MB Financials Presentation

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Date: 28 May 2024


MB Financial Mission and Vision

Mission Vision

Empowering financial success To be the trusted partner in

through innovative solutions and achieving financial freedom for
personalized service. all, driving positive change and
lasting value
Sales Team

Goal # 1 Goal # 2 Goal # 3

Bring a revolutionary Achieve $100,000 target in Achieve a 100% increase in
change in Sales. a month target metrics by the end of
the fiscal year.
MB Financial Offered Services

Loan / Mortgage / Line of Credit

Digital Media Marketing / Kreative Hive

Real Estate



How To Sell &
$100,000 Target

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Before you sell them you should know,

Who they are ?

What is there take home?
What is there Credit score?

Initiate a call to make an engagement, don't show your

eagerness. Your agenda is to make an appointment.
How to achieve $100,000 Sales Target
Product Each Product Target Per Month Total Sales / Revenue Per Month

Insurance Min. $200 (15 Premiums) $3000 $50,000

Accounting $5000 $5000

Mortgage 3 Mortgage Deals $30,000

Real Estate 1 Deal ($15,000) $15,000

DMM / Kreative Hive $10,000 $10,000

No More Low Foot Traffic Locations

ATM $2000
$2000 High Foot Traffic ATM Locations

POS $2000 POS (Single Service Provider), MBBP & Magazine $2000

Total $114,000
For POS, we need to have bigger MIDS with literal high volume clients. Low volume clients
will not be entertained, and the provider we pitch from now on is First Data only.

We need high footfall locations for ATM, with medium to high-end businesses like;
1. Casinos
2. Bars
3. Malls
4. 24/7 Convenience Store

Small businesses will not be entertained

Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)

Definition and Purpose:

● An RRSP is a retirement savings account designed to help Canadians save for their
retirement. Contributions are tax-deductible, and investments within the account grow
tax-deferred until withdrawal.

Key Features:
● Eligibility: Anyone with earned income subject to Canadian taxation can open an RRSP
up to age 71.
● Contributions: Annual contribution limit is the lesser of 18% of the previous year’s
earned income or the annual maximum set by the CRA, plus any unused contribution
room from previous years.
● Tax Advantages: Contributions are tax-deductible, which reduces taxable income.
Investments grow tax-free until withdrawn.
● Withdrawals: Withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income. Mandatory withdrawals must
start by the end of the year the account holder turns 71, typically by converting the
RRSP to a RRIF (Registered Retirement Income Fund) or purchasing an annuity.
● Spousal RRSPs: Allow higher-earning spouses to contribute to their spouse's RRSP, helping with income
splitting and potentially reducing overall family taxes.
Back to Agenda
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

Definition and Purpose:

● A TFSA is a flexible savings account that allows Canadians to earn tax-free investment
income to meet short- and long-term goals. Contributions are not tax-deductible, but
withdrawals are tax-free.

Key Features:

● Eligibility: Available to any Canadian resident aged 18 or older with a valid Social
Insurance Number (SIN).
● Contributions: Annual contribution limit is set by the government and can accumulate if
not used. Unused contribution room carries forward indefinitely.
● Tax Advantages: Investment income (interest, dividends, capital gains) earned within a
TFSA is not taxed, and withdrawals are tax-free.
● Withdrawals: Amounts withdrawn can be re-contributed in future years without affecting
the annual contribution limit.
● Investment Options: A wide range of investment options including stocks, bonds,
mutual funds, and GICs.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)

Definition and Purpose:

● An RESP is a tax-advantaged account designed to help families save for a child’s
post-secondary education. Contributions are not tax-deductible, but investment income
grows tax-free until withdrawn for educational purposes.

Key Features:
● Eligibility: Anyone can open an RESP for a child, who becomes the beneficiary of the
● Contributions: No annual limit, but a lifetime maximum of $50,000 per beneficiary.
● Government Grants: Eligible for the Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) which
provides a 20% grant on the first $2,500 contributed annually, up to a maximum of $500
per year. Additional grants and bonds may be available based on family income.
● Tax Advantages: Contributions are not tax-deductible, but investment earnings grow
tax-free until withdrawal. Educational Assistance Payments (EAPs) are taxable to the
student, who likely pays little or no tax due to their lower income.
● Withdrawals: Funds can be used for tuition, books, and other education-related
expenses. If the beneficiary does not pursue post-secondary education, options include
transferring funds to another beneficiary or withdrawing the funds (with potential tax and
grant repayment implications).
Canada Pension Plan (CPP)

Definition and Purpose:

● The CPP is a mandatory, contributory, social insurance program that provides
retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to contributors and their families.

