automation

Introduction to Selenium

Working with Selenium IDE

Recording and Running Test Cases

Maven Overview

Introduction To Maven Goals

Creating a Maven Project

Setting up Maven project with Selenium Dependency

Selenium WebDriver 4 API

Introduction to Selenium WebDriver

WebDriver Architecture

Interacting with WebElements

Button, TextBox, TextArea, Dropdown, RadioButton, Checkbox, ToolTip

Locator Strategies - Id, name, linkText, PartialLink, tagname, cssselector, xpath,classname

Relative Locators

Dynamic xpath

Handling Alerts

Handling Multiple Windows

Handling iFrames


Using Javascript Executor

Handling Web Tables

WebDriver Manager

Cross browser testing using WebDriver Manager

TestNG Framework

Introduction to TestNG framework

TestNG Annotations

Creating and configuring Testng.xml file

TestNG reports

Running failed testcases

TestNG Options


Groups and Parent Group

Parallel Execution


Implementing DataDriven Framework

Using .CSV file as Dataprovided

Reading from External Files

Using property file

Using excel as Object Repository

Using excel as Data File

Extent Reports
Generating Extent Reports

Attaching screenshots with ExtentReports

Selenium Grid

Components in Selenium Grid

Architecture of Selenium Grid

Running in Standalone and Hub&Node mode

Executing Chrome DevTool Protocol Command from Selenium

Implementing Design Pattern – Page Object Model

Page Object Model

Page Factory

Implementation of POM & PF

Framework Design

Automating any eCommerce portal using POM by implementing a framework.

Introduction to Git

Integrating Eclipse with Git

Running Selenium Test from Jenkins.

BDD & Cucumber

Cucumber is an Open Source test automation tool that supports Behavior Driven Development
(BDD), and it is used to write acceptance tests for different applications.

Cucumber is used to implement automated tests based on scenarios described in Gherkin feature
files which are created based on BDD approach. Cucumber can be integrated with Selenium for
testing and can be used for cross-browser web applications testing. It also supports many languages
to create scripts.

Duration : 20 hrs

Introduction to BDD & Cucumber

Introduction to Cucumber and Behavior Driven Development.

Test Driven Development (TDD)

Cucumber & Behavior Driven Development

Gherkin – Business Driven Development

Getting Started with Cucumber

Installing and configuring various tools and frameworks

Download Cucumber plugin

Feature Files

Understand the power and usage of the Gherkin language to come up with efficient and
optimized Feature files.

Writing your first Feature file with one Scenario

Creating a Runner Class

Writing a Feature file with multiple Scenarios

Implementing Scenario Outlines

Step Definitions

Write very effective and efficient Step Definitions.

Creating your first Step Definitions file

Identifying duplicate and Ambiguous Step Definitions

Using Doc Strings to parse big data as one chunk

Combining Doc Strings and Scenario Outlines

Enabling Fixtures

Concepts of Tags and Hooks followed by ANDing and ORing them

Power of Tag and Hook combinations


ANDing and ORing Tags

Adding Hooks to Cucumber code

Tagging the Hooks

ANDing and ORing the Tagged Hooks

Configuring Cucumber

Cucumber with TestNG

Overriding the Cucumber Options

Running Dry

Configuring the Cucumber Console output

Directing the Cucumber output to reports

Generating Extent Reports

Running Cucumber

Multiple ways of running Cucumber from the Terminal

Overriding options from the Terminal

Running Cucumber test cases in parallel

Building Cucumber Frameworks

Building a Web Automation framework with POM

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