How To Split A String Into 4 Strings of Equal Leng... - SAP Community

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2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng...

- SAP Community

How to split a string into 4 strings of equal length in ABAP?

Product and Topic Expert
‎09-05-2018 11:09 AM

22 Kudos

This question sounds trivial, doesn't it?

I ran into this when developing the new tasklist for the mass maintenance of OData services (see my
blog Custom tasklist for OData service mass maintenance).

Since I am calling API's that do not return the root cause of an error I wrote some code that retrieved the long
text of the original error.

The problem was then that I had to call a method to add a T100 message to a log file that required 4
parameters of type CHAR50.

So I had to cut the string into 4 pieces each having the length of 50 characters.

Let's have a look what would happen if the incoming string has a length of 102 characters.


First I tried the function module 'SWA_STRING_SPLIT' that takes a string and the desired length of the
substring as an Input parameter. The split string is returned via the table lt_string_comp.


input_string = lv_longtext "string to be split
max_component_length = 50
string_components = lt_string_comp

You then still have the problem to find out the number of table entries and you cannot access the fourth table
entry lt_string_comp[ 4 ] if the table has only three entries if the string has a length of 102 characters.

Second Approach: Use substring

The built in function substring has the disadvantage that it throws an error of
type cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds if it would reach the statement

DATA(lv3) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 100 len = 50 ). 1/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

in case the string contained in lv_longtext has a length of 102 characters.

DATA: lv_longtext TYPE char200.

CATCH /iwfnd/cx_cof INTO DATA(lx_cof).
lv_longtext = lx_cof->get_longtext( ).
DATA(lv1) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 0 len = 50 ).
DATA(lv2) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 50 len = 50 ).
DATA(lv3) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 100 len = 50 ).
DATA(lv4) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 150 len = 50 ).
CATCH cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds INTO DATA(lx_too_long).
WRITE : / lx_too_long->get_text( ).

Third Approach: Use old-fashioned ABAP syntax

Though it is not recommended the following code works like a charm. If the string has a length of 102
characters lv7 would contain 2 characters and lv8 would simply be intial.

DATA(lv5) = lv_longtext(50).
DATA(lv6) = lv_longtext+50(50).
DATA(lv7) = lv_longtext+100(50).
DATA(lv8) = lv_longtext+150(50).

Fourth approach: Use cl_message_helper=>set_msg_vars_for_clike

Another option was mentioned by matthew.billingham as a comment to this blog. By calling the
method set_msg_vars_for_clike of class cl_message_helper you get four strings of length 50 characters as

This method under the hood uses the old fashioned ABAP syntax

MOVE c200+offset(50) TO sy-msgv2.

as well.

It in addition offers lots of other useful methods as well.

Final approach: Use a structure

The most flexible approach in my opinion (kudos go to my colleagues from the SAP Gateway runtime
development team) is using a structure 2/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

In the following I move the long text to a structure with 4 fields of length 50 characters each.

As a result error messages longer than 200 characters are truncated but no exception is thrown opposed to
using substring.

And it does not make use of out of date ABAP coding style.

Moreover you would be able to define a structure with fields that have different lengths, say 10, 24, 40 and 5
characters. A string moved to this structure would be split approriately without having to look for exceptions
whose handling is time consuming and not needed in this case.

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_longtext,

END OF ty_longtext.
DATA: ls_longtext TYPE ty_longtext.
CATCH /iwfnd/cx_cof INTO DATA(lx_cof).

ls_longtext = lx_cof->get_longtext( ).

"add a t100 message

iv_msgty = 'E'
iv_msgid = '/IWFND/COD'
iv_msgno = '312'
iv_msgv1 = CONV #( ls_longtext-msgv1 )
iv_msgv2 = CONV #( ls_longtext-msgv2 )
iv_msgv3 = CONV #( ls_longtext-msgv3 )
iv_msgv4 = CONV #( ls_longtext-msgv4 )

Simple test report

If you want to play around I have created the following test report that shows four of the five approaches
described above.

*& Report z_split_string
REPORT z_split_string.

DATA: lv_teststring TYPE string.

DATA: lv_longtext TYPE char200. 3/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_longtext,

END OF ty_longtext.
DATA: ls_longtext TYPE ty_longtext.

lv_teststring = '0123456789'. "10 characters

lv_teststring = lv_teststring && lv_teststring. "20 characters
lv_teststring = lv_teststring && lv_teststring. "40 characters
lv_teststring = lv_teststring && lv_teststring. "80 characters
lv_teststring = lv_teststring && '0123456789' && '012345678901' . "102 characters

DATA(length) = strlen( lv_teststring ).

lv_longtext = lv_teststring.
ls_longtext = lv_teststring.