Key Features:
● Eligibility: All Canadian workers over the age of 18 who earn more than a minimum
amount annually must contribute.
● Contributions: Both employees and employers contribute a percentage of the
employee's earnings up to the yearly maximum pensionable earnings limit.
Self-employed individuals must pay both portions.

○ Retirement Pension: Monthly payments starting as early as age 60, with
reductions for early retirement and increases for delayed retirement beyond age
○ Disability Benefits: Provided to eligible contributors who are unable to work due
to a severe and prolonged disability.
○ Survivor Benefits: Payments to the deceased contributor’s spouse or
common-law partner and dependent children.
● Application and Timing: Benefits are not automatic and must be applied for. The timing
of application affects the amount of benefit received.
Employment Insurance (EI)

Definition and Purpose:

Employment Insurance (EI) is a government program in Canada that
provides temporary financial assistance to unemployed individuals who have lost their job
through no fault of their own (e.g., layoffs), as well as to those who are unable to work due to
illness, pregnancy, or the need to care for a newborn or newly adopted child. The program also
offers support to those caring for a critically ill or injured person or someone needing end-of-life

Key Features:
● Employment History: Individuals must have worked a certain number of insurable
hours in the last 52 weeks or since their last claim (whichever is shorter).
● Reason for Unemployment: Must be unemployed through no fault of their own, such
as due to layoffs, seasonal work ending, etc. Individuals who quit or were dismissed for
misconduct may not be eligible.
● Availability and Ability to Work: Must be actively seeking work and able to work.
Types of EI Benefits

1. Regular Benefits:
○ For individuals who have lost their job through no fault of their own and are
actively seeking employment.

2. Sickness Benefits:
○ For individuals unable to work due to illness, injury, or quarantine.

3. Maternity and Parental Benefits:

○ Maternity Benefits: For birth mothers, including surrogates, who are unable to
work because they are pregnant or have recently given birth.
○ Parental Benefits: For parents (biological, adoptive, or legally recognized) to
care for their newborn or newly adopted child. Can be shared between parents
4. Caregiving Benefits:
○ Family Caregiver Benefit for Children: For individuals providing care or
support to a critically ill or injured child.
○ Family Caregiver Benefit for Adults: For individuals providing care or support
to a critically ill or injured adult.
○ Compassionate Care Benefits: For individuals providing care or support to a
person who requires end-of-life care.

5. Fishing Benefits:
○ For self-employed fishers who are actively seeking work and meet the eligibility
EI Contributions

● Employee and Employer Contributions: Both employees and employers contribute to

the EI program through payroll deductions. Self-employed individuals can opt into the
program to access certain benefits (e.g., maternity, parental, sickness, and caregiving

Benefit Amounts and Duration

● Benefit Amount: Generally, benefits are 55% of an individual’s average insurable
weekly earnings, up to a maximum amount set by the government. There are variations
for specific types of benefits.
● Duration: The length of time benefits are paid depends on the unemployment rate in the
claimant’s region and the number of insurable hours worked in the qualifying period. The
maximum duration is usually between 14 and 45 weeks for regular benefits.
Application Process
● Timing: Individuals should apply as soon as they stop working. Delays in applying can
result in a loss of benefits.
● Documentation: Required documents include a record of employment (ROE), proof of
identity, and other information as needed to assess the claim.
Additional Programs and Training:
● EI Part II Benefits: Includes various programs and services to help unemployed
Canadians return to work, such as training programs, career counseling, and job search
Execution plan divided into 3 major phases
Basic understanding of MB Financials & the secondary research

Make the appointments with the help of Canada office and learn
better sales tip.

Close the insurance deal directly from the call center;

Get the sales pitch
Background ready
Closing for all the products

- Real Estate:
Yes: Mortgage, Refinance, Pre-Construction Projects, PTR
No: Life Insurance, Real Estate Investments, Pre-Construction Projects, PTR

- Credit Score:
Bad: Life Insurance, PTR, Financial planning, Re-Finance
Good: Family Life Insurance, Children Education planning, PTR

- Buisness Owner:
Yes: Accounting, Loans, Life Insurance
No: PTR, Life Insurance
Training Module: WHO ARE YOU SELLING TO?