DATA(lv1) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 0 len = 50 ).
DATA(lv2) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 50 len = 50 ).
DATA(lv3) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 100 len = 50 ).
DATA(lv4) = substring( val = lv_longtext off = 150 len = 50 ).
CATCH cx_sy_range_out_of_bounds INTO DATA(lx_too_long).
data(lv_error_lx_too_long) = lx_too_long->get_text( ).

DATA(lv5) = lv_longtext(50).
DATA(lv6) = lv_longtext+50(50).
DATA(lv7) = lv_longtext+100(50).
DATA(lv8) = lv_longtext+150(50).

cl_message_helper=>set_msg_vars_for_clike( lv_longtext ).

data(out) = cl_demo_output=>new( ).

out->write( : data = lv_error_lx_too_long ),

data = '********************************' ),
data = 'use of substring' ),
data = lv1 ),
data = lv2 ),
data = lv3 ),
data = lv4 ),
data = 'old ABAP syntax' ),
data = lv5 ),
data = lv6 ),
data = lv7 ),
data = lv8 ),
data = 'string moved to structure' ),
data = ls_longtext-msgv1 ),
data = ls_longtext-msgv2 ), 4/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

data = ls_longtext-msgv3 ),
data = ls_longtext-msgv4 ),
data = 'use cl_message_helper' ),
data = sy-msgv1 ),
data = sy-msgv2 ),
data = sy-msgv3 ),
data = sy-msgv4
)->display( ).

This Report generates the following Output:

Substring access (offset = 100, length = 50) to a data object of the size 102 exceeds valid bo


use of substring



Field 5/16
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old ABAP syntax





string moved to structure 6/16
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use cl_message_helper




Field 7/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

SAP Managed Tags:

ABAP Development, SAP Gateway

Active Contributor

‎09-05-2018 11:33 AM

6 Kudos

DATA(my_text) = 'Text to put into upto 4 char50 variables'.

cl_message_helper=>set_msg_vars_for_clike( my_text ).
WRITE / : sy-msgv1, sy-msgv2, sy-msgv3, sy-msgv4.

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-05-2018 12:30 PM

0 Kudos

Hi Matthew,

thanks for pointing me to this option. I therefore changed the description for the approach using a structure
from ""the best..." to "the most flexible approach". ;-).

Best Regards,

Andre 8/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

Active Contributor

‎09-05-2018 1:40 PM

1 Kudo

It’s more flexible if you’re wishing to do a quick concatenation, and the structure won’t change. This approach
was used quite often pre-unicode. The problem that can arise is if a structure were to change so that it
incorporated a non-clike field. It just doesn’t work then.

Looking at your problem as stated (and without knowing the full details obviously), if I’d encountered it, I’d
have looked here:

The problem was then that I had to call a method to add a T100 message to a log file that required 4
parameters of type CHAR50.

The solution (if possible) would be to add a method so a string can be added to the log file. By doing this you
have simpler calling code, and you’ve made your logging class more powerful.

Another hint -> as horst.keller explains the ABAP documentation uses the class CL_DEMO_OUTPUT for
sample code. You might like to look at that.

btw, SAP’s own ABAP Guidelines and DSAG’s latest best practice document, speak against using prefixes as
type indicators such as l, s etc. Especially as not one of the variables in your example program is, in fact,

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-05-2018 1:59 PM

0 Kudos

Hi Matthew,

the class CL_DEMO_OUTPUT is nice but I am not allowed to use it in SAP production code since it has been
released for demo purposes only.

Unfortunately I am not the owner of the logging class, but I will ask the colleagues what they can do.


Andre 9/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

Active Contributor

‎09-05-2018 2:08 PM

2 Kudos

I meant instead of using the WRITE statements in your simple test report. I kind of assumed that wasn't
intended for production!

Active Contributor

‎09-05-2018 4:14 PM

0 Kudos

Thanks for sharing! I'm wondering if you also thought about a more generic option. E.g. in this case we're
splitting into 50 characters and pre-define 4 variables. But what if it's not 50 but 10 or 20 characters? How
would you approach that?

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-05-2018 4:18 PM

0 Kudos


Active Contributor

‎09-05-2018 4:18 PM

0 Kudos 10/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

TBH personally I find the use of CL_DEMO_OUTPUT in the examples annoying. If neither is suitable to be
copy-pasted for production use then might as well just use WRITE. Simpler and shorter.

Even if I can understand rationale behind this it's still irritating and for some reason looks rather pompous.
Can't help it.

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-05-2018 4:22 PM

0 Kudos

Hi Jelena,

I mentioned this in my blog.

I would just create an appropriate structure (here with 10, 20, 30 and 40 characters).

TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_longtext,

END OF ty_longtext.
DATA: ls_longtext TYPE ty_longtext.