What we want to do is be able to call as “MB Financial” and basically tell the client that we are
company that employs multiple financial advisors holding experience for more then 10 years
who provide expertise in
- Credit Score Repair
- Child education advice
- personal property financing help
- Mortgage refinance and business loans
- Realestate investment
- Developing networth on assets

What we want to do is get a read on the client is and qualify them likewise

Which tier of personnel does he fall into. The way we set the tier is in the order below
1. Upper class but Disorganized
2. Upper class and Organized
3. Middle class and Organized
4. Middle class and Disorganized
5. Lower class but Organized
6. Lower class and Disorganized

The reason we consider High income and disorganized as the prime client is because we want
people who have money but don't know how to spend it. This is our prime client. We (our
organization) is their to help them in order to manage their wealth and eventually sell them our
product. In a different sheet we will provide you how to classify an individual in each of the 6
tries given above. Our prime goal is to in the first tier get them to sign them as a
- Insurance Customer
- Mortgage and Loan
- Accounting if individual owns business
- And of course if he owns a business then we cna target ATM and POS tier 2.
This call that we are making is primary for Insurance and for either mortage and or loan. Hence
putting in “MB Finanical” and Financial Advisors in order to explain toi them what we do and
what we specalize in.
Regardless of where the client stands in terms of tiring. We have to drive him towards life

These type of clients are usually our best clients. These are clients that have good amount of
cashflow month to month but have totally either screwed their credit (low credit) or have maxed
out or taken too much money out against their homes that they own. They pay high interest
payments on a month to month basis but because they have a heavy cashflow they dont really
care and make those payments. These individuals are our prime targets because 9 times out of
10 these are the people that “never had time” to go get life insurance or simply dont know if they
have it or not. These people we want tp make sure we can sign them to life insurance first and
then move toward real estate and mortgage.


These individuals are usually people who are earning an average income of 100k Plus per year.
It is also very little that they operate some sort of business. The reason i did not put this as the
#1 and put it as #2 is because these people are usually having high income and a very
organized life style. It is likely that they own more then 1 or 2 properties and most likely have
purchased a life insurance already through the bank. The goal is that these individuals are targets
for refinance, mortgage, and loan services. Secondly due to their high income they would not
having another life insurance policy if it make sense. Our job is to make it make sense.
With these individuals it is important to try to set an appointment as soon as possible with
Canada office so we can get a better grip of the customer.

Middle class and organized people are people who have above a minimum wage hob and most
likely own 1 primary property in which they live in. These people know how to control their
expenses and usually have alot of equity sitting around in their primary home. For example if
they have 1 home and the value is 100,000. The loan on the house is usually 20,000 making
80% room available. With these individuals it is usually easier to cover them into a life
insurance policy since they have saving and money sitting around. Also these people we can
pitch refinancing their equity in order to invest money back into the canadian/ toronto realestate
market in order to make money and secure their equity. Again these things we speacialize in so we
can assist them.


Middle class is anyone who works a above minimum wage job and most likely own a 1 primary
property. The people who are middle class and disorganized have either taken too much money
out against their home. Meaning if their house is worth 100,000 they have taken a 90,000 loan
against it. This usually leads to higher monthly payments which they are not able to afford. This
then leads to people using lines of credit and other means to make monthly expenses in order
to stay alive. This then impacts their credit and in hindsight is where they need to get
streamlined. We can pitch these people by making them realize the liability that they carry and
that it is necessary to have life insurance so that their family is secure. The other way is to
mention how we can help control their monthly payments by refinancing the home or working
with them to balance out their situation in order to organize themselves better

These are individuals who work minimum wage jobs and have organize themselves with he
income that they have. They have not screwed with their credit and they are people who are pay
cheque to pay cheque. In a scenario where we are dealing with someone with lower class
meaning minimum wage worker and organized these are people we want to show dreams of a
property to. We want to highlight the years that they have lived in canada and why they haven't
bought a property yet. We then want to tell them how we will guide them to buy their first
property in canada with their first step being getting Life Insurance. Once you have gotten them to
this stage involve Tier 2,3,4 in order to help you to close deal or move to an appointment.