The output then looks like follows:

string moved to structure





Active Contributor

‎09-05-2018 5:18 PM

0 Kudos 11/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

Right but this is just another sort of hard-coded variation. What about, say, using a number N as a parameter
and a more generic code to split into however many pieces needed (each of N length) within some reasonable
limit (to make it easier)? Don't have a specific use case in mind, just idle curiosity.

Active Contributor

‎09-06-2018 5:59 AM

2 Kudos

Probably a variant of cl_message_helper=>set_msg_vars_for_clike( my_text ) would do the trick.

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-06-2018 11:11 PM

3 Kudos

Well, then show me how you translate CL_DEMO_OUTPUT=>DISPLAY( itab ) to a WRITE statement ...


‎09-07-2018 5:58 PM

0 Kudos

You can also use function module

SWA_STRING_SPLIT and after that:

lv_value4 = value #( lt_string_comp[ 4 ] OPTIONAL )

Active Contributor

‎09-07-2018 8:12 PM

1 Kudo 12/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

Touche. But in the simplest cases it's still feels like "ugh".

Active Contributor

‎09-07-2018 8:14 PM

3 Kudos

Not that it ever stopped anyone but FYI this function is not released.

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-08-2018 6:16 AM

1 Kudo

But only this "pompous ugh" makes the examples directly executable in the web version of the
documentation, notably in ADT!


‎10-25-2018 2:51 PM

0 Kudos

In my opinion a quick "while construct" cutting the pieces out of the string would do the trick. Reusing some
code I already wrote for a BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA call (extensionin..) I think of the following:

DATA: collected_strings TYPE standard table of string with default key.

DATA(string) = 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtVvWwXxYyZzÄäÖöÜü1!2"3§4$5%6&7/8(9)0=ß?
DATA(single_unit_len) = 10.
break-point. " to modify string and single_unit_len

* get length of string that will be processed

DATA(remaining_strlen) = strlen( string ).

* while string is not processed fully, loop across this algorithm.

WHILE remaining_strlen <> 0. 13/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community

* the length to be processed at once can have 2 different values. The full single_unit_len len
DATA(unit_len) = COND #(
WHEN remaining_strlen > single_unit_len THEN single_unit_len
ELSE remaining_strlen
* copy a single unit out of the string.
DATA(single_unit) = substring(
val = string
len = unit_len
* "cut" the copied out unit out of the string
string = substring( val = string off = unit_len len = remaining_strlen - unit_len ).
* get the new remaining length.
remaining_strlen = strlen( string ).
* append the single unit to a string table.
collected_strings = VALUE #( BASE collected_strings ( single_unit ) ).

cl_demo_output=>display( collected_strings ).


‎10-31-2018 9:38 AM

1 Kudo

For Unicode support (with non C-Like types) you may use CL_ABAP_CONTAINER_UTILITIES-


‎09-17-2020 10:25 AM

1 Kudo

nice blog Sir, can I translate and post a new blog in China CSDN site with a reference to yours?

Product and Topic Expert

‎09-17-2020 10:30 AM

2 Kudos 14/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community


I would be happy that you help me to spread the news.

Best regards,



‎10-07-2021 8:51 PM

0 Kudos

Hello Andre,

Thanks for spreading the wisdom.

Any thoughts about the following approach?

I know it contains a loop, but still i tried to make it as dynamic as possible

DATA: lv_msgv1 TYPE symsgv,

lv_msgv2 TYPE symsgv,
lv_msgv3 TYPE symsgv,
lv_msgv4 TYPE symsgv.

FIELD-SYMBOLS <lv_msgv> TYPE symsgv.

SPLIT iv_msgtxt AT space INTO TABLE DATA(lt_msg_words).

DATA(lv_counter) = 2.
ASSIGN lv_msgv1 TO <lv_msgv>.
LOOP AT lt_msg_words ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<lv_word>).
IF strlen( <lv_msgv> && <lv_word> ) > 50.
DATA(lv_msg_var) = |lv_msgv{ lv_counter }|.
ASSIGN (lv_msg_var) TO <lv_msgv>.
ADD 1 TO lv_counter.

<lv_msgv> = COND #( WHEN <lv_msgv> IS INITIAL THEN <lv_word> ELSE |{ <lv_msgv> } { <lv_w

IF lv_counter > 4.
EXIT. 15/16
2/5/24, 12:51 How to split a string into 4 strings of equal leng... - SAP Community


Thanks for your time.




‎10-07-2021 9:04 PM

0 Kudos

Hi Matthew,

Great approach! I tried it and a problem I saw, was that the method splits the text in exactly 50 chars, so it
breaks the words in that position.

Other than that, which prevented me to use it in my case, it works like a charm!


George 16/16

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