For example if the client is Lower class and disorganized. Meaning the client does not make
good income either makes minimum wage and has bad credit. We will try to push the client
depending on age to the minimum insurance that we can qualify him at. Also if this client has
low credit then again its a service we offer. We can sit with the client to make a plan on how to
increase their credit score and get them back on track.
These are all the types of people you will be meeting. Based on how you call they
have to or will fall under one of these categories only with minor differences. The one
thing you need to understand clearly is what is an average Canadian family look like;

An average Canadian family is:

1 husband and wife
2 kids
Usually on rent
Child tax benefit (500 per kid till 18years per month)
6000 total house hold income meaning wife makes 2300, husband makes 2300. 1000 in child
tax benefit coming in.
An average Canadian family expense is:
Rent or mortgage $3000-3500
Utilities: $500
Car Payment: $500
Grocery: $1000
Leisure: $500
Child care: $500

Usually a family is pay cheque to pay cheque leaving nothing to be left for savings. It is
important to understand this part as most of these clients are struggling and need our financial
support in order to better their quality of living and secure their income with a life insurance

This above is the average Canadian. You will most likely be talking with people of this category.
These people can qualify depending on their credit score at either Middle class organized or
middle class unorganized. Understand that in Canada it is not all rainbows, butterflies, and
mountains. It is a tough environment and these individuals are usually on a month to month with
their bills.
Terms you all should know of;

Credit score repair (680 is the base credit score if low gives you a prime
Child education advice (Registered Education Saving Plan-Convert them.
Personal property financing help (Work with those looking to have a
Mortgage refinance and business loans (Business Owners).
Real-Estate investment (Pitch the dream house).
Developing net worth on assets (Insurance is will work as their asset).
PITCH: Use the training module to understand who is the client and what you need to sell

Hi my name is______ I m calling from MB Financial Group of Companies.

May I know who I have the pleasure of speaking with.
Thank you ______ the reason why I am calling you today is because, We are a financial experts
and advising company, helping Canadians with Our Expertise spans from:
- Credit Score Repair
- Child education advice
- personal property financing help
- Mortgage refinance and business loans
- Real estate investment
- Developing net worth on assets
I was wondering if you have 5 minutes to discuss how we can help you grow financially.
No: ok no problem is there a better time for me to reschedule a call?
1. What is your current occupation?
(Objective: to figure out the income class of the prospect whether there is a business or
2. Do you have any investments or assets?
(Objective: to figure out the financial position, if they own a house or have any
3. Do you need help with credit counselling?
(Objective: to figure out his score, if yes that means score is low, if no that means
possibly high)
4. Do you have any liabilities?
(Objective: to figure out if he has a mortgage, loans)
5. What is your short and long term goal?
(Objective: to figure out whether he wants to start a business, real estate planning,
marriage, divorce or etc.)
Alright, Thank you for your time Mr/Mrs________ I believe we can provide you with a short and
long term roadmap for your goals. I would like to book you an appointment with our senior
financial advisors please let me know what time slots work for you. *Give two dates with 2 times,
to get them to select one or the other*
Thank you again Mr/Mrs________, I will email you the appointment confirmation, have a good
Keep a Balance of Life and Death Benefits in your Sales Pitch

Once you have identified all of his financials then start your pitch;

1. We are going to give an insurance policy from IA for the coverage

of $250,000 that will cover your loan amount.
2. In case GOD Forbid anything happens to you so this policy will
cover your whole debts.
3. Now if you don't want the policy to be continued after your loan
approval you may cancel it any time.
Rebuttals & Required Docs
Client: I already have a plan.

Agent's Rebuttal: Sir, i am sure you do have but the problem is that this policy will not
cover your debts. What i am offering you will completely cover your debts plus you may
cancel it or you may convert it to any other policy if you allow me i can explain up.

Client: Okay how does it works?

Agent: I will require only 2 documents from you;

1.Driving ID
2.VOID Cheque
3.Insurance Form

Our advisory department will call your for the confirmation and you are good to go.
Thank You for your vote of confidence and welcome to MB Financial
Sales Champ
Its time to
Grow & Earn
Beyond Your

